Akdeniz: Dünya devriminin yeni havzası!

The Mediterranean: new basin of world revolution!

البحر الأبيض: الحوض الجديد للثورة العالمية

مدیترانه: حوزه جدید انقلاب جهانی

Il Mediterraneo: nuovo bacino della rivoluzione mondiale!

Μεσόγειος: Νέα λεκάνη της παγκόσμιας επανάστασης!

Derya Sıpî: Deşta nû a şoreşa cihânê

Միջերկրական ծով: նոր ավազանում համաշխարհային հեղափոխության.

El Mediterráneo: Nueva cuenca de la revolución mundial!

La Méditerranée: nouveau bassin la révolution mondiale!

Mediterrâneo: bacia nova da revolução mundial!


December 26, 2017

ABŞ prezidenti Donald Trump 2017-ci il 6 dekabrda “Qüdsü İsrailin paytaxtı” elan edərək Orta Şərqdə baş verən müharibələri, xalq üsyanlarını və siyasi böhranı qızışdırmış oldu. Fələstin xalqının bütün haqlarını qəddarcasına yox sayan bu açıqlama bütün ərəb və müsəlman xalqlara qarşı yeni bir hücum və imperialist müharibəsini genişləndirmək vasitəsi ilə bütün insanlığa qarşı bir təhdiddir.

Beynəlxalq fəhlə hərəkatını, dünyanın bütün azadlıq döyüşçülərini və əzilənləri səfərbər olmağa, torpaqları sionist İsrail, onun hərbi birlikləri və mühacirləri tərəfindən işğal edilmiş olan Fələstin xalqının qəhrəmanca mücadiləsinə dəstək olub qoşulmağa çağırırıq!

December 25, 2017

Με την προβοκάτσια του να ανακηρύξει στις 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2017 «την Ιερουσαλήμ ως πρωτεύουσα του Ισραήλ» ο πρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ Ντόναλντ Τραμπ, κλιμακώνει τους ήδη εξαπλούμενους πολέμους, την πολιτική κρίση και τις λαϊκές εξεγέρσεις στη Μέση Ανατολή. Αυτή η βάναυση αποκήρυξη όλων των δικαιωμάτων του παλαιστινιακού λαού, αποτελεί νέα επίθεση σε όλους τους αραβικούς και μουσουλμανικούς λαούς και απειλή κατά της ανθρωπότητας μέσω της επέκτασης του ιμπεριαλιστικού πολέμου.

Καλούμε το διεθνές εργατικό κίνημα, όλους τους μαχητές της ελευθερίας και τους καταπιεσμένους του κόσμου να κινητοποιηθούν αμέσως σε αλληλεγγύη με τον Παλαιστινιακό λαό λαμβάνοντας μέρος και υποστηρίζοντας τον ηρωικό του αγώνα στην γη του που του την άρπαξαν με την κατοχή από το Ισραηλινό Σιωνιστικό καθεστώς, τον στρατό του και τους εποίκους του.

December 25, 2017

ABD başkanı Donald Trump 6 Aralık 2017’de “Kudüs’ü İsrail’in başkenti” ilan ederek Ortadoğu’da olan savaşları, halk isyanlarını ve siyasi krizi tırmandırmış oldu. Filistin halkının bütün haklarını acımasızca yok sayan bu açıklama bütün Arap ve Müslüman halklara yapılan yeni bir saldırı ve emperyalist savaşı genişletme vasıtasıyla tüm insanlığa karşı bir tehdittir.

Uluslararası işçi hareketini, dünyanın bütün özgürlük savaşçılarını ve ezilenlerini seferber olmaya, toprakları Siyonist İsrail, onun askeri birlikleri ve yerleşimcileri tarafından işgal edilmiş olan Filistin halkının kahramanca mücadelesine destek olup katılmaya çağırıyoruz!

December 25, 2017

Con su provocación del 6 de diciembre de 2017, cuando declaró a "Jerusalén como la capital de Israel", el presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, intensificó las guerras crecientes, las crisis políticas y rebeliones populares en el Medio Oriente. Este repudio brutal de todos los derechos del pueblo palestino es una nueva agresión a los pueblos árabes y musulmanes y una amenaza contra toda la humanidad a través de la expansión de la guerra imperialista.

Llamamos al movimiento obrero internacional, a todos los luchadores por la libertad y a los oprimidos del mundo a movilizarse inmediatamente en solidaridad con el pueblo palestino, unirnos en apoyo a su heroica lucha en su territorio usurpado, ocupado por el régimen sionista israelí, sus tropas militares y colonos.

December 20, 2017

By his provocation to declare on December 6, 2017 “Jerusalem as the capital of Israel” US President Donald Trump, escalated the already spreading wars, political crisis and popular revolts in the Middle East. This brutal repudiation of all the rights of the Palestinian people, is a new aggression to the entire Arab and Muslim peoples and a threat against all humanity through the expansion of imperialist war.

We call the international workers movement, all the freedom fighters and oppressed of the world to mobilize immediately in solidarity with the Palestinian people joining and supporting its heroic struggle in its usurped land occupied by the Israeli Zionist regime, its military troops and settlers.

Sosialist Elm
December 11, 2017

Sosialist Elm from Azerbaijan, which is a Revolutionary Marxist group that is in close collaboration with RedMed, published a statement after Trump recognized Quds as the capital of Israel and they declared that the workers and revolutionaries of Azerbaijan stand with the righteous fight of the Palestinian people. We publish the statement in Azerbaijani.

December 11, 2017

On the 3rd of December, for the centenary of the October Revolution, by the call of RedMed web network and Christian Rakovsky Balkan Socialist Center, those who regard this most advanced breakthrough of humanity as a guide to action came together in Istanbul, Turkey. The whole-day conference lasting from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., which was attended by close to 400 people filled with enthusiasm, with a certain circulation in its three sessions, was hosted by DIP of Turkey with contributions of EEK of Greece and became a fittingly accomplished activity for the centenary of the October Revolution.

December 9, 2017

The Zionist occupier state of Israel has for years been endeavouring to de-Arabize Al Quds (Jerusalem), the historic capital of Palestine and to declare it as the eternal capital of the occupier state. In order to fulfil this objective, Zionist Israel represses Palestinian people, slaughters Palestinians young and old alike, takes Palestinian politicians, students, and leaders captive. On the 6th of December, Donald Trump, the president of the US, declared that his administration will move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Al Quds. Thus, the US imperialism made definitive its recognition of Al Quds as the capital city of the occupier state.

Avtonomen Rabotniceski Sindikat
December 6, 2017

В момента, работниците от голямата соларна фабрика HT в Истанбул водят тежка борба. Те се борят от години за правото да се обединят в синдикат и в момента са много близо до това, синдикатът им да бъде официално признат във фабриката. Приближавайки се до тази цел, работниците се сблъскаха с тежки репресии от управата, от където започнаха да уволняват хора за да уплашат работниците и да разбият синдиката. Вчера, 6 работници са били уволнени. Днес, техните колеги обявиха стачка в знак на солидарност с уволнените към която се присъединиха работниците от всички смени и блокираха работата на фабриката. Стачката вече се разрастна и в знак на солидарност с протестиращите пред сградата на фабриката се събраха и работници от други предприятия в региона.

Balkan Socialist Centre “Christian Rakovsky” and EEK
December 1, 2017

Workers Revolutionary Party (Greece) and Balkan Center Christian Rakovsky condemn the entry ban and expulsion from Italy of the historic leader of the Palestinian people, comrade Leila Khaled, on Tuesday 28th of November. It is a reactionary action of co-operation of the Italian imperialism with the far-right Zionist government of Israel, for the oppression of the Palestinian people and for the occupation of Palestine. We demand that the representatives of the Palestinian resistance should have the right to move freely throughout Europe and the world, in order to defend the right of the Palestinian people for self-determination, for the return of all displaced Palestinians to their homes and for the right to overthrow the Israeli occupation.



November 19, 2017

«Возможен ли союз левых политических партий и общественных движений бывших республик СССР?»

международной научно-практической конференции

«Великая Октябрьская революция 1917 г. и неотложные проблемы исторического развития человечества».

(7 ноября 2017 г., Дом Плеханова Российской национальной библиотеки,

Санкт-Петербург (Ленинград).)


На круглом столе практически все выступавшие говорили о необходимости создания и высказались за создание:

1. Объединения (Союза) левых партий и движений Российской Федерации.

2. Объединения (Союза) левых партий и движений всех бывших республик СССР.

3. Объединения (Союза) левых партий и движений всего мира (нового Интернационала)

November 19, 2017

On the exact centenary of the victory of the October revolution, in the city that was the very centre of that revolution, Petrograd, later Leningrad, and now St. Petersburg, gathered a conference commemorating this most important social revolution of the modern age. The conference had two different tracks, one international, in which, in addition to Russian communist and Marxist organizations, several foreign parties participated, including the EEK of Greece and the DIP of Turkey, along with Marxist intellectuals such as Samir Amin, and a more Russia and former Soviet Union oriented one, with communist and left-wing parties from Russia and some countries of the former Soviet Union, such as Donetsk, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia etc. We are publishing below a statement coming out of this second track of the conference. We are also making available the Russian original of this statement.


Statement of participants of the round table

“Is a Left-wing Union of the Left-wing Political Parties and Social Movements of the former USSR Republics Possible?”

Ana Bazac
November 12, 2017

It means to dare: to think and act radically towards the capitalist system. Not only to think, but also to act, not only to act but also to think. So, the daring is not at all a spirit of adventure cost what it may, but at the same time it implies the decision to not stop the radical transformation of capitalism, to go just in this direction.

The 4rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference
November 7, 2017

This year being the centenary of the Great October Revolution, the 4th Emergency Euro-Mediterranean Conference, held in Athens on 26-28 May 2017, adopted a declaration on this so far the most significant socialist revolution in...

Levent Dölek
November 6, 2017

The Syrian civil war is entering a new phase. DAESH (ISIS), having lost Mosul in Iraq, Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor in Syria, has reached the end of the road. We are entering a phase where DAESH, whose claim to be an “Islamic State” has now become untenable given the territory it controls, would be obliged to adopt a guerrilla tactic and maintain its existence with terrorist action on an international scale. The void left behind by DAESH has been the subject of an intense struggle for influence between the axes of the USA-Israel and Russia-Iran-Syria.

Sosialist Elm
November 1, 2017

Sosialist Elm from Azerbaijan, which is a Revolutionary Marxist group that is in close collaboration with RedMed, published an article as a reply to an Azerbaijani MP who complained aboout Bolsheviks becoming active in the country. We publish the article from their website in Azerbaijani. 

October 11, 2017
La convocatòria a l'exercici de l'autodeterminació nacional a Catalunya, mitjançant un referèndum, el pròxim 1 d’Octubre, ha sigut resposta amb una ofensiva repressiva per part del Govern Espanyol, que inclou l’anulació de la soberania política de la Generalitat, la intervenció de la policia catalana i l’envii de l’exèrcit.
Defensem el dret a l’autodeterminació catalana. Convoquem als treballadors de tot el món, i en primer lloc de l’Estat Espanyol, a una acció internacional davant aquest atropellament.
October 7, 2017

Before the military-political intervention against Catalonia

The call to exercise the national self-determination in Catalonia, by means of a referendum, next October 1st, has been responded with a repressive offensive  by the Spanish government, which includes the annulation of the political sovereignty of the Generalitat, the intervention of the Catalan Police and sending the army.

We defend the Catalan right of self-determination. We call the workers of the world and in first place from all Spanish State, for an international action against this abuse. It’s necessary to defeat the provocation of the Spanish monarchy, defend the realization of the referendum and claim for the installation of a Republic in all Spanish land.

October 4, 2017

H  άσκηση της εθνικής αυτοδιάθεσης στην Καταλονία μέσω του καλέσματος  ενός δημοψηφίσματος, την 1η Οκτωβρίου, απαντήθηκε με μια κατασταλτική επίθεση από την ισπανική κυβέρνηση, που συμπεριλάμβανε την ακύρωση της πολιτικής κυριαρχίας της καταλανικής κυβέρνησης (Generalitat), την παρέμβαση της καταλανικής αστυνομίας και την αποστολή του στρατού.
 Υπερασπίζουμε το δικαίωμα στην αυτοδιάθεση των Καταλανών. Καλούμε τους εργαζόμενους σε όλο τον κόσμο, και πρώτα απ’ όλα του ισπανικού κράτους, σε  διεθνή δράση εναντίον αυτής της αδικίας. Είναι απαραίτητο να ανατρέψουμε την ισπανική μοναρχία,  και να υπερασπιστούμε την πραγματοποίηση του δημοψηφίσματος,διεκδικώντας την ι  εγκαθίδρυση μιας αβασίλευτης Δημοκρατίας σε ολόκληρη την Ισπανία.

October 1, 2017
La convocatoria al ejercicio de la autodeterminación nacional en Cataluña, por medio de un referéndum, el próximo 1° de octubre, ha sido respondida con una ofensiva represiva por parte del gobierno español, que incluye la anulación de la soberanía política de la Generalitat, la intervención de la policía catalana y el envío del ejército.
Defendemos el derecho a la autodeterminación catalana. Convocamos a los trabajadores de todo el mundo, y en primer lugar de todo el Estado español, a una acción internacional contra este atropello. Es necesario derrotar la provocación de la monarquía española, defender la realización del referéndum y reclamar la instalación de una república en todo el territorio de España.
October 1, 2017

¡Sí a la igualdad y a la libertad del pueblo kurdo! ¡No al imperialismo, al sionismo, al proteccionismo colonialista y a “Barzanistán”!

Han habido varias reacciones frente al referéndum previsto en el Kurdistán iraquí para el 25 de septiembre, por parte de actores de diverso rango: desde los Estados de la región hasta las potencias imperialistas y la entidad sionista. El Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (DIP) aborda esta cuestión desde el punto de vista del pueblo kurdo oprimido y el interés de la clase obrera, y basado en el internacionalismo proletario considera el derecho a la autodeterminación de las naciones como un principio, y defiende la igualdad y la fraternidad de los pueblos.

¿Qué intereses se juegan en el referéndum?

September 25, 2017

Ha suscitato varie reazioni il referendum indipendentista previsto per il 25 settembre nel Kurdistan iracheno, dagli Stati della regione alle potenze imperialiste e all'entità sionista. Il DIP (Partito Rivoluzionario dei Lavoratori) che sulla base del suo internazionalismo proletario considera un principio il diritto all'autodeterminazione delle nazioni, e difende l'uguaglianza e la fraternità dei popoli, affronta tale questione ponendosi dal punto di vista dei curdi oppressi e degli interessi della classe lavoratrice.


September 23, 2017

There have been various reactions to the referendum planned in Iraqi Kurdistan on 25 September, by actors ranging from the states of the region to the imperialist powers and the Zionist entity. The Revolutionary Workers’ Party (DIP), who grounds on proletarian internationalism, considers the self-determination right of nations as a principle and defends equality and fraternity of peoples,  approaches to this question from a point of view of the oppressed Kurdish people and the interests of the working class.

Whose fate will be determined by the referendum?

From this point of view, it is clear that the Kurdish people has the equal political, cultural and economic rights as the peoples with whom it lives together, including the right to form its own state. The question of timing, evoked by the imperialist and colonialist powers in order to defend their own interests, means nothing to us. A people’s demand for equality and freedom is not a matter of timing. It is a right!

September 19, 2017

The workers of one of the largest food retailers in Bulgaria, went on wildcat strikes across the country since 20th of March that mainly took place in Sofia and Varna, after not receiving wages for over months. The company owners and high management are in hiding and refuse to make any explanation to the workers about the wage theft. In Sofia the workers alongside Autonomous Worker’s Union, protested in front of the company’s headquarters and in Varna they occupied the largest store in the chain and then marched to the bank in control of the company’s assets. During their months long struggle the workers of Picadilly joined their forces with the workers of Max Telecom, the miners of Bobov Dol, toilers from Dupnitsa and chemical factory workers from Dimitrovgrad to organize a joint campaign. The first coordinated action of this campaign happened in 5th of September, around 150 workers from different cities marched in front of the Bulgarian Parliament in Sofia and raised their voices against the wage theft of their bosses.
Here below is an open letter that was published in the monthly newspaper of the Autonomous Worker’s Union, written by a Picadilly worker:

Renaissance Ouvrière Révolutionnaire
September 18, 2017

La crise systémique du capitalisme rend le patronat plus rapace. Macron et le Medef ne veulent plus « payer la paix sociale ». Le gouvernement Macron au service du Medef prétend imposer au monde du travail des régressions sociales qui nous renverraient à avant 1936, soit 80 ans en arrière. En effet, le patronat veut un salariat kleenex qu’on jette après usage, qu’aucun droit du travail ne protège. Car il veut toujours plus de dividendes ; même si ceux-ci explosent littéralement, il n’en a jamais assez. Nos intérêts de salariés sont directement opposés aux intérêts des capitalistes. Si nous ne voulons pas que nos salaires, nos conditions de travail, nos conditions de vie reculent indéfiniment, nous devrons nous battre avec nos armes de travailleurs, nos armes de classe que sont les grèves et les manifestations.

September 14, 2017

 Netanyahu, the prime minister of the illegitimate occupier state of Israel, began his visit to Latin America at Buenos Aires. He will be the first Israeli prime minister to visit Argentina, before proceeding to Columbia and Mexico. Netanyahu’s program in Argentina includes meetings with Argentina’s president Mauricio Macri and Paraguay’s president Horacio Cartes, who flew in to visit Netanyahu in Argentina.

 Partido Obrero (Workers’ Party - PO), the sister party of DIP in Argentina, says that the aim of Netanyahu’s visit is to develop a collaboration between illegitimate Israel and Argentina, on security and intelligence topics, as well as to buy arms and military technology from Israel. Already, the Zionist occupier plays an important role in training the local police organization and the security forces of Argentina. The Macri government wants to strengthen its pressure on Argentina’s working class, which is imposed in order to make the working class bow down to the austerity policies, with this collaboration.

Demonstration against the Bullrich-Macri-Netanyahu military alliance

August 8, 2017

The G-20 meeting in Hamburg, Germany, at the beginning of July, was the scene of powerful protests against the leaders of the capitalist world. The severe reaction of the German state to these protests caused anger all around the world. A full month after the summit, some of the protestors are still captive in the hands of the German state, awaiting in prison without even an indictment, which obviously means that preventive detention is already reaching the level of punishment without trial! Six of the prisoners are young Italians, among whom two of our comrades from the Partito comunista dei lavoratori (Pcl-Communist Party of Workers). The Pcl has started a campaign for the release of the two comrades plus the other Italian prisoners held by the German state. We are publishing below the press release of the National Secretariat of the Pcl.

July 31, 2017

En defensa de los fueros parlamentarios

El 2 de julio, el comandante de las fuerzas de ocupación sionista en territorio palestino de Cisjordania ordenó el secuestro y detención de la parlamentaria del FPLP ante el Parlamento Palestino, Khalida Jarrar, junto a la dirigente del movimiento de mujeres, Khitam Saafin.

July 31, 2017

A motion, calling for national executive and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to protest the arrest and imprisonment of Palestinian political and women’s movement leaders Khalida Jarrar and Khitam Saafin by Israeli occupation forces and demand their immediate release, was submitted by V. Soledad Sosa and Pablo S. Lopez, members of Partido Obrero in the National Chamber of Deputies of Argentina. Below we publish the article written by Samidoun (Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network) about this internationalist solidarity.

July 24, 2017

Η παγκόσμια καπιταλιστική κρίση, μετά από δέκα χρόνια οικονομικής τελμάτωσης, κοινωνικής καταστροφής και πολιτικών σπασμών, συνεχίζεται και οξύνεται χωρίς λύση.

July 14, 2017

On Sunday, 2nd July 2017, the Zionist occupation forces arrested a number of Palestinian national leaders and activists in pre-dawn raids, including four leaders from al-Aroub Refugee Camp, and leaders of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, former prisoner Ihab Massoud, the Palestinian Legislative Council member Khalida Jarrar, President of Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees Khitam al-Saafin. The court extended both al-Saafin and Jarrar’s detentions on Wednesday, 5thof July. Then, Khitam al-Saafin received three months administrative detention order and shortly after Khalida Jarrar received sixth months.

July 14, 2017

Siyonist işgal güçleri, 2 Temmuz 2017 Pazar günü, aralarında el-Arub Mülteci Kampı’ndan dört lider ve Filistin Halk Kurtuluş Cephesi liderlerinden eski tutsak Ihab Mesud, Filistin Yasama Konseyi üyesi Halide Cerrar ve Filistin Kadın Komiteleri Başkanı Hitam el-Saafin’in de bulunduğu bir dizi Filistinli lider ve militanı şafak baskınlarıyla gözaltına aldı. Siyonist mahkeme, 5 Temmuz Çarşamba günü hem el-Saafin’in, hem Cerrar’ın gözaltı sürelerini uzattı. Ardından, 9 Temmuz Pazar günü Hitam el-Saafin hakkında üç aylık, 12 Temmuz Çarşamba günü ise Halide Cerrar hakkında altı aylık idari tutukluluk kararı aldı.

July 2, 2017

Dünya kapitalist böhranı, on ildir yaşanılan iqtisadi durğunluq, ictimai dağıntı və siyasi sarsıntıdan sonra görünürdə heç cür həll edilmədən davam edir, hətta kəskinləşir.

Renaissance Ouvrière Révolutionnaire
June 28, 2017

Le premier tour des législatives vient d’avoir lieu. Les résultats sont historiques à plusieurs titres. Il est clair que, pour les deux partis traditionnels de la Ve République, une page est d’ores et déjà tournée. Le Parti Socialiste semble moribond, une impression corroborée par les revers cinglants essuyés par Cambadélis et Hamon. Valls ne doit sa position confortable qu’à sa soumission à Macron. Bien que l’échec des Républicains soit moins grave, il est extrêmement douteux qu’ils puissent éviter une implosion, compte tenu de leurs différends internes vis-à-vis de Macron et de son gouvernement.

The 4rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference
June 27, 2017

América Latina asiste, hasta cierto punto, a un fenómeno excepcional. De un lado, al derrumbe de los regímenes nacionalistas burgueses y frentepopulistas que fueron empujados al poder por diferentes episodios de la crisis mundial de los 90 y por el agotamiento de las tentativas ‘neo-liberales’ precedentes. Por otro, a una raṕida crisis (cuando no a un derrumbe) de los gobiernos de ‘ajuste’ que han venido a reemplazarlos por distintos medios políticos - electorales o golpistas. En resumen, asistimos a la conjunción de la crisis de dos formas de dominación política que se sucedieron y alternaron en el último cuarto de siglo.

The 4rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference
June 23, 2017

The 4th Euro-Mediterranean Emergency Conference has conducted its deliberations on the Centenary of the Great October Revolution. The Conference wholeheartedly and unwaveringly declares its conviction that the October Revolution is the most important emancipatory event of the modern era and summons the forces of the working class and all progressive movements to follow in its footsteps and to bring to completion its unfinished mission.

The 4rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference
June 22, 2017

It’s been one hundred years since the imperialists and Zionists laid their dirty hands on Palestine. The Balfour Declaration of British imperialism, giving a promise for a help to the Zionists in order for them to settle and invade Palestine, was given to Zionist banker Lionel Rotschild on the 2nd of November, 1917. It was the same British imperialism who after the war invaded Palestine and paved the way for the formation of a Zionist entity while implementing a mandate there. US, France and Italy, abetted British imperialism by supporting the declaration later on.

Jorge Altamira
June 18, 2017

El 26-28 de mayo pasado tuvo lugar la Cuarta Conferencia Euro-Mediterránea, en la ciudad de Atenas. Como ocurriera con las tres anteriores, fue organizada por el Centro Socialista Christian Rakovsky, que impulsa el Partido Obrero Revolucionaria de Grecia (EEK) y por la Red Mediterránea, en la que se encuentra asociado con el Partido Obrero Revolucionario de Turquía (DIP). La distinguió de las reuniones, plenarios y conferencias frecuentes de los partidos y luchadores de izquierda que se realizan a lo largo y ancho del planeta, el propósito de determinar una línea de acción ante la aceleración de las crisis políticas y por sobre todo las guerras que asolan ese espacio geográfico, que incluye al Medio Oriente y a Europa, y a los Balcanes y el este de Europa en particular, junto a Rusia y Ucrania. El Partido Obrero de Argentina se hizo presente con una delegación, en función de una caracterización política similar a la de los convocantes, y para hacer participar a los militantes euro-mediterráneos de la envergadura de la crisis política y las luchas de masas que se desarrolla en América Latina tomada en su conjunto.

June 17, 2017

انعقد المؤتمر الأورومتوسطي الرابع للطوارئ، من 26-2 حتى مايو / أيار 2017 في أثينا، اليونان، والذي حقق نقلة نوعية إلى الأمام، سواء فيما يتعلق بمستوى المشاركة أوالنتائج المحققة. وكان المؤتمر، كما يتضح من الاسم، الرابع من سلسلة مؤتمرات التي تحمل نفس الاسم، ولكن هذا العام تمتإضافة توصيف محدد إلى عنوانها "الطوارئ". ويعود ذلك إلى رأي منظمي مركز البلقان الاشتراكي كريستيان راكوفسكي وشبكة ريدميد على شبكة الإنترنت، بالإضافة إلى جميع التطورات الخطيرة التي حدثت في السنوات القليلة الماضية، فإن انتخاب دونالد ترامب لأقوى منصب سياسي في العالم يدل على أن الأزمة السياسية للرأسمالية وصلت إلى مستوى جديد يهدد مستقبل البشرية والكوكب بطريقة واضحة.

وكانت الصفة المعدلة"طوارئ" إشارة إنذار قوية ودعوة قوية لجميع القوى الاشتراكية والثورية المناضلة في المناطق الأوروبية والمتوسطية، بما في ذلك الفضاءالسوفياتي السابق، ليجتمعوا لمناقشة وتحليل الوضع والقوات التنظيميةللمستغلين والمضطهدين وتوحيد الكفاح ضد الطبقة الرأسمالية المسيطرة .

Savas Michael Matsas
June 15, 2017

Dead woman walking”, was called the Tory leader Theresa May by the Tory former Chancellor George Osborne after her electoral fiasco on June 8. This vicious, vitriolic, unceremonious statement could be applied not only to the Conservative Prime Minister of post- Brexit Britain. It fits as well, but in a very different, contradictory way, to the 5th Republic established in 1958 by De Gaulle in France, after the apparently landslide electoral victory of Emmanuel Macron in the first round of the parliamentary elections on June 11. Furthermore, this statement accurately testifies about the dire situation in the European (dis)Union as a whole and beyond.
