On the 15th of June we are all of us out, on the streets, marching against the presence of Tsipras-Netaniahu-Anastasiadis in Salonika. No to the reactionary alliance promoted by Imperialism and its Zionist mad dog. Let’s create a front of revolutionary forces against the imperialist war and all the reactionary bourgeois regimes. Let’s crush US imperialism and EU imperialism, topple the capitalist governments and fight for workers power and the socialist unification of Europe. Support the rights and struggle of the Palestinian people for freedom and dignity, for the right of self-determination, including the return of return! Freedom to the imprisoned fighters! Down with Zionism, for a free, united secular, socialist Palestine· in all its historic territories, on the basis of co-existence of Jews and Arabs, within the framework of a Socialist Federation for the People of Middle East.
The world capitalist crisis, after ten years of economic stagnation, social devastation and political convulsions, continues and sharpens with no solution in sight. All the extraordinary measures taken by governments and central banks after the Lehman Brothers debacle, the rivers of liquidity to the imploding financial system at a gigantic social cost under a permanent regime of the most draconian “austerity” on the popular masses, has failed to bring an end to the world slump, a Third Great Depression in the history of world capitalism. On the contrary, they have produced the social, economic and political conditions for new explosions.
The 4th Emergency Euro-Mediterranean Conference, which gathered on 26-28 May 2017 in Athens, Greece, achieved a qualitative leap forward, both with respect to the level of participation and the results achieved. The conference was, as the name makes clear, the fourth in a row of conferences of the same name, but this year added the additional determiner “Emergency” to its title. This was due to the opinion of the organisers, the Balkan Socialist Centre Christian Rakovsky and the RedMed web network, that, in addition to all the grave developments of the past few years, the election of Donald Trump to the most powerful political post in the world implied that the political crisis of capitalism had reached a new level that threatened the future of humanity and the planet in a most palpable manner.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine participated in the 4th Emergency Euro-Mediterranean Conference, of which our website RedMed is one of the organisers. Here we publish a report of the conference by the web site of the PFLP.
La crisi capitalista mondiale esplosa nel 2007 continua senza che sia visibile alcuna soluzione. È semmai in aumento dopo dieci anni di devastazione sociale e sconvolgimenti politici. Una pericolosa impasse si è creata dopo un crollo planetario paragonabile a quello del 1929, una depressione mondiale - una Terza Grande Depressione - con milioni di schiavi disoccupati e sottopagati in un regime permanente di austerità draconiana, con guerre in Medio Oriente e perfino nei confini orientali d’Europa, in Ucraina; e con una continua resistenza sociale e ricorrenti rivolte popolari, alla ricerca di un'uscita dalla crisi. .
La crisis capitalista mundial que estalló en 2007 continúa sin ninguna solución a la vista. Más bien, está aumentando después de diez años de devastación social y convulsiones políticas. Un impasse peligroso se ha creado tras un accidente mundial comparable a 1929, una depresión mundial -una Tercera Gran Depresión- con millones de esclavos desempleados y mal pagados bajo un régimen permanente de austeridad draconiana, con guerras en el Medio Oriente e incluso en las fronteras orientales de Europa, en Ucrania; también con una continua resistencia social y recurrentes revueltas populares, luchando por salir de la crisis.
2007-ci ildə meydana gələn dünya kapitalist böhranı həll edilmədən davam edir. Əksinə, on il davam edən sosial dağınıqlıq və siyasi sarsıntılardan sonra yüksəlir. 1929-la qarşılaşdırıla bilən dünya səviyyəsindəki çöküş sonrasında təhlükəli çıxılmaz vəziyyət meydana gəldi: daim qəddar kəmər sıxma rejimi altında yaşayan milyonlarla işsiz və aşağı məvacibli “üzüyumşaq” əmək köləsi ilə, Orta Şərqdə və hətta Avropanın şərq sərhədlərində, Ukraniyada müharibələrlə; lakin eyni zamanda böhrandan çıxmaq üçün davam edən ictimai müqavimət və təkrar-təkrar yaranan xalq üsyanları ilə dünya səviyyəsindəki durğunluq – Üçüncü Böyük Depressiya.
Изначальное заявление турецкой Революционной рабочей партии (DIP) о референдуме в Турции: Деспотизм проиграл! Трудящимся массам пришло время сказать НЕТ буржуазии и империализму!
The Pharaonic celebrations around the Pyramid in Louvre organized by Macron's advertizing team of the “ En Marche!” Macronites, with the President-elect mimicking a parody of Mitterand cannot hide the reality behind the results of the second round of the Presidential Elections in France.
The favorite of the Medef, of the banks, and of the EU, Macron is obviously the victor with 66 per cent of the vote against 34 per cent that his fascist rival Marine Le Pen got. But, first of all, nobody can ignore that a total of 36 per cent of the voters has chosen either to abstain – abstention( 25 per cent) was the greatest from 1969- or to vote blank or spoiled( about 4 million votes). More than a third of the entire electoral body has rejected both candidates.
The majority, more than 60 per cent, according to the polls, of those who voted Macron not only are not Macronites but also reject his program; they voted for him, politically blackmailed to prevent, at any cost, a victory of the far right.
Η παγκόσμια καπιταλιστική κρίση που εξερράγη το 2007 συνεχίζεται χωρίς να διαφαίνεται καμία λύση στον ορίζοντα. Αντίθετα, η κρίση κλιμακώνεται μετά από δέκα χρόνια κοινωνικής καταστροφής και πολιτικών σπασμών. Ένα επικίνδυνο αδιέξοδο έχει δημιουργηθεί μετά από ένα παγκόσμιο κραχ συγκρίσιμο με εκείνο του 1929, μια παγκόσμια ύφεση -μια Τρίτη Μεγάλη Ύφεση- με εκατομμύρια ανέργους και υπαμειβόμενη «ευέλικτη» εργασιακή σκλαβιά κάτω από ένα μόνιμο καθεστώς δρακόντειας λιτότητας, με πολέμους στη Μέση Ανατολή, ακόμη και στα Ανατολικά σύνορα της Ευρώπης, στην Ουκρανία· αλλά και με τη συνεχιζόμενη κοινωνική αντίσταση και αλλεπάλληλες λαϊκές εξεγέρσεις, που παλεύουν για μια διέξοδο από την κρίση.
2007 yılında patlak veren dünya kapitalist krizi ufukta herhangi bir çözüm olmadan sürüyor. On yıl süren sosyal yıkım ve siyasal sarsıntılardan sonra bilakis tırmanmakta. 1929 ile karşılaştırılabilecek dünya çapındaki çöküşün sonrasında tehlikeli bir çıkmaza girildi: sürekli acımasız kemer sıkma rejimi altında yaşayan milyonlarca işsiz ve düşük ücretli “esnek” emek kölesiyle, Ortadoğu'da ve hatta Avrupa'nın Doğu sınırlarında, Ukrayna'da savaşlarla; ama aynı zamanda krizden çıkmak için sürmekte olan bir toplumsal direniş ve tekrar tekrar ortaya çıkan halk isyanlarıyla dünya çapında bir durgunluk -Üçüncü Büyük Depresyon.
The world capitalist crisis that exploded in 2007 continues without any solution in sight. Rather, it is escalating after ten years of social devastation and political convulsions. A dangerous impasse has been created following a world crash comparable to 1929, a world slump - a Third Great Depression- with millions of unemployed and underpaid “flexible” labor slavery under a permanent regime of draconian austerity, with wars in the Middle East and even in the Eastern borderlands of Europe, in Ukraine; but also with a continuing social resistance and recurrent popular revolts, struggling for a way out of the crisis.
After Syria, which is a vortex that can grow over into a full-scale regional or even a world war, now comes the question of North Korea. Some weeks ago, the Chinese foreign minister had clearly said that the North Korean situation may lead to war any moment. Then, Michael Pence, the vice-president of the US, on his visit to South Korea declared that all options were "on the table". Now it is Trump's turn: The North Korean situation, he says, may lead to a "major, major conflict". The Revolutionary Workers' Party (DIP) held an Emergency Conference in February 2016, just as Saudi Arabia was threatening to directly meddle into the Syrian civil war together with its Sunni Islamic allies, first and foremost Turkey and Qatar. That threat, of course, immediately implied a world war, since Russia simply could not have stood idly by during such an incursion. The Emergency Conference of DIP published an Appeal to the international workers' movement and the left, warning of the imminent danger of a world war and calling to turn this impending war into class war. That document dwelled not only on Syria as a possible cause of world war, but to the imperialist encirclement of Russia and...
Le premier tour de présidentielles passé, Macron, le candidat du MEDEF et de l'oligarchie du capital financier se trouve en tête avec presque 24% des voix. Marine Le Pen, la leader du FN, parti proto-fasciste, obtient la seconde place. Les barons du PS et des « Républicains » n'ont pas attendu et se sont rallié à Macron. La bourse se réjouit du succès contre Le Pen de l’un des plus loyaux de ses agents. Des journaux proclament le retour à la normalité avec la victoire presque certaine du chevalier blanc du néo-libéralisme. Macron n'est en fait qu'un clone de Hollande, une « combinazzion » du PS qui, en mettant tous les fers au feu, jouait gagnant à tous les coups. Présumé candidat antisystème, Macron est un pur produit du système.
The first message of the first round of the French Presidential Elections on April 23 is clear: the bourgeois political system of France is in shambles exacerbating all the contradictions in Europe and internationally.
For the first time in the history of the 5th Republic no representative of the two main traditional parties alternating in government for six decades, the Right and the social democrats, is present the second round after two weeks. The PS is paying, first of all, the price for Holland's disastrous and anti-popular quinquennat, is in ruins with Hamon getting only a miserable 6,35 per cent. The Right, which was hoping for an easy alternation in power after the PS' political bankruptcy, was eliminated as well. The two candidates for the second round will be Marine Le Pen of the fascistoid Front National and Macron, a banker and neoliberal non-Party political non-entity, artificially produced, as a desperate, short-term alternative by the French ruling class, supported by MEDEF and most of the media, by the EU and Berlin ( both by Merkel and the SPD).
À moins de 24 heures du scrutin pour le premier tour des présidentielles, les instituts de sondages donnent un résultat Macron-Le Pen comme le plus probable. Un secteur significatif de la classe ouvrière française votera Le Pen, candidate du parti néo- ou proto-fasciste, la considérant, à tort, comme seule alternative aux autres politiciens. Discourant sur leurs conditions de travail et de vie, Le Pen a réussi à s'adresser aux ouvriers, délaissés et trahis depuis des décennies par le PS et la gauche réformiste. L'absence d'un candidat ouvrier parmi les cinq «grands» candidats a laissé le champ libre aux manipulations du FN. Le Pen peut bien feindre d’être le chantre des ouvriers français, ses plus importants concurrents parmi les candidats étant notoirement des extrémistes libéraux, elle a en partie réussi à canaliser et dévoyer la juste colère ouvrière dans une direction qui divise et oppose les travailleurs entre eux, ouvriers français contre ouvriers d'autres nationalités ou origines.
Referandum sonuçları henüz kesinleşmemiş durumdadır; ancak kesin olan bir gerçek vardır ki Türkiye'de en az 24 milyon kişi Cumhurpatronluğu rejimine ve istibdada HAYIR demiştir. Sonuçlar ne olursa olsun istibdad cephesi kaybetmiştir. Devletin parasını "evet"e seferber eden, HAYIR'ın üstünden devlet sopasını eksik etmeyen istibdad cephesi, medya üzerinde kurduğu tahakkümü referandum gecesine taşımıştır. Anadolu Ajansı manipüle edilen rakamlarla kamuoyunu yönlendirme gayreti içine girmiştir. Televizyon kanalları alternatif bilgi kanallarına ulaşamamıştır. İstibdad cephesi tarafsız olması gereken yargının üzerinde kurduğu tahakkümü referandum gecesine taşımıştır. YSK skandal bir karara imza atarak referandumun sonuçlarını tartışmalı hale getirecek biçimde mühürsüz zarf ve pusulaları geçerli ilan etmiştir. Bu tablo karşısında istibdadın her türlü baskısına karşı, her türlü aşağılama, hakaret ve suçlamalara göğüs gererek "istibdada HAYIR" diyen Türkiye'nin emekçi halkı kazanmıştır.
Τα αποτελέσματα του δημοψηφίσματος δεν έχουν οριστικοποιηθεί ακόμα και κατά πάσα πιθανότητα θα συζητούνται τουλάχιστον για μέρες τις επόμενες ημέρες. Η άκρως αμφιλεγόμενη πρόταση της Ανωτάτης Εκλογικής Επιτροπής έχει ρίξει βαριά σκιά στο δημοψήφισμα, μαζί με τον τρόπο με τον οποίο διεξήχθη η προπαγάνδα πριν από την ημέρα της ψηφοφορίας, με δημόσιο χρήμα και τηλεοπτικούς σταθμούς να χρησιμοποιούνται για χάρη του στρατοπέδου του «ΝΑΙ» με ανελεύθερο τρόπο και με τον Ερντογάν να συμπεριφέρεται ήδη σαν κομματικός πρόεδρος, κάτι που υποτίθεται ότι θα ετίθετο για ψηφοφορία στο δημοψήφισμα, ενώ την ίδια ώρα η καμπάνια του «ΟΧΙ» δεχόταν επίθεση και από τις δυνάμεις του κράτους και από παρακρατικούς κοντά στο AKPκαι το φασιστικό MHP. Και παρ’ όλα αυτά, οι εργατικές μάζες έχουν δείξει ότι δεν αποδέχονται το δεσποτισμό που επιβάλλεται στην Τουρκία. Τουλάχιστον 24 εκατομμύρια άνθρωποι καταψήφισαν το νέο σύστημα.
Los resultados del referéndum no son definitivos y, con toda probabilidad,van a ser objeto de debate durante al menos los próximos días. Las decisiones extremadamente controvertidas de la Comisión Suprema Electoral han proyectado una larga sombra sobre el referéndum, además de la forma en la que se llevó a cabo la propaganda antes del día de la votación, con el dinero público y los canales de televisión usados sin restricciones en favor del “Sí” y con Erdogan ya actuando como presidente partidario, que es lo que se supone que debe ser sometido a votación en este referéndum, mientras que la campaña por el “No” fue atacada por las fuerzas del estado y por matones cercanos al AKP y al partido fascista MHP. A pesar de todo esto, las masas trabajadoras han demostrado que no van a aceptar el despotismo que se está imponiendo en Turquía. Al menos 24 millones de personas han rechazado el nuevo sistema.
In questo momento i risultati del referendum non sono ancora definitivi, e in tutta probabilità saranno al centro del dibattito nel prossimo futuro. La decisione estremamente controversa dell'Alta Commissione Elettorale ha gettato una lunga ombra sul referendum, in aggiunta ai metodi con cui si è svolta la propaganda prima del giorno del voto, con denaro pubblico e canali televisivi impiegati in favore del Sì in maniera sfrenata e con Erdogan che agiva già come un presidente di parte - ciò che sarebbe appunto l'oggetto del referendum (1) - mentre la campagna del No veniva attaccata sia dalle forze dello Stato sia dai sicari politici vicini al AKP e dal partito fascista MHP. E nonostante tutto questo, le masse lavoratrici hanno dimostrato che non accetteranno il dispotismo che si sta imponendo in Turchia. Almeno 24 milioni di persone hanno rifiutato il nuovo sistema.
Les résultats du référendum ne sont pas définitifs et vont assurément être débattus durant les prochains jours. Les décisions extrêmement controversées de la Haute Commission Électorale ont jeté une ombre sur le référendum. Cela s’ajoute à la manière avec laquelle la propagande pour le camp du « oui » a été faite avant le jour du vote, avec l’argent public et les chaînes de télévision utilisées sans entraves, et Erdoğan qui agissait déjà comme un président partisan, ce qui devait pourtant être voté lors du référendum. Dans le même temps, la campagne en faveur du « non » a été attaquée par les forces gouvernementales et les voyous proches du Parti de la justice et du développement (AKP) ainsi que du parti fasciste du MHP. Malgré tout, les masses travailleuses ont montré qu’elles n’accepteront pas le despotisme en train d’être imposé en Turquie. Au moins 24 millions de personnes ont refusé le nouveau système.
The results of the referendum have not become definitive and will in all probability be debated for at least days to come. The extremely controversial decisions of the High Electoral Commission have cast a long shadow on the referendum, in addition to the manner in which the propaganda was carried on before the voting day, with public money and television channels being used in favour of the “Yes” camp in unfettered manner and with Erdoğan acting already as a partisan president, which is what is supposed to be voted on in this referendum, while the “No” campaign was attacked both by the forces of the state and thugs close to the AKP and the fascist party MHP. And despite all of this, the working masses have shown that they will not accept the despotism that is being imposed on Turkey. At least 24 million people have refused the new system.
Today, 25 March 2017, is the 60th anniversary to the day of the signing of the Rome Treaty, which set in motion the whole historical process that culminated in the European Union, after going through the stages of the European Economic Community and the European Community tout court. This has long been presented as a success story, almost exemplary, the legend goes, in terms of the supersession of the nation state, to be emulated by attempts at supranational integration around the world. To give credit where it is due, the EU and its earlier forms were, to a considerable extent, successful in creating a quite advanced scaffolding for the construction of a new and supranational politico-economic structure, in dealing with the multiple internal contradictions and tensions between the member states, in swallowing the weaker state structures of Central and Eastern Europe, including many countries of the Balkans, and in their resilience to the several serious crises at the international level that took their toll on the EU. However, this elaborate structure now seems to have met its Waterloo.
The Revolutionary Workers' Party held its 4th Congress and renewed its aim of deploying its forces within the heart of the working class in order to defeat imperialism and the despotism on the way of construction in Turkey. The congress started with a commemoration of comrades Atlen Yıldırım -a Central Committee member- and Sevda Alyakut - a vanguard revolutionary woman factory worker- for their recent losses. Revolutionary messages of CRFI sections EEK (Greece), PO (Argentina), PCL (Italy) and MTL (Finland) were read during the congress as well as a mutual solidarity message from AMO (Association of Marxist Organizations) and RPK (Russian Party of Communists) from Russia.
Avec les prochaines élections présidentielles puis législatives nous aurons à choisir parmi des candidats, liés à des partis, et des programmes. La situation actuelle est marquée, en plus de la crise capitaliste, par son corollaire : le poids acquit par le FN et le danger mortel qu'il représente. Nous nous efforcerons donc de dissuader ceux qui seraient tenté par ce vote protestataire mais suicidaire. Le FN n'est pas un parti neuf né en 1972, il a un passé plus ancien et un héritage que les travailleurs doivent connaître. Il est différent des autres organisations politiques. C'est une organisation de type fasciste, héritière des organisations telles que les ligues factieuses des années 1920-1930 : les Croix de Feu, l'Action Française, la Cagoule... dont, pendant l'occupation Nazie et le régime de Vichy, on retrouvera les membres dans la Milice de Pétain et des collabos. Les travailleurs ont payés très cher l'action de la Milice, quand l'extrême droite était au pouvoir.
ΗΤουρκία οδηγείται σε ένα δημοψήφισμα, προκειμένου να ψηφίσει τις συνταγματικές τροποποιήσεις που εγκρίθηκαν από το κοινοβούλιο, ως αποτέλεσμα συζητήσεων κρυμμένων από το κοινό, επιβολής της ανοικτής ψηφοφορίας και δημόσιων διαπληκτισμών. Οι τροποποιήσεις αυτές συνεπάγονται τη δημιουργία ενός δεσποτικού καθεστώτος. Θέλουν να νεκραναστήσουν το δεσποτικό καθεστώς, το οποίο νικήθηκε από τις επαναστάσεις των εργαζόμενων λαών της Τουρκίας όλων των εθνικοτήτων και κάθε γωνιάς της χώρας. Η δεσποτική εποχή του Αμπντούλ Χαμίτ Β’ εκπροσωπούσε τα συμφέροντα του γαιοκτήμονα που εκμεταλλευόταν τους Οθωμανούς χωρικούς, του Αγά, του τοκογλύφου, του «χαρατζή» που λεηλατούσε την παραγωγή των χωρικών, του δυνάστη και της προνομιούχας γραφειοκρατίας της αυλής. Ο τρέχων δεσποτισμός βασίζεται στα συμφέροντα των ιμπεριαλιστικών επιχειρήσεων, των επενδυτών του χρηματιστηρίου, του τοπικού μονοπωλιακού κεφαλαίου και των τραπεζών, αυτών των σύγχρονων τοκογλύφων. Το Επαναστατικό Εργατικό Κόμμα (DevrimciIsçiPartisi, DIP) κάνει έκκληση στην εργατική τάξη και στον εργαζόμενο λαό της Τουρκίας για ταξική πάλη εναντίον αυτού του δεσποτικού καθεστώτος, το οποίο θέλουν να αναβιώσουν προς το συμφέρον του...
La Turquie est amenée au référendum pour se prononcer sur les modifications constitutionnelles qui ont été acceptées à travers des discussions cachées à tout prix du peuple à l’Assemblée nationale, de l’imposition d’un scrutin non secret et des bagarres violentes. Ces modifications constitutionnelles signifient l’établissement d’un régime despotique en Turquie. Par un référendum modifiant la Constitution, on veut restaurer le despotisme auquel le peuple prolétaire de la Turquie, formé par toutes les nationalités et de tous les coins du pays, avait mis fin tous ensemble grâce aux réformes. La période despotique d’Abdulhamid II représentait les intérêts du propriétaire terrien qui exploitait les paysans ottomans, du seigneur, de l’usurier, du percepteur qui pillait la récolte des paysans en collectant les impôts, de l’oppresseur et de la bureaucratie privilégiée du Palais. Le despotisme actuel se hausse sur les intérêts des compagnies impérialistes, des investisseurs à la bourse, du grand capital local et des banques usurières modernes. Le Parti révolutionnaire des travailleurs (DIP) appelle la classe ouvrière et le peuple prolétaire de toute la Turquie à une lutte de classe...
In Turchia è stato indetto il referendum per votare gli emendamenti costituzionali che sono già stati approvati dal parlamento a seguito di dibattiti politici oculatamente celati all’attenzione pubblica, con l’imposizione dello scrutinio aperto in parlamento, e la violenta rissa del 12 gennaio in aula.
Devrimci İşçi Partisi'nin çağrısı kurulacak referandum sandıklarında sermayenin istibdad rejimine HAYIR deme çağrısıdır! Bu çağrı referandum günü ile sınırlı bir çağrı değildir. Bu düzenden şikâyetçi olan herkesi, referanduma yaşam tarzı, kimlik, memleket millet ya da mezhep temelinde yaklaşanlardan farklı olarak, sınıf tahakkümünü istibdad ile pekiştirme girişimine karşı işçi sınıfı saflarında birlikte mücadele yoluna davet ediyoruz.
Devrimci İşçi Partisi bu yolun yolcusudur! Tüm işçi ve emekçileri sermayeye, istibdada ve emperyalizme HAYIR diyerek, eşitliğin ve özgürlüğün yolunda yoldaş olmaya çağırıyoruz!
Turkey is being conducted to a referendum in order to vote the constitutional amendments that were approved by parliament as a result of discussions hidden from the public, the imposition of the open ballot and public brawls. These amendments imply the establishment of a despotic regime. They want to resuscitate the despotic regime which was defeated by the revolutions of the toiling people of Turkey from all nationalities and every corner of the country. The despotic era of Abdul Hamid II represented the interests of the landlord who exploited the Ottoman peasants, the agha, the usurer, the “tax farmer” who plundered the product of peasant, the jackboot and the privileged bureaucracy of the court. The current despotism is based on the interests of imperialist companies, stock market investors, local monopoly capital and the banks, those modern usurers. The Revolutionary Workers’ Party (Devrimci İşçi Partisi, DIP) is appealing to the working class and toiling people of all Turkey for class struggle against this despotic regime, whom they want to resuscitate in the interest of capital!
On 18 January 2017, the Government has imposed two projects of Emergency Ordinances: stipulating the pardon of the most important corruptions acts, and abolishing the conflict of interest and the abuse of office as corruption guilt, as well as any possibility of recovery of the material prejudices from the culprits. The two ordinances had, certainly, in view many members of the political “elite” – and this “dedication” has generated legitimate emotions – but people were indignant against the open infringement of the principles of the law which constitute a necessary form of their defence. The law is, obviously (and people understand this), the result of relations of forces, but to annul just the elements which represent the public control over the rulers and allow their punishment is a sign of extreme arrogance on behalf of them.
Nous, Renaissance Ouvrière Révolutionnaire, sommes des communistes qui nous battons pour cette lutte réelle et unifiée des ouvrières. Pas de confiance dans les partis du patronat, pas d’illusion sur les élections. Il faut vaincre le fascisme dans la rue, dans nos entreprises avec la lutte indépendante des ouvriers. Les élections ne peuvent être qu’un moyen pour faire avancer cette lutte. Nous avons gâché déjà beaucoup, même trop de temps. On n'a même pas une minute à perdre. Alors retroussons nos manches pour former le front unique ouvrier aux élections, dans les entreprises et dans les universités!
Türkiye beş aydır olağanüstü rejimde yaşıyor. Erdoğan hükümeti, Temmuz’daki darbe girişimi ile ilişkili olduğu iddia edilenlerin kurum ve idarelerden temizlenmesi bahanesi altında, tüm muhalefeti bastırmakta. Yayını durdurulan gazeteler ve görsel-işitsel medya, hapsedilen gazeteciler ve yazarlar, tutuklanan milletvekilleri, kapatılan insan hakları savunucusu dernekler, kamu görevinden çıkartılan sendika üyeleri : Türk solu, bu dev “tasfiyenin” kırbacına en sert şekilde maruz kalmaktadır. Sivil toplum, her şeye rağmen direnmeye çabalamaktadır. Muhalefet, “Hesap verme anı bir gün gelecek ve biz orada olacağız” demektedir. İstanbul ve Ankara’da röportaj.
La Turquie vit depuis cinq mois sous le régime de l’état d’urgence. Sous prétexte de débarrasser institutions et administrations des présumés complices de la tentative de putsch de juillet, le gouvernement Erdogan réprime toute opposition. Journaux et médias audiovisuels suspendus, journalistes et écrivains emprisonnés, députés arrêtés, associations de défense des droits humains fermées, syndicalistes limogés : la gauche turque subit de plein fouet cette immense « purge ». La société civile tente malgré tout de résister. « Un jour viendra le moment de rendre des comptes, et nous serons là », expliquent les opposants. Reportage à Istanbul et Ankara.
The case known publicly as the Mavi Marmara Case was dismissed by the court on the 9th of December 2016, as a result of the “normalisation” agreement signed between Turkey and the Zionist entity which was put through the Turkish Parliament last summer. Before commenting on this matter, it is important to remember the development of the process before the case.
What happened?
On the 31st of May 2010 at 02.00 AM, the armed forces of the so called State of Israel attacked the Freedom Flotilla consisting of eight ships that departed from different ports and aimed to break the Zionist siege of Gaza. This was done while the flotilla was in the international waters. Nine people from the Mavi Marmara Ship of the flotilla were killed. In the following period, diplomatic relations between Turkey and the Zionist entity became tense. But trade and military relations went on behind the scene.
The Turkish language theoretical journal Devrimci Marksizm, supported by the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (DIP), organised a conference on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. It also brought out its first special annual issue Revolutionary Marxism 2017.Devrimci Marksizm, the Turkish review, was first brought out in 2006 and first distributed through militant sales on May Day that year. It is now at its issue No. 29. The next issue No. 30 is planned to come out in the spring of 2017. The journal is planning a special issue in the course of the year on the October Revolution in Russia on the centenary of this epoch-making historical event.
Twenty five years ago, on December 25, 1991, from a flagstaff over the Kremlin a red banner of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) had been lowered slowly.
Having criminal trampled on the will of Soviet people which is unambiguously expressed on a referendum on March 17, 1991 to continue to live a uniform family in the united state, the small group of irresponsible and self-confident political laymans and upstarts has assumed the right to be rulers of the destiny of the centuries-old commonwealth of the people. With obvious connivance and indulgence of the President of the USSR they have organized a compulsory partition of the uniform country on a personal ancestral lands for targeting in each of them of orders in compliance with tastes of newly appeared "tsars", "khans" and other "(pre)residents". They have started looking for the curators of construction of new life among the authorities of "civilized" foreign countries.
Двадцать пять лет тому назад, 25 декабря 1991 года, с флагштока над Кремлем медленно спустили красное знамя Союза Советских Социалистических Республик (СССР).
Преступно поправ однозначно выраженную на референдуме 17 марта 1991 года волю его народов продолжать жить единой семьёй в общем государстве, кучка безответственных и самонадеянных политических дилетантов и выскочек присвоила себе право быть вершителями судеб многовекового содружества народов. При явном попустительстве и потворстве Президента СССР ими было организовано принудительное расчленение единой страны на личные вотчины для наведения в каждой из них порядков сообразно вкусам новоявленных «царей», «ханов» и прочих «(п)резидентов», наперебой бросившихся искать кураторов строительства новой жизни среди власть предержащих «цивилизованных» зарубежных стран.
The press reports that during a visit to Western Thrace, where a sizeable Turkish minority lives, Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister, evoked the name of Sheikh Bedreddin, praised him and said that he should be a source of inspiration for all of us today. So, who is this Muslim sheikh whom a nominally leftist Greek prime minister, avowedly atheist, recommends as a source of inspiration to all Greeks, irrespective of their religion? A most ticklish remark at first sight. We should be thankful to Tsipras for having raised the topic, hastening to add that he personally, given his record in office, is absolutely unfit for inspiration by the grand old man.
Basında yer alan haberlere göre, birkaç hafta önce Batı Trakya’ya bir ziyareti sırasında Yunanistan başbakanı Aleksis Çipras Şeyh Bedreddin’den övgüyle söz ederek bugün hepimizin onu kendimize bir ilham kaynağı olarak görmemiz gerektiğini söylemiş. Başbakanlık yeminini İncil’e el basmadan yapacak kadar açıkça ateist olan, kendine solcu diyen birinin, bir Müslüman şeyhinin sadece Batı Trakya’nın Müslüman Türklerine değil, bütün Yunanlara ilham kaynağı olması gerektiğini söylemesi kendi içinde epey ironik. Çipras’ın Yunan halkının dikkatini Şeyh Bedreddin’e çekmesi dolayısıyla kendisine müteşekkir olmalıyız. Ama hemen ekleyelim: Yunan halkına verdiği bütün taahhütlere ihanet etmiş bir sözde sosyalist olarak Çipras’ın kendisinin Şeyh Bedreddin’den en ufak bir ilham almamış olduğu ortada!