Akdeniz: Dünya devriminin yeni havzası!

The Mediterranean: new basin of world revolution!

البحر الأبيض: الحوض الجديد للثورة العالمية

مدیترانه: حوزه جدید انقلاب جهانی

Il Mediterraneo: nuovo bacino della rivoluzione mondiale!

Μεσόγειος: Νέα λεκάνη της παγκόσμιας επανάστασης!

Derya Sıpî: Deşta nû a şoreşa cihânê

Միջերկրական ծով: նոր ավազանում համաշխարհային հեղափոխության.

El Mediterráneo: Nueva cuenca de la revolución mundial!

La Méditerranée: nouveau bassin la révolution mondiale!

Mediterrâneo: bacia nova da revolução mundial!


March 16, 2019

Çürüyən kapitalist sistemin dünyanı sürüklədiyi barbarlıq vəhşi bir qətliamla Yeni Zelandiyada baş göstərdi. İndidən 49 şəxsin həyatını itirdiyi və çox sayda yaralının olduğu bu qətliamı ən dərin hisslərlə qınayırıq. Qətliamlar yaradan çürümüş quruluşun təpəsindəki imperialist liderlərin tökdükləri saxta göz yaşlarının əksinə olaraq çəkdiyimiz iztirab faşizmə və irqçiliyə qarşı qəzəbimizi kəskinləşdirdiyi qədər xalqların qardaşlığı uğrunda mübarizə aparmaq qətiyyətimizi də gücləndirir.

March 16, 2019

The barbarism which the capitalist system in decay has dragged the world in has risen in New Zealand with a brutal massacre. We condemn the massacre in which 49 people have already lost their lives and many were injured with our strongest emotions. In contrast to the crocodile tears shed by the imperialist leaders sitting on top of the rotten system which creates massacres, the pain we feel cements our resolve in struggling for the fraternity of peoples as much as it fuels our anger towards fascism and racism.

Sungur Savran
March 14, 2019

Las apuestas están aumentando en Argelia. El movimiento de masas está ganando un nivel de confianza del cual es muy difícil para cualquier tipo de régimen alejar al pueblo. El 8 de marzo, coincidiendo con el Día Internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora, la tercera ronda de manifestaciones contra el régimen representado por Abdelaziz Bouteflika, el moribundo presidente de la República de Argelia que intentaba presentarse por quinta vez en las próximas elecciones, logró aguantar una espectacular demostración de fuerza: la mayoría de las fuentes hablan de cientos de miles solo en la ciudad capital de Argel y de millones de personas en todo el país. Un periódico argelino (Le Matin d’Algérie) afirma, sobre la base, supuestamente, de las revelaciones de las fuerzas de seguridad, que el número de personas que se manifestaron en todo el país en general alcanzó la cifra gigantesca de 15 millones.

Sungur Savran
March 11, 2019

The stakes are rising in Algeria. The mass movement is gaining a level of confidence from which it is very difficult for any kind of regime to turn people back from. On 8th March, coinciding with the International Working Women’s Day, the third round of the demonstrations against the regime represented by Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the moribund president of the republic of Algeria trying to run for a fifth time in the upcoming elections, succeeded to put up a spectacular show of force: most sources talk about hundreds of thousands in the capital city of Algiers alone and millions around the country. One Algerian newspaper (Le Matin d’Algérie) affirms, on the basis, allegedly, of revelations from security forces, that the number of people who demonstrated across the country at large reached the gigantic figure of 15 million.

Although this may sound an exaggeration, whatever the exact figures, it is an undeniable fact that we are face to face with the most widespread mass mobilisation since the time of the Algerian war of liberation and revolution between 1954 and 1962. That revolution was of course one of the most heroic and far-going instances of the worldwide anti-colonial...

March 8, 2019

“Dördüncü İnternasionalın Yenidən Qurulması üzrə Koordinasiya Komitəsi”nin proqramını özü üçün əsas götürən inqilabçı partiya və təşkilatlar olaraq 2019-cu il 8 mart Beynəlxalq Zəhmətkeş Qadınlar Günündə hər cür təzyiqə məruz qalan, istismar edilən, müqavimət göstərən və üsyan qaldıran, bütün dünyada qlobal kapitalizmin doğurduğu kişi hökmranlığına və barbarlığa qarşı mübarizə aparan bütün qadınları salamlayırıq! Qadınlar azad olmadan ümumbəşəri azadlıq, dünya sosializmi olmaz!

March 8, 2019

Dördüncü Enternasyonal'in Yeniden Kuruluş Koordinasyonu’nun (DEYK) programını kabul eden devrimci parti ve örgütler olarak, 8 Mart 2019'da, Uluslararası Emekçi Kadınlar Günü'nde, farklı baskılar altında yaşayan, sömürülen, direnen, isyan eden ve tüm dünyada küresel kapitalizm tarafından yaratılan erkek egemenliğine ve barbarlığa karşı mücadele eden tüm kadınları selamlıyoruz. Kadınlar özgürleşmeden insanlığın evrensel olarak özgürleşmesi, dünya sosyalizmi olmaz!

March 7, 2019

¡Nosotros, los partidos revolucionarios y organizaciones basadas en el programa de la Coordinadora por la Refundación de la Cuarta Internacional (CRCI), en este 8 de Marzo de 2019, Día Internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora, saludamos a todas las miles de oprimidas, explotadas, resistentes y rebeldes mujeres que por todo el mundo luchan contra la dominación patriarcal y el barbarismo generado por el capitalismo global!¡Sin la emancipación de las mujeres no hay emancipación humana internacional ni Socialismo mundial!

March 7, 2019

We, the revolutionary parties and organizations based on the program of the Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International (CRFI), in this International Working Women’s Day on March 8, 2019, salute all the multiply oppressed, exploited, resisting and rebelling women all over the world fighting against male domination and barbarism generated by global capitalism! Without women emancipation there is no universal human emancipation, world Socialism!

March 7, 2019

Venezuela logró detener la arremetida paramilitar realizada principalmente a través de la frontera con Colombia, así como en la frontera con Brasil, comandada por el Departamento de Estado de los EEUU, sus ayudantes los presidentes lacayos latinoamericanos y su títere Guaidó.

Lo primero a destacar es que el golpe de Estado sigue en proceso, fracasó la provocación del intento del 23F, por ahora, pero sigue en pie como prioridad derrotar al golpe y continuar enfrentando toda posibilidad de invasión militar.

El recule momentáneo del plan dirigido por el grupo de Lima se debió a su falta de apoyo, no se sublevó ningún sector del país como ellos esperaban, hubo concentraciones de oposición a la asquerosa intervención gringa, se dieron movilizaciones y demostraciones de repudio en casi todo el mundo contra la invasión, el otro punto crucial fue la cohesión del ejército venezolano que continuó siendo garante del gobierno de Maduro, calcularon mal.

Es necesario derrotar al golpe de Estado

March 6, 2019

Ассоциация марксистских объединений (сокращенно: АМО) была создана в 2005 г. по инициативе Первого секретаря ЦК РКП-КПСС Алексея Алексеевича Пригарина. Инициатива была тотчас поддержана Российской партией коммунистов (РПК) и рядом общественных и политических активистов, придерживавшихся марксистских взглядов, являвшихся членами РКП-КПСС и РПК, а также входивших и не входивших в другие левые политические партии и объединения. Замысел создания АМО заключался в объединении тех идейных и политических оппонентов режимов, возникших в России и других государствах, бывших республиках СССР, в бывших социалистических странах Центральной и Восточной Европы после контрреволюционных переворотов 1989-1991 гг., которые не отказались от своих убеждений, не опустили рук и не прекратили борьбы за воссоздание действительно обновленного, современного социализма. При этом они исходили из того, что возрождение подлинного социализма и восстановление СССР невозможно без развития подлинного марксизма и превращения его в действительно революционное руководство к действию.

March 6, 2019

Association of Marxist Communities (abbreviation in Russian: AMO) was established in 2005 at the initiative of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party - the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (abbreviation: RCP-CPSU) Alexey Alekseyevich Prigarin. The initiative was immediately supported by the Russian Communist Party (abbreviation: RCP) and a number of the public and political activists adhering to Marxist views, being members of the RCP-CPSU and RCP and also of some other left-wing political parties and associations as well as not being members of any organization. The idea of establishment of AMO consisted in the integration of certain ideological and political opponents of the regimes that arose in Russia and other states, either former republics of the USSR or members of the former communist block of Central and Eastern Europe after the counter-revolutionary coups of 1989-1991. These were people who did not renege on their beliefs, did not lay down arms and did not stop the fight for the reconstruction of a really updated, modern socialism. At the same time they recognized that the revival of original socialism and the restoration of the...

March 5, 2019

В заполненном до отказа театре Бейоглу Сес в Стамбуле 10 февраля 2019 состоялась прошедшая в атмосфере энтузиазма конференция под названием «Столетие Коммунистического Интернационала: от Коминтерна к Всемирной партии Будущего», организованная вебсетью RedMedи Балканским социалистическим центром «Христиан Раковский» совместно с DIP(Революционной рабочей партией Турции). Конференция собрала вместе социалистов из Аргентины, Греции, России, Франции, Болгарии, Сербии, Азербайджана, Македонии, Финляндии, Ирана и, разумеется, Турции. Перед самым открытием конференции её посетили рабочие компаний HTSolarи Cargill.

March 5, 2019

The conference titled “Centenary of the Communist International: From the Comintern to the World Party of the Future”, organized by the web network RedMed and the Christian Rakovsky Balkan Socialist Center and hosted by DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party),was held with a crowd filling Beyoglu Ses theater in an enthusiastic atmosphere. The conference brought together socialists from Argentina, Greece, Russia, France, Bulgaria, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Macedonia, Finland, Iran, and of course Turkey. HT Solar and Cargill workers left their marks at the very beginning of the conference.

March 5, 2019

The conference titled “Centenary of the Communist International: From the Comintern to the World Party of the Future”, organized by the web network RedMed and the Christian Rakovsky Balkan Socialist Center and hosted by DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party),was held with a crowd filling Beyoglu Ses theater in an enthusiastic atmosphere. The conference brought together socialists from Argentina, Greece, Russia, France, Bulgaria, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Macedonia, Finland, Iran, and of course Turkey. HT Solar and Cargill workers left their marks at the very beginning of the conference.

Sungur Savran
March 4, 2019

On 1st March, some hundreds of people started to march immediately after leaving the mosque in the wake of the Friday prayer, chanting against the candidacy of the incumbent president of the republic Aziz Bouteflika for a fifth time after 20 years in power, and in the wink of an eye were joined by thousands and later tens of thousands. The marches and protests continued on Saturday and Sunday, swelling to hundreds of thousands of demonstrators, according to the reports on international bourgeois mainstream media. Sunday even saw a demonstration late into the night. Considering that it is forbidden to demonstrate in the capital Algiers at all times (elsewhere, apparently, it is only permitted on Wednesdays) and that no night time rallies have been held in that city for at least two decades, the size of the movement is phenomenal.

Sungur Savran
February 25, 2019

The popular insurgency in Sudan has now completed a full two months. The people of Sudan have been demonstrating on the streets of the country since 19 December 2018 to demand from the despot Omar al Bashir “tasqut bas” (“Just fall” or “Fall, that is all” as sometimes translated). More importantly, the demonstrations have turned from a popular rebellion that protested economic catastrophe and political brutality into a full-blown revolution that threatens the very foundations of the despotic Islamist dictatorship of al Bashir, who came to power three decades ago, in 1989. Not only has there been a gradual gathering of forces on the part of the movement that is fighting to bring down al Bashir, but growing fissures in the ruling bloc are showing that the regime is trying to preserve itself through dire measures that may even sacrifice the dictator al Bashir himself in order safeguard the interests of the socio-economic bloc that has been benefiting from the regime.

February 22, 2019

Tüm dünyadaki işçi sınıfı partilerini ve hareketlerini, sosyalistleri ve anti-emperyalistleri, Venezuela'daki emperyalist darbe girişimine karşı birleşmeye, Venezuela halkıyla dayanışma örgütlemeye ve Venezuela’nın işçilerinin krize karşı sınıf tabanlı bir çözüme ulaşmalarında yardımcı olmak için uluslararası düzeyde mücadele vermeye çağırıyoruz. Emperyalizmin yenilgisi, kitlelerin emperyalist komploya karşı seferber edilmesinin yanı sıra ülkelerimizdeki emperyalistlere ve onların işbirlikçilerine mümkün olduğunca fazla darbe indirmekten ve Latin Amerika’nın sosyalist birliğinden geçiyor.

February 21, 2019

Chiediamo a tutti i partiti e movimenti dei lavoratori, socialisti e anti-imperialisti del mondo di unirsi contro il tentato colpo di stato imperialista in Venezuela, di organizzare la solidarietà con il popolo venezuelano e di condurre una lotta internazionale per aiutare i lavoratori venezuelani a raggiungere una soluzione di classe alla crisi. Superare l'imperialismo significa mobilitare le masse contro la trama imperialista, infliggendo quanti più colpi possibili agli imperialisti e ai loro scagnozzi nei nostri paesi e per l'unità socialista dell'America Latina.

February 21, 2019

Llamamos a todos los partidos y movimientos de los trabajadores, socialistas y anti-imperialistas del mundo a unirse contra el intento de golpe imperialista en Venezuela, a organizar la solidaridad con el pueblo venezolano y dar un combate internacional para ayudar a los trabajadores venezolanos a llegar a una solución de clase a la crisis. Vencer al imperialismo pasa por la movilización de masas contra el complot imperialista, por asestar tantos golpes como sea posible a los imperialistas y sus secuaces en nuestros países y por la unidad socialista de América Latina.

February 21, 2019

Венесуэла сталкивается с попыткой путча, провоцируемого империализмом. Заговорщики уделяют мало внимания тому, чтобы скрывать его под демократической маской, конституционным требованием своей марионетки Гуайдо и «всеобщим избирательным правом». Этот путч поддерживается реакционными правительствами, в том числе и в Латинской Америке, в особенности фашистским знаменосцем Трампа на Юге: Болсонару. Мы, партии и организации, подписывающие эту декларацию, заявляем, что мы категорически против этой попытки путча, чтобы свергнуть Мадуро и правительство Венесуэлы!

February 20, 2019

We call all the working-class parties and movements, socialists and anti-imperialists around the world to unite against the imperialist coup attempt in Venezuela, organize solidarity with the Venezuelan people and give an international fight to help Venezuelan workers in reaching a class-based solution to the crisis. Defeating imperialism passes from mobilization of masses against the imperialist plot, from dealing as many blows as possible to the imperialists and their collaborators in our countries as well as from the socialist unity of Latin America.

February 18, 2019

The conference titled “Centenary of the Communist International: From the Comintern to the World Party of the Future”, organized by the web network RedMed and the Christian Rakovsky Balkan Socialist Center and hosted by DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party),was held with a crowd filling Beyoglu Ses theater in an enthusiastic atmosphere. The conference brought together socialists from Argentina, Greece, Russia, France, Bulgaria, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Macedonia, Finland, Iran, and of course Turkey. HT Solar and Cargill workers left their marks at the very beginning of the conference.

February 10, 2019

La seguente è una dichiarazione politica proveniente dal Venezuela sul tentativo di colpo di Stato istigato dall'imperialismo e sulla minaccia di una guerra civile nel paese. La dichiarazione è stata scritta e ci è stata inviata da Opción Obrera (Opzione operaia, n.d.r.), gruppo marxista rivoluzionario, sezione venezuelana del CRQI. La Plataforma Revolucionaria de Lucha - Aragua (Piattaforma rivoluzionaria di lotta - Aragua), gruppo locale di militanti rivoluzionari in lotta nello Stato di Aragua nel Venezuela, ha condiviso la dichiarazione e aderito alle rivendicazioni contenute in essa.

February 9, 2019

When the First World War broke out in 1914, the parties of the Second International adopted a reactionary attitude, each supporting their country’s bourgeoisie. This annihilated the founding purpose of the International, which was built on the basis of common interests of international working class. Only five years later, in 1919, the Third International, the Communist International (in abbreviated form the Comintern), was established in Moscow between the 2nd and 6th of March. It was established with the enthusiasm the October Revolution stirred, the first victorious revolution in history to establish a lasting proletarian power, as a beacon of hope for the whole working class of the world.

February 9, 2019

This is a political statement coming from inside Venezuela on the coup attempt instigated by imperialism and the threat of a civil war in the country. The statement has been sent to us by Opción Obrera, a revolutionary Marrxist grouping that is a sister organisation to the DIP and EEK, the parties behind RedMed. The Plataforma Revolucionaria de Lucha – Aragua (Revolutionary Platform of Struggle – Aragua) is a local group of revolutionary militants struggling in the State of Aragua in federal Venezuela. Opción Obrera is affiliated with this group and is in political agreement with the statement itself. This statement was earlier published on our web site in Spanish. This is the English translation of that text made by the authors of the document.


Venezuela is not a commodity

Let's avoid a bloody civil war

Gerçek Newspaper (DIP)
February 8, 2019

Este artículo es el editorial publicado en el número 113 del febrero 2019 del periódico Gerçek, órgano central del DIP (Partido revolucionario de los trabajadores de Turquía).

En Venezuela, el imperialismo estadounidense está tratando de derrocar a Maduro con un golpe de estado. Estados Unidos no solo dirige a su marioneta Guaidó detrás de la escena, sino que amenaza abiertamente a Venezuela con una agresión militar. El objetivo no es solo sobre Venezuela, sino doblegar en  América Latina, toda resistencia al imperialismo. La amenaza americana previene a Cuba y a algunos otros países. La característica común de estos países es que son una espina para el imperialismo en América Latina, que los considera su patio trasero. Las flores artificiales del patio trasero de los Estados Unidos son los líderes reaccionarios y colaboracionistas de Colombia, Argentina, Perú y Paraguay y sobre todo Bolsonaro en Brasil que representa una tendencia fascista.

Gerçek Newspaper (DIP)
February 8, 2019

This article is the Editorial of issue No. 113, dated February 2019, of the newspaper Gerçek -the central organ of DIP (Revolutionary Workers’ Party, Turkey).

In Venezuela, US imperialism is trying to overthrow Maduro by a coup. The USA has not only played the puppet Guaidó, who declared himself president, behind the scenes, but also threatened Venezuela with a military attack. The aim is to force anyone who resists imperialism to capitulate not only in Venezuela, but in all of Latin America. A few countries, Cuba in the first place, have their share of the American threat. The common characteristic of these countries is that they are thorns for imperialism in Latin America, which the USA considers as a backyard. The artificial flowers of the USA's backyard are the reactionary and imperialist collaborator leaders of Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Paraguay and especially the fascist-leaning Bolsonaro of Brazil.

Gerçek Newspaper (DIP)
February 8, 2019

Venezuela’da ABD emperyalizmi bir darbe ile Maduro’yu devirmeye çalışıyor. ABD, kendini başkan ilan eden Guaidóisimli kuklayı sahne arkasından oynatmakla kalmıyor, Venezuela’yı açıkça askeri saldırıyla tehdit ediyor. Amaç sadece Venezuela’da değil tüm Latin Amerika’da emperyalizme karşı direnç gösteren herkesi teslim almak. Amerikan tehdidinden öncelikle Küba ve ardından bazı başka ülkeler de nasibini almakta. Bu ülkelerin ortak özelliği ABD’nin, arka bahçesi olarak gördüğü Latin Amerika’da emperyalizm için birer diken olmaları. ABD’nin arka bahçesinin yapma çiçekleri ise başta Brezilya’nın faşist eğilimli Bolsonaro olmak üzere Kolombiya’nın, Arjantin’in, Peru’nun, Paraguay’ın gerici ve emperyalist işbirlikçisi liderleri.  

February 7, 2019

This is a political statement coming from inside Venezuela on the coup attempt instigated by imperialism and the threat of a civil war in the country. The statement has been sent to us by Opción Obrera, a revolutionary Marrxist grouping that is a sister organisation to the DIP and EEK, the parties behind RedMed. The Plataforma Revolucionaria de Lucha – Aragua (Revolutionary Platform of Struggle – Aragua) is a local group of revolutionary militants struggling in the State of Aragua in federal Venezuela. Opción Obrera is affiliated with this group and is in political agreement with the statement itself.

January 25, 2019

Apart from reserving all our criticism towards Maduro and his party, we support Maduro’s decision to cut all ties with the USA calling US diplomats to leave the country. Turkey’s government seems to support Maduro by word, because Venezuela processes close to one billion dollars’ worth of its gold in Turkey, so because of economic interests. We are at a point where words fail and actions gain value. The only meaningful support to Latin America from our region will be Turkey leaving NATO and closing all the US military bases starting with Incirlik.

Sungur Savran
January 1, 2019

This is the second of two articles on the “yellow vests” movement and the world situation. The first article (“The ‘Yellow Vests’: La République en marche arrière”) was published yesterday.



2018 was a year of inflection.

A bolt out of the blue?

It is interesting that the uprising of the gilets jaunes is almost exclusively discussed within the French context. Of course, the fallout in other countries is mentioned from time to time, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Lebanon, most importantly Tunisia, where the vests have changed their colour into red. In Turkey the “yellow vests” are very popular within the working class and a true source of fear in government circles.

Sungur Savran
December 31, 2018

Questo è il primo di due articoli che trattano del movimento dei gilet gialli in Francia e movimenti simili in tutto il mondo dal punto di vista di un generale inquadramento mondiale del fenomeno. 

Sungur Savran
December 31, 2018

This is the first instalment of two articles taking up the “Yellow Vests” movement in France and similar movements around the world and situating these in a general characterisation of the world conjuncture. The second article will be published on the first day of the new year.

November 30, 2018

World Revolution / Revolución Mundial

For the refoundation of the Fourth International / Por la refundación de la Cuarta Internacional

Born of the decision at the International Conference called by the Partido Obrero of Argentina, the Partido de los Trabajadores of Uruguay, the EEK of Greece, and the DIP of Turkey in Buenos Aires in April 2018, the ambition and aim of our international theoretical-political organ World Revolution is to become an international reference point of militant Marxism for principled debate, political clarification, programmatic demarcation, theoretical re-arming with revolutionary materialist-historical dialectics as a guide of action, regrouping and unification of the revolutionary vanguard fighters now dispersed internationally in fragmentary struggles.

Our battle cry is: for the Permanent Revolution and communism, build the International of world socialist revolution!

Download pdf

Sungur Savran
November 10, 2018

Il brutale omicidio di Jamal Khashoggi nel Consolato dell’Arabia Saudita ad Istanbul, avvenuto con modalità che susciterebbero l’invidia di un regista di film horror, rappresenta un di per sé un campanello d’allarme. Questo omicidio mostra la natura reazionaria del sistema statale saudita, insieme ai suoi stretti alleati nel Golfo come il Kuwait, gli Emirati Arabi Uniti, il Bahrein, l’Oman e, nonostante le sue ovvie contraddizioni attuali con l’Arabia Saudita, il Qatar.

Sungur Savran
November 6, 2018

The brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the Istanbul Consulate of Saudi Arabia in a way that would arouse the envy of the most professional horror movie director is, on its own, nothing but a wake-up call.  This murder shows the reactionary nature of the state system constituted by the Saudi state, along with its close allies in the Gulf such as Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, and, despite its obvious current contradictions with Saudi Arabia, Qatar.

From the Great French Revolution to the 1880s, that is for a full century, until the Russian revolutionary movement began to stand on its feet, Marx and Engels continuously emphasized that Russia was the was the  primary source of reaction in Europe. What Russia was to 19th century Europe, Saudi Arabia is to the Arab world in the 21st century.

November 5, 2018

Finalmente è stato ammesso che il giornalista saudita Jamal Khashoggi è stato ucciso nel consolato dell’Arabia Saudita a Istanbul, dove era stato visto per l’ultima volta. L’annuncio è stato fatto dall’agenzia di stampa Saudi Press Agency su quanto dichiarato da funzionari sauditi. Con questa confessione l’Arabia Saudita cerca di addossare la colpa di questo omicidio ad alcuni agenti dell’intelligence. Sono stati fatti i nomi di 18 sospettati. Non c’è dubbio che il principe ereditario Mohammad bin Salman, che controlla l’intero apparato militare e di intelligence e che elimina i suoi avversari utilizzando ogni mezzo possibile, sia il mandante di questo crimine. E ora hanno trovato il modo di coprirlo: “King Salman ha ordinato la ristrutturazione dell’agenzia di intelligence”. E chi sarà a capo del comitato responsabile di questa ristrutturazione? Il principe ereditario Mohammad bin Salman in persona!

October 27, 2018
Finalmente fue admitido que el periodista saudita Jamal Khasshooggi fue asesinado en el consulado de Arabia Saudita de Estambul, donde fue visto por última vez entrando. El anuncio fue hecho por la Agencia de Prensa Saudita, basado en la declaración de funcionarios sauditas. Esta confesión de Arabia Saudita busca poner la culpa de este asesinato en algunos agentes de inteligencia. 18 sospechosos sauditas son mencionados. No hay duda que el Príncipe de la Corona Mohammad bin Salman, quien controla todo el aparato militar y de inteligencia y quien elimina a sus oponentes por cualquier medio posible, es el instigador de este crimen. Y ahora encontraron el camino para encubrirlo: “el Rey Salman ha ordenado la restructuración de la agencia de inteligencia”. ¿Y quién dirigirá el comité a cargo de esta restructuración? ¡El mismo Príncipe de la Corona Mohammad bin Salman!
October 21, 2018

It has finally been admitted that Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed in the Istanbul consulate of Saudi Arabia, where he was last seen entering. The announcement was made by the Saudi Press Agency, based on the declaration of Saudi officials. This confession of Saudi Arabia seeks to put the blame of this murder on some intelligence agents. 18 Saudi suspects are mentioned. There is no doubt that Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, who controls the whole military and intelligence apparatus and who eliminates his opponents by any means possible, is the instigator of this crime. And now they have found the way to cover up for him: “King Salman has ordered the restructuring of the intelligence agency.” And who will lead the committee in charge of this restructuring? Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman himself!   

October 9, 2018

Il 30 settembre, il popolo di un piccolo pacifico paese dei Balcani ha mostrato la sua resistenza contro la politica ricattatrice delle più grandi potenze imperialiste e il loro intervento per piegarlo ai propri interessi: l'ingresso della Repubblica di Macedonia nella alleanza NATO. In questo giorno, macedoni, albanesi, turchi, valacchi, serbi, Rom, bosniaci e membri di tutte le altre etnie della repubblica - in solidarietà attraverso un massiccio e organizzato boicottaggio del referendum illegale - hanno dimostrato unità nella resistenza all'imperialismo e alle élite corrotte che conducevano queste politiche.

Nonostante i forti sforzi di politici di tutto il mondo, come il cancelliere tedesco Angela Merkel, il segretario alla Difesa degli Stati Uniti James Mattis, e il primo ministro austriaco Sebastian Kurz, che ha visitato il nostro paese il mese scorso, e la costosa e manipolativa campagna governativa per la presunta prosperità che il nostro paese avrebbe avuto nella alleanza NATO, non è stata spezzata la resistenza del popolo contro i politici corrotti del paese e di tutto il mondo.
