Akdeniz: Dünya devriminin yeni havzası!

The Mediterranean: new basin of world revolution!

البحر الأبيض: الحوض الجديد للثورة العالمية

مدیترانه: حوزه جدید انقلاب جهانی

Il Mediterraneo: nuovo bacino della rivoluzione mondiale!

Μεσόγειος: Νέα λεκάνη της παγκόσμιας επανάστασης!

Derya Sıpî: Deşta nû a şoreşa cihânê

Միջերկրական ծով: նոր ավազանում համաշխարհային հեղափոխության.

El Mediterráneo: Nueva cuenca de la revolución mundial!

La Méditerranée: nouveau bassin la révolution mondiale!

Mediterrâneo: bacia nova da revolução mundial!


Sungur Savran
May 30, 2019

Foi um último período de carência. As eleições para o Parlamento Europeu deram uma última chance ao movimento organizado da classe trabalhadora e à esquerda da Europa antes da tempestade. O movimento proto-fascista, que o mundo inteiro chama persistente e cegamente de “populista”, alcançou grande sucesso nessas eleições, mas mesmo assim esse não foi o tipo de vitória que criará estragos imediatamente. Além disso, o movimento se apresentou em duas chapas diferentes para o Parlamento Europeu, dividido. Assim, a curto prazo, no rescaldo da eleição, seria incorreto dizer que o proto-fascismo criará um perigo imediato para as pessoas na Europa como um todo. Em alguns países, individualmente, a questão pode surgir. Desenvolvimentos podem acontecer em alguns dos países maiores (começando pela Itália, França e Grã-Bretanha, em cada um dos quais os partidos proto-fascistas atingiram o primeiro lugar eleitoral), com o movimento proto-fascista se tornando um elemento importante no dia a dia do país (na Itália isso já tinha começado desde que a Lega de Salvini se juntou a um esquema de compartilhamento de poder e se tornou um partido no poder). Assim, a curto prazo, o perigo está distante...

Sungur Savran
May 29, 2019

One last grace period. The elections to the European Parliament have provided one last chance to the organised working class movement of Europe and the left before the storm. The proto-fascist movement, which the whole world persistently and blindly names “populist”, attained great success in these elections, but nonetheless this was not the kind of victory that will create havoc immediately tomorrow. Moreover, the movement ran on two different slates for the European Parliament. It is, in other words, divided. Hence, in the short term, in the aftermath of the election, it would be incorrect to say that proto-fascism will create an immediate danger for the people on the scale of Europe as a whole. In certain countries taken singly the question may arise. Striking develoments may unfold in some of the bigger countries (starting with Italy, France, and Britain, in each of which the proto-fascist parties came first), with the proto-fascist movement becoming an important element in the day to day life of the country (in Italy this had already commenced since the Lega of Salvini joined a power-sharing scheme and became a ruling party). So in the short term the danger is distant for...

Balkan Socialist Centre “Christian Rakovsky” and RedMed
May 24, 2019

A Europa está se transformando rapidamente num campo de batalha crucial de uma guerra de classes internacional. A persistente luta, de seis meses de duração, dos Gillets Jaunes na França, a revolta dos trabalhadores na Hungria contra a "lei da escravidão" introduzida pelo regime nacionalista de Orban, as revoltas em massa e manifestações na Sérvia, Albânia, Romênia e em todo os Balcãs, são o prelúdio de uma nova onda de confrontos sociais e convulsões políticas no continente europeu.

A força motriz para o novo recrudescimento da luta das massas na Europa e além, como demonstram os levantes revolucionários na Argélia, no Sudão, no Haiti, etc., é a crise capitalista global. Ele permanece não apenas insolúvel, mais de uma década depois de sua erupção, mas também está entrando em uma nova fase explosiva. Todas as medidas extraordinárias usadas no período recente (pacotes de estímulo, flexibilização quantitativa, etc.) estão esgotadas e até mesmo produziram bolhas especulativas mais gigantescas do que aquelas que estouraram em 2007-2008, mergulhando a economia mundial em uma terceira grande depressão. Até mesmo o FMI adverte que a economia mundial está enfrentando, em 2019-...

Balkan Socialist Centre “Christian Rakovsky” and RedMed
May 22, 2019


1.    Europe is being transformed rapidly into a crucial battlefield of an international class warfare.

        The persistent, six months long, struggle of the Gillets Jaunes in France, the workers revolt in Hungary against the “slavery law” introduced by the far right nationalist Orban’s regime, the mass unrest and demonstrations in Serbia, Albania, Romania, and all over the Balkans, are the prelude to a new tide of social confrontations and political upheavals in the European Continent.

Balkan Socialist Centre “Christian Rakovsky” and RedMed
May 15, 2019

On Saturday May 4, 2019, in the Hall of the Union of Journalists (ESIEA) in Athens, Greece, the Balkan Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and the RedMed web network organized a one day Emergency Encounter on Europe, on the eve of the crucial European Elections of May 23-26, 2019.
The Encounter was opened by the Introductory Remarks presented by Comrade Naz (DIP, Turkey) about the character and need of the Encounter. Comrade Naz also presented a Report on the situation in Turkey after the humiliating defeat of Erdogan in the local government elections of March 2019.

May 8, 2019

This is English translation of the statement of the Revolutionary Workers Party (DIP), amply adapted for the international reader and slightly abbreviated, on the decision of the Supreme Electoral Board (YSK) of the country for a rerun of the elections for the Istanbul Mayor.

The repeal of the elections for the Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality by the Supreme Electoral Board (YSK in its Turkish acronym) upon the request of the AKP and the MHP [respectively the party of Erdoğan and the traditional fascist party of Turkey which has been an Erdoğan ally lately] is the latest and most striking instance of the chaining of the people’s will by the despotic regime of Erdoğan. The decision made by the YSK is a breach of electoral law, as well as of its own jurisprudence and even of the precedents that it set itself for the 31st March local elections.

Sungur Savran
May 5, 2019

In the small hours of 30th April, the US puppet named Juan Guaidó, the self-appointed “president” of Venezuela, broadcast a video from a military base that showed him surrounded by some elements of the military and declared that his bid for Miraflores was entering its final stage. Guaidó has thus taken a step to consummate the civilian coup he has attempted with a military coup. While pretending that the army, or at least a sizeable section of it, has now gone to his side, the pseudo-president also called the people out on the streets. On May Day, both sides, the partisans of Guaidó as well as the workers and labourers who support Nicolás Maduro, the rightful president of the country, thronged the streets of Caracas in a show of force in two different demonstrations.

May 4, 2019

Η διεθνής ημέρα πάλης των εργατών πραγματοποιείται σε ένα πλαίσιο μεγάλων λαϊκών εξεγέρσεων σ’ ολόκληρο τον πλανήτη. Η εξέγερση στην Αϊτή, η αναγέννηση της Αραβικής Άνοιξης με τις επαναστατικές εκρήξεις στο Σουδάν και την Αλγερία – οι οποίες από λαϊκές εξεγέρσεις μετατρέπονται σε επαναστάσεις που καταστρέφουν τα διεφθαρμένα και καταπιεστικά καθεστώτα του καπιταλισμού-, οι κινητοποιήσεις στην Ουγγαρία κατά της εργασιακής μεταρρύθμισης και το επίμονο κίνημα των κίτρινων γιλέκων στη Γαλλία, οι μεγάλες απεργίες στην Κίνα, την Ινδία και το Μπαγκλαντές ή το εκρηκτικό κίνημα των γυναικών από την Αργεντινή έως το Μεξικό, από την Πολωνία έως την Ιρλανδία, έχουν ως κοινό παρονομαστή μια απάντηση των μαζών στην καπιταλιστική χρεοκοπία και τις συνθήκες βαρβαρότητας που αυτή συνεπάγεται. Η καπιταλιστική κρίση υπονομεύει την τρέχουσα τάξη και προκαλεί πολιτικές κρίσεις και κρίσεις του καθεστώτος ως όλο. H φετινή Πρωτομαγιά βρίσκει τον κόσμο στα πρόθυρα μιας νέας οικονομικής ύφεσης. Ο καπιταλισμός δεν μπόρεσε να βγει από το ρήγμα του 2007 και οι οικονομικές κρίσεις επαναλαμβάνονται, η διακοπή της παραγωγής, απολύσεις, το κλείσιμο επιχειρήσεων, και πτωχεύσεις ολόκληρων κρατών.

May 4, 2019

The international day of struggle of the workers will take place in a context of great popular rebellions throughout the planet. The uprising in Haiti, the rebirth of the Arab Spring with the revolutionary outbursts in Sudan and Algeria –which from popular revolts are turning into revolutions that throw down its capitalist regimes corrupted and repressive-, the mobilizations in Hungary against the labor reform and the persistent movement of the Yellow Vests in France, the great strikes in China, India and Bangladesh or the explosive movement of women from Argentina to Mexico, from Poland to Ireland, have as a common denominator a response from the masses to the capitalist bankruptcy and the barbarism conditions it implies. The capitalist crisis undermines the current order and gives place to political crises and of the regime as a whole.

April 30, 2019

El día internacional de lucha de los trabajadores tendrá lugar en un contexto de grandes rebeliones populares a lo largo y ancho del planeta. La sublevación en Haití, el renacer de la Primavera Árabe con los estallidos revolucionarios en Sudán y en Argelia -que de revueltas populares están deviniendo en revoluciones que tiran abajo a sus regímenes capitalistas corrompidos y represores-, las movilizaciones en Hungría contra la reforma laboral y el persistente movimiento de los Chalecos Amarillos en Francia, las grandes huelgas en China, la India y Bangladesh o el explosivo movimiento de mujeres desde Argentina hasta México, desde Polonia hasta Irlanda, tienen como común denominador una respuesta de las masas a la bancarrota capitalista y a las condiciones de barbarie que ella implica. La crisis capitalista socava el orden vigente y da lugar a crisis políticas y del régimen en su conjunto.

April 30, 2019

Aşağıdaki 1 Mayıs bildirisi Devrimci İşçi Partisi ile uluslararası kardeş partilerinin birlikte imzaladıkları bir bildiridir. Metin, Avrupa’dan üç ülkeden (Yunanistan, Fransa, Finlandiya), Latin Amerik’dan ise iki ülkeden (Arjantin ve Uruguay) örgütler tarafından imzalanmıştır. Örgütlerin imzaları bildirinin altında yer alıyor.

Balkan Socialist Centre “Christian Rakovsky” and RedMed
April 27, 2019

The upcoming European elections on the 23rd-26th of May 2019 are going to open a new stage in the ongoing crisis and dissolution process of the European Union. The new European Parliament and consequently EU institutions will be more fragmented than ever before.

The two traditional bourgeois political party blocs alternating in government power for decades, the Center Left social-democrats and the Center Right / Right wing, are facing a dramatic collapse of their influence because of the draconian neo-liberal “austerity” measures that they imposed on the popular masses, particularly during the last decade of crisis. They are now following the path of PASOK in Greece that led to its near liquidation.

Sungur Savran
April 24, 2019

Omar al Bashir, il dittatore del Sudan per 30 anni, autore del massacro di centinaia di migliaia di civili nelle guerre del Darfour e del Sud Sudan, nemico della classe operaia e dei poveri del Sudan, alleato dei Fratelli Musulmani (Ihwan), partner di Recep Tayyip Erdoğan e dell'AKP di Turchia, è stato estromesso grazie alla potenza e alla resilienza dimostrata dal movimento popolare che anima la lotta rivoluzionaria, che dura da quattro mesi e mezzo. Benedetti i popoli del Medio Oriente e dell'Africa! Abbiamo un debito di gratitudine verso il popolo sudanese per aver dimostrato ancora una volta che i despoti non sono più forti di un popolo in azione. Il nostro cuore batte per il successo della rivoluzione sudanese.

April 14, 2019

Αμφισβητώντας το αποτέλεσμα της εκλογικής ήττας του ο Ερντογάν ζήτησε επανακαταμέτρηση των ψήφων στην Κωνσταντινούπολη όπου ο υποψήφιος της αντιπολίτευσης Εκρέμ Ιμάμογλου κερδίζει το δήμο της εμβληματικής πόλης για μερικές χιλιάδες ψήφους. Σε κάθε περίπτωση το προφίλ του «Σουλτάνου» Ερντογάν έχει πληγεί ανεπανόρθωτα.

Mε ανακοίνωσή του για τις τοπικές εκλογές στην Τουρκία της 31ης Μάρτη, το DIP(Επαναστατικό Εργατικό Κόμμα), αμέσως μετά την έκδοση των αποτελεσμάτων αναφέρει

April 14, 2019

El gobierno del AKP de Erdogan ha sufrido una humillante derrota en las elecciones locales en Turquía. La clase obrera ha castigado al gobierno de Erdogan por la profunda crisis económica, en forma de estanflación, que se ha desarrollado en el país en los últimos seis meses y que promete causar aún más daño a la población trabajadora en un futuro cercano.

Sungur Savran
April 12, 2019

Omar al Bashir, the 30-year long dictator of Sudan, the perpetrator of the massacre of hundreds of thousands of civilians in the Darfour and South Sudan wars, the enemy of the working class and the poor of Sudan, the ally of the Muslim Brothers (the Ihwan), the collaborator of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the AKP of Turkey, has been ousted as a result of the power and resilience displayed by the popular movement, the revolutionary struggle that has lasted for four and a half months. Blessings to the peoples of the Middle East and Africa! We owe a debt of gratitude to the people of Sudan for having demonstrated once again that despots are not stronger than a people in action. Our hearts beat for the success of the Sudanese revolution.

April 2, 2019

Riportiamo di seguito una brevissima sintesi della dichiarazione del DIP (Partito Operaio Rivoluzionario) sulle elezioni locali tenutesi in Turchia il 31 marzo 2019.

April 2, 2019

We provide below a very brief summary of the statement put out by DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party) on the local elections held in Turkey on 31 March 2019.

Erdoğan’s AKP government in Turkey has suffered a humiliating defeat at the local elections in Turkey. The working class has punished Erdoğan’s government for the deep economic crisis in the form of a stagflation that has gripped the country for the last six months and promises to cause even further damage for the labouring population for the foreseeable future.

The AKP lost the three biggest cities of Turkey, Istanbul, the capital city of Ankara, and Izmir, to the opposition. This is a defeat of historic proportions. Istanbul and Ankara had been in the hands of the AKP for the last quarter of a century! Moreover, the candidate that the AKP put up for the position of metropolitan mayor of Istanbul was an extraordinarily strong personality of the AKP, Binali Yıldırım, who earlier had served successively as Minister of Transport, Prime Minister and Speaker of Parliament.

March 31, 2019

Friends of Palestine against Imperialism and Zionism marched to the consulate of Israel in Istanbul, Turkey on 30th of March, the day which Palestinians have been celebrating as Land Day since 1976. Land Day has been one of the symbols of the resistance against Zionist occupation. Friends of Palestine raised the banner of anti-Zionism and anti-imperialism on this historic day, by marching against the common enemies of the peoples of Middle East. Meeting at 15.30 in front of the Zionist consulate in Istanbul, Friends of Palestine read a public statement.

March 31, 2019

Declaracion conjunta de LPS (Brasil), PT (Urugsuay) y PO (Argentina) sobre reforma previsional.
Movilizaciones y paros contra las reformas previsionales antiobreras
¡Que la crisis la paguen los capitalistas!
Por la unidad de la clase obrera y los explotados de Latinoamérica. Por la unidad socialista de América Latina.

Sungur Savran
March 22, 2019

La posta in gioco in Algeria è sempre più alta. Il movimento di massa sta guadagnando un livello di fiducia tale che è diventato molto difficile per qualsiasi tipo di regime allontanarne le persone. L’8 marzo, in concomitanza con la Giornata internazionale della donna lavoratrice, il terzo round delle manifestazioni contro il regime di Abdelaziz Bouteflika (il moribondo presidente della Repubblica d’Algeria che cercava di candidarsi per la quinta volta nelle prossime elezioni) è riuscito in una spettacolare dimostrazione di forza: la maggior parte delle fonti parla di centinaia di migliaia di persone nella sola capitale di Algeri e di milioni di manifestanti in tutto il paese. Un quotidiano algerino (Le Matin d’Algérie) afferma, sulla base presumibilmente di rivelazioni da parte delle forze di sicurezza, che il numero di persone che hanno manifestato in tutto il paese ha raggiunto la cifra gigantesca di 15 milioni.

March 20, 2019

Il Venezuela è riuscito a fermare l'attacco paramilitare effettuato principalmente attraverso il confine con la Colombia, così come al confine con il Brasile, comandato dal Dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti, dai suoi assistenti, i presidenti latinoamericani lacchè e il loro burattino Guaidó.

La prima cosa da sottolineare è che il colpo di Stato è ancora in corso; la provocazione del tentativo del 23F [febbraio, n.d.t.] per ora è fallita, ma è ancora una priorità sconfiggere il colpo di Stato e continuare ad affrontare ogni possibilità di invasione militare.

Il ritiro momentaneo del piano guidato dal “gruppo di Lima” era dovuto alla sua mancanza di sostegno, nessun settore del Paese si è ribellato come ci si aspettava, ci sono state dimostrazioni di opposizione al disgustoso intervento gringo, mobilitazioni e manifestazioni di ripudio quasi in tutto il mondo contro l'invasione; l'altro punto cruciale, su cui avevano sbagliato i calcoli, è stato la coesione dell'esercito venezuelano che ha continuato ad essere il garante del governo di Maduro.


È necessario sconfiggere il colpo di Stato

March 16, 2019

Çürüyen kapitalist sistemin dünyayı içine sürüklediği barbarlık vahşi bir katliamla Yeni Zelanda’da baş gösterdi. Şimdiden 49 kişinin hayatını yitirdiği ve çok sayıda yaralının olduğu bu katliamı en güçlü duygularla kınıyoruz. Katliamlar yaratan çürümüş düzenin tepesindeki emperyalist liderlerin döktükleri timsah gözyaşlarının aksine duyduğumuz acı, faşizme ve ırkçılığa karşı öfkemizi bilediği kadar halkların kardeşliği için mücadele kararlılığımızı da güçlendirmektedir.

March 16, 2019

Çürüyən kapitalist sistemin dünyanı sürüklədiyi barbarlıq vəhşi bir qətliamla Yeni Zelandiyada baş göstərdi. İndidən 49 şəxsin həyatını itirdiyi və çox sayda yaralının olduğu bu qətliamı ən dərin hisslərlə qınayırıq. Qətliamlar yaradan çürümüş quruluşun təpəsindəki imperialist liderlərin tökdükləri saxta göz yaşlarının əksinə olaraq çəkdiyimiz iztirab faşizmə və irqçiliyə qarşı qəzəbimizi kəskinləşdirdiyi qədər xalqların qardaşlığı uğrunda mübarizə aparmaq qətiyyətimizi də gücləndirir.

March 16, 2019

The barbarism which the capitalist system in decay has dragged the world in has risen in New Zealand with a brutal massacre. We condemn the massacre in which 49 people have already lost their lives and many were injured with our strongest emotions. In contrast to the crocodile tears shed by the imperialist leaders sitting on top of the rotten system which creates massacres, the pain we feel cements our resolve in struggling for the fraternity of peoples as much as it fuels our anger towards fascism and racism.

Sungur Savran
March 14, 2019

Las apuestas están aumentando en Argelia. El movimiento de masas está ganando un nivel de confianza del cual es muy difícil para cualquier tipo de régimen alejar al pueblo. El 8 de marzo, coincidiendo con el Día Internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora, la tercera ronda de manifestaciones contra el régimen representado por Abdelaziz Bouteflika, el moribundo presidente de la República de Argelia que intentaba presentarse por quinta vez en las próximas elecciones, logró aguantar una espectacular demostración de fuerza: la mayoría de las fuentes hablan de cientos de miles solo en la ciudad capital de Argel y de millones de personas en todo el país. Un periódico argelino (Le Matin d’Algérie) afirma, sobre la base, supuestamente, de las revelaciones de las fuerzas de seguridad, que el número de personas que se manifestaron en todo el país en general alcanzó la cifra gigantesca de 15 millones.

Sungur Savran
March 11, 2019

The stakes are rising in Algeria. The mass movement is gaining a level of confidence from which it is very difficult for any kind of regime to turn people back from. On 8th March, coinciding with the International Working Women’s Day, the third round of the demonstrations against the regime represented by Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the moribund president of the republic of Algeria trying to run for a fifth time in the upcoming elections, succeeded to put up a spectacular show of force: most sources talk about hundreds of thousands in the capital city of Algiers alone and millions around the country. One Algerian newspaper (Le Matin d’Algérie) affirms, on the basis, allegedly, of revelations from security forces, that the number of people who demonstrated across the country at large reached the gigantic figure of 15 million.

Although this may sound an exaggeration, whatever the exact figures, it is an undeniable fact that we are face to face with the most widespread mass mobilisation since the time of the Algerian war of liberation and revolution between 1954 and 1962. That revolution was of course one of the most heroic and far-going instances of the worldwide anti-colonial...

March 8, 2019

“Dördüncü İnternasionalın Yenidən Qurulması üzrə Koordinasiya Komitəsi”nin proqramını özü üçün əsas götürən inqilabçı partiya və təşkilatlar olaraq 2019-cu il 8 mart Beynəlxalq Zəhmətkeş Qadınlar Günündə hər cür təzyiqə məruz qalan, istismar edilən, müqavimət göstərən və üsyan qaldıran, bütün dünyada qlobal kapitalizmin doğurduğu kişi hökmranlığına və barbarlığa qarşı mübarizə aparan bütün qadınları salamlayırıq! Qadınlar azad olmadan ümumbəşəri azadlıq, dünya sosializmi olmaz!

March 8, 2019

Dördüncü Enternasyonal'in Yeniden Kuruluş Koordinasyonu’nun (DEYK) programını kabul eden devrimci parti ve örgütler olarak, 8 Mart 2019'da, Uluslararası Emekçi Kadınlar Günü'nde, farklı baskılar altında yaşayan, sömürülen, direnen, isyan eden ve tüm dünyada küresel kapitalizm tarafından yaratılan erkek egemenliğine ve barbarlığa karşı mücadele eden tüm kadınları selamlıyoruz. Kadınlar özgürleşmeden insanlığın evrensel olarak özgürleşmesi, dünya sosyalizmi olmaz!

March 7, 2019

¡Nosotros, los partidos revolucionarios y organizaciones basadas en el programa de la Coordinadora por la Refundación de la Cuarta Internacional (CRCI), en este 8 de Marzo de 2019, Día Internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora, saludamos a todas las miles de oprimidas, explotadas, resistentes y rebeldes mujeres que por todo el mundo luchan contra la dominación patriarcal y el barbarismo generado por el capitalismo global!¡Sin la emancipación de las mujeres no hay emancipación humana internacional ni Socialismo mundial!

March 7, 2019

We, the revolutionary parties and organizations based on the program of the Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International (CRFI), in this International Working Women’s Day on March 8, 2019, salute all the multiply oppressed, exploited, resisting and rebelling women all over the world fighting against male domination and barbarism generated by global capitalism! Without women emancipation there is no universal human emancipation, world Socialism!

March 7, 2019

Venezuela logró detener la arremetida paramilitar realizada principalmente a través de la frontera con Colombia, así como en la frontera con Brasil, comandada por el Departamento de Estado de los EEUU, sus ayudantes los presidentes lacayos latinoamericanos y su títere Guaidó.

Lo primero a destacar es que el golpe de Estado sigue en proceso, fracasó la provocación del intento del 23F, por ahora, pero sigue en pie como prioridad derrotar al golpe y continuar enfrentando toda posibilidad de invasión militar.

El recule momentáneo del plan dirigido por el grupo de Lima se debió a su falta de apoyo, no se sublevó ningún sector del país como ellos esperaban, hubo concentraciones de oposición a la asquerosa intervención gringa, se dieron movilizaciones y demostraciones de repudio en casi todo el mundo contra la invasión, el otro punto crucial fue la cohesión del ejército venezolano que continuó siendo garante del gobierno de Maduro, calcularon mal.

Es necesario derrotar al golpe de Estado

March 6, 2019

Ассоциация марксистских объединений (сокращенно: АМО) была создана в 2005 г. по инициативе Первого секретаря ЦК РКП-КПСС Алексея Алексеевича Пригарина. Инициатива была тотчас поддержана Российской партией коммунистов (РПК) и рядом общественных и политических активистов, придерживавшихся марксистских взглядов, являвшихся членами РКП-КПСС и РПК, а также входивших и не входивших в другие левые политические партии и объединения. Замысел создания АМО заключался в объединении тех идейных и политических оппонентов режимов, возникших в России и других государствах, бывших республиках СССР, в бывших социалистических странах Центральной и Восточной Европы после контрреволюционных переворотов 1989-1991 гг., которые не отказались от своих убеждений, не опустили рук и не прекратили борьбы за воссоздание действительно обновленного, современного социализма. При этом они исходили из того, что возрождение подлинного социализма и восстановление СССР невозможно без развития подлинного марксизма и превращения его в действительно революционное руководство к действию.

March 6, 2019

Association of Marxist Communities (abbreviation in Russian: AMO) was established in 2005 at the initiative of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party - the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (abbreviation: RCP-CPSU) Alexey Alekseyevich Prigarin. The initiative was immediately supported by the Russian Communist Party (abbreviation: RCP) and a number of the public and political activists adhering to Marxist views, being members of the RCP-CPSU and RCP and also of some other left-wing political parties and associations as well as not being members of any organization. The idea of establishment of AMO consisted in the integration of certain ideological and political opponents of the regimes that arose in Russia and other states, either former republics of the USSR or members of the former communist block of Central and Eastern Europe after the counter-revolutionary coups of 1989-1991. These were people who did not renege on their beliefs, did not lay down arms and did not stop the fight for the reconstruction of a really updated, modern socialism. At the same time they recognized that the revival of original socialism and the restoration of the...

March 5, 2019

В заполненном до отказа театре Бейоглу Сес в Стамбуле 10 февраля 2019 состоялась прошедшая в атмосфере энтузиазма конференция под названием «Столетие Коммунистического Интернационала: от Коминтерна к Всемирной партии Будущего», организованная вебсетью RedMedи Балканским социалистическим центром «Христиан Раковский» совместно с DIP(Революционной рабочей партией Турции). Конференция собрала вместе социалистов из Аргентины, Греции, России, Франции, Болгарии, Сербии, Азербайджана, Македонии, Финляндии, Ирана и, разумеется, Турции. Перед самым открытием конференции её посетили рабочие компаний HTSolarи Cargill.

March 5, 2019

The conference titled “Centenary of the Communist International: From the Comintern to the World Party of the Future”, organized by the web network RedMed and the Christian Rakovsky Balkan Socialist Center and hosted by DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party),was held with a crowd filling Beyoglu Ses theater in an enthusiastic atmosphere. The conference brought together socialists from Argentina, Greece, Russia, France, Bulgaria, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Macedonia, Finland, Iran, and of course Turkey. HT Solar and Cargill workers left their marks at the very beginning of the conference.

March 5, 2019

The conference titled “Centenary of the Communist International: From the Comintern to the World Party of the Future”, organized by the web network RedMed and the Christian Rakovsky Balkan Socialist Center and hosted by DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party),was held with a crowd filling Beyoglu Ses theater in an enthusiastic atmosphere. The conference brought together socialists from Argentina, Greece, Russia, France, Bulgaria, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Macedonia, Finland, Iran, and of course Turkey. HT Solar and Cargill workers left their marks at the very beginning of the conference.

Sungur Savran
March 4, 2019

On 1st March, some hundreds of people started to march immediately after leaving the mosque in the wake of the Friday prayer, chanting against the candidacy of the incumbent president of the republic Aziz Bouteflika for a fifth time after 20 years in power, and in the wink of an eye were joined by thousands and later tens of thousands. The marches and protests continued on Saturday and Sunday, swelling to hundreds of thousands of demonstrators, according to the reports on international bourgeois mainstream media. Sunday even saw a demonstration late into the night. Considering that it is forbidden to demonstrate in the capital Algiers at all times (elsewhere, apparently, it is only permitted on Wednesdays) and that no night time rallies have been held in that city for at least two decades, the size of the movement is phenomenal.

Sungur Savran
February 25, 2019

The popular insurgency in Sudan has now completed a full two months. The people of Sudan have been demonstrating on the streets of the country since 19 December 2018 to demand from the despot Omar al Bashir “tasqut bas” (“Just fall” or “Fall, that is all” as sometimes translated). More importantly, the demonstrations have turned from a popular rebellion that protested economic catastrophe and political brutality into a full-blown revolution that threatens the very foundations of the despotic Islamist dictatorship of al Bashir, who came to power three decades ago, in 1989. Not only has there been a gradual gathering of forces on the part of the movement that is fighting to bring down al Bashir, but growing fissures in the ruling bloc are showing that the regime is trying to preserve itself through dire measures that may even sacrifice the dictator al Bashir himself in order safeguard the interests of the socio-economic bloc that has been benefiting from the regime.

February 22, 2019

Tüm dünyadaki işçi sınıfı partilerini ve hareketlerini, sosyalistleri ve anti-emperyalistleri, Venezuela'daki emperyalist darbe girişimine karşı birleşmeye, Venezuela halkıyla dayanışma örgütlemeye ve Venezuela’nın işçilerinin krize karşı sınıf tabanlı bir çözüme ulaşmalarında yardımcı olmak için uluslararası düzeyde mücadele vermeye çağırıyoruz. Emperyalizmin yenilgisi, kitlelerin emperyalist komploya karşı seferber edilmesinin yanı sıra ülkelerimizdeki emperyalistlere ve onların işbirlikçilerine mümkün olduğunca fazla darbe indirmekten ve Latin Amerika’nın sosyalist birliğinden geçiyor.
