World Revolution / Revolución Mundial
For the refoundation of the Fourth International / Por la refundación de la Cuarta Internacional
Born of the decision at the International Conference called by the Partido Obrero of Argentina, the Partido de los Trabajadores of Uruguay, the EEK of Greece, and the DIP of Turkey in Buenos Aires in April 2018, the ambition and aim of our international theoretical-political organ World Revolution is to become an international reference point of militant Marxism for principled debate, political clarification, programmatic demarcation, theoretical re-arming with revolutionary materialist-historical dialectics as a guide of action, regrouping and unification of the revolutionary vanguard fighters now dispersed internationally in fragmentary struggles.
Our battle cry is: for the Permanent Revolution and communism, build the International of world socialist revolution!
Il brutale omicidio di Jamal Khashoggi nel Consolato dell’Arabia Saudita ad Istanbul, avvenuto con modalità che susciterebbero l’invidia di un regista di film horror, rappresenta un di per sé un campanello d’allarme. Questo omicidio mostra la natura reazionaria del sistema statale saudita, insieme ai suoi stretti alleati nel Golfo come il Kuwait, gli Emirati Arabi Uniti, il Bahrein, l’Oman e, nonostante le sue ovvie contraddizioni attuali con l’Arabia Saudita, il Qatar.
The brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the Istanbul Consulate of Saudi Arabia in a way that would arouse the envy of the most professional horror movie director is, on its own, nothing but a wake-up call. This murder shows the reactionary nature of the state system constituted by the Saudi state, along with its close allies in the Gulf such as Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, and, despite its obvious current contradictions with Saudi Arabia, Qatar.
From the Great French Revolution to the 1880s, that is for a full century, until the Russian revolutionary movement began to stand on its feet, Marx and Engels continuously emphasized that Russia was the was the primary source of reaction in Europe. What Russia was to 19th century Europe, Saudi Arabia is to the Arab world in the 21st century.
Finalmente è stato ammesso che il giornalista saudita Jamal Khashoggi è stato ucciso nel consolato dell’Arabia Saudita a Istanbul, dove era stato visto per l’ultima volta. L’annuncio è stato fatto dall’agenzia di stampa Saudi Press Agency su quanto dichiarato da funzionari sauditi. Con questa confessione l’Arabia Saudita cerca di addossare la colpa di questo omicidio ad alcuni agenti dell’intelligence. Sono stati fatti i nomi di 18 sospettati. Non c’è dubbio che il principe ereditario Mohammad bin Salman, che controlla l’intero apparato militare e di intelligence e che elimina i suoi avversari utilizzando ogni mezzo possibile, sia il mandante di questo crimine. E ora hanno trovato il modo di coprirlo: “King Salman ha ordinato la ristrutturazione dell’agenzia di intelligence”. E chi sarà a capo del comitato responsabile di questa ristrutturazione? Il principe ereditario Mohammad bin Salman in persona!
It has finally been admitted that Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed in the Istanbul consulate of Saudi Arabia, where he was last seen entering. The announcement was made by the Saudi Press Agency, based on the declaration of Saudi officials. This confession of Saudi Arabia seeks to put the blame of this murder on some intelligence agents. 18 Saudi suspects are mentioned. There is no doubt that Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, who controls the whole military and intelligence apparatus and who eliminates his opponents by any means possible, is the instigator of this crime. And now they have found the way to cover up for him: “King Salman has ordered the restructuring of the intelligence agency.” And who will lead the committee in charge of this restructuring? Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman himself!
Il 30 settembre, il popolo di un piccolo pacifico paese dei Balcani ha mostrato la sua resistenza contro la politica ricattatrice delle più grandi potenze imperialiste e il loro intervento per piegarlo ai propri interessi: l'ingresso della Repubblica di Macedonia nella alleanza NATO. In questo giorno, macedoni, albanesi, turchi, valacchi, serbi, Rom, bosniaci e membri di tutte le altre etnie della repubblica - in solidarietà attraverso un massiccio e organizzato boicottaggio del referendum illegale - hanno dimostrato unità nella resistenza all'imperialismo e alle élite corrotte che conducevano queste politiche.
Nonostante i forti sforzi di politici di tutto il mondo, come il cancelliere tedesco Angela Merkel, il segretario alla Difesa degli Stati Uniti James Mattis, e il primo ministro austriaco Sebastian Kurz, che ha visitato il nostro paese il mese scorso, e la costosa e manipolativa campagna governativa per la presunta prosperità che il nostro paese avrebbe avuto nella alleanza NATO, non è stata spezzata la resistenza del popolo contro i politici corrotti del paese e di tutto il mondo.
On the 30th of September, the people of one small peaceful country from
the Balkan showed their resistance against the blackmailing politics of
the biggest imperialist powers and their intervention to force their
Combattere l'imperialismo e la guerra con la rivoluzione socialista internazionale!
Avanti verso l'Internazionale rivoluzionaria!
1. La dottrina di Trump "Make America Great Again" è una dichiarazione di guerra contro l'Unione Europea, la Russia, la Cina, l'Iran e il resto del mondo, compresa, infine, l'America stessa.
Questo è diventato cristallino, anche tra i più scettici, con l'ultimo viaggio del Presidente degli Stati Uniti in Europa l'11-16 luglio 2018, che è stato giustamente descritto come "cinque giorni di carneficina diplomatica".
La 56a Assemblea internazionale contro la guerra, organizzata dalla Federazione giapponese delle associazioni studentesche autonome (Zengakuren) e dalla Lega comunista rivoluzionaria giapponese (JRCL), si è tenuta a Tokyo e in altre sei città giapponesi il 5 agosto 2018, appena un giorno prima dell'anniversario del brutale attacco nucleare dell'imperialismo americano a Hiroshima. Anche se i messaggi di solidarietà delle organizzazioni riflettono approcci diversi alla questione della guerra e dell'imperialismo, l'evento stesso è stato un incontro importante per la discussione sulla possibilità di una nuova guerra mondiale e sulle sue conseguenze. Due membri del Christian Rakovsky Center, DİP (Turchia) e EEK (Grecia) hanno inviato messaggi di solidarietà all'evento. Entrambi possono essere letti qui sotto.
Messaggio del Partito rivoluzionario dei lavoratori (EEK)
Cari compagni,
The 56th International Antiwar Assembly, organised by the All-Japan Federation of Students’ Self-Governing Associations (the Zengakuren) and the Japan Revolutionary Communist League (JRCL), was held in Tokyo as well as six other Japanese cities on the 5th of August 2018, just one day before the anniversary of the brutal nuclear attack of US imperialism to Hiroshima. Even though the solidarity messages of the organizations reflect different approaches to the issue of war and imperialism, the event itself was an important meeting for the discussion of the possibility of a new world war and its consequences. Two members of the Christian Rakovsky Center, DİP (Turkey) and EEK (Greece) sent solidarity messages to the event. Both can be read below.
Message of the Workers Revolutionary Party (EEK)
Dear Comrades,
Il 15 settembre partiti socialisti e organizzazioni rivoluzionarie da tutti i Balcani si sono riuniti a Dojran, Macedonia. All’evento ospitato da Levica hanno partecipato EEK, NAR, OKDE, SEK, DEA dalla Grecia, DİP e EMEP dalla Turchia e Marks21 dalla Serbia. Pubblichiamo la dichiarazione di solidarietà con il popolo di Macedonia e Levica che è stata firmata durante l’evento
15 Eylül Cumartesi günü Makedonya’nın Doyran şehrinde Balkanların farklı ülkelerinden sosyalist partiler, devrimci örgütler bir araya geldi. Levitsa’nın ev sahipliğinde yapılan toplantıya Yunanistan’dan DİP’in kardeş partisi EEK’in yanı sıra NAR, OKDE, SEK, DEA, Türkiye’den DİP ve EMEP, Sırbistan’dan Marks21 katıldı. Toplantıda Levitsa ve Makedonya halkıyla dayanışma amacıyla imzalanan bildiriyi yayınlıyoruz:
18 Haziran'da, Makedonya ve Yunanistan hükümetleri iki ülke arasındaki ilişkileri 25 yılı aşkın süredir etkileyen isim tartışmasına çözüm olarak sundukları bir antlaşmayı imzaladılar. Bu antlaşmanın, iki taraf için de ulusal sorunu çözmek ve iki etnisite arasındaki dostluğu geliştirmek yönünde gerçek bir niyetin sonucu olmadığı, Batı emperyalizminin kurumlarınca, özellikle de NATO ve AB tarafından dayatılmış bir hamle olduğu şüphe götürmez. Bunun başlıca kanıtı, Makedonya hükümetinin isim meselesinin çözümünü Makedonya'nın AB'ye (ve NATO'ya) girişiyle ilişkilendirdiği bir referandum düzenlemeye karar vermesidir.
On 15th of September socialist parties and revolutionary organizations from around the Balkans gathered in Dojran, Macedonia. EEK, NAR, OKDE, SEK, DEA from Greece, DİP and EMEP from Turkey and Marks21 from Serbia participated in the event hosted by Levica. We publish the statement of solidarity with the people of Macedonia and Levica that was signed during the event:
Η 4η Ευρω-Μεσογειακή Συνδιάσκεψη τον Μάη του 2017 έδωσε έμφαση στις συνέπειες του πρώτου ταξιδιού του Τραμπ έξω από τις ΗΠΑ στην Σαουδική Αραβία και το Ισραήλ: τον σχηματισμό ενός φιλο-ιμπεριαλιστικού πολεμικού άξονα από το Ισραήλ, την Σαουδική Αραβία, τα Ενωμένα Αραβικά Εμιράτα, την Αίγυπτο και το Σουδάν, ενάντια στο Ιράν και τους συμμάχους του στην περιοχή, πρώτα από όλα την Χεζμπολάχ στον Λίβανο και το Συριακό καθεστώς του Μπασάρ Άλ Άσσαντ.
Αναπόφευκτα ο πρώτος στόχος και θύμα μιας τέτοιας ανίερης συμμαχίας είναι ο Παλαιστινιακός λαός, τα δικαιώματά του στον εθνικό αυτοπροσδιορισμό, περιλαμβανομένου του δικαιώματος στην Επιστροφή όλων των Παλαιστίνιων προσφύγων.
Support the struggle of the Palestinian people against imperialism and Zionism for a free Palestine!
The 4th Euro-Mediterranean Conference in May 2017 had emphasized the implications of the first trip of Trump outside the US in Saudi Arabia and Israel: the formation of a pro-imperialist war axis of Israel, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Sudan aimed against Iran and its allies in the region, first of all Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Syrian regime of Bashar al Assad.
Inescapably the first target and victim of such unholy alliance is the Palestinian people, their rights of national self-determination, including the right to Return of all Palestinian refugees.
On May 14, the United States opened its new embassy in Al Quds/Jerusalem. Thereby the US imperialism made definitive its recognition of Al Quds/Jerusalem as the capital city of the occupier state. The Palestinian people’s unarmed Great March of Return in Gaza was attacked by the Zionist forces, who killed dozens of civilians, injuring and arresting thousands, thus leading one of the most violent attacks against the Palestinians since the 2014 Gaza War. At the same time thousands of Palestinian political prisoners are in the Zionists’ prisons, without trial, for years.
Σταματήστε το δολοφονικό πόλεμο
[Την Πέμπτη 9 Aυγούστου, στη Βόρεια Υεμένη, που είναι κάτω από τον έλεγχο των Χούτι, η Σαουδαραβική συμμαχία βομβάρδισε ένα λεωφορείο κοντά ή μέσα σε μια αγορά, σκοτώνοντας δεκάδες πολιτών. Ανάμεσα σε αυτούς που δολοφονήθηκαν ήταν τουλάχιστον29 παιδιά που πήγαιναν σε μια καλοκαιρινή κατασκήνωση.
Emperyalizm ve savaşa karşı uluslararası sosyalist devrim yoluyla mücadele!
Devrimci enternasyonal için ileri!
قصف الائتلاف الذي تقوده السعودية أمس، الخميس، شمالي ...
1. Το Δόγμα Τραμπ «Να Κάνουμε την Αμερική Μεγάλη Πάλι» ισοδυναμεί με κήρυξη πολέμου εναντίον της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, της Ρωσίας, της Κίνας, του Ιράν και του υπόλοιπου κόσμου, συμπεριλαμβανομένης εν τέλει και της ίδιας της Αμερικής.
Το γεγονός αυτό έχει γίνει απολύτως ξεκάθαρο ακόμα και στους πιο σκεπτικιστές, μετά το τελευταίο ταξίδι του Αμερικάνου Προέδρου στην Ευρώπη, στις 11 -16 Ιουλίου 2018, που εύστοχα χαρακτηρίσθηκε ως «πέντε μέρες διπλωματικού μακελειού».
Yesterday, in Northern Yemen, which is entirely under Houthi control, the Saudi-led coalition bombed a bus near or inside a market place, killing dozens or even scores of civilians. Among those killed were at least 29 children on their way to a summer camp. The Saudis were adamant in the legitimacy of this “operation”, claiming that it was in retaliation to a Houthi missile sent to southern Saudi Arabia, killing one person. These allies of the “international community”, i.e. of imperialism are brazenly defending a massacre by recourse to the concept of retaliation! What on earth does the killing of children eight or nine years old have to do with military retaliation? These people do not even have the minimal decency to admit to wrongdoing of the most obvious kind. Normal when one remembers that it the past they have systematically bombed schools, hospitals, weddings and even the dead, during funerals.
Iran is fast becoming the centre of a storm in the Middle East and Western Asia in general. The United States under Donald Trump started to implement new sanctions on the country on 6 August. On the other hand, demonstrations are roaming the country and have reached the capital city, Tehran. We are publishing below the transcription of the speech made by the Iranian delegate at the Emergency Euro-Mediterranean Encounter, held in Erethria, Greece on 23-25 July 2018.
Struggles on the right to abortion on demand are being waged around the world, from Poland to Ireland, from Argentina to in all probability very soon the United States. The draft law being debated in the Congress in Argentina is, at this point, the greatest test for the women’s movement and others fighting for women’s emancipation. The draft law passed its first reading in the lower chamber of Congress earlier. It will now be voted in the Senate tomorrow, the 8th August 2018.
The Emergency Euro-Mediterranean Encounter that convened in Erethria, Greece on 23-25 July 2018 passed, unanimously, a resolution that defends abortion as a right for the women of the entire world. In support of our Argentine sisters, we publish this Declaration on the eve of the voting in the Senate, in Spanish and in English.
El enorme desarrollo que ha adquirido el movimiento de la mujer, bajo expresiones cada vez más radicalizadas –la acción directa, la huelga, etc.- es indisociable de la tendencia general a la rebelión popular que recorre el mundo, acicateada por la crisis mundial.
Struggles on the right to abortion on demand are being waged around the world, from Poland to Ireland, from Argentina to in all probability very soon the United States. The draft law being debated in the Congress in Argentina is, at this point, the greatest test for the women’s movement and others fighting for women’s emancipation. The draft law passed its first reading in the lower chamber of Congress earlier. It will now be voted in the Senate tomorrow, the 8th August 2018.
The Emergency Euro-Mediterranean Encounter that convened in Erethria, Greece on 23-25 July 2018 passed, unanimously, a resolution that defends abortion as a right for the women of the entire world. In support of our Argentine sisters, we publish this Declaration on the eve of the voting in the Senate.
The huge development the women's movement has acquired, under increasingly radicalized expressions - direct action, strike, etc. - is inseparable from the general tendency to popular rebellion that is running the world, spurred by the world crisis.
The United States began its sanctions on Turkey referring to the situation of Pastor Brunson, who was decided by court to be removed from jail but kept under house arrest as the case proceeds. The US Department of Treasury has announced that sanctions will be imposed on the Turkish Minister of the Interior, Süleyman Soylu, and the Turkish Minister of Justice, Abdulhamit Gül, in direct relation to Brunson's case. The two ministers’ assets in the United States were frozen and American citizens were banned from doing business with them.
The agreement between the leaders of the Republic of Macedonia and of Greece, Zaev and Tsipras, received the support of 41 intellectuals from around the world as well as from Greece and Macedonia, who published a petition they signed in the British newspaper The Guardian on 20 July 2018. This petition, which is supposed to be written from a left-wing point of view condones the role imperialism has played in all this. A petition that was written as a rebuttal of the first also sidesteps the issue of imperialism and the role it plays in the Balkans. This second petition was also signed by an international set of intellectuals, including certain from Macedonia and Greece. At the time of publishing this, we are not aware whether it has been published yet.
We are publishing an Open Letter by two intellectuals from the region, who are also the leaders of two revolutionary Marxist parties in their respective countries, the EEK of Greece and the DIP of Turkey.
Fight imperialism and war with the international socialist revolution!
Forward to the revolutionary International!
1. The Trump Doctrine “Make America Great Again” is a Declaration of War against the European Union, Russia, China, Iran, and the rest of the world-including, finally, America itself.
This became crystal clear, even among the most skeptic, with the US President’s last trip in Europe on July 11-16, 2018, which aptly was described as “five days of diplomatic carnage”.
Landing in Brussels Airport, on July 11, to attend to the NATO Summit, Trump announced an escalation of the trade war against China by imposing another $200 billion tariffs added to the previous $50 billion already decided and/or under way. At the same time, he insulted Angela Merkel and Germany to be “captives of Russia” because of German participation in the North Stream II pipeline project; then he threatened the entire Atlantic Alliance with a US withdraw if the NATO members do not double their contribution in military expenditures.
On July 23-25, 2018, an Emergency Euro-Mediterranean Encounter, called by the Balkan Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and the web network RedMed, was successfully held in Eretria, Greece. Its aim was to discuss and take practical steps of action in relation to the dangerous situation produced by the world capitalist crisis and the escalation of war in the Middle East, the Balkans, and Europe, marked by the “diplomatic carnage” of the five days visit by Trump in Europe (July 11-16, 2018).
The tragedy of the victims of the fires in Greece, the days of the Encounter, moved all the participants who declared, through a special statement, their solidarity.
Revolutionary Marxist and Communist parties, organizations, journals and militants from eleven countries took part in the proceedings.
From Greece: EEK (Workers Revolutionary Party, the host of the event), NAR( New Left Current for Communist Liberation), Syntonismo/ Coordination of Trade Unions, Students, and local movements for the Refugees, plus activists working in “hot spots” for refugees.
From Turkey : the DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party)
Συλλυπητήρια σε εκείνους των οποίων οι αγαπημένοι απεβίωσαν!
Αλληλεγγύη στον ελληνικό λαό!
The Emergency Euro-Mediterranean Encounter, an international gathering of revolutionary Marxist workers’ parties and organisations from Europe, North and South, the Middle East, Russia, Africa and Latin America convened in the evening of Monday, 23rd July 2018 to open its deliberations to last three days in Erethria, Greece, unaware of course of what was to happen that very night. We woke up Tuesday morning to learn to our deep consternation that, the night before, fires had ravaged several areas of Greece and, in certain localities, took a very high toll in terms of human lives. At the time of writing the figure of those who have passed away, had reached an astonishing 76, in addition to a legion of injured, burnt in the fire, hundreds or perhaps thousands of homes scorched, whole communities destroyed.
We are immensely shaken by this tragedy that has befallen the Greek people. We humbly present our condolences to those who have been left behind by the deceased. We extend our best wishes to those who are suffering as a result of their burns. We extend our solidarity and sympathy to the people of Greece.
Kristiyan Rakovskiy Balkan Sosyalist Merkezi ve RedMed internet ağının ortak çağrısıyla düzenlenen Acil Avrupa Akdeniz buluşması Yunanistan’ın Eretria şehrinde gerçekleşti. Yunanistan’dan EEK, Türkiye’den DİP, Arjantin’den Partido Obrero, Fransa’dan ROR, Finlandiya’dan MTL, İspanya'dan GIO, Rusya’dan RPK ve OKP, İtalya’dan Prospettiva Operaia ve İran’dan, Güney Afrika’dan devrimci Marksistler Acil Avrupa Akdeniz buluşması için 23 Temmuz’da bir araya geldi. 23 Temmuz gecesi onlarca insanın hayatını kaybetmesine sebep olan yangın faciası üzerine, DİP'in önerisiyle, hayatını kaybedenlerin ailelerine b...
At the beginning of July a popular uprising gripped the Caribbean country of Haiti. Below we publish, in abbreviated form, an article on this uprising published by Prensa Obrera, the web site of The Partido Obrero (PO, Workers’ Party) of Argentina. The translation into English was done by RedMed.
Ortadoğu’da ve Kuzey Afrika’da bir heyula dolaşıyor: komünizmin heyulası değil henüz ama devrimin heyulası. Sadece 2018’in yedi ayında, İran, Tunus, Ürdün, tekrar İran’da ve şimdi de Irak’ta isyanlar yaşadık. Bütün bu örneklerde ana sorun yoksulluk, işsizlik, eşitsizlik, elektrik ve temiz su gibi sosyal hizmetlere erişim türünden sınıf sorunlarıdır. Bu ülkelerin hiçbirinde ortaya bir önderlik çıkmış değil: Bütün bu isyanlar, tüm tanıklıklara göre, kendiliğinden patlak vermiş bulunuyor. Bütün bu isyanların yanı sıra Gazze halkının geri dönme hakkı için ve Donald Trump’ın hoyrat biçimde aldığı ABD’nin İsrail Büyükelçiliği’ni Kudüs’e taşıma kararına karşı yapılan bitmek bilmeyen gösteriler önemli bir soru sormamızı sağlıyor: kendilerini kahramanca isyanların ve kalkışmaların girdabına atan, farklı derecelerde de olsa ülkelerinin ve Siyonist devletin baskıcı rejimlerine başkaldıran kitlelerin örgütlenmesinin, önderliğinin ve koordinasyonun nasıl yapılacağı sorusu.
‘‘Bu protesto değil, devrim’’
ثمة شبح يحوم حول الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، ليس شبح الشيوعية، ليس بعد، بل شبح الثورة. فخلال السبعة أشهر الأولى فقط من عام 2018، شهدنا تمردات في إيران وتونس والأردن وإيران للمرة الثانية، واليوم في العراق. وفي كل هذه الأمثلة كان السؤال المحوري دائما سؤال طبقة الفقر والبطالة وعدم المساواة في الخدمات الاجتماعية مثل الكهرباء والماء والصرف الصحي. لكن لم تظهر قيادة في أي من هذه البلدان، فكل الانتفاضات كانت عفوية بحسب كل الشهادات. فإن كل هذه الانتفاضات، وكذلك الاحتجاجات الدؤوبة لسكان قطاع غزة من أجل حقهم في العودة وضد القرار القاسي الذي اتخذه الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب بشأن نقل سفارة بلاده في إسرائيل إلى القدس، طرحت سؤالا قويا:تنظيم وقيادة وتنسيق الجماهير العريضة التي ألقت بنفسها ببسالة في دوامة التمرد والثورة، وهي تتحدى الأنظمة القمعية، وإن كانت بدرجات متفاوتة، لبلدانهم والدولة الصهيونية.
"إنها ليست احتجاجات، بل هي ثورة"
صادق صباح اليوم، الخميس الموافق 19 يوليو/تموز 2018، الكنيست الإسرائيلي، برلمان الدولة الصهيونية الخاضعة لسيطرة الائتلاف اليميني المتطرف الحاكم بقيادة بنيامين نتنياهو، على القانون الأساسي للفصل العنصري "الدولة القومية للشعب اليهودي" بتصويت 62 صوتا مؤيدا و55 صوتا معارضا وصوت واحد امتنع عن التصويت، لتلغي حتى التمثيلية "الديمقراطية" لإعلان "استقلال إسرائيل" عام 1948.
ولم تلغ اللغة العربية كـ"لغة رسمية" في إسرائيل وحسب، بل إن الصدمة المدمرة وجهت كذلك إلى الحقوق المحدودة أصلا للعرب الفلسطينيين من مواطني الدولة المحتلة. فالتفرقة مبنية على أساس العرق والدين، و"المستوطنات اليهودية" تمدَح وتدشَّن بوصفها "القيمة الوطنية" الأغلى للدولة. كما أن حقوق المواطنين اليهود الإسرائيليين الذين لا يتوافقون مع ما يسمى النسخة "الأرثوذكسية المتشددة" المشوِّهة من اليهودية المفروضة من قبل الحاخامات الفاسدين الذين يدعمون نتنياهو، تتعرض هي الأخرى للهجوم المباشرة.
ولهذا السبب، فبحلول 14 يوليو/تموز الجاري، تظاهر الآلاف من اليهود الإسرائيليين في تل أبيب ضد القانون الأساسي الجديد للفصل العنصري (انظر الصورة أعلاه).
Hoy 19 de julio de 2018, temprano en la mañana, el Knesset israelí -el parlamento del Estado sionista, controlado por la coalición gobernante de extrema derecha de Benjamin Netanyahu-, aprobó por 62 votos contra 55 y una abstención su normativa de apartheid, la “Ley Básica del Estado-Nación Judío”, aboliendo incluso la fachada democrática de la “Declaración de Independencia de Israel“ de 1948.
No solo el árabe deja de ser un "idioma oficial", sino que se da un golpe destructivo a todos los derechos extremadamente restringidos de los ciudadanos árabes palestinos del país ocupado. Se establece la segregación según etnia y religión y los "asentamientos judíos" son alabados e inaugurados como el "valor nacional" más elevado del Estado. Pero también los derechos de los ciudadanos judíos israelíes, que no se ajustan a la distorsionada versión llamada "ultraortodoxa" del judaísmo -ordenada por los rabinos corruptos que apoyan a Netanyahu-, están bajo ataque inmediato.
Por esta razón, el 14 de julio miles de judíos israelíes se manifestaron en Tel Aviv contra la nueva Ley Básica del apartheid (como se ve en la foto).
Bugün, 19 Temmuz 2018’in erken saatlerinde Siyonist devletin aşırı sağ koalisyonun kontrolü altındaki parlamentosu olan İsrail Knesset’i 62’i oya karşı 55 oy ve bir çekimser oyla 1948’deki “İsrail Bağımsızlık Bildirgesi’nin” sahte demokratik görünüşünü bile feshederek “Yahudi Halkının Ulus Devleti” adlı apartheid (ırk ayrımı) kanununu kabul etti. Sadece Arapça bir “resmi dil” olmaktan çıkmıyor, yeni kanun işgal altındaki ülkenin Filistinli Arap vatandaşlarının son derece kısıtlı haklarına yıkıcı bir darbe vuruyor. Etnisiteye ve dine göre ayrışma kuruluyor , “Yahudi yerleşimleri” övülüyor ve Devletin en yüksek “ulusal değeri” olarak tanıtılıyor. Ancak, Netanyahu'yu destekleyen yozlaşmış hahamların emrettiği “ultra-ortodoks” denen çarpıtılmış Yahudilik versiyonuna uymayan İsrailli Yahudi vatandaşlarının hakları da yakın tehlike altındadır.
Bu sebeple, 14 Temmuz’da binlerce İsrailli Yahudi bu yeni ırkçı Anayasaya karşı gösteriler düzenlediler (bkz. yukarıdaki fotoğraf).
Un fantasma acecha el Medio Oriente y el Norte de África – no el fantasma del comunismo, no todavía, sino de la revolución. Solo en los siete meses de 2018, hemos tenido insurgencias en Irán, Túnez, Jordania, Irán de nuevo y ahora Irak. En todas estas instancias, la cuestión central ha sido la cuestión de clase – de pobreza, de desempleo, de desigualdad, de servicios sociales como la energía eléctrica y agua potable. En ninguno de estos países ha emergido una dirección – todos los levantamientos fueron, de acuerdo a todos los testimonios, espontáneos. Todos estos levantamientos, así como las manifestaciones que no paran, del pueblo de Gaza por el derecho a retorno y contra la ruda decisión de Donald Trump de mudar la embajada de los EEUU para Israel a al Quds/Jerusalem, plantea una severa cuestión: la de la organización, dirección y coordinación de las masas que heroicamente se arrojan en la tormenta de la rebelión y la revuelta, desafiando los regímenes represivos, aunque en grados diferentes, de sus países y del estado sionista.
“Esto no es una protesta, es una revolución”
Today, July 19, 2018, early morning, the Israeli Knesset, the Parliament of the Zionist State controlled by the ruling far right coalition under Benjamin Netanyahu, passed by 62 votes against 55 and one abstention its apartheid “Nation-State of the Jewish People” Basic Law, abolishing even the “democratic” façade of the 1948 “Declaration of Independence of Israel”. Not only Arabic ceases to be an “official language” but a destructive blow is given to all the extremely restricted rights of the Palestinian Arab citizens of the occupied country. Segregation according to ethnicity and religion is established and “Jewish settlements” are praised and inaugurated as the State’s highest “national value”. But also the rights of the Israeli Jewish citizens, who do not conform to the so called “ultra-orthodox” distorted version of Judaism ordered by the corrupt rabbis supporting Netanyahu, are under immediate attack.
For this reason, on July 14, thousands of Israeli Jews have demonstrated in Tel Aviv against the new apartheid Basic Law (see photo above).