Akdeniz: Dünya devriminin yeni havzası!

The Mediterranean: new basin of world revolution!

البحر الأبيض: الحوض الجديد للثورة العالمية

مدیترانه: حوزه جدید انقلاب جهانی

Il Mediterraneo: nuovo bacino della rivoluzione mondiale!

Μεσόγειος: Νέα λεκάνη της παγκόσμιας επανάστασης!

Derya Sıpî: Deşta nû a şoreşa cihânê

Միջերկրական ծով: նոր ավազանում համաշխարհային հեղափոխության.

El Mediterráneo: Nueva cuenca de la revolución mundial!

La Méditerranée: nouveau bassin la révolution mondiale!

Mediterrâneo: bacia nova da revolução mundial!


Selin Kaya
January 25, 2017

La Turquie vit depuis cinq mois sous le régime de l’état d’urgence. Sous prétexte de débarrasser institutions et administrations des présumés complices de la tentative de putsch de juillet, le gouvernement Erdogan réprime toute opposition. Journaux et médias audiovisuels suspendus, journalistes et écrivains emprisonnés, députés arrêtés, associations de défense des droits humains fermées, syndicalistes limogés : la gauche turque subit de plein fouet cette immense « purge ». La société civile tente malgré tout de résister. « Un jour viendra le moment de rendre des comptes, et nous serons là », expliquent les opposants. Reportage à Istanbul et Ankara.

January 2, 2017

The case known publicly as the Mavi Marmara Case was dismissed by the court on the 9th of December 2016, as a result of the “normalisation” agreement signed between Turkey and the Zionist entity which was put through the Turkish Parliament last summer. Before commenting on this matter, it is important to remember the development of the process before the case.

What happened?

On the 31st of May 2010 at 02.00 AM, the armed forces of the so called State of Israel attacked the Freedom Flotilla consisting of eight ships that departed from different ports and aimed to break the Zionist siege of Gaza. This was done while the flotilla was in the international waters. Nine people from the Mavi Marmara Ship of the flotilla were killed. In the following period, diplomatic relations between Turkey and the Zionist entity became tense. But trade and military relations went on behind the scene.

Devrimci Marksizm
December 27, 2016

The Turkish language theoretical journal Devrimci Marksizm, supported by the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (DIP), organised a conference on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. It also brought out its first special annual issue Revolutionary Marxism 2017.Devrimci Marksizm, the Turkish review, was first brought out in 2006 and first distributed through militant sales on May Day that year. It is now at its issue No. 29. The next issue No. 30 is planned to come out in the spring of 2017. The journal is planning a special issue in the course of the year on the October Revolution in Russia on the centenary of this epoch-making historical event.

The Association for Marxist Communities
December 25, 2016

Twenty five years ago, on December 25, 1991, from a flagstaff over the Kremlin a red banner of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) had been lowered slowly.
Having criminal trampled on the will of Soviet people which is unambiguously expressed on a referendum on March 17, 1991 to continue to live a uniform family in the united state, the small group of irresponsible and self-confident political laymans and upstarts has assumed the right to be rulers of the destiny of the centuries-old commonwealth of the people. With obvious connivance and indulgence of the President of the USSR they have organized a compulsory partition of the uniform country on a personal ancestral lands for targeting in each of them of orders in compliance with tastes of newly appeared "tsars", "khans" and other "(pre)residents". They have started looking for the curators of construction of new life among the authorities of "civilized" foreign countries.

The Association for Marxist Communities
December 25, 2016

Двадцать пять лет тому назад, 25 декабря 1991 года, с флагштока над Кремлем медленно спустили красное знамя Союза Советских Социалистических Республик (СССР).
Преступно поправ однозначно выраженную на референдуме 17 марта 1991 года волю его народов продолжать жить единой семьёй в общем государстве, кучка безответственных и самонадеянных политических дилетантов и выскочек присвоила себе право быть вершителями судеб многовекового содружества народов. При явном попустительстве и потворстве Президента СССР ими было организовано принудительное расчленение единой страны на личные вотчины для наведения в каждой из них порядков сообразно вкусам новоявленных «царей», «ханов» и прочих «(п)резидентов», наперебой бросившихся искать кураторов строительства новой жизни среди власть предержащих «цивилизованных» зарубежных стран.

Sungur Savran
December 17, 2016

The press reports that during a visit to Western Thrace, where a sizeable Turkish minority lives, Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister, evoked the name of Sheikh Bedreddin, praised him and said that he should be a source of inspiration for all of us today. So, who is this Muslim sheikh whom a nominally leftist Greek prime minister, avowedly atheist, recommends as a source of inspiration to all Greeks, irrespective of their religion? A most ticklish remark at first sight. We should be thankful to Tsipras for having raised the topic, hastening to add that he personally, given his record in office, is absolutely unfit for inspiration by the grand old man.

Sungur Savran
December 17, 2016

Basında yer alan haberlere göre, birkaç hafta önce Batı Trakya’ya bir ziyareti sırasında Yunanistan başbakanı Aleksis Çipras Şeyh Bedreddin’den övgüyle söz ederek bugün hepimizin onu kendimize bir ilham kaynağı olarak görmemiz gerektiğini söylemiş. Başbakanlık yeminini İncil’e el basmadan yapacak kadar açıkça ateist olan, kendine solcu diyen birinin, bir Müslüman şeyhinin sadece Batı Trakya’nın Müslüman Türklerine değil, bütün Yunanlara ilham kaynağı olması gerektiğini söylemesi kendi içinde epey ironik. Çipras’ın Yunan halkının dikkatini Şeyh Bedreddin’e çekmesi dolayısıyla kendisine müteşekkir olmalıyız. Ama hemen ekleyelim: Yunan halkına verdiği bütün taahhütlere ihanet etmiş bir sözde sosyalist olarak Çipras’ın kendisinin Şeyh Bedreddin’den en ufak bir ilham almamış olduğu ortada!

Sungur Savran
December 17, 2016

Ο Τύπος ανέφερε ότι κατά την επίσκεψη του στη Δυτική Θράκη, όπου ζει μια αξιοσημείωτη τουρκική μειονότητα, ο Αλέξης Τσίπρας, ο Έλληνας πρωθυπουργός, επικαλέστηκε το όνομα του Σεΐχη Μπεντρεντίν, τον επαίνεσε και είπε ότι θα πρέπει να αποτελεί πηγή έμπνευσης για όλους μας στο σήμερα. Ποιος είναι, λοιπόν, αυτός ο μουσουλμάνος σεΐχης τον οποίον ένας «αριστερός», τω τίτλω, Έλληνας πρωθυπουργός, ανοιχτά άθεος, επικαλείται ως πηγή έμπνευσης για όλους τους Έλληνες ανεξαρτήτως θρηκεύματος; Καθ’ όλα γαργαλιστική παρατήρηση εκ πρώτης όψεως. Πρέπει να είμαστε ευγνώμονες στον Τσίπρα που έφερε στο προσκήνιο το θέμα αυτό, σπεύδοντας να προσθέσουμε ότι ο ίδιος προσωπικά, δεδομένου της ιστορίας του στην εξουσία, είναι εντελώς ακατάλληλος για έμπνευση από τον μεγάλο αυτό άντρα.

December 16, 2016

Il renzismo ha consumato una autentica disfatta.
La combinazione dell'altissima partecipazione al voto (70%) con la valanga del No (quasi il 60%) offre un'indicazione inequivoca. Il plebiscito della maggioranza silenziosa che Renzi aveva invocato per sé si è capovolto contro di lui e il suo governo. La tendenziale omogeneità della vittoria del No sull'intero territorio nazionale (con la parziale eccezione toscana) rafforza l'imponenza del pronunciamento.

Armağan Tulun
December 14, 2016

The US and the European imperialism is in the center of reaction. The forces which are leading the world into a disaster step by step are these forces. Peace and tranquility may not be visible on the horizon. But hope has not disappeared yet. The road to opening an equal, free, and peaceful future for the peoples of the world is to defeat the imperialism. But to this end everyone should do their part. In Turkey, to struggle against our bourgeoisie who collaborate with the imperialism, to ensure that Turkey separate from NATO, to struggle until there is not even a single imperialist military base, not a single nuclear weapon left, to build the peoples’ friendship in the struggle against the imperialism fall to our part. The Revolutionary Workers’ Party (DIP) raises the call this struggle!

November 18, 2016

Τη νύχτα της 3ης προς 4η Νοέμβρη, το κράτος φυλάκισε τη θέληση 5 εκατομμυρίων Κούρδων! Αυτή είναι η ουσία των όσων συνέβησαν. Η ελευθερία των 5 εκατομμυρίων, κυρίως Κούρδων ψηφοφόρων και των άλλων κομματιών της κοινωνίας που υποστηρίζουν το HDP, βίαια παραβιάστηκε όταν οι εκλεγμένοι βουλευτές του HDP, που μπήκαν στο Κοινοβούλιο έχοντας υπερβεί το όριο του 10% κάτω από δυσμενείς συνθήκες πριν ένα χρόνο, στις εκλογές της 1ης Νοέμβρη, αρπάχθησαν από τα σπίτια τους ύστερα από έφοδο της αστυνομίας μέσα στη νύχτα. Δεν είναι μόνο η ελευθερία των βουλευτών του HDP που υφαρπάζεται, αλλά και του δικαιώματος 5 εκατομμυρίων ψηφοφόρων να εκλέγουν τους κοινοβουλευτικούς αντιπροσώπους τους.

Sungur Savran
November 17, 2016

Il regime di stato di emergenza instaurato da Tayyip Erdogan e dall'AKP inasprisce la sua persecuzione contro la classe lavoratrice e contro l’opposizione curda. Due dirigenti principali della giovane generazione del Partito Rivoluzionario dei Lavoratori (Devrimci Isçi Partisi, DIP) sono caduti vittima di questa repressione: tra i contestatori all’università che sono stati cacciati dai loro posti per decreto governativo, ci sono Levent Dölek, vicesegretario del partito e docente alla Facoltà di Economia dell’Università di Istanbul, e Mert Kükre, responsabile della sezione di Ankara del partito, assistente-ricercatore e candidato al dottorato della Middle East Technical University di Ankara, contro il quale si sono di nuovo rivolte le minacce di espulsione da parte dell’amministrazione dell’università, che approfitta strumentalmente dello stato di emergenza in vigore dall’alba dello sventato golpe del 15 luglio.

Sungur Savran
November 12, 2016

We can enumerate countless reasons for Trump’s election victory. But the main reason lying behind all the others is the Third Great Depression. The world has entered a new stage after the great financial crash in 2008. What started after that watershed moment was an economic crisis with a rarely seen profundity in the history of capitalism. Depressions are distinguished from the regular, ordinary and shorter-term crises by the impossibility of a spontaneous recovery. Depressions cannot come to an end without gigantic political, military and social upheavals. During this process, the old political structures of society become inadequate for the needs of the new stage. The old system starts to disintegrate all over the world. But this disintegration takes various forms in different countries and regions. Political equilibrium starts to shift to the right and left extremes. In some places this means that either fascism or revolution, or both of them come to the fore. Where one fails, the other becomes candidate for power.

November 10, 2016

La nuit du 3 au 4 octobre, l’État turc a mis en garde à vue la volonté de 5 millions de Kurdes. Ce n’est que de cela qu’il s’agit. La liberté écrasée au moment où plusieurs députés du HDP, qui a passé dans les conditions les plus difficiles le seuil électoral national par les votes de 5 millions d’électeurs, dont la grande majorité est des Kurdes, lors des élections du 1er octobre 2015, il y a donc juste un an, sont enlevés par irruption au domicile est celle de ces 5 millions de Kurdes et d'autres électeurs du HDP. Ce ne sont pas seulement les députés du HDP qui se sont dépossédés de leur liberté, mais 5 millions de personnes de celle d’élire leurs représentants. L’Etat de la République de Turquie a volé la liberté d’un citoyen sur 10 !

Sungur Savran
November 10, 2016

As the state of emergency regime of Tayyip Erdogan and the AKP steps up its persecution of working class and Kurdish opposition, two prominent leaders of the younger generation of the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (DIP) have been submitted to persecution. Levent Dölek, Deputy Chairperson of DIP and a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of Istanbul University, was among a group of social fighters at the university who were expelled from their posts by a government decree. Mert Kükrer, on the other hand, a leader of the Ankara branch of the party and research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Middle East Technical University of Ankara, was, for a second time, threatened by the administration of his university with expulsion in an act that blatantly makes opportunistic use of the state of emergency reigning in the country since the failed coup of 15 July this year.

Tayyip Erdogan signs Law Decree that expels Levent and colleagues from their posts

November 8, 2016

Last summer a notable group of academics, unionists and politicians from around the world powerfully protested against the search for a very heavy disciplinary sanction against some junior academic staff of the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara. This petition questioned the future relations of the international community of progressive academics should the university persist in its persecution of the staff in question. Some of us were signatories to this petition. Fortunately for the future of our relations with METU, the charges were dropped at that time. Even the reactionary Board of Higher Education, set up with the purpose of bringing Turkish academia into line with the reactionary policies of the junta of the early 1980s, did not deem appropriate the extremely heavy measures demanded by the administration of METU. 

November 7, 2016

Nella notte fra il 3 e il 4 novembre, lo Stato ha imprigionato la volontà di cinque milioni di curdi. Questa è la sostanza di quanto è avvenuto. È la libertà di cinque milioni di elettori prevalentemente curdi e di altri settori della società vicini all'HDP, ad essere stata rapita con forza, nel momento in cui in piena notte sono stati prelevati dalla polizia nelle loro case i parlamentari dell'HDP, eletti dopo aver superato in situazioni difficilissime la soglia del 10 per cento alle elezioni del 1 novembre 2015, un anno fa. È stata sequestrata non solo la libertà dei parlamentari dell'HDP, ma anche quella del diritto di cinque milioni di elettori di eleggere i loro rappresentanti in Parlamento.

November 7, 2016

3 Kasım’ı 4 Kasım’a bağlayan gece, devlet 5 milyon Kürdün iradesini gözaltına aldı! Yaşanan budur. 1 Kasım oylamasında, yani neredeyse günü gününe bir yıl önce, büyük çoğunluğu Kürt, 5 milyon seçmenin oylarıyla en zor koşullarda barajı geçerek meclise giren HDP’nin çok sayıda milletvekili, evlerine yapılan baskınlarda zorla götürüldüğünde ezilen özgürlük, bu 5 milyon Kürdün ve öteki HDP seçmenlerinin özgürlüğüdür. Sadece HDP milletvekillerinin değil, 5 milyon insanın kendi temsilcilerini seçme özgürlüğü ellerinden alınmıştır. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti devleti, 10 yurttaşından birinin özgürlüğünü çalmıştır!

Neden? Milyonların oyuyla meclise gelmiş milletvekilleri neden gözaltına alınmıştır? Verilen gerekçe anlamsızdır: Milletvekillerinin savcılara ifade vermeye gitmemesi dolayısıyla deniyor. O zaman geri gidelim: Milletvekillerinin savcılarca çağırılması normal değildir; nasıl oluyor bu? Çünkü dokunulmazlıklar kaldırılmıştır. O zaman soralım: dokunulmazlıklar neden kaldırılmıştır?

November 7, 2016

Il regime di Erdogan ha compiuto un passo ulteriore nella propria deriva reazionaria. L'arresto in piena notte dei deputati curdi del HDP significa la decapitazione dell'unica vera opposizione parlamentare. La discussione apertasi sulla introduzione della pena di morte espone gli arrestati al rischio della vita. L'aperto sostegno parlamentare alle misure repressive del governo da parte dei partiti fascisti turchi dà il segno all'evoluzione in corso. 
Il regime di Erdogan continua ed accelera il processo intrapreso dopo il fallito golpe militare del 15 luglio, in direzione di una concentrazione di poteri sempre più grande nelle mani insanguinate del presidente. 

È il risvolto interno della politica neottomana in Medio Oriente. Una politica mirata all'annientamento ad ogni costo di qualsiasi spazio di autodeterminazione curda, dentro un progetto di espansione dell'area di influenza turca in Siria e in Iraq. La partecipazione turca alla battaglia di Mosul è parte di questo disegno. Come lo è l'intesa con Putin. 

Ewa Groszewska
November 7, 2016

Quando il governo polacco annunciò a giugno per bocca del primo ministro Beata Szydło, l'inasprimento delle leggi contro l'aborto, nessuno prese in seria considerazione la cosa. Il nuovo partito di governo - Diritto e Giustizia (Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc, PiS) è una forza conservatrice e legata alla Chiesa cattolica, ma l'elettorato cattolico fondamentalista in Polonia è una minoranza. Anche i credenti sono pragmatici, e, ad esempio, non rispettano il divieto di contraccezione. La gente ha votato per Diritto e Giustizia perché ne ha avuto abbastanza dei partiti e delle politiche neoliberali, essendo la retorica dei conservatori incentrata sulle questioni sociali. È molto improbabile che il partito di governo (Diritto e Giustizia) modifichi le politiche neoliberali, specialmente dopo aver accettato il CETA [Accordo Economico e Commerciale Globale], ma è pur vero che è stato il governo di Diritto e Giustizia che, per la prima volta dal 1990, ha stanziato sussidi sociali per l'infanzia. 

November 5, 2016

The working class should fight against war, the state of emergency which deprives them of their democratic rights and American imperialism, not against the Kurds. The Kurds are the brothers and sisters of the workers. Preserving this fraternity would serve the interest of the working class.

Opción Obrera
November 2, 2016

Los "revolucionarios" toman la Asamblea Nacional para impedir el golpe de la derecha, pero al ratito le dejan el recinto a los "golpistas" para que en una declaración política acuerden que estamos en "dictadura".¡Qué grotesca la democracia burguesa venezolana!

Opción Obrera
November 2, 2016

“Devrimciler” sağcıların darbesini engellemek için Ulusal Meclisi işgal ettiler. Fakat göz açıp kapayıncaya kadar, binayı “darbecilere” teslim ettiler. Sebebi de bir siyasi açıklamada “diktatörlük” ile yönetildiklerinin belirtilmesi üzerinde anlaşmaya varmış olmaları. Venezüella’nın burjuva demokrasisi ne garip!

Ewa Groszewska
October 30, 2016

Polonya hükümeti, Başbakan Beata Szydło’nun ağzından kürtaj karşıtı kuralların sıkılaştırılacağını ilan ettiği zaman kimse çok ciddiye almamıştı. Yeni iktidar partisi Hukuk ve Adalet (Prawo I Sprawiedliwosc) muhafazakâr ve Katolik Kilisesi ile ilişkilidir, ancak köktenci Katolik seçmenler Polonya’da azınlık teşkil etmektedirler. İnançlı insanlar bile pragmatiktir ve örneğin doğum kontrolü ile ilgili yasaklara riayet etmemektedirler. İnsanlar Hukuk ve Adalet Partisi’ne neoliberal partilerden bıktıkları ve muhafazakârların söylemleri toplumsal meseleleri ele aldığı için oy verdiler. İktidar partisinin neoliberal politikaları değiştirmesi, özellikle de CETA’yı (Kapsamlı Ekonomik ve Ticaret Anlaşması) kabul etmesi bağlamında, tartışmalıdır. Ancak Hukuk ve Adalet Partisi’nin 1990’dan beri ilk defa çocuk yardımı sağladığı doğrudur. 

Ewa Groszewska
October 27, 2016

When Polish government announced in June by mouth of prime minister – Beata Szydło- the tightening of the rules against abortion nobody treated it too seriously. The new ruling party – Law and Justice ( Prawo I Sprawiedliwosc) is conservative and related with the Catholic church, but the fundamentalist Catholic electorate is a minority in Poland. Even believers are pragmatic and do not respect the ban on contraception, for example. People voted Law and Justice having had enough of neoliberal parties because the rhetoric of the conservatives  was focused on social issues. It is very doubtful that the ruling party would change the neoliberal policy, especially in the context of accepting CETA, but it is the truth that Justice and Law provides transfer of social allowance for children for the first time since 1990.

October 6, 2016

La base militare di Incirlik è una piaga non solo per i popoli della regione. L'imperialismo ha causato problemi anche ai paesi suoi collaboratori. Nel 1960, quando gli aerei spia decollati da Incirlik per spiare l'URSS vennero abbattuti, fu la Turchia a dover affrontare la minaccia. Sia dopo questo episodio, sia dopo la crisi dei missili a Cuba, le armi nucleari installate in questa base militare dagli USA portarono l'Anatolia al centro di minacce di guerra.

October 5, 2016

The Incirlik military base is a scourge not only for the peoples of the region; imperialism has brought the biggest problems to the countries that have collaborated with it. In 1960, when the spy planes that took off from the Incirlik military base to spy on USSR were shot down, it was Turkey which faced the threat. The nuclear weapons that were installed in this base by the US brought Anatolia into the center of war threats both after this event and after the Cuban missile crisis.

Sungur Savran
September 12, 2016

Драматические события, развернувшиеся в Турции в ночь с 15 на 16 июля [2016 года], слишком часто сводят к междоусобной борьбе двух различных течений исламизма: Партии справедливости и развития (AKP) под железным руководством Реджепа Тайипа Эрдогана и его главного врага последнего времени – «братства» Гюлена. Это создает ложное представление – в двояком смысле. С одной стороны, таким образом затушевывается явная возможность (и даже все бóльшая достоверность) участия других течений турецких вооруженных сил (TSK) в планировании (если не в окончательном исполнении) неудавшегося путча. С другой стороны, эта трактовка не дает увидеть более фундаментальное противоречие, в тисках которого зажата сегодня Турция: противоречие, связанное с положением страны в мировой системе.

Sungur Savran
August 19, 2016

So Brexit is here. Fifty-two per cent of the British people voted to leave the EU. This is an historic outcome. Britain, that is to say the world’s fifth and Europe’s second biggest economy, a country where Europe’s foremost financial centre, the City of London, second only to Wall Street in global rankings, is located, one of the three nuclear powers of NATO and the world’s most powerful imperialist country until the mid-20th century, is leaving the EU!

August 11, 2016

When the December 2013 corruption cases exploded, the people took to the streets to ask account for the corruption. Barricades were set up near Taksim and there was a banner above one barricade. “We are the 99%” and “Let them all go!” said the banner. But who are the “them”? Let us name “them” from left to right: Tayyip Erdoğan, Fethullah Gülen, Abdullah Gül, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Mustafa Sarıgül, Devlet Bahçeli… There is one more on the extreme right. Apparently, people who see the banner usually don’t recognise this man. Most ask “Who is this?”.

Sungur Savran
August 10, 2016

Since the failed coup attempt of 15 July, there is a lingering suspicion that the United States was aware of the planned coup, may have been consulted before or during the events by some at least of the forces involved in the coup, or perhaps may even have been involved in the planning of the coup plot. This is, at least, very clearly what some major mass media outlets have said in so many words. Reading the pro-Erdogan press in particular, the ordinary Turkish citizen may well ask themselves when and how the Turkish government will break with NATO and the US and perhaps even the EU.

They would not be mistaken in thinking that way. There is not a shred of doubt that the tanker jets that refuelled the fighter jets that bombed many different spots in particular in Ankara, the capital city, that night, including the parliament buildings, took off all night from the Incirlik base near Adana, a base that the Turkish armed forces (TSK in its Turkish acronym) shares with the US military and where, reportedly, up to 60 nuclear warheads are stored. There are many other pieces of evidence that would at least raise suspicion.

August 8, 2016

El 15, 16 y 17 de julio sesionó en Montevideo la Conferencia Latinoamericana de la izquierda y el movimiento obrero, convocada por el Partido de los Trabajadores (PT) de Uruguay y el Partido Obrero (PO) de Argentina. Más de 300 compañeros participando en las tres jornadas, hubo delegaciones del POR de Chile, Tribuna Clasista de Brasil, Opción Obrera de Venezuela, compañeros del Paraguay, del Partido Obrero de Argentina y, por supuesto, militantes y simpatizantes del Partido de los Trabajadores de Uruguay.

Sungur Savran
August 7, 2016

Τα δραματικά γεγονότα που εκτυλίχθηκαν στην Τουρκία τη νύχτα της 15ης προς 16η Ιουλίου έχουν περιοριστεί υπερβολικά στον αγώνα μέχρις εσχάτων ανάμεσα σε δύο Ισλαμικά ρεύματα, αυτό του AKP υπό τη σιδερένια γροθιά του Ρετζέπ Ταγίπ Ερντογάν και στη σύγχρονη νέμεσή του την αδελφότητα του Γκιουλέν. Αυτό είναι παραπλανητικό υπό δύο έννοιες.

Savas Michael Matsas
August 4, 2016

Our thoughts will focus and develop on three crucial points brought forward by the DIP: a. the fallacy of “a defeat of dictatorship by democracy”; b. the fallacy that “only the Gulenists are involved in the coup”, and c. the danger of “Syrianization” of Turkey.

Sungur Savran
August 4, 2016

A július 15-ről 16-ra virradó éjszakán megdöbbentő felfordulás tanúja lehetett az egész világ: a török hadsereg egy jelentős része megkísérelte megragadni Recep Tayyip Erdoğan és az AKP kormány hatalmát, céljukat majdnem valóra váltották, de a végén leverték őket. Az imperialista országok hivatalos nyilatkozatai a demokrácia győzelmét ünnepelték. De semmi sem lehet messzebb az igazságnál! Számos hírmagyarázó viszont leragadt az AKPikormány hivatalos magyarázatánál, s a puccs mögötti tettesként Fethullah Gülen, az immár csaknem két évtizede az USA-ban élő befolyásos imám követőire mutogatnak. Ezt a ködösítést az AKP többféle célból kelti, legfőként azért, hogy a gülenistákat elszigeteljék, és ezzel elfedjék, hogy a hadsereg sokkal szélesebb rétegei nyúltak a fegyverekhez. A bal- és a szélsőbaloldalon sokakat lelkesedéssel tölt el a civilek látványa, akik felmásztak a tankokra, hogy puszta kézzel szálljanak szembe az állig felfegyverezett puccsista erőkkel. Ez is igen torz képet ad a valós helyzetről.

Sungur Savran
July 29, 2016

The dramatic events that unfolded in Turkey on the night of 15 to 16 July have been excessively confined to the internecine struggle of two different Islamic currents, that of the AKP under the iron fist of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and its latter day nemesis the Gulen fraternity. This is misleading in two senses. On the one hand, it hides from view the distinct possibility or even more and more certitude that other tendencies within the Turkish armed forces (the TSK in its Turkish acronym) were involved in the planning if not the final execution of the failed putsch. On the other, it prevents us from seeing the more fundamental contradiction that besets Turkey today—a contradiction that relates to the country’s position in the world system.

Sungur Savran
July 25, 2016

Τη νύχτα της 15ης προς 16η Ιουλίου, η Τουρκία πέρασε δια μέσου κατακλυσμικών γεγονότων που άφησε τον κόσμο άφωνο: ένα τεράστιο κομμάτι των ενόπλων δυνάμεων της χώρας προσπάθησε να υφαρπάξει την εξουσία από την κυβέρνηση του Ρετζέπ Ταγίπ Ερντογάν και το AKP (Κόμμα Δικαιοσύνης και Ανάπτυξης), ήρθε πολύ κοντά στην πραγματοποίηση αυτού του εγχειρήματος, αλλά τελικώς ηττήθηκε. Επίσημες δηλώσεις ιμπεριαλιστικών κρατών ζητωκραύγασαν για τον θρίαμβο της Δημοκρατίας. Τίποτα δε μπορεί να είναι μακρύτερα από την αλήθεια.

Sungur Savran
July 25, 2016

Con un grottesco atto teatrale, il 5 luglio, il direttore dell'FBI James Comey ha provato ad assolvere Hillary Clinton dalle accuse riguardanti il suo uso di un server privato di posta elettronica, durante il suo mandato di Segretario di Stato (2009-2013), per l'invio di informazioni riservate. Durante la conferenza stampa di Comey, i risultati dell'investigazione dell'FBI, durata un anno, sono stati sintetizzati in due osservazioni diverse e incontrovertibilmente contraddittorie. La prima valutazione è schiacciante: Hillary Clinton e i suoi assistenti furono «estremamente imprudenti» per aver utilizzato dispositivi privati nel comunicare informazioni su temi di sicurezza altamente sensibili. Considerato che l'intera inchiesta è scaturita dall'assassinio nel consolato di Bengasi dell'ambasciatore USA in Libia, avvenuto l'11 e 12 settembre 2012 (anniversario dell'11 settembre 2001!), questa condotta «estremamente imprudente» potrebbe probabilmente essere stata alla base di questo assassinio.

Gerçek Newspaper (DIP)
July 21, 2016

لا للأنقلاب العسکري !
لا لأدنی دعم لأردوغان و حزب العدالة والتنمیة !
الحل هو أستبدال هذه المعرکة إلی نضال طبقي !

Sungur Savran
July 20, 2016

On the night of 15-16 July, Turkey went through a cataclysm that stunned the world: a huge section of the armed forces of the country (TSK in its Turkish acronym) attempted to take power from the government of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the AKP, came very close to its objective, but was ultimately defeated. Official statements of imperialist countries celebrate the triumph of democracy. Nothing can be farther from the truth. Furthermore, many commentators, remaining captive to the official explanation of the AKP government, point to the followers of Fethullah Gülen, a powerful imam who has been residing in the US for close to two decades now, as the culprit behind the coup. This is a mystification used by the AKP for various purposes, the most important being to ostracise the Gülenists and to hide from view that a much wider array of forces within the army have taken up arms. And on the left and far left, many are filled with excitement at the sight of civilians climbing over tanks and challenging with bare hands the heavily armed soldiers of the putschist forces. This, too, is a very distorted picture.
