The ghost of the rebellion and the revolution stands up in the world again
Against the wars and barbarism stirred by the capitalist crisis

The international day of struggle of the workers will take place in a context of great popular rebellions throughout the planet. The uprising in Haiti, the rebirth of the Arab Spring with the revolutionary outbursts in Sudan and Algeria –which from popular revolts are turning into revolutions that throw down its capitalist regimes corrupted and repressive-, the mobilizations in Hungary against the labor reform and the persistent movement of the Yellow Vests in France, the great strikes in China, India and Bangladesh or the explosive movement of women from Argentina to Mexico, from Poland to Ireland, have as a common denominator a response from the masses to the capitalist bankruptcy and the barbarism conditions it implies. The capitalist crisis undermines the current order and gives place to political crises and of the regime as a whole.
This May 1st find the world at the doors of a new recession. Capitalism hasn’t been able to get out of the 2007 crack and return the financial crises, the production restrain, dismissals and business closures, bankruptcies of entire nations.
It is about raw materials, goods and capital overproduction capitalist crisis, which instead of opening a new epoch of social progress is taking us to the catastrophe, misery and wars. It is a clear sign of the historical decline of this capitalist regime of exploitation of the worker to ensure profit to a group of bankers and monopolies.
The tendencies to financial and economic collapse threaten to take catastrophic dimensions: the commercial wars and the bellicose escalation are direct expressions of the capitalist decay. The Yankee imperialism crisis, trapped in a political and economic impasse, the fracture of the European Union and the threat of a new stocks crack, foreplay contradictions each time more explosive and with a range each time higher. The fortune of the capitalist restoration in China and Russia becomes more convulsive and the pressure of the imperialism to advance in a total colonization threatens once again with the national disintegration of these nations. In Latin America we have the ongoing collapse of the Macrist government worn-out by the capital flight and the monetary devaluations and the ‘adjustment’ plans of the IMF on one side and the threat of masses irruption on the other. And in Brazil we have the stagnation, crisis and divisions of the Bolsonaro’s fascist government months from his assumption.
In order to pilot the crisis and keep their exploitation frameworks the capitalist governments try to discharge the crisis over the laboring masses and the backward nations. In many countries there have assumed rightist governments (Hungary, Poland, Brazil, etc.) with the purpose of going all the way down with these offensives against the conquests and living conditions of the workers.
The Yankee president, Trump, is now pumping an economic blockade against Iran: it forbids the Iranian oil sales looking for making the exportation incomes of that country to fall and force it to go forward in the privatization of the strategic resource in favor of the Yankee oil companies. This blockade is originating, artificially, a fuel price rise which hits the users-workers’ pockets in the whole world.
The commercial wars and the bellicose escalation (Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, the Palestinian massacre, Donetsk and Lugansk, etc.) are an expression of the impasse of the capitalist imperialism and of its political and military tendency to wars. This bellicose tendency makes itself evident in the increase of the military budgets of the USA (and the rest of the imperialisms), in the rupture of the missile agreements with Russia, in the integration of the countries of Eastern Europe and the Balkans to the military treaty of the NATO, in the institutionalization of the ethnic cleansing against Palestinians which pretends to install in the Middle East a new ‘peace’ plan of Trump and Netanyahu, in the strategic boycotts against Venezuela, Cuba and Iran. In its bankruptcy and despair the capital is capable to take us to the barbarism. The Trump offensive –with the support of the servant Latin American bourgeoisies- against Venezuela in order to put a puppet government and to privatize the oil, it is and strategic step to ensure the rightist governments in crisis (Bolsonaro, Macri, Duque) and to face the resistance tendency of the masses. Fundamentally in order to ‘order’ the so-called ‘backyard’ of the Yankee imperialism and to be able to interfere with more energy in the world wars which are being sketched.
These attacks to working masses are, as we pointed out at the beginning, originating resistance processes. It is not only the great struggles of Haiti, Sudan, Algeria and other sectors of workers and dispossessed of the backward countries. In China the working class sunk during decades in the salary misery and the super-exploitation is raising its head, it organizes and struggle.
And in the USA the workers’ strikes grow, in which vanguard stands out the massive and persistent teachers’ strikes that try to recover salary levels and to defend the public education. There is a tendency to polarization which is going through wide sectors of the workers and the youth. Trump, in his presidential speech, has declared that “America will never be socialist”. It reflexes that a large part of the North American youth don’t see future under capitalism and its situations constantly and growingly aggravates (labor precarization, miserable salaries, students debts, etc.) and looks for political alternatives proclaiming itself socialist. Trump is wrong, not in the USA, but in the whole world it will open its way the retake of the struggle banners for socialism.
This tendency to radicalization has, however, the counter-revolutionary blockade if the union working class bureaucracy and the opportunist parties that growingly has been interlacing with the bourgeois power. The single fact that the French CGT wouldn’t call an active general strike, coming together with the “yellow vests” demonstrations, explains that the anti-working class government of Macron hasn’t fell yet. The national bourgeoisies of the backward countries (Lula in Brazil, Kirchner in Argentina, the Chavo-Madurism in Venezuela, etc.) has been incapable to develop their countries, they have continued subordinated to the financial capital (religiously paying usurious external debts, etc.) and end up capitulating before imperialism and opening the way to the rise of the right in its opposition to avoid the revolutionary irruption of the working masses. Despite these counter-revolutionary blockades in Algeria and Sudan the masses have opened way passing from rebellions to revolutions against the political power. The need to struggle for new working-class and revolutionary leaderships, of class independence, must be a central objective.
129 years ago the worlds’ working class organized itself to win the streets and face a common struggle for the 8 hours labor and other demands against the Capital. Today, we have that this world unity of workers is broken. In many countries the bureaucracies convoke festivals and to celebrate a feast day “for the labor”. May 1st is an international day of struggle of the workers. And this May 1st puts red hot the necessity of recovering the political independence of workers, of building revolutionary workers parties in each country and a Revolutionary International which unifies the struggle against the barbarism offensive and capital over-exploitation and poses itself the struggle for the workers to impose working class governments and open the way to the satisfactions of their demands, defeating the imperialist wars.
The center-left proposes to face Trump and the rightist governments by forming anti-fascist ‘democratic’ fronts with opposition sectors of the bourgeoisie. But this center-left is the one sunk incapable of facing the capitalist crisis, opening the way to the rise of this rightist sectors. It is impossible to go back to the previous ‘balance’, we must go forward against the capitalist barbarism to the resistance, the revolution and the workers government. A ‘democratic’ front with the Lula, Kirchner and company in order to face the right electorally would be to put a straightjacket to working and revolutionary masses that have gone out to struggle. It is about confronting and defeating the capitalism which generates these rightist forces and also take advantage of the pseudo-democrats to impose its plans. Let’s not forget that with Clinton and Obama the imperialism discharged its war against Libya (which has practically ceased to exist as an independent country today, divided in several zones under governments tutelage by different imperialist fractions), in Syria, Iraq, etc.
More than ever imperialism appears as a reaction in all the line. Its military interventions in defense of the human rights or by humanitarian reasons are a complete tale, make-ups to disguise its counter-revolutionary face. The working class is the engine of struggle for a socialist transformation of the world.
The women movement for the right to abortion and other democratic claims against the capitalist oppression has been recovering March 8th as international struggle day of the working women with massive demonstrations (Spain, Argentina, etc.).
Let’s recover May 1st too as an international struggle day against the Capital.
The signing organizations below, revolutionary parties and organizations based on the program of the Coordination for the Re-foundation of the Fourth International (CRFI), are driving the re-foundation of a Socialist Revolutionary International in order to unite the workers of the world. We will call for late this year for an International Conference to step forward in this sense.
Let’s build Revolutionary Workers Parties. Let’s stand a Revolutionary International.
No to class collaboration fronts. For revolutionary fronts of class independence, of the left and the workers.
For the capitalists to pay the crisis. No payment of the usurious external debts. No IMF plans of ‘adjustment’ against workers. Down with the labor and retirements reforms, reactionary and anti-working class.
Let’s support the women struggles for the right to abortion and their claims against capitalism. For the separation of the Churchs from the State.
Against xenophobia and persecution to immigrants. Full citizenship and labor rights for immigrants. Unity of the working class against the capital.
Down with the imperialist wars. Off the imperialist troops from Africa and the Middle East. Support to the Palestinian People struggle against Zionism-imperialism: for the right to return. Yankees out of Venezuela and Latin America.
For workers governments.
Partido Obrero –Worker Party (PO-Argentina)
Revolutionary Workers Party (DIP-Turkey)
Revolutionary Workers Party (EEK-Greece)
Partido de los Trabajadores –Workers’ Party (PT- Uruguay)
Revolutionary Worker Renaissance (ROR-France)