We found out about your planned strike starting on February 5th, 2020. We would like to express our solidarity with your struggle and our support for your just demands.
The Turkish government, representing the interests of Turkish capitalists, has always tried to legally prohibit the threat of worker strikes, especially in the metal industry, which is important for the Turkish economy. This is happening at a time when the economic crisis in Turkey and rising inflation are making the lives of millions of workers more and more difficult. Turkish government policy will only plunge more and more people into poverty and misery, while a small minority can freely enrich themselves.
DIP had recently issued a call to extend the solidarity with the metal workers of Turkey who were in the collective bargaining process. A possible strike by the metal workers was under the risk of being banned by the despotic regime. So, international solidarity was of utmost importance. Hence, this call has been translated to 6 languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, Persian and Bulgarian) and was widely distributed internationally. As a result of this, more than 200 signatures from 22 countries (Argentina, Greece, Russian Federation, France, Cuba, Cyprus, Azerbaijan, Iran, India, Lebanon, Canada, USA, Finland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Brazil, Peru, Italy, Spain, Austria and Sweden) were collected within days for the below declaration of solidarity. Here we publish the declaration and the signs.
On the eve of an approaching metalworkers’ strike involving more than 100 thousand workers in Turkey, DIP has launched an international campaign of solidarity with the striking workers, in the face of a most probable ban on the strike by Erdogan’s government. You can extend your solidarity also by writing to and sending in your signature for the petition. Here is the link to a video that explains the background to this strike:
Alla vigilia di uno sciopero dei metalmeccanici in avvicinamento che coinvolge più di 100 mila lavoratori in Turchia, DIP ha lanciato una campagna internazionale di solidarietà con i lavoratori in sciopero, di fronte al molto probabilissimo divieto di sciopero del governo di Erdogan. Potete esprimere la vostra solidarietà anche scrivendo a e inviando la vostra firma per la petizione. Ecco il link a un video che spiega lo sfondo di questo sciopero:
The dates 15-29 January 2020 were the fortnight for demanding the release of Ahmad Saadat, leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, from the Israeli prison and of Georges Abdallah, Lebanese revolutionary who fought for Palestine, from the French dungeon where he has been languishing for 36 years. Today, on the 29th, we publish an article by our comrade Sungur Savran, chairman of DIP, which addresses in particular the actors of the revolutions that have been rocking the Middle East and North Africa, but in particular the revolutionaries of Lebanon, of whom Georges Abdallah is a revolutionary compatriot.
بییش از صدهزار فلزکار در ترکیه خود را برای به راه انداختن اعتصاب آماده می کنند. بخش مهمی از آنان از ۵ فوریه ۲۰۲۰
مطابق با ۱۳۹۸ اعتصاب خود را آغاز خواهند کرد. این حرکت به دنبال یک جریان طولانی مذاکره با صاحبکار صنایع
فلزی صورت می گیرد- این صنعت، هستۀ استرتژیک عرضۀ بخش مهمی از صادرات را تشکیل می دهد که برای اقتصاد
ترکیه نقشی حیاتی دارند. صنایع فلزی، بخشهائی مانند اتوموبیل سازی، تولید همه گونه لوازم خانگی و قطعات ماشین ها، که برای
فعالیت دیکر بخش ها اساسي هستند. از دیدگاه تاریخی و در جریان سال های اخیر،كارگران فلزكاري فعال ترين نقش را در مبارزات كارگري
.و صنفي تركيه داشته اند
En vísperas de una próxima huelga de trabajadores metalúrgicos que involucra a más de 100 mil trabajadores en Turquía, DIP lanzó una campaña internacional de solidaridad con los trabajadores en huelga, ante la probable prohibición de la huelga por parte del gobierno de Erdogan. También puede extender su solidaridad escribiendo a y enviando su firma para la petición. Aquí está el enlace a un video que explica los antecedentes de este ataque:
À la veille d’une grève imminenete des métallos impliquant plus de 100 000 travailleurs en Turquie, DIP (Le Parti Révolutionnaire de Travailleurs) a lancé une campagne internationale de solidarité avec les grévistes, face à l’interdiction plus que probable de la grève par le gouvernement Erdogan. Vous pouvez également transmettre votre solidarité en écrivant à et en envoyant votre signature pour la pétition. Voici le lien vers une vidéo qui explique le contexte de cette grève:
On the eve of an approaching metalworkers’ strike involving more than 100 thousand workers in Turkey, DIP has launched an international campaign of solidarity with the striking workers, in the face of a most probable ban on the strike by Erdogan’s government. You can extend your solidarity also by writing to and sending in your signature for the petition. Here is the link to a video that explains the background to this strike:
Emperyalistlerin savaşına karşı savaş!
Libya’da vekalet savaşına hayır!
Doğu Akdeniz’de doğal gaz haramilerinin savaşına hayır!
Kahrolsun bölgedeki tüm emperyalistler!
Alternatif, isyan ve devrimi başlatan halkların yoludur!
¡Guerra contra la guerra de los imperialistas!
¡No a la guerra de poderes en Libia!
¡No a la guerra de los ladrones de gas natural en el Mediterráneo oriental!
¡Abajo los imperialistas de toda la región!
¡La alternativa es el camino tomado por los pueblos que comenzaron la rebelión y la revolución!
War against the war of imperialists!
No proxy war in Libya!
No to the war of natural gas robbers in the Eastern Mediterranean!
Down with the imperialists all over the region!
The alternative is the road taken by the peoples who started rebellion and revolution!
The article below has been written for publication in the first issue of a new online journal, Советское Возрождение (Sovetskoe Vozrozhdenie- Soviet Renaissance)to be produced in Russia. This journal has now been published and posted on RedMed as well as in Russia (click here). The article was originally penned in English and was translated into Russian. This is Part 2 of the original English. Part 1 was posted on RedMed earlier (click here)
The year 2019 will surely be remembered for the plethora of mass uprisings and mobilisations over the face of our planet, from France to Sudan and from Chile to Iran. However, this trend is developing against a background of continuing threats of deepening economic crisis and impoverishment, of wars small and large, and of the rise of fascism and reaction.
Chers sœurs et frères d'Irak, du Liban, d'Algérie et du Soudan!
Le DIP (Parti Révolutionnaire de Travailleurs), qui est une organisation internationaliste basée en Turquie, salue les efforts héroïques des peuples de vos pays pour contester les structures étatiques et le système économique capitaliste sur lequel ces structures étatiques s’élèvent. Après la résilience impressionnante du peuple soudanais, qui a perdu des centaines de martyrs révolutionnaires dans le processus, la résolution du peuple algérien, qui n'a pas cessé de défier le régime sous toutes ses formes de manifestation, nous avons maintenant l'Irak avec presque 500 martyrs, dans un laps de temps beaucoup plus court que la révolution soudanaise. Il s'agit d'un hommage à la «démocratie» que l'Amérique était censée apporter à l'Irak, qui s'avère nettement pire que le régime d'Omar el-Béchir! Même le Liban, où, malgré une répression bien réelle, les choses ont commencé plutôt pacifiquement par rapport aux autres pays, entre maintenant, semble-t-il, dans une période de répression violente de la part des soi-disant «forces de sécurité». Nous observons avec une grande admiration la résistance et la résolution de...
Bağdat havalimanına yapılan roket saldırısıyla İran Devrim Muhafızları’na bağlı Kudüs Gücü komutanı Kasım Süleymani ile Irak’ın Halk Seferberliği Güçleri (Haşdi Şabi/Haşduşşa’bi) Başkan Yardımcısı Ebu Mehdi El-Mühendis’in ve 6 kişinin daha katledilmesi, emperyalist ABD’nin yeni bir terör saldırısıdır. Bu saldırının işareti Trump’ın İran’a yönelik “bu bir uyarı değil tehdittir” diyerek attığı yılbaşı tivitiyle ve dün ABD Savunma Bakanı Mark Esper tarafından “Amerikalıların hayatlarını korumak için önleyici eyleme geçebiliriz” sözleriyle verilmişti. Kötü ünlü önleyici savaş doktrini 11 Eylül 2001 (El Kaide’nin New York’ta İkiz Kulelere ve Pentagon’a uçak kaçırarak yaptığı saldırılar) sonrasında Afganistan ve Irak’ın işgal edilmesine zemin hazırlayan Amerikan resmi söylemidir. Bu doktrin herhangi bir meşru sebep olmaksızın ABD emperyalizminin çıkarlarını korumak için askeri saldırı yapmasını öngörmektedir. Irak’ta bugün olan da budur.
This is the condemnation by DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party) of Turkey of the barbaric act of aggression upon Iran by the Trump administration and US imperialism. This is the Arabic translation of the text of the condemnation, originally written in Turkish. As the despicable act was committed on Iraqi soil, DIP is asking the revolutionary camp of Iraq to respond to this heinous murder. All anti-imperialists owe the peoples of Iraq and Iran a show of true solidarity.
This is the condemnation by DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party) of Turkey of the barbaric act of aggression upon Iran by the Trump administration and US imperialism. This is the Farsi translation of the text of the condemnation, originally written in Turkish. As the despicable act was committed on Iraqi soil, DIP is asking the revolutionary camp of Iraq to respond to this heinous murder. All anti-imperialists owe the peoples of Iraq and Iran a show of true solidarity.
مردم انقلابي عراق جواب ترور آمريكا در بغداد را خواهد داد
This is a new journal being published in Russia by the Association “Soviet Union”, a fraternal entity to RedMed. Its title is: Советское Возрождение. Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз». 30 декабря 2019. № 1.(Sovetskii Renessance. Bulleten’ Assotsiatsii “Sovetskii Souz”. 30 dekabrya 2019, no. 1 or, in English, Soviet Renaissance. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”. December 30, 2019. No. 1.) Authors who write for RedMed have also written for thei first issue. We publish it here for our Russian speaking readers. Some of the articles will be published separately in English. We wish the new journal the best of success. As a new year’s gift to our readers, let us say that we hope this is the beginning of a new level of cooperation between several Marxist entities in Russia and RedMed. We hope to be able to announce some great news in the coming weeks. (RedMed)
The text below (in Greek) is a common call of action against Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Greece to sign the EastMed pipeline deal with the Greek prime minister and Cypriot president on January 2, signed by a number of Greek left forces including EEK (Workers Revolutionary Party). While the prime minister of the occupier state called Israel visited Athens to sign the deal which will enable Israel to ship the natural gas it steals from Palestinians to Europe via Greece and Cyprus, a large crowd marched to the Zionist embassy to protest the deal and to show the war criminal Netanyahu that he will never be welcome in Greece! EEK was on the front lines in the demonstration alongside our Palestinian sisters and brothers to stop the deal which will upgrade the position of US imperialism and Israel Zionism in the Eastern Mediterranean by deepening the Greece-Cyprus-Egypt-Israel military and energy cooperation.
El chavismo, ahora dirigido por Maduro y los suyos, con toda su debilidad, todavía moviliza, lo siguen y lo votan, ¿no tiene vigencia? De ser negativa la respuesta, va contra el devenir dialéctico, es decir ¿de dónde viene?, inclusive dentro del marco latinoamericano, más allá de nuestras fronteras, pregúntenle a Trump. Los que dicen ¡Fuera Maduro! ¿Pretenden con esto derrotar al imperialismo? No se puede ser neutral entre los dos campos burgueses en lucha, el programa nacional debe ser superado por las masas en su lucha, por supuesto la vanguardia proletaria dirigiendo, en la cual nosotros debemos estar, no nos quedemos esperando un milagro.
The article below is the text of a paper presented at the Conference on the Centenary of the Comintern at the Russian National Library, Leningrad, April 2, 2019. It is also being published in Russian in the first issue of a new online journal to be produced in Russia, Советское Возрождение (Sovetskii Renessance - Soviet Renaissance). RedMed is thus bidding farewell to 2019, the Centenary of the foundation of the Communist International, with precisely a piece on the importance of its foundation and the subsequent fate it later met at the hands of the political representative of the Soviet bureaucracy, Stalin
Dear sisters and brothers of Iraq, Lebanon, Algeria and Sudan!
The DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party), which is an internationalist organisation based in Turkey, salutes the heroic efforts of the peoples of your countries in challenging the state structures and the capitalist economic system upon which those state structures rise. After the impressive resilience of the Sudanese people, who lost hundreds of revolutionary martyrs in the process, the resolution of the Algerian people, who did not stop short of defying the regime in all its forms of manifestation, we now have Iraq with its close to 500 martyrs, in a much shorter time span than Sudan’s revolution. This is a tribute to the “democracy” America was supposed to bring to Iraq, which turns out to be clearly worse than the regime of Omar al Bashir! Even Lebanon, where, despite the very real repression, things started out rather peacefully relative to the other countries, is now seemingly entering a period of violent repression on the part of the so-called “security forces”. We are watching with great admiration the resistance and resolution exhibited by your peoples.
The article below is the Farsi translation of the article on the Iranian uprising of mid-November by Behnaz Tebrizi and Sungur Savran. It was translated and
published by the Iranian web site (Critique) at this link
La mobilisation contre la liquidation de notre système de retraite semble marquer le pas. La grève reste limitée, les manifestations sont importantes mais pas considérables. En tout cas en dessous du niveau nécessaire pour faire plier Macron.
Le mouvement est au milieu du gué.
En passant en force, Macron a fait basculer la CFDT du côté de la grève. Mais c’est contre son gré et seulement pour un temps. Le jeu de cette confédération est connu (depuis le « recentrage » initié par Edmond Maire en 1978, qui devance les desiderata patronaux et fait de ce syndicat un pion avancé des patrons dans les rangs ouvriers) : Berger espère obtenir une concession de Macron après quoi, faisant valoir SA victoire, il s’efforcera de briser la grève. À la CFDT s’ajoutent la CFTC, la CGC, et l’UNSA qui suivront l’itinéraire de la CFDT.
Not only did the Algerian people not vote, they also expressed their rage and refusal actively. On the day of the election, they chose to demonstrate. People were out in their tens or perhaps hundreds of thousands in the capital city Algiers, as well as Bouira, Tizi Ouzou, Bejaia, Tlemcen, Oran and others. Although the police attacked the demonstration in each city at a certain moment of its unfolding, the crowds dominated the city streets.
Corbyn has lost because he was not able to counter this pro-American alliance with an anti-imperialist, internationalist, progressive Brexit programme. Blair was not able to bring down Corbyn during the latter’s three-year leadership of Labour (Corbyn, when challenged, won a second leadership election in 2017 with an even higher margin), but he immobilised Corbyn to such a degree that, having suffered defeat because of this immobility, Corbyn has now promised that he would never lead Labour at an election any more. To put it differently, Corbyn did not lose these elections to Boris Johnson, but to Tony Blair, the embodiment of the liberal forces that had conquered Labour from within. That is why we have above, next to Corbyn, not a picture of Boris Johnson, but of Tony Blair.
The establishment of Posti dates back to almost 400 years ago. Its role in facilitating parcel transportation and logistics, key components of the modern industrial economy, has been crucial for Finland. It is also a very prestigious public company, which explains why, in an effort to erase this popular image, its name has been changed multiple times and yet, in the end, was reverted to Posti.
On 17th October Lebanon erupted. 2 million people have since come out in cities and towns across this country of 7 million. People from all walks of life, except the crême de la crême, have since staged demonstrations, blocked roads, occupied Martyrs’ square in Beirut and other public spaces, marched to ministries, the Central Bank, and other agencies they hold responsible for the plight of the country, and waged strikes by workers in different industries. For a period of two whole weeks all public schools and universities were shut down, with children and teenagers of all ages, from elementary school pupils all the way up to university students, joining the demonstrations. Lebanese University, the biggest public university, was a major centre of agitation, especially its main campus in Hadath. Schools then opened, but students have kept up their political activity.
Renaissance Ouvrière Révolutionnaire, our sister organisation in France, was naturally present in the ranks of the French workers and people during the big general strike in that country. Here is a first report form our comrades.
The French working class has been preparing for this day for months. December 5 was chosen as the starting date of the general strike against the law that makes it possible for the ordinary French worker to get his or her pension only in the grave! The organization of the French bourgeoisie MEDEF had demanded this for years and President Emmanuel Macron who executes without any reserve when ordered by MEDEF rolled up his sleeves to pass this law. The answer was clear. Meetings were held at each station, leaflets were distributed in every corner, and almost every day another sector or layer of the working class declared their support for the strike. The D-day came and the switches started to turn off as from the evening of 4 December, and on 5 December in all the important cities of France, the streets were taken by the working class.
The rolling general strike in France, which started on 5th December, may drag on for some time. It will be an important event, especially in the context of the uprisings that have shaken the Middle East and North Africa region and Latin America. We are publishing below the leaflet prepared on this occasion by our comrades of the ROR (Renaissance ouvrière révolutionannaire), our sister organisation in France. (RedMed)
Los trabajadores y los pobres de Irán esperaban una señal. La señal llegó el viernes 15 de noviembre. El gobierno decidió cancelar los subsidios a la nafta y aumentar el precio del litro de nafta en un 50% para los primeros 60 litros mensuales y en un 300% para los litros siguientes. Todo Irán se rebeló. Lo mismo ocurrió con el evento de los Chalecos Amarillos en Francia (ver artículo “The Yellow Vests...”), con la revolución sudanesa (ver artículo “Sudan Revolution”), con la “Revolución de media jornada” de Ecuador (ver artículo “Yarım günlük...”), e incluso en Chile, donde la explosión no fue el resultado de una subida del precio del combustible, sino de una modesta subida de los precios del subte (ver artículo “Tahrir’den Tahrir’e...”). Las subidas de precios y tarifas no son la razón de los levantamientos recientes. Los pueblos del mundo están sencillamente esperando agazapados a que la clase capitalista haga un movimiento erróneo. Eso es todo. Ahora se ha unido Irán, una vez más, como veremos más abajo, a la tercera ola de la revolución mundial (ver artículos “Tahrir’den Tahrir’e...”, “Tremble with fear...”, y más anterior “2018: year of the resurgence...”). Una aclaración...
Levent'te bir araya gelen Filistin dostları, “'Yıkılsın Siyonist İsrail devleti” yazılı pankartın arkasında, Filistin bayraklarıyla konsolosluk önüne yürüdü. Filistin dostları eylem boyunca “Yıkılsın Siyonist İsrail devleti!”, “Nehirden denize özgür Filistin!”, “Kahrolsun ABD emperyalizmi!”, “Katil ABD Ortadoğu’dan defol!”, “Kahrolsun Avrupa emperyalizmi!” sloganlarını attı. Konsolosluk önünde “ABD defol! Kudüs Filistinlilerindir!” pankartı açan Filistin dostları “Elçi defolsun, ilişkiler kesilsin!” sloganıyla Filistinlilerin Siyonist İsrail ile ilişkilerinin kesilmesi talebini yükseltti.
قام أصدقاء فلسطين ضد الإمبريالية والصهيونية بتنظيم احتجاج أمام القنصلية الصهيونية في ٢٩ نوفمبر، يوم التضامن الدولي مع الشعب الفلسطيني.
مشى الحشد من محطة المترو في ليفنت إلى مبنى القنصلية الصهيونية بشعارات: "ليسقط الكيان الصهيوني" ، "من النهر إلى البحر، ستكون فلسطين حرة"، "لتسقط الإمبريالية الأمريكية" ، "ليسقط إمبريالية الاتحاد الأوروبي ". كما هتفوا بشعارات تطالب بترحيل السفير الصهيوني.
ثم، أمام مبنى القنصلية ، قرأوا البيان الصحفي، و دعوا الناس إلى النضال ضد الإمبريالية و الصهيونية. كما طالب أصدقاء فلسطين ضد الإمبريالية وصهيونيزم بإنهاء فوري لجميع العلاقات مع إسرائيل.
The Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism (FPAIZ) Platform held a demonstration on November 29 in front of the Istanbul Consulate of Israel in Levent, in order to mark the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People.
The demonstrators gathered at the Levent metro station and then marched to the Consulate with placards, Palestine flags, and the banner read “Down with Zionist Israel state”.
During the protest, Friends of Palestine chanted the slogans “Down with the Zionist Israel state”, ”From the river to the sea Palestine will be free!”, “Down with the US imperialism!”, and “Down with the European imperialism!”
Before the press release, they unfurled the banner “USA go home! Al Quds belongs to the Palestinians”. Chanting slogans “the Ambassador be deported!” and “all relations be cut off!”, the Platform raised the demand that Turkey sever its relations with Zionist entity.
In the press release, the Platform called the people to struggle against Zionism within the country and in the region.
On 1st October last month, precisely on the 70th anniversary of the second most important revolution of the 20th century, the Chinese revolution, the Iraqi revolution broke out in particular in the Shiite region of the country. The Communist Party of China has long abandoned the path of the revolution it had once led, but the working people of Iraq were saying, as it were, that revolution was not left out in the cold.
Iraq’s revolution is based entirely on the rightful grievances of its toiling population: joblessness, extremely poor social services, and immense corruption. The rate of unemployment has reached 30 per cent among the youth. The importance of this piece of statistics comes through when one remembers that 54 per cent of the population of 38 million of the country are under the age of 24. The lack of services bears bitterly ironic dimensions, since the supply of electric power is extremely unreliable even in the oil-rich city of Basra. There is also a lack of sanitation across the country: water is not available in potable quality and even agriculture suffers from this miserable supply of water. As for the corruption, this is a systemic ill through which the...
İran’ın işçileri ve yoksulları bir işaret bekliyordu. O işaret 15 Kasım Cuma günü geldi. Hükümet benzin sübvansiyonunu kesti ve benzinin fiyatına ayda kullanılan ilk 60 litre için %50, daha sonrası için ise %300 zam yaptı. Tüm İran ayağa kalktı. Bunun benzeri, Fransa’da Sarı Yelekliler olayında, Sudan devriminde, Ekvador’daki ‘yarım günlük devrim’de, ve hatta Şili’de, her ne kadar burada ayaklanmanın tetikleyicisi yakıt fiyatlarındaki artış yerine metro fiyatlarındaki ufak bir artış olsa da, yaşanmıştır. Fiyatlar ve ulaşım bedellerindeki artışlar bu isyanların nedeni değildir. Dünya halkları adeta pusuya yatmış ve sermayedar sınıfın yanlış bir hareketini beklemişlerdir. Olan bundan ibarettir. İran, az sonra anlatacağımız gibi tekrardan, dünya devriminin üçüncü dalgasına katılmıştır.
Les travailleurs et les pauvres d'Iran attendaient un signe. Ce signe est venu le vendredi 15 novembre. Le gouvernement a décidé d’éliminer les subventions pour l'essence et d'augmenter le prix d'un litre d'essence de 50% pour les premiers 60 litres mensuels et de 300% par la suite. L’Iran tout entier s’est révolté. C’est la même chose avec ce qui s’est passé en France lors des événements Gilets jaunes (, de la révolution soudanaise (, dans la "révolution d'une demi-journée" en Équateur (, même au Chili, où l'explosion était le résultat non pas de la hausse du prix du carburant mais d'une hausse modeste des prix du métro (
The workers and the poor of Iran were waiting for a sign. That sign came on Friday 15th November. The government decided to cancel subsidies for petrol (gasoline) and raise the price of one litre of petrol 50% for the first monthly 60 litres and 300% thereafter. The whole of Iran rose in revolt. This was the same with what happened in France in the Yellow Vests event (, in the Sudanese revolution (, in Ecuador’s “half-day revolution” (, even in Chile where the explosion was the result not of a rise in the price of fuel but of a modest rise in metro prices ( The price and fare rises are not the reason for the recent...
We are publishing below the English translation of the statement DIP (the Revolutionary Workers Party) issued in Turkish on the very first day of the coup in Bolivia. This is why it does not refer to the phenomenal mass movement that erupted against the coup later, starting with the march from the city of El Alto neighbouring La Paz and using the slogan “Ahora sí, guerra civil!”, putting a civil war on the agenda. Support for this movement is the key to any serious opposition to the coup. Given the right conditions, the defensive struggle against the coup can even turn into a revolutionary crisis. (Note added by RedMed)