We need to learn from this unfortunate incident. Turkish has an apt saying for such situations: “One scourge is worth more than a thousand counsels.” If only, of course, one is ready to learn from that scourge! Unfortunately, despite all the calamities suffered in recent years, a variety of movements that claim to subscribe to the heritage of the Fourth International are adamant in not learning. We optimistically expect that this will not be the case this time.
Το ΕΕΚ καταγγέλλει, ανεπιφύλακτα και κατηγορηματικά, αυτήν την εγκληματική δράση φασιστικού τρόμου, μπροστά σε όλη την Ελληνική εργατική τάξη και τον λαό, μπροστά σε όλα τα διεθνή εργατικά και λαϊκά, κοινωνικά και απελευθερωτικά κινήματα! Η απειλή ενάντια στον Σιάρ Ρισβάνογλου είναι απειλή ενάντια σε όλους μας, σε όλους τους καταπιεσμένους στην περιοχή και όλο τον κόσμο.
Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the EEK
(Workers Revolutionary Party of Greece)
The EEK denounces, unequivocally and categorically, this criminal act of fascist terror, in front of all the Greek working class and people, in front of all the international workers’ and popular, social and liberation movements! The threat against Şiar Rişvanoğlu is a threat against all of us, all of the oppressed in the region and all over the world.
Solidarity for Şiar Rişvanoğlu and all victims of chauvinism, fascism and State terrorism!
Our solidarity now is more vital than ever as the chauvinist fevers and reactionary war dangers spread by imperialism, the ruling classes and their State apparatuses are hovering over the peoples on both sides of the Aegean Sea, in Cyprus, the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East and internationally.
Without internationalism we cannot breathe anymore!
Hands off our brother Şiar Rişvanoğlu!
1. Η λαϊκή εξέγερση επέστρεψε στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής. Και τι επιστροφή! Τη στιγμή που γράφουμε αυτές τις θέσεις*, ο λαός είναι ήδη στους δρόμους εδώ και τρεις εβδομάδες, έχουν ενωθεί Μαύροι και Λευκοί (και Λατίνοι, Λατίνες και Ασιάτες και Ασιάτισσες και όλοι οι άλλοι) στον αγώνα για δικαιοσύνη και κοινωνική πρόνοια, έχουν αψηφήσει τις επιθετικές τακτικές της αστυνομίας από τη Νέα Υόρκη ως την Καλιφόρνια, έχουν ταπεινώσει τον Τραμπ στην προσπάθειά του να προσφύγει στο στρατό για την καταπολέμηση των μαζών, έχουν έτσι «κυριαρχήσει» στο δρόμο, για να χρησιμοποιήσω το στρατιωτικό όρο του Τραμπ, προς απογοήτευση των δυνάμεων του «νόμου και της τάξης», και έχουν αποσπάσει παραχωρήσεις από τις δυνάμεις της καθιερωμένης καπιταλιστικής τάξης. Τι επιτεύγματα!
Los diputados en el parlamento de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires del Partido Obrero (PO) y del Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas (PTS), unidos en el Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores (FIT), han sido atacados ferozmente por la Organización Sionista Argentina (OSA-Organización Sionista de Argentina) por su posición sobre el sionismo y los derechos del pueblo palestino. Condenamos inequívocamente y como una cuestión de solidaridad internacionalista de parte de un partido revolucionario del Medio Oriente, este ataque vicioso contra un frente y dos partidos que son parte de las fuerzas políticas que representan los intereses de la clase obrera argentina y expresamos nuestra solidaridad con ellos.
The deputies in the parliament of the City of Buenos Aires of the Partido Obrero (PO-Workers Party) and the Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas (PTS-Socialist Workers Party), united in the Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores (FIT-Front of the Left and Workers), have been ferociously attacked by the Organización Sionista Argentina (OSA-Zionist Organisation of Argentina) for their position on Zionism and on the rights of the Palestinian people. We condemn, unequivocally and as a matter of internationalist solidarity on the part of a Middle Eastern revolutionary party, this vicious attack on a front and two parties that are a part of the political forces that represent the interests of the Argentine working class and express our solidarity with them.
Trump is raising the stakes. From the position of “president of law and order”, he is turning into the presidential candidate of Ku Klux Klan. He used the 4th of July, the national holiday celebrating America’s independence, gained in 1776 through a revolutionary war, to set the terms of his strategic response to the immense social movement that brought millions of people out on the streets after the death of George Floyd in Minnesota at the end of May. In the speeches he made on Mount Rushmore on Friday the 3rd and at the White House on Saturday the 4th, he engaged in a headlong attack on the entire mass movement, not even distinguishing between those who took to the streets to demand justice and finally create a solution to the unceasing police brutality against African Americans using the classical methods of mass demonstrations and the element that tended towards looting, arson and other kinds of unorganised and wanton violence.
We are publishing here issue No.3 for the year 2020 (Issue No. 135) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). We had earlier published the previous issue on our website. (RedMed)
July 5th has arrived! Today is the day when the water of San Francisco Waterfront turned red with workers’ blood. On 1934 this day, the police murdered two of our fellow workers who were defending their right to organize. This criminal act triggered a massive response from all the workers of the city, culminating into the San Francisco General Strike!
Την 1η Ιουλίου 2020 το Ισραήλ, υπό την κυβέρνηση του ακροδεξιού πρωθυπουργού Νετανιάχου, προχωρά σε ένα ακόμη έγκλημα κατά του Παλαιστινιακού λαού. Όπως έχει ήδη ανακοινωθεί, το Ισραήλ θα προσαρτήσει την κοιλάδα του Ιορδάνη, στην κατεχόμενη Δυτική Όχθη, σημαντικό μέρος των εδαφών που κατέλαβε με τον πόλεμο του 1967.
On July 1st 2020, Israel, under the government of the far-right Prime Minister Netanyahu, is committing another crime against the Palestinian people. As it has already been announced, Israel will annex the Jordan Valley to the occupied West Bank, a significant part of the territory occupied by the 1967 war.
The Friends of Palestine against Imperialism and Zionism Platform held a demonstration in front of the so-called Israeli Consulate in Levent, Istanbul, in order to protest the Israel’s U.S-backed plan to annex up to 30% of the West Bank. The platform marched from the Levent underground station to the Consulate building, chanting slogans and carrying a long banner saying “side with the intifada, not with imperialist aggression and the Zionist annexation!”.
Elon Musk, the CEO of high-tech giants SpaceX and Tesla, has acclaimed a celebrity status around the world over the last few years with his company’s supposedly green-friendly products, eccentric behavior, media personality, and his supposed “innovativeness”. He himself has done everything in his power to enhance this boastful public persona, from launching space shuttles “for fun” to naming his new-born child after a computer code. As a result, this sassy poster-boy of the Silicon Valley bourgeoisie is revered as an innovative miracle-man in a number of business and high-tech R&D circles. His South African origin and occasional appeals for green energy or universal basic income lure some of the leftist intellectuals around the world to sympathize with him.
We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 3 for 2020 of Sovetskoe Vozrozhdenie. Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”. The very first issue of the journal was published in December 2019 and Issue No. (2020 (1)) were also posted on RedMed.
En dépit de la persistance de l'épidémie de coronavirus dans le pays et du risque d'infection lors du vote, les autorités russes ont décidé de procéder à un vote le 1er juillet 2020 sur la modification de la Constitution en vigueur de la Fédération de Russie, ignorant le fait que la Constitution en vigueur, déjà violée lors de la préparation du vote, allait l’être à nouveau par la tenue de ce scrutin. Toute la responsabilité, et pas seulement historique, de ces violations, de la préparation, de l'organisation, de la tenue du vote du 1er juillet et de ses conséquences pour le pays et ses citoyens incombe entièrement aux organisateurs et aux complices de ce tragique événement. Mais cette responsabilité, au moins morale, retombera sur tous ceux qui viendront le 1er juillet et voteront en faveur d'un ensemble d'amendements à la Constitution.
Российские «власть предержащие» решили, несмотря на продолжающуюся в стране эпидемию коронавируса и опасность заражения при голосовании, провести 1 июля 2020 г. голосование по внесению поправок в действующую Конституцию Российской Федерации, проигнорировав факт нарушения действующей Конституции при подготовке голосования и предстоящего ее нарушения при его проведении. Вся ответственность, причем не только историческая, за эти нарушения, за подготовку, организацию, проведение голосования 1 июля и его последствия для страны и ее граждан целиком и полностью лежит на организаторах и соучастниках этого трагифарса. Но эта ответственность, по крайней мере моральная, ляжет и на всех тех, кто 1 июля придет и проголосует за внесение пакета поправок в Конституцию.
Despite the ongoing epidemic of coronavirus in the country and the danger of infection during voting, the Russian "authorities" decided to vote on July 1, 2020 to amend the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, ignoring the fact of violation of the current Constitution in the preparation of the vote and its upcoming violation during its conduct. Full responsibility, not only historical, for these violations, for the preparation, organization, holding of the vote on July 1 and its consequences for the country and its citizens rests entirely with the organizers of this tragedy and their accomplices. But this responsibility, at least morally, will fall on all those who will go to the booths on July 1 and vote to introduce a package of amendments to the Constitution.
On Sunday 21st of June, Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism organized a demonstration in front of the French honorary consulate in İzmir and protested the captivities of our two comrades, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and Ahmad Saadat.
ABD’de siyahî bir güvenlik görevlisi olan George Floyd’un polis tarafından katli üzerine patlak veren halk isyanı üçüncü haftasını doldururken tüm ülke sathına yayılmış ve Trump’ın sokaklardaki halkı askerî yöntemlerle sindirme planlarını da altüst etmiş bulunuyor.
Our readers would know well about the popular revolt that erupted in the USA upon the murder of George Floyd, a black security guard, by the police. In its third week, the revolt has spread from Minneapolis, where Floyd was killed, to the entire country, and has forced Trump to back down on his plans for a military crackdown.
Le 4 juin 2020, Nikolaï Platochkine,historien, politologue, ancien diplomate, Directeur du Département des relations internationales et de la diplomatie de l’Université des sciences humaines de Moscou, responsable du Parti politique « Alternative pour la Russie (Parti du choix socialiste) » et du mouvement politique « Pour le nouveau socialisme » a été interpelé dans son appartement à Moscou. Le même jour, le tribunal de Basmanny de Moscou, dans le cadre de l’affaire pénale engagée par le tribunal pénal russe contre Platochkine pour incitation à l’émeute (partie 1.1 de l’article 212 du Code pénal de la Russie) et distribution de faux (partie 207.1 du Code pénal de la Russie), l’a envoyé en résidence surveillée pendant deux mois, jusqu’au 2 août.
4 июня 2020 года в Москве на своей квартире был арестован Николай Николаевич Платошкин, историк, политолог, бывший дипломат, заведующий кафедрой международных отношений и дипломатии Московского гуманитарного университета, руководитель Политической партии «Альтернатива для России (Партия Социалистического выбора)», возглавляющий политическое движение «За новый социализм». В тот же день Басманный суд Москвы по возбужденному СК РФ против Платошкина уголовному делу о склонении к массовым беспорядкам (часть 1.1 статьи 212 УК России) и распространении фейка (часть 207.1 УК России), отправил его под домашний арест на два месяца до 2 августа.
On June 4, 2020, Nikolai Nikolaevich Platoshkin, a historian, political scientist, former diplomat, head of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy of Moscow Humanitarian University, head of the Political Party “Alternative for Russia (Socialist Choice Party)”, who heads also the political movement “For New Socialism”, was arrested in his apartment in Moscow. On the same day, the Basmanny Court of Moscow in the criminal case initiated by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation against Platoshkin on incitation to riots (part 1.1 of article 212 of the Criminal Code of Russia) and the spread of fake news (part 207.1 of the Criminal Code of Russia), put him under home arrest for two months until August 2.
George Floyd’un polis tarafından katli, bütün ABD çapında ırkçılığa ve polis terörüne karşı bir isyanın patlak vermesine yol açtı. Bu halk isyanı, federal ve eyalet çapında hükümetleri halka karşı planladıkları askerî operasyonlardan vazgeçmeye, çeşitli büyük şehir hükümetlerini ise polis bütçelerini kısıp kaynakları siyahî, Latino vb. nüfusa yönlendirmeye zorladı. Tabandan gelme işçiler, isyanla dayanışma içinde olduklarını defalarca gösterdiler. Sendika üyesi birçok işçi, sırtlarında sendika amblemli gömleklerle eylemlere katıldı. Minneapolis’te metro işçilerinin sendikası, şehirde isyan başlar başlamaz ulaşımı kesti. Birçok büyük şehirde otobüs şoförleri tutuklu isyancıları hapishanelere ve karakollara taşımayı reddetti. Ancak sendika pankartları, henüz hiçbir eylemde görülmüş değil. Bir bütün olarak sendikal hareket, sendika bürokratlarının Demokrat Parti’ye koşulsuz bağlılığı ve tabandan gelen her türlü militan kıpırdanmayı boğması sebebiyle isyana elini henüz uzatmadı.
The murder of George Floyd sparked off immense protests and militant actions against racism and police terror across the United States. The people’s uprising forced the federal and state governments to roll back their military operations against the people in revolt, and important city governments to curtail their policing budgets and channel the resources to people of color. Rank-and-file workers have demonstrated their solidarity numerous times. Many members have participated in rallies and protests in their union shirts. The subway drivers’ union in Minneapolis cut off all transportation the day the uprising began in the city. In many major cities, bus drivers refused to take the arrested rebels to jails or police stations. However, union banners have been remarkably absent from the protests so far. Organized labor as a whole has not yet lent its hand to the people in revolt because of the union bureaucracy’s unconditional backing of the Democratic Party and stifling of rank-and-file militancy.
So the peoples’ rebellion has come back to the United States of America. And what a comeback! At the time of writing, the people have been on the streets for three weeks already, have united black and white (and Latino/a and Asian and all the others) in the fight for justice and social provision, have defied the aggressive tactics of the police from New York to California, have humiliated Trump in his quest for recourse to the military in fighting the masses, have thus “dominated” the street, to use Trump’s military term, to the chagrin of the forces of “law and order”, and have thus wrested concessions from the forces of the established capitalist order. What achievements!
Exactly 50 years ago, Turkey was shaken by a workers’ insurgency that still stands as the apogee of working class militancy in the country’s history. The workers of Istanbul and the neighbouring cities of Gebze and Izmit occupied the streets and squares, filling the hearts of the bourgeois with fear, overrunning every barricade set up by the police and the army, forcibly wresting their fellow workers taken under custody from police precincts, chanting slogans on one of the main avenues of the city that has always been the pride of the wealthy so that, in the words of a worker in their ranks, “the rich shall see our power”, and displaying their undeniable power by demonstrating in front of government buildings and local army headquarters.
The struggle continues most fiercely all across the country! The people in rightful rebellion have conquered important gains, such as curtails in police budgets and abolition of curfew orders in some cities. Despite this retreat, however, the bosses, with their parties and killer cops, continue to scheme to condemn the workers and the oppressed to death. In California, the police shot dead another brother, Erik Salgado, just recently.
After a week full of people’s militant action, Trump retreated and pulled the National Guard out of DC and some other cities. Some city councils have voted on defunding their respective police departments and channeling the resources to the betterment of African American communities’ living conditions. These are major victories on part of people in revolt!
Another brother has fallen victim to the racist attacks of the police just when the people of his city was protesting racism. Sean Monterrosa, a 22-year old Latino, was shot dead by the police in Vallejo, California, amidst the rebellion against racism. The police, afraid of the rebellion already sweeping the streets, did not disclose their disgusting crime until a day later.
The people’s rebellion to demand justice for brother George Floyd and to end racist oppression has spread across the nation. Great support has come from the bus drivers’ and subway workers’ unions, as well as the Target workers’ initiative. Instead of meeting the people’s legitimate demands, however, governors everywhere have declared states of siege, martial laws, curfews, or other states of emergency to strangle this wave. Democrat and Republican alike!
The killing of George Floyd by a police officer kneeling on his neck for ten whole minutes and suffocating him has set the United States ablaze. Comrades in the United States working for the creation of a mass Labor Party of the American working class have put out a statement condemning the murder of George Floyd and the racist system in the United States and calling for measures that will overcome this never-ending series of murders of black people by the police. We publish the statement of the United Front Committee for a Labor Party below. (RedMed)
Kâr hırsı içindeki Amerikan muhteşem üçlüsü Ford, General Motors (GM) ve Chrysler, UAW liderliğinin de desteğiyle 18 Mayıs Pazartesi günü işçilere işbaşı yapmalarını buyurdu. UAW sendika yetkilileri Rory Gamblel ve Ray Curry, işe dönmeden önce tüm sendika görevlilerinin testten geçmelerini talep etti, ancak işçilere aynı hakkın tanınması için mücadele etmekten imtina ediyorlar!
Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism, organized a demonstration in front of the Zionist consulate in Istanbul to commemorate the 72 anniversary of Nakba, the great disaster of the Palestinian people. We publish a report on the demonstration and on the activity of DİP (Revolutionary Workers Party) and the platform FPAIZ. The report was written by author Ahmad Zakaria from Egypt for
In the drive for profits, the US big three Ford, GM and Chrysler with the collusion of the UAW top leadership have said that they are ordering workers back to the factories on May 18th. The UAW union officials Rory Gamblel and Ray Curry even want the UAW staff tested before they return to work but refuse to fight for the same guidelines for all UAW auto workers.
11th May 2020 was the 6th anniversary of the referendum through which the People’s Republic of Donetsk was founded in the wake of the coup d’Etat engineered by the United States and the European Union in 2014 in Ukraine. This day is celebrated as Republic Day in the Donetsk People’s Republic. This year there were no mass celebrations because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Instead an international online conference was held. Savvas Mikhail-Matsas participated on behalf of the EEK of Greece (Workers Revolutionary Party) to address the meeting and celebrate this important day in the struggle against imperialism. We publish below a summary of his intervention at that meeting.
How can a historical Event be celebrated in times of distress? How can we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the world historical victory against fascism in 1945 without reducing it into a formal routine anniversary, or, even worse, into a diversion from the urgent needs of humanity? Only if the great Event, in all its dazzling brightness sheds light on history, revealing a path through the darkness of the present into a liberating future.
This May Day finds the proletariat fighting two wars: against the Covid-19 pandemic and against capitalism. The two fights are inseparably bound, for it is capitalism that set the conditions for the virus outbreak to turn rapidly into a global pandemic. It is the four decade-long capitalist assault on the healthcare system that deprived humanity of medical supplies when they are most needed. It is capitalist world trade that led capitalist states and politicians all around the world to deny, underestimate, or cover up the pandemic to keep “the economy running” rather than protecting people’s lives. And last, but definitely not least, it is the imminent unfolding of the Third Great Depression that haunts the hearts and minds of capitalists that turn them into panicked dictators forcing the workers to non-sanitized workplaces with little or no hygienic provisions.
For a Red Mayday with red carnations and red ribbons!
Homage to the frontline workers against the Coronavirus,
Long live health workers!
Those who cannot stay home of all countries, unite! You have nothing to lose but death!
We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 2 for 2020 of Sovetskoe Vozrozhdenie. Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”. This is the third issue of the journal. The very first issue of the journal was published in December 2019 and Issue No. (2020 (1)) were also posted on RedMed.