Akdeniz: Dünya devriminin yeni havzası!

The Mediterranean: new basin of world revolution!

البحر الأبيض: الحوض الجديد للثورة العالمية

مدیترانه: حوزه جدید انقلاب جهانی

Il Mediterraneo: nuovo bacino della rivoluzione mondiale!

Μεσόγειος: Νέα λεκάνη της παγκόσμιας επανάστασης!

Derya Sıpî: Deşta nû a şoreşa cihânê

Միջերկրական ծով: նոր ավազանում համաշխարհային հեղափոխության.

El Mediterráneo: Nueva cuenca de la revolución mundial!

La Méditerranée: nouveau bassin la révolution mondiale!

Mediterrâneo: bacia nova da revolução mundial!


August 3, 2018

Fight imperialism and war with the international socialist revolution! 

Forward to the revolutionary International!

1.     The Trump Doctrine “Make America Great Again” is a Declaration of War against the European Union, Russia, China, Iran, and the rest of the world-including, finally, America itself.

This became crystal clear, even among the most skeptic, with the US President’s last trip in Europe on July 11-16, 2018, which aptly was described as “five days of diplomatic carnage”. 

Landing in Brussels Airport, on July 11, to attend to the NATO Summit, Trump announced an escalation of the trade war against China by imposing another $200 billion tariffs added to the previous $50 billion already decided and/or under way. At the same time, he insulted Angela Merkel and Germany to be “captives of Russia” because of German participation in the North Stream II pipeline project; then he threatened the entire Atlantic Alliance with a US withdraw if the NATO members do not double their contribution in military expenditures.

Balkan Socialist Centre “Christian Rakovsky” and RedMed
August 1, 2018

On July 23-25, 2018, an Emergency Euro-Mediterranean Encounter, called by the Balkan Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and the web network RedMed, was successfully held in Eretria, Greece. Its aim was to discuss and take practical steps of action in relation to the dangerous situation produced by the world capitalist crisis and the escalation of war in the Middle East, the Balkans, and Europe, marked by the “diplomatic carnage” of the five days  visit by Trump in Europe (July 11-16, 2018).

The tragedy of the victims of the fires in Greece, the days of the Encounter, moved all the participants who declared, through a special statement, their solidarity.

Revolutionary Marxist and Communist parties, organizations, journals and militants from eleven countries took part in the proceedings.

From Greece: EEK (Workers Revolutionary Party, the host of the event), NAR( New Left Current for Communist Liberation), Syntonismo/ Coordination of Trade Unions, Students, and local movements for the Refugees, plus activists working in “hot spots” for refugees.  

From Turkey : the DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party)

July 29, 2018

Συλλυπητήρια σε εκείνους των οποίων οι αγαπημένοι απεβίωσαν!
Αλληλεγγύη στον ελληνικό λαό!

July 29, 2018

The Emergency Euro-Mediterranean Encounter, an international gathering of revolutionary Marxist workers’ parties and organisations from Europe, North and South, the Middle East, Russia, Africa and Latin America convened in the evening of Monday, 23rd July 2018 to open its deliberations to last three days in Erethria, Greece, unaware of course of what was to happen that very night. We woke up Tuesday morning to learn to our deep consternation that, the night before, fires had ravaged several areas of Greece and, in certain localities, took a very high toll in terms of human lives. At the time of writing the figure of those who have passed away, had reached an astonishing 76, in addition to a legion of injured, burnt in the fire, hundreds or perhaps thousands of homes scorched, whole communities destroyed.

We are immensely shaken by this tragedy that has befallen the Greek people. We humbly present our condolences to those who have been left behind by the deceased. We extend our best wishes to those who are suffering as a result of their burns. We extend our solidarity and sympathy to the people of Greece. 

July 29, 2018

Kristiyan Rakovskiy Balkan Sosyalist Merkezi ve RedMed internet ağının ortak çağrısıyla düzenlenen Acil Avrupa Akdeniz buluşması Yunanistan’ın Eretria şehrinde gerçekleşti. Yunanistan’dan EEK, Türkiye’den DİP, Arjantin’den Partido Obrero, Fransa’dan ROR, Finlandiya’dan MTL, İspanya'dan GIO, Rusya’dan RPK ve OKP, İtalya’dan Prospettiva Operaia ve İran’dan, Güney Afrika’dan devrimci Marksistler Acil Avrupa Akdeniz buluşması için 23 Temmuz’da bir araya geldi. 23 Temmuz gecesi onlarca insanın hayatını kaybetmesine sebep olan yangın faciası üzerine, DİP'in önerisiyle, hayatını kaybedenlerin ailelerine b...

Jorge Altamira and Martín Sánchez
July 27, 2018

At the beginning of July a popular uprising gripped the Caribbean country of Haiti. Below we publish, in abbreviated form, an article on this uprising published by Prensa Obrera, the web site of The Partido Obrero (PO, Workers’ Party) of Argentina. The translation into English was done by RedMed.

Sungur Savran
July 25, 2018

Ortadoğu’da ve Kuzey Afrika’da bir heyula dolaşıyor: komünizmin heyulası değil henüz ama devrimin heyulası. Sadece 2018’in yedi ayında, İran, Tunus, Ürdün, tekrar İran’da ve şimdi de Irak’ta isyanlar yaşadık. Bütün bu örneklerde ana sorun yoksulluk, işsizlik, eşitsizlik, elektrik ve temiz su gibi sosyal hizmetlere erişim türünden sınıf sorunlarıdır. Bu ülkelerin hiçbirinde ortaya bir önderlik çıkmış değil: Bütün bu isyanlar, tüm tanıklıklara göre, kendiliğinden patlak vermiş bulunuyor. Bütün bu isyanların yanı sıra Gazze halkının geri dönme hakkı için ve Donald Trump’ın hoyrat biçimde aldığı ABD’nin İsrail Büyükelçiliği’ni Kudüs’e taşıma kararına karşı yapılan bitmek bilmeyen gösteriler önemli bir soru sormamızı sağlıyor: kendilerini kahramanca isyanların ve kalkışmaların girdabına atan, farklı derecelerde de olsa ülkelerinin ve Siyonist devletin baskıcı rejimlerine başkaldıran kitlelerin örgütlenmesinin, önderliğinin ve koordinasyonun nasıl yapılacağı sorusu.

‘‘Bu protesto değil, devrim’’

Sungur Savran
July 25, 2018

ثمة شبح يحوم حول الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، ليس شبح الشيوعية، ليس بعد، بل شبح الثورة. فخلال السبعة أشهر الأولى فقط من عام 2018، شهدنا تمردات في إيران وتونس والأردن وإيران للمرة الثانية، واليوم في العراق. وفي كل هذه الأمثلة كان السؤال المحوري دائما سؤال طبقة الفقر والبطالة وعدم المساواة في الخدمات الاجتماعية مثل الكهرباء والماء والصرف الصحي. لكن لم تظهر قيادة في أي من هذه البلدان، فكل الانتفاضات كانت عفوية بحسب كل الشهادات. فإن كل هذه الانتفاضات، وكذلك الاحتجاجات الدؤوبة لسكان قطاع غزة من أجل حقهم في العودة وضد القرار القاسي الذي اتخذه الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب بشأن نقل سفارة بلاده في إسرائيل إلى القدس، طرحت سؤالا قويا:تنظيم وقيادة وتنسيق الجماهير العريضة التي ألقت بنفسها ببسالة في دوامة التمرد والثورة، وهي تتحدى الأنظمة القمعية، وإن كانت بدرجات متفاوتة، لبلدانهم والدولة الصهيونية.

"إنها ليست احتجاجات، بل هي ثورة"

Savas Michael Matsas
July 22, 2018

صادق صباح اليوم، الخميس الموافق 19 يوليو/تموز 2018، الكنيست الإسرائيلي، برلمان الدولة الصهيونية الخاضعة لسيطرة الائتلاف اليميني المتطرف الحاكم بقيادة بنيامين نتنياهو، على القانون الأساسي للفصل العنصري "الدولة القومية للشعب اليهودي" بتصويت 62 صوتا مؤيدا و55 صوتا معارضا وصوت واحد امتنع عن التصويت، لتلغي حتى التمثيلية "الديمقراطية" لإعلان "استقلال إسرائيل" عام 1948. 

ولم تلغ اللغة العربية كـ"لغة رسمية" في إسرائيل وحسب، بل إن الصدمة المدمرة وجهت كذلك إلى الحقوق المحدودة أصلا للعرب الفلسطينيين من مواطني الدولة المحتلة. فالتفرقة مبنية على أساس العرق والدين، و"المستوطنات اليهودية" تمدَح وتدشَّن بوصفها "القيمة الوطنية" الأغلى للدولة. كما أن حقوق المواطنين اليهود الإسرائيليين الذين لا يتوافقون مع ما يسمى النسخة "الأرثوذكسية المتشددة" المشوِّهة من اليهودية المفروضة من قبل الحاخامات الفاسدين الذين يدعمون نتنياهو، تتعرض هي الأخرى للهجوم المباشرة.

ولهذا السبب، فبحلول 14 يوليو/تموز الجاري، تظاهر الآلاف من اليهود الإسرائيليين في تل أبيب ضد القانون الأساسي الجديد للفصل العنصري (انظر الصورة أعلاه).

Savas Michael Matsas
July 21, 2018

Hoy 19 de julio de 2018, temprano en la mañana, el Knesset israelí -el parlamento del Estado sionista,  controlado por la coalición gobernante de extrema derecha de Benjamin Netanyahu-, aprobó por 62 votos contra 55 y una abstención su normativa de apartheid, la “Ley Básica del Estado-Nación Judío”, aboliendo incluso la fachada democrática de la “Declaración de Independencia de Israel“ de 1948. 

No solo el árabe deja de ser un "idioma oficial", sino que se da un golpe destructivo a todos los derechos extremadamente restringidos de los ciudadanos árabes palestinos del país ocupado. Se establece la segregación según etnia y religión y los "asentamientos judíos" son alabados e inaugurados como el "valor nacional" más elevado del Estado. Pero también los derechos de los ciudadanos judíos israelíes, que no se ajustan a la distorsionada versión llamada "ultraortodoxa" del judaísmo -ordenada por los rabinos corruptos que apoyan a Netanyahu-, están bajo ataque inmediato.

Por esta razón, el 14 de julio miles de judíos israelíes se manifestaron en Tel Aviv contra la nueva Ley Básica del apartheid (como se ve en la foto).

Savas Michael Matsas
July 21, 2018

Bugün, 19 Temmuz 2018’in erken saatlerinde Siyonist devletin aşırı sağ koalisyonun kontrolü altındaki parlamentosu olan İsrail Knesset’i 62’i oya karşı 55 oy ve bir çekimser oyla 1948’deki “İsrail Bağımsızlık Bildirgesi’nin” sahte demokratik görünüşünü bile feshederek “Yahudi Halkının Ulus Devleti” adlı apartheid (ırk ayrımı) kanununu kabul etti. Sadece Arapça bir “resmi dil” olmaktan çıkmıyor, yeni kanun  işgal altındaki ülkenin Filistinli Arap vatandaşlarının son derece kısıtlı haklarına yıkıcı bir darbe vuruyor. Etnisiteye ve dine göre ayrışma kuruluyor , “Yahudi yerleşimleri” övülüyor ve Devletin en yüksek “ulusal değeri” olarak tanıtılıyor. Ancak, Netanyahu'yu destekleyen yozlaşmış hahamların emrettiği “ultra-ortodoks” denen çarpıtılmış Yahudilik versiyonuna uymayan İsrailli Yahudi vatandaşlarının hakları da yakın tehlike altındadır. 

Bu sebeple, 14 Temmuz’da binlerce İsrailli Yahudi bu yeni ırkçı Anayasaya karşı gösteriler düzenlediler (bkz. yukarıdaki fotoğraf).

Sungur Savran
July 21, 2018

Un fantasma acecha el Medio Oriente y el Norte de África – no el fantasma del comunismo, no todavía, sino de la revolución. Solo en los siete meses de 2018, hemos tenido insurgencias en Irán, Túnez, Jordania, Irán de nuevo y ahora Irak. En todas estas instancias, la cuestión central ha sido la cuestión de clase – de pobreza, de desempleo, de desigualdad, de servicios sociales como la energía eléctrica y agua potable. En ninguno de estos países ha emergido una dirección – todos los levantamientos fueron, de acuerdo a todos los testimonios, espontáneos. Todos estos levantamientos, así como las manifestaciones que no paran, del pueblo de Gaza por el derecho a retorno y contra la ruda decisión de Donald Trump de mudar la embajada de los EEUU para Israel a al Quds/Jerusalem, plantea una severa cuestión: la de la organización, dirección y coordinación de las masas que heroicamente se arrojan en la tormenta de la rebelión y la revuelta, desafiando los regímenes represivos, aunque en grados diferentes, de sus países y del estado sionista.

“Esto no es una protesta, es una revolución”

Savas Michael Matsas
July 19, 2018

Today, July 19, 2018, early morning, the Israeli Knesset, the Parliament of the Zionist State controlled by the ruling far right coalition under Benjamin Netanyahu, passed by 62 votes against 55 and one abstention its apartheid “Nation-State of the Jewish People” Basic Law, abolishing even the “democratic” façade of the 1948 “Declaration of Independence of Israel”. Not only Arabic ceases to be an “official language” but a destructive blow is given to all the extremely restricted rights of the Palestinian Arab citizens of the occupied country. Segregation according to ethnicity and religion is established and “Jewish settlements” are praised and inaugurated as the State’s highest “national value”. But also the rights of the Israeli Jewish citizens, who do not conform to the so called “ultra-orthodox” distorted version of Judaism ordered by the corrupt rabbis supporting Netanyahu, are under immediate attack.

For this reason, on July 14, thousands of Israeli Jews have demonstrated in Tel Aviv against the new apartheid Basic Law (see photo above). 

Sungur Savran
July 19, 2018

A spectre is haunting the Middle East and North Africa—not the spectre of communism, not yet, but that of revolution. Only in the seven months of 2018, we have had insurgencies in Iran, Tunisia, Jordan, Iran again and now Iraq. In all of these instances, the central question has been the question of class—of poverty, of unemployment, of inequality, of social services such as electric power and sanitary water. In none of these countries has a leadership emerged—all of the uprisings were, according to all testimonies, spontaneous. All of these uprisings, as well as the unrelenting demonstrations of the people of Gaza for the right to return and against the callous decision of Donald Trump to move the US embassy to Israel to al Quds/Jerusalem, pose a stark question: that of the organisation, leadership and coordination of the masses that heroically throw themselves into the maelstrom of rebellion and revolt, defying the repressive regimes, albeit to different degrees, of their countries and of the Zionist state.

“This is not a protest, it’s a revolution”

Sungur Savran
June 30, 2018

La Giordania è entrata nell'elenco dei paesi in cui la popolazione non si accontenta più delle briciole offerte dalle vetrine parlamentari, ma scende in strada in migliaia e decine di migliaia per creare migliori condizioni di vita per il popolo lavoratore. Sono state organizzate manifestazioni di massa nel cosiddetto quarto distretto di Amman, dove ha sede il Primo Ministro, e in città provinciali come Irbid, Tafila, El Kerak, Er Ramsa e Maan ogni sera dal 31 maggio al 7 giugno. Il movimento ha ottenuto alcuni successi, il più spettacolare dei quali è stato il licenziamento virtuale del governo di Hani Mulki, il congelamento degli aumenti del prezzo del carburante e più tardi il ritiro del controverso disegno di legge fiscale che forse è stato il principale pomo della discordia. A seguito di queste concessioni e dell'atteggiamento complessivamente flessibile delle alte sfere dello Stato, compreso il re, le manifestazioni sono state infine sospese l'8 giugno.

June 30, 2018

Khalida Jarrar, a socialist militant and a longtime advocate for the freedom of Palestinian prisoners, has been imprisoned by the Zionist occupier since the 2nd of July, 2017. On the 14th of June, her friends learned that her “administrative detention” (a frequently used means adopted by the Zionists from the British colonial mandate in Palestine, in order to held Palestinians imprisoned without any legal action) is renewed for the 3rd time for an additional 4 months. 


June 25, 2018

The joint presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey unfolded on Sunday, 24 June 2018 and ended with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan elected as president of the country, with a majority of seats going to the alliance between his party (AKP) and the traditional fascist party of the country, the Nationalist Action Party (MHP). The Revolutionary Workers’ Party, or DIP in its Turkish acronym, worked before the elections for a united front of a broad array of socialist parties, along with the so-called June Bloc, which initiative met with indifference on the part of the majority of the socialist parties, tail-ending either the self-styled social democrats of the bourgeois Republican People’s Party (CHP) or the pro-Kurdish People’s Democracy Party (HDP). The DIP was barred from running itself at the elections by the reactionary electoral laws of Turkey, as are so many other socialist parties. During the elections, it called on the working class and the labourers not to vote for Erdoğan and the AKP, who are out to destroy all the rights and gains of the working class as well as decimating democratic freedoms.

Sungur Savran
June 9, 2018

Jordan has joined the list of countries where the people no longer content themselves with the crumbs offered by parliamentary window-dressing, but walk out onto the streets in their thousands and tens of thousands in order to create better conditions of living for the working population. Mass demonstrations were staged in the so-called Fourth District of Amman where the seat of the Prime Minister is and in provincial cities such as Irbid, Tafila, El Kerak, Er Ramsa and Maan every evening from 31 May all the way to 7 June. The movement scored some successes, the most spectacular being the virtual sacking of the government of Hani Mulki, the freezing of fuel price hikes and later the withdrawal of the controversial tax bill that was perhaps the major bone of contention. As a result of these concessions and the overall flexible attitude of the higher echelons of the state, including the King, the demonstrations were finally called off on 8 June.

Christian Rakovski Balkan Socialist Centre and RedMed
May 22, 2018

Tre sviluppi nell'arco di tre giorni hanno incendiato il Medio Oriente. L'elemento tragico è l'omicidio a sangue freddo, il 14 maggio, durante la legittima "Marcia del Ritorno", di almeno 61 palestinesi, tra cui cinque bambini, da parte dell'esercito israeliano al confine tra Israele e Gaza, che ha anche provocato migliaia di feriti. Ma questa è solo un'estensione della spudorata politica guerrafondaia in Medio Oriente perseguita dall'amministrazione Trump e dallo stato sionista d’Israele. Il 12 maggio, Donald Trump ha deciso di ritirare dall'accordo firmato tra l'Iran e i cinque membri permanenti del Consiglio di sicurezza più la Germania e l'Unione europea nel 2015, un accordo che prevedeva la cessazione del programma nucleare iraniano in cambio della revoca delle sanzioni nei confronti di quel paese. E il 14 maggio gli Stati Uniti hanno aperto la nuova ambasciata a Gerusalemme/Al Quds, riconoscendo ufficialmente questa città storica di importanza unica per le tre religioni monoteiste del mondo, ebraismo, cristianesimo e islam, che sono anche attualmente le maggiori religioni del Medio Oriente, come capitale dello stato sionista d'Israele, creando così una polveriera pronta...

May 20, 2018

The sister parties of EEK in Greece and DIP in Turkey organised activities on 14 May in order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Nakba (the eviction of a million Palestinians from their homes on the occasion of the proclamation of the Zionist state of Israel in 1948) and to condemn the transfer of the US Embassy to Al Quds (Jerusalem) and the massacre of 62 Palestinians, with a further 2500 wounded.


The DIP was the major force behind the newly established “Friends of Palestine against Imperialism and Zionism” that marched to the US Consulate General in Istanbul in protest against the opening ceremony of the new embassy building of the United States in Jerusalem (Al Quds). The Consulate General was shut for the day, in fear of possible protests by different groups in Turkey.

Christian Rakovski Balkan Socialist Centre and RedMed
May 20, 2018

Three developments in the space of three days have set the Middle East on fire. The tragic element is the cold-blooded murder, on 14 May, during the totally legitimate “March of Return”, of at least 61 Palestinians, among them five children, by the Israeli army at the border of Israel and Gaza, which has also left thousands wounded. But that is only an extension of the shameless policy of warmongering in the Middle East at large pursued by the Trump administration and of Zionist Israel. On 12 May, Donald Trump decided to withdraw form the deal that was signed between Iran and the five permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany and the European Union in 2015, a deal that traded cessation of Iran’s nuclear programme in exchange for the lifting of the sanctions on that country. And on 14 May, the United States opened its new embassy in Jerusalem/Al Quds, thereby officially recognising this historic city of unique importance for the three monotheistic religions of the world, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which are also currently the major religions of the Middle East, as the capital city of Zionist Israel, thus creating a powder keg ready to explode.

Sungur Savran
May 13, 2018

So finally Nikol Pashinian, leader of the mass uprising in Armenia, has attained his dream of becoming the prime minister of the Caucasian republic. On 8 May, in an election in which he was the sole candidate, the Armenian parliament elected him prime minister with 59 votes to 42. This result is, on its own, a tribute to the power of the people: it confirms the fall (perhaps temporary) of Serzh Sargsyan, leader of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), which had won the parliamentary elections only a year earlier, in April 2017, taking 58 of the 105 seats and the rise of Pashinian, who was an obscure opposition politician, leader of the People’s Party, wielding three seats in parliament and a member of the Yelq (Way Out) alliance, with nine deputies, until he became the leader of the powerful mass uprising that started on 12 April. After less than a month of popular demonstrations, the strongman of Armenia has left the stage to a newcomer.

April 15, 2018

The missile attacks to Syria on the dawn of April 14th by the imperialist countries led by the United States, is an act of barbarism. Missiles were fired to Damascus, Homs, Hama, Daraa and Al-Suwayda because this assault suits with the interests of American, British and French imperialists and was also requested by the Zionist Israel. The claim that these attacks were performed in response to the alleged chemical massacre in Duma is a huge lie.

Missiles are the imperialist signatures of the chemical provocation!

Balkan Socialist Centre “Christian Rakovsky” and RedMed
April 13, 2018

Once again imperialism is employing the pretext of the allegation of the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian army in Douma near Damascus in order to change the balance of forces on the ground in the Syrian war. Military action has already been started by Zionist Israel, either on its own initiative or as a result of a previous agreement with the United States administration.

The imperialist attack on Syria must be stopped. Not only are these plans unjustified with regard to the situation in Syria, they also create a grave danger, threatening a war that extends way beyond the already devastated Syria and the Middle East.

The use of chemical weapons cannot be condoned. However, the evidence provided for the claim that it has been used by the Syrian army is flimsy and the historical record is clear as to the fact that the US has constantly had recourse to unabashed lies in order to create pretexts to resort to military action.

April 12, 2018

وفي ضوء كل هذا، لا يمكن أخذ قصة الأسلحة الكيميائية مأخذ الجد حتى إجراء مزيد من التحقيقات. إنها لحقيقة أن هناك على أرض الواقع كل الأسباب التي تجعل التحالف الإمبريالي و الصهيوني يقوم بأي شيء لتغيير ميزان القوى. بعد السيطرة على حلب وطرد قوات المعارضة، قام الجيش السوري المدعوم من روسيا مؤخراً بجهد كبير في الضواحي التي يسيطر عليها المتمردون في دمشق. لذا فإن المعسكر الإمبريالي سيعمل على إيقاف هذا التقدم من قبل الجيش السوري.

April 12, 2018

En un país gobernado por corruptos, desde el presidente Temer y el Congreso hasta el último de los gobernadores, el encarcelamiento inmediato de Lula, para vetar su candidatura, por exigencia militar, constituye un golpe de estado en regla. Las bandas fascistizantes han salido a la calle con violencia, para apoyar la asonada militar. La ‘apretada’ golpista a la Corte y la amenaza implícita de reprimir toda protesta popular contra el encarcelamiento, convierte al régimen político fraudulento instalado en Brasil en un protectorado militar.

April 11, 2018

In a country ruled by corrupt leaders, all the way from President Temer and Congressmen to the very last governor, the immediate imprisonment of Lula in order to veto his candidacy, by military demand, constitutes a proper coup d’etat. Fascist bands have taken to the streets with violence, to support the military coup. The coup’s extortion of the Court and the implicit threat of repressing all popular protests against the imprisonment, turns the fraudulent political regime in Brazil into a military protectorate.

April 11, 2018

The imperialist attack on Syria, already started by the bombing by Zionist Israel, must be stopped. Not only are these plans unjustified with regard to the situation in Syria, they also create a grave danger, threatening a war that extends way beyond the already devastated Syria and the Middle East.
We call on the international working class movement, communists and socialists around the world and in particular in the region, and all anti-imperialist forces to raise their voice to stop the imperialist-Zionist alliance.
We call on the peoples of all Arab countries and the other peoples of the Middle East, Turks, Kurds, Iranians and others, to unite against the imperialists and Zionists.

Theodoros Koutsoumpos
March 28, 2018

This document is a bit dated: it was written in January, on the occasion of the first right-wing demonstration in Salonica, Greece, in connection to the new flare-up of the Macedonian question. It was published in Greek in Nea Prooptiki (New Perspective), no. No 659, Saturday 27 January 2018.But due to the time span required for translation into English, we are able to publish it only now. We believe this late publication is totally warranted since the document provides ample historical and current information and analysis on the conflict between the bourgeois states of Greece and Macedonia and will be useful in the future as well. After this article was written, another big mass demonstration was held at the beginning of February by the full array of right-wing and fascist forces in Athens this time. An earlier piece on the so-called “name dispute” by EEK was published on RedMed at the beginning of February, in the wake of the Athens demonstration (http://redmed.org/article/name-dispute-between-macedonia-and-greece-and-...). At the beginning of March, EEK, as well...

March 5, 2018

1 марта в Севастополе прошли обыски у пяти левых активистов. Двое из них были арестованы.

Последние месяцы российские власти начали преследовать левых активистов Крыма. Еще 14 ноября 2017 г. следователи Нахимовского района города Севастополя завели дело на рабочего Валерия Большакова. Большаков длительное время возглавлял Союз рабочих Севастополя, а в настоящее время является секретарем севастопольского отделения партии«Российский объединенный трудовой фронт». В ходе обыска он подвергся грубому обращению, у него были изъяты все документы, удостоверяющие личность, в результате чего активист не может устроиться на работу, а его банковская карта заблокирована. https://www.rotfront.su/%D1%81%D1%85%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD-%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B9-%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%88%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2/

March 5, 2018

On March 1 five left activists were searched in Sevastopol. Two of them were arrested.

Last months the Russian authorities began to persecute the left activists in Crimea. On November 14, 2017, investigators brought the case to the worker Valery Bolshakov. Bolshakov for a long time headed the Workers Union of Sevastopol, and at present he is the secretary of the Sebastopol branch of the party "The Russian United Labor Front." During the search, he was subjected to ill-treatment, all identification documents were confiscated, as a result the activist can not get a job, and his bank card is blocked.


Ana Bazac
February 13, 2018

The volatility on global stock exchanges late January-early February seems to have subsided. However, the deeper meaning of this serious turmoil should not be ignored by Marxists. Ana Bazac, a researcher and an activist from Romania, here puts forward her view of the tremor in the markets.

February 11, 2018

        Αφού ξεπούλησαν τα πάντα με τα μνημόνια , αφού ξεπούλησαν και το αίμα του λαού σε ΕΕ και ΔΝΤ, όλοι οι υπηρέτες του κεφάλαιου είτε κάθονται τώρα στις κυβερνητικές καρέκλες είτε καθόντουσαν πριν είτε θέλουν να στρογγυλοκαθήσουν ξανά, παρέα με χρυσοποίκιλτους δεσποτάδες, “ψεκασμένους” μασκαράδες “μακεδονομάχους”,  και κυρίως παρακρατικούς, χρυσαυγίτες Ναζί,  και λοιπούς φασίστες, επιχειρούν τώρα να μας ρίξουν στην φωτιά του εθνικιστικού κανιβαλισμού. Με πρόσχημα “ένα πουκάμισο αδειανό” , το “όνομα” της γειτονικής Μακεδονίας.

February 11, 2018

The events in Greece concerning the so-called “name dispute” with respect to Macedonia have caused an extremely nationalistic turn in the country, pitting a sizeable part of the Greek population against the neighboring people of Macedonia. Sections of the left have capitulated to the rising chauvinism. The Workers’ Revolutionary Party (EEK) of Greece has been a proud internationalist voice in this hysteric atmosphere. Below we are publishing an English translation of EEK’s statement with some delay due to translation and editing. The statement talks about the 4th February demonstration in Athens in the future tense because the text itself was issued on 30th January. This demonstration has now been held, gathering a crowd estimated to be close to 300 thousand.

February 10, 2018

L’EEK è profondamente coinvolto nella lotta contro l'ondata di nazionalismo selvaggio in Grecia, orchestrata dalla destra, dall'estrema destra, dai nazisti di Alba Dorata e dall’oscurantista Chiesa greca, approfittando dei negoziati tra i governi di Alexis Tsipras e Zoran Zaev per risolvere la famigerata " controversia del nome " in Macedonia, secondo gli ordini impartiti dagli Stati Uniti, la NATO e l'UE.

February 9, 2018

Two Balkan states, namely the Republic of Macedonia and Greece, are waging a bitter feud with one another over a name issue for some twenty-odd years. While Macedonia, among the former republics of federal Yugoslavia, wanted to keep this name after the collapse of the federation, Greece took a firm stand to impede this new republic from using the name of Macedonia, on the basis of the claim that this name belonged to Hellenic history. Lately, discussions are underway under the aegis of the US and EU imperialists and NATO, for a solution that will pave the way for Macedonia's NATO membership.

February 4, 2018

Правительство Эрдогана-АКР запретило забастовку рабочих-металлистов, увенчив тем самым переговорный процесс, который вели представители 130 тысяч рабочих. Это беззаконно, нелегитимно и неприемлемо.

February 4, 2018

Правителството на Ердоган/ПСР абрани стачката на металурзите, намесвайки се в колективния процес на договаряне на 130 000 работници. Това е незаконно, нелегитимно и неприемливо. 130 000 металурзи в Турция обявиха стачка, която трябваше да започне на 2 Февруари 2018 г. В стачката се включиха и трите синдикати, присъстващи в металургията. Металургични синдикати, обединени в три различни конфедерации следващи противоположна идеологическа линия се включиха в стачката едновременно. Само този факт е достатъчно доказателство за неотложността на положението на работниците в този отрасъл, като един от синдикатите, най-големият казионен профсъюз, е същия, срещу който десетки хиляди работници протестираха само преди две години, а вторият е свързан с конфедерацията, контролирана от управляващата партия ПСР!

February 4, 2018

Il governo Erdoğan-AKP ha vietato lo sciopero dei metalmeccanici nella fase finale del processo di contrattazione collettiva di 130 mila lavoratori. Questo è illegale, illegittimo e inaccettabile.

130 mila metalmeccanici di Turchia hanno dichiarato uno sciopero che doveva iniziare il 2 febbraio 2018. Lo sciopero coinvolge tutti e tre i sindacati organizzati nell’industria metallurgica. I sindacati metallurgici affiliati a tre diverse confederazioni di orientamenti ideologici assolutamente diversi stanno scioperando simultaneamente. Questo fatto da solo è una prova sufficiente dell'urgenza della situazione per i lavoratori di questa industria, dal momento che uno dei sindacati, il più grande, è un sindacato contro il quale solo due anni fa decine di migliaia di lavoratori hanno protestato per la sua docilità ed un altro è affiliato alla confederazione controllata in forma poco mascherata dall'AKP al potere!

February 4, 2018

El gobierno de Erdoğan-AKP ha prohibido la huelga de los trabajadores metalúrgicos en el cierre del proceso de negociación colectiva de 130 mil trabajadores. Esto es ilegal, ilegítimo e inaceptable.

Los 130 mil metalúrgicos de Turquía habían declarado una huelga que supuestamente comenzaría el 2 de febrero de 2018. La huelga involucra a los tres sindicatos organizados en la industria del metal. Los sindicatos del metal afiliados a tres confederaciones diferentes, de orientaciones ideológicas absolutamente diferentes, van a la huelga simultáneamente. Este solo hecho es suficiente evidencia de la urgencia de la situación para los trabajadores en esta industria, ya que uno de los sindicatos, el más grande, es un sindicato contra el que, hace dos años, los trabajadores protestaron de a decenas de miles denunciando su docilidad ¡y un segundo está afiliado a la confederación controlada en forma casi disfrazada por el partido de gobierno, AKP!
