Akdeniz: Dünya devriminin yeni havzası!

The Mediterranean: new basin of world revolution!

البحر الأبيض: الحوض الجديد للثورة العالمية

مدیترانه: حوزه جدید انقلاب جهانی

Il Mediterraneo: nuovo bacino della rivoluzione mondiale!

Μεσόγειος: Νέα λεκάνη της παγκόσμιας επανάστασης!

Derya Sıpî: Deşta nû a şoreşa cihânê

Միջերկրական ծով: նոր ավազանում համաշխարհային հեղափոխության.

El Mediterráneo: Nueva cuenca de la revolución mundial!

La Méditerranée: nouveau bassin la révolution mondiale!

Mediterrâneo: bacia nova da revolução mundial!


September 13, 2013

¡Paremos la agresión imperialista!

¡Fuera las tropas, flotas, bases y mercenarios  imperialistas del Medio Oriente y del Mediterráneo Oriental!

La Coordinadora por la Refundación de la Cuarta Internacional (CRCI) condena y se opone resueltamente a la inminente agresión liderada por el imperialismo estadounidense contra Siria y su pueblo. Llamamos a la clase obrera, los campesinos pobres, la juventud y los pueblos oprimidos de la región y a nivel internacional a movilizarse contra este nuevo crimen en contra de los pueblos árabes y contra la humanidad; a contrarrestar y vencer al imperialismo y sus planes.

September 13, 2013

Stop the imperialist aggression! 

Imperialist troops, fleets, bases and mercenaries out of the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean!

The Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International (CRFI) condemns and opposes resolutely the impending aggression led by US imperialism against Syria and its people. We call on the working class, the poor peasants, the youth and all oppressed peoples in the region and internationally to mobilize against this new crime against the Arab peoples and against humanity, to fight back and defeat imperialism and its plans.

September 4, 2013

The summer camp of the Revolutionary Workers Party (DIP) of Turkey was held on 28 August-1 September 2013 on the Aegean coast of Turkey facing Greece. The camp was titled “The 75th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Fourth International: From the popular revolt to a workers’ revolution”. Filled with political debate and education in the aftermath of the popular revolt of this past June-July and workshops conceived to develop the organisational skills of its militants, the camp also paid homage to the great Turkish poet Nazim Hikmet and hosted a play on Marx (Howard Zinn’s Marx in Soho), as well as displaying artistic events by the participants.

On the last day of the camp, to the accompaniment of hearty applause, the participants of the camp approved the following declaration on the case of Savas Mihail-Matsas vs. the Golden Dawn.

September 3, 2013

Savas Matsas, Secretary General of the Workers’ Revolutionary Party (EEK) of Greece, will go on trial on 3 September 2013. He is being accused of “defamation” against the fascist party the Golden Dawn because a leaflet issued by the EEK and published in its newspaper, the New Perspective, in May 2009, had characterised the Golden Dawn as a Nazi organisation that instigates racist attacks against immigrants and called for participation into an anti-fascist demonstration. Other accusations levelled at him are “instigation of violence and chaos” and “disruption of the civil peace”. Presenting themselves as innocent and peaceful citizens, the fascists are using the bourgeois state and its institutions in order to wage an assault on the workers’ opposition and the left. In this way, they intend to silence the left-wing press.

August 4, 2013

Tunus’ta solu bir araya getiren Halk Cephesi’nin mensubu partilerden birinin lideri Muhammed İbrahimi 25 Temmuz günü öldürüldüğünde, Mart ayında Dünya Sosyal Forumu vesilesiyle bu ülkeye bir heyet yollamış ve çeşitli ilişkiler kurmuş olan Devrimci İşçi Partisi derhal Tunus işçi sınıfı ve halkına yönelik bir başsağlığı ve dayanışma mesajı yayınladı. Tunus halkının tarihi nedenlerle Arapça’dan sonra ikinci dil olarak son derecede yaygın biçimde kullandığı Fransızca olarak kaleme alınan bildirinin Türkçe çevirisini aşağıda sunuyoruz.

July 26, 2013

Déjà vu ! L’assassinat commis envers Mohammed Brahmi  est une triste répétition du meurtre Chokri Belaïd le 6 février. Nous le déplorons profondément et présentent nos condoléances à la classe ouvrière, le peuple opprimé et tous les révolutionnaires de Tunisie. Certes, la responsabilité de l’assassinat de Brahmi ainsi que celle du meurtre Belaïd tombent d’abord au gouvernement en place et au parti Ennahda. D’abord parce qu’il y a assez d’indications que c’était les milices d’Annahda qui ont tué Belaïd. Mais même dans le cas éventuel où ça serait un autre groupe islamiste qui soit derrière ces assassinats, c’est bien au gouvernement de coalition dirigé par Ennahda que tombe la responsabilité, en particulier du meurtre Brahmi, parce qu’il n’a pas poursuivi une enquête sérieuse de façon à démasquer les assassins de Chokri Belaïd, ce qui revient à encourager des actes semblables éventuels.

July 23, 2013

Tarih, ülkelerimizin kaderini bir kez daha birbirine bağlıyor. Ancak, bu kez bizleri bir araya getiren ne Sultanlar ve Paşalar, ne de emperyalizmdir. Ülkelerimizin her ikisinde de sıradan halk, işçiler ve işsizler, ev dışında çalışarak ekmeğini kazananlar ve ev emekçileri, emekliler ve gençlik, her şeyden önce gençlik, genç erkek ve kadınlar, ülkelerimizde, bölgede ve genel olarak dünyada daha iyi bir gelecek yaratmak uğruna bir araya geldiler.

July 23, 2013

L’histoire réunit le destin de nos pays une nouvelle fois. Sauf que cette fois ceux qui nous lient ne sont ni les Sultans et les Pachas, ni l’impérialisme. C’est le peuple ordinaire de nos pays, les ouvriers et les chômeurs, les gagne-pain et les femmes au foyer, les retraitées et les jeunes, surtout les jeunes, les jeunes femmes et les jeunes hommes de nos pays qui se sont réunis pour créer un futur meilleur.

Quelle audace et quel enthousiasme de voir occupées les rues et les plus grandes places de nos pays par de centaines de milliers, voire de millions de personnes début juin en Turquie et fin juin en Égypte ! Quel grand espoir et optimisme pour le futur du Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du nord !

July 16, 2013

We call on our Egyptian brothers and sisters to join a common fight against all kinds of oppression. Past history bound us together under the yoke of the Sultans and the Pachas. Present history calls us to fight together to bring down all kinds of oppression and exploitation once and for all. Tahrir and Taksim provide us with the will and the power to do so!

Sungur Savran
July 5, 2013

Lo sgombero di Gezi Park da parte della polizia, la notte del 15 giugno, con l'ampio uso di gas lacrimogeni e per la prima volta dei cannoni ad acqua arricchita con liquido urticante, non ha spento il fuoco della ribellione in Turchia.

È vero, la rivolta che seguì l'espulsione e che ha portato a manifestazioni per tutta la notte e l'occupazione delle piazze in diversi quartieri di Istanbul e città di tutto il paese, fu di breve durata. Ma dall'energia continua delle masse nascono nuove forme di azione come gli “standing man”e “standing woman”, in cui alcune persone stanno in piedi in silenzio per ore, in luoghi dove non sono consentite manifestazioni. Questa forma di azione certamente isola gli individui gli uni dagli altri, non è paragonabile alla chiarezza delle masse manifestanti, e, quindi, è una modalità inferiore di protesta. Ma in questo contesto specifico, dove era quasi impossibile organizzare azioni in piazza Taksim, hanno annunciato il ritorno delle masse nel luogo più conteso e hanno sollevato il morale del movimento, dopo la battuta d'arresto causata dall'evacuazione (seguita, tra parentesi, dallo sgombero delle piazze occupate in altre città).

Sungur Savran
July 4, 2013


The near equality in strength of the two camps contending for power in Egypt led the army to stage a Bonapartist coup. It is not only the recent episode of unprecedented crowds in the millions coming out on 30 June that has made the army move. 

Sungur Savran
July 1, 2013

The evacuation of Gezi Park by the police on the night of 15 June through the ample use of tear gas, and for the first time chemically enhanced water cannon, has not extinguished the fire of rebellion in Turkey.

True, the insurgency that followed the evacuation, which involved night-long marches and the occupation of squares in the different neighbourhoods of Istanbul and cities all around the country, was short-lived.  But from the continuing energy of the masses burst forth new forms of action such as the ‘standing man’ and ‘standing woman’, in which individuals stand silently for hours at a venue where they are not otherwise permitted to demonstrate.  This form of action certainly isolates individuals from each other, is not amenable to voicing grievances explicitly, and hence is an inferior modality of protest.  But in this specific context, where it was almost impossible to stage actions on Taksim Square it heralded the return of the masses to the hotly contested space and raised the morale of the movement after the setback caused by the evacuation (followed, incidentally, by the evacuation of occupied squares in other cities).

Osvaldo Coggiola
June 25, 2013


Las movilizaciones en Brasil comenzaron el 6 de junio, con dos mil manifestantes en el centro de San Pablo contra el tarifazo del transporte en esa ciudad. La represión de esa acción (asi como la de los dos dias siguientes) ordenada por el gobierno estadual (de derecha) y apoyada por el gobierno municipal (PT) fue violentísima, con decenas de heridos y detenidos. Dos semanas después, los manifestantes, en casi todas las capitales y ciudades importantes del país, han superado los dos millones, con un millón em Rio de Janeiro el jueves 20. El tarifazo, reafirmado vehementemente por el gobierno municipal petista y el estadual derechista en los primeiros dias, fue retirado, y hoy es casi una anécdota. Varias otras capitales estaduales y ciudades que habían anunciado aumentos del transporte los retiraron sin que mediara el planteo explícito de uma reivindicación en ese sentido. El anuncio del gobierno paulista retirando el tarifazo, el jueves 20, buscaba vaciar las calles. Fue festejado de imediato en las calles, claro,...

June 25, 2013


The International Conference on “Europe in crisis: for an internationalist revolutionary alternative”, following the initiative  taken in December 2012 by the  Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International (CRFI), has successfully taken place in Athens, Greece on June 9-10, 2013, hosted by the EEK, Greek Section of the CRFI.  They participated in the debates and/or brought their messages of support, representatives from over forty(40) revolutionary and anti-capitalist political parties, organizations, social movements, combative trade-unionists, collectivities of workers’ and citizens groups of struggle and individual militants from four(4) continents and twenty(20) countries.

June 25, 2013


Biz Avrupa’nın, batısında doğusunda, kuzeyinde güneyinde bulunan 20 ülkesinden, ama ayrıca Ortadoğu, Asya, Afrika ve Latin Amerika’dan gelen, onlarca farklı siyasi örgütte, devrimci ve anti-kapitalist sol partilerde, mücadeleci sendikalarda, sosyal hareketlerde, halkın öz-örgütlenme temelinde oluşturulmuş mücadele kolektiflerinde kavga veren militanlar olarak 9-10 Haziran tarihlerinde Atina’da Uluslararası Avrupa Konferansı’nda bir araya gelmiş bulunuyoruz. Tüm ülkelerdeki işçileri, işsizleri, yoksul ve sosyal olarak dışlanmış kitleleri, dünya kapitalizminin mevcut krizi tarafından yayılan sosyal felaketten çıkış yolu olarak devrimci enternasyonalist bir alternatif için ortak mücadeleye katılmaya çağırıyoruz.

June 25, 2013


Nosotros, reunidos en la Euro-Conferencia Internacional de Trabajadores los días 9 y 10 de junio en Atenas, militantes provenientes de veinte países de Europa, del Oriente y Occidente, del Norte y Sur, pero también del Medio Oriente, Asia, África y América Latina, luchando en docenas de diferentes organizaciones y partidos políticos de la izquierda revolucionaria y anticapitalista, de sindicatos combativos, de movimientos sociales, de colectivos de lucha popular auto-organizada, llamamos a los trabajadores, a los desempleados, a los pauperizados y las masas sociales excluidas en todos los países a unirse en una misma lucha por una salida revolucionaria e internacionalista de la catástrofe social diseminada por la actual crisis mundial del capitalismo.

Sungur Savran
June 25, 2013


Après des jours d’hésitation et de négociation, le gouvernement a finalement décidé d’évacuer la Commune de Taksim, là où des milliers de gens campent dans le parc Gezi et que des dizaines de milliers d’autres ont visité tous les soirs. La police a attaqué le parc Gezi samedi soir (15 Juin). Après l’avoir fait évacuer à l’aide de gaz lacrymogènes et, grande nouveauté, de canons à eau dans laquelle celle-ci est apparemment mélangée à un type particulier de produits chimiques, car elle brûle la peau de tous ceux qu’elle touche, la police a rasé les tentes, l’infirmerie, les cuisines et la bibliothèque qui y avaient été installées.

Sungur Savran
June 25, 2013


Le 1er Mai 2013, la police a fait pleuvoir des tonnes de gaz lacrymogène sur des dizaines de milliers de travailleurs et de jeunes dans les différents quartiers d’Istanbul, afin de les empêcher de s’approcher de la place Taksim. Le gouvernement avait décidé que cette place, lieu traditionnel des célébrations du 1er Mai mais aussi de quantité d’actions politiques quotidienne, petites et grandes, devait être fermée aux manifestations pendant toute cette année, et cela parce que des travaux d’aménagement devaient être réalisés sur une grande échelle, impliquant le creusement d’énormes puits dangereux pour les foules de promeneurs. Au cours d’une prestation particulièrement ridicule, le gouverneur d’Istanbul a tenu une conférence de presse, juché au sommet d’un monticule au bord d’une de ces fosses, dans une tentative désespérée de faire comprendre à tout le pays la menace que représentaient ces fosses pour les passants.

Sungur Savran
June 25, 2013

Istanbul est devenue un champ de bataille envahi par les gaz lacrymogènes. La police a - sans aucun doute possible à la demande du Premier ministre Tayyip Erdogan et son gouvernement AKP - attaqué les manifestants dans le centre de la ville, près de la place Taksim, pendant cinq jours consécutifs. En soi, cela n’a rien d’une nouveauté : la police turque est célèbre pour sa brutalité dans le traitement des manifestations indésirables aux yeux du gouvernement. Il y a à peine un mois, le 1er Mai, elle a dispersé, sans ménagement et à coup de gaz lacrymogène, un rassemblement de milliers de travailleurs et de syndicalistes. Donc, en soi, il n’y a rien de nouveau sur le front de la police. Cette fois, la nouveauté vient d’ailleurs et c’est elle qui fait toute la différence.

Sungur Savran
June 16, 2013

After days of hesitation and negotiation, the government has finally decided to evacuate the Taksim Commune, where thousands camped in Gezi Park and which tens of thousands visited every night. Police attacked Gezi Park yesterday evening and after evacuating it using tear gas and, as a novelty, water cannon apparently supplemented with a special kind of chemical since it burnt the skin of everyone it touched, razed the tents, the infirmary, the kitchens and the library established there to the ground.

June 14, 2013

We, gathered in the International Workers Euro-Conference on June 9-10, in Athens, militants coming from twenty countries of Europe, West and East, North and South but also from the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latina America, fighting in dozens of various political organizations and parties of the revolutionary and anti-capitalist left, of combative trade unions, of social movements, of collectivities of popular self-organized struggle, we call  the workers, unemployed, pauperized and social excluded masses in every country to join into a common struggle for an internationalist revolutionary way out from the social catastrophe  spread by the current world crisis of capitalism.

June 12, 2013

This resolution was adopted unanimously by the International Conference “Europe in Crisis: For a Revolutionary Internationalist Alternative” on 10 June 2013.

Sungur Savran
June 8, 2013

“Es una revuelta, no una revolución (todavía)!”, una referencia a la famosa conversación entre el rey Louis XVI y uno de sus asesores durante el estallido de la revolución francesa.

Sungur Savran
June 8, 2013

On May Day 2013, the police poured tonnes of tear gas on tens of thousands of workers and youth in different quarters of Istanbul in order to stop them from approaching Taksim Square. The government had decided that this square , the traditional venue for May Day celebrations and home to daily political actions big and small, was to be shut to demonstrations this year because development work was being done on a massive scale involving huge excavated pits making it dangerous for crowds.  In a ludicrous act, the governor of Istanbul stood atop a mound at the edge of one of those pits to hold a press conference in a desperate attempt to drive home the threat that these pits represented for people. Exactly one month later, on Saturday June 1, the masses protesting against the urban plans behind this development work and against the government itself had captured the square and made it the freest part of Istanbul, or rather of Turkey! The police withdrew that afternoon from Taksim Square to abandon the place to the thronging crowds of protestors unfathomably numbering in the hundreds of thousands! It has now been three days and not one single soul has fallen into the scarecrow pit...

Sungur Savran
June 2, 2013

Estambul se ha convertido en un campo de batalla cubierto por gas lacrimógeno. La policía, sin duda a instancias de Tayyip Erdogan y su gobierno del AKP, ha estado atacando a manifestantes en el centro de la ciudad, cerca de la Plaza de Taksim, por cinco días consecutivos. Esto no habría sido ninguna noticia en absoluto: la policía turca es famosa por su brutalidad en el trato a manifestaciones no bienvenidas por el gobierno. Sólo un mes atrás, el 1° de Mayo, había dispersado una concentración de miles de trabajadores y sindicalistas usando gases lacrimógenos incansablemente. Por lo tanto nada nuevo en el frente de la policía. Esta vez es diferente por otra razón.

Sungur Savran
June 2, 2013

Istanbul è diventata un campo di battaglia coperto da gas lacrimogeni. La polizia, senza dubbi e per volere di Tayyip Erdogan e il suo governo AKP, hanno attaccato i manifestanti nel centro della città, vicino a Piazza Taksim, per cinque giorni consecutivi. Questa non e' una novità' : la polizia turca è famosa per la sua brutalità nel trattare con le dimostrazioni sgradite al governo. Solo un mese fa, durante il primo maggio, avevano disperso una mobilitazione di migliaia di lavoratori e sindacalisti usando gas lacrimogeni senza limiti. Quindi niente di nuovo sul fronte della polizia. Questa volta pero' la situazione è diversa per un altro motivo.

Sungur Savran
June 2, 2013

Το Ιστανμπούλ έχει γίνει ένα πεδίο μάχης καλυμμένο από τα δακρυγόνα. Η αστυνομία, αναμφίβολα με εντολή του Ταγίπ Ερντογάν και της κυβέρνησής του του Κόμματος της Δικαιοσύνης και Ανάπτυξης, επιτίθεται σε διαδηλωτές στο κέντρο της πόλης, κοντά στην πλατεία Ταξίμ, εδώ και πέντε συνεχόμενες ημέρες. Αυτό βέβαια δεν αποτελεί είδηση: η τουρκική αστυνομία είναι διάσημη για την κτηνωδία της στην αντιμετώπιση των ανεπιθύμητων για την κυβέρνηση διαδηλώσεων. Μόνο πριν από ένα μήνα, την Πρωτομαγιά, διέλυσαν μια συγκέντρωση χιλιάδων εργαζομένων και συνδικαλιστών κάνοντας «απλόχερη» χρήση δακρυγόνων. Συνεπώς, τίποτα νέο στο μέτωπο της αστυνομίας. Αυτή η φορά είναι διαφορετική για έναν άλλο λόγο.

Sungur Savran
June 1, 2013

Istanbul has become a battlefield covered by tear gas. The police, no doubt at the behest of Tayyip Erdogan and his AKP government, have been attacking protestors in the centre of the city, near Taksim Square, for five consecutive days. This would have been no news at all: Turkish police are famous for their brutality in dealing with demonstrations unwelcome to the government. Only a month ago, on May Day, they had dispersed a gathering of thousands of workers and unionists using tear gas unsparingly. So nothing new on the police front. This time is different for another reason.

May 29, 2013

Unisciti alla Conferenza Internazionale “Europa in crisi- per un’alternativa rivoluzionaria internazionale” ad Atene, Grecia, nella sala dell’Unione Nazionale dei Giornalisti, via Akadimias and Voukourestiou , 9-10 Giugno2013 

May 29, 2013
Σας καλούμε στη Διεθνή Συνδιάσκεψη με θέμα «Η Ευρώπη σε κρίση – για μια διεθνιστική επαναστατική εναλλακτική», στην Αθήνα, στην αίθουσα εκδηλώσεων της ΕΣΗΕΑ, Ακαδημίας και Βουκουρεστίου, 9 και 10 Ιουνίου 2013.

May 28, 2013

The Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International (CRFI) and RedMed are jointly organizing a conference of internationalist revolutionary forces of European countries to meet in Athens, Greece on 9-10 June 2013. The aim is to close ranks among forces fighting against austerity in the different countries of Europe, to determine a common policy against that of the Troyka and the capitalist governments of the countries in question, to organize campaigns and work together in the future, as well as establishing links with the world outside of Europe, in particular the Mediterranean basin. The conference will be held immediately after the Alter Summit to be held in the same city on 7-8 June 2013, in which our forces will be intervening as well. All forces and persons who are determined to fight the assault of the capitalist class and defeat it are welcome to share their ideas with us at the conference.

April 9, 2013


Απορρίψτε τη ληστεία των καπιταλιστών ληστών!

Ελληνοκύπριοι και Τουρκοκύπριοι, ενωθείτε και παλέψτε!

Για μια Ενιαία Σοσιαλιστική Κύπρο!

Kάτω η ΕΕ! Για τις Ενωμένες Σοσιαλιστικές Πολιτείες της Ευρώπης!

April 9, 2013


Aşağıdaki bildiri, Güney Kıbrıs’ta doğan ve bütün Avrupa’yı tehdit eden ekonomik kriz bağlamında, Dördüncü Enternasyonal’in Yeniden İnşası Koordinasyonu içindeki kardeş partimiz Yunanistan’dan EEK ile birlikte Devrimci İşçi Partisi tarafından yayınlanmıştır. Bildirinin orijinali İngilizce hazırlanmıştır. Burada yayınlanmakta olan, İngilizce metnin Türkçe çevirisidir. 

March 27, 2013

Le Forum Social Mondial 2013 a ouvert ses portes mardi, le 26 Mars 2013, à Tunis, la capitale de Tunisie. Une manifestation qui a commencé au centre-ville s’est dirigé, après une marche qui a duré plus de trois heures au stade Menzah, sur une scène près duquel a tenu lieu la cérémonie d’ouverture.

March 21, 2013

The Troika has burned its fingers in Cyprus. It overshot and the brutal measures that it tried to impose on the people of Cyprus fired back. It tried to impose, in addition to a near 10 per cent one-off levy on the Russian money launderers, a near 7 per cent levy also on the small depositors of the island: workers and peasants, widows and pensioners were all robbed of their hard-won savings of years! The people of Cyprus immediately took to the streets and rejected these measures. In the vote taken in the Cypriot parliament in the South, not one single deputy voted for the measures agreed to by a president elected by a majority of the people less than a month ago! Total defeat for Merkel, the new tsaritsa of Europe! Shameful rejection for EU imperialism! Tiny Cyprus, producing 0.2 per cent of the overall GDP of the EU, is now threatening a collapse of the whole system!

February 21, 2013

The revolutionary tissue of the Mediterranean is being woven in ever tighter knots. In a new display of the combative mood of the working classes of the different Mediterranean countries, the workers of a steel plant in Egypt (Kouta Steel) sent their greetings of solidarity to the workers of a factory in Thessaloniki, Greece by the name of Vio.Me, which has lately become a self-managed factory.

Vio.Me earlier had benefited from internationalist solidarity from Argentina. The Argentinian section of the Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International (CRFI), Partido Obrero, had been very much involved in the takeover and self-management of factories by the workers during and in the aftermath of the economic crisis in 2001. In December 2012, during a meeting organised by the Ergatiko Epanastatiko Comma (EEK-Workers’ Revolutionary Party), our Greek section, a workers’ delegation from Vio.Me had the possibility of meeting with the representatives of the PO, who readily informed them on how the Argentinian workers had proceeded. International solidarity thus bore very concrete fruits for the Vio.Me workers.

The reader will...

February 12, 2013


L’assassinat de Chokri Belaïd, secrétaire général du Parti unifié des patriotes démocrates et un des leaders du Front populaire pour la réalisation des objectifs de la révolution, dont fait partie son courant, est un fait d’énorme importance pour la révolution tunisienne et les luttes de classes dans le monde arabe. 

February 12, 2013

These attacks targeting women do not raise fear, they cultivate anger. Rather than abandoning the streets, Egyptian women have been organizing demonstrations for days. As women militants of the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (DIP), we salute the courage of the revolutionary women of Egypt. And we call women around the world to fight against sexual harassment and rape!

February 12, 2013

Bugün kadınları hedef alan bu saldırılar Mısır’da korkuyu değil öfkeyi besliyor. Mısırlı kadınlar, bu saldırılar karşısında sinip alanları terk etmek yerine günlerdir eylemler düzenliyorlar. DİP’li kadınlar olarak, Mısırlı devrimci kadınların cesaretini selamlıyor, tüm dünyada kadınları cinsel tacize ve tecavüze karşı mücadele etmeye çağırıyoruz!

February 7, 2013

Tunus devriminin önde gelen önderlerinden biri, iktidardaki liberal İslamcı Ennahda’nın silahlı milisleri veya Selefi çeteler tarafından katledildi. Kendisini Marksist olarak niteleyen Birleşik Demokrat Yurtseverler Partisi Genel Sekreteri Şükrü Belaid bir suikaste kurban gitti. Belaid aynı zamanda solcu, pan-Arap milliyetçisi ve çevreci 12 partiden ve çevreden ve ayrıca bireylerden oluşan Devrimin Hedeflerinin Gerçekleşmesi İçin Halk Cephesi adlı ittifakın da önde gelen liderlerinden biri idi.
