The dramatic events in Ukraine occupy the center of world politics and are sure to determine decisively developments not solely in the region and in the whole of Europe, but the future of humanity at large.
We as Marxists and revolutionary internationalists, thus as real humanists in practice, we extend our deep concern and solidarity to the Ukrainian people and share its sufferings and losses. The tragedy of the Ukrainian people is escalating in the wake of the war in Eastern-Southern Ukraine, the Odessa massacre of May 2, and the killings during the peaceful demonstration of the people of Mariupol the Day of the Anti-fascist Victory on May 9.
Our urgent tasks are threefold: 1) to stop the war 2) to defeat resurgent Fascism, and 3) to create the conditions under which the people of Ukraine would be able to resolve the crisis independent of all foreign intervention and to determine itself its own present and future.
From this standpoint we call on all the peoples of the world and all the parties of the Left and the workers’ movement and all movements for social emancipation, human rights groups etc. to mobilize and demand that
- The “elections” of May 25 in Ukraine, under the current conditions, should be canceled. They will bring not a solution but an exacerbation of the crisis by attempting to give a legitimate façade into an illegitimate anti-popular regime. If these fraudulent “elections” do take place, we call for their boycott.
- All military operations launched by Kiev in the entire territory of Ukraine and in the newly created Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics should be immediately stopped.
- The United States of America and the European Union should immediately and unconditionally cease intervention in the domestic affairs of Ukraine.
- The United States of America and the European Union should abandon all plans for the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe as well as the roguish "Eastern Partnership", attempts to turn this region into an economic colony and an area of geopolitical antagonisms, and should also liquidate all military bases.
- Ukraine should not be turned into a protectorate of the EU.
- The package of "assistance" of the IMF to Ukraine, connected with anti-popular measures that would lead to further poverty and misery for the Ukrainian people, should be rejected and the external debt of the country should be repaid by those politicians and businessmen whose policy created it in the first place.
- Any political, military, diplomatic or financial support to the criminal Kiev alliance of oligarchs and the Nazis waging war against their own people should be stopped. The present illegal "provisional government" should resign.
- The will of the people expressed in referenda in Donetsk and Lugansk on May 11, 2014 should be immediately recognized.
We consider necessary also:
- To dismiss immediately the Supreme Rada and replace it and other bourgeois authorities with new national authorities created at a national congress and consisting of Councils of workers and their executive committees at local, regional and national levels, including at all enterprises. Only then, on condition of the right of a recall of deputies by those who have elected them, will there be such conditions when workers and other laborers will be able to define democratically the destiny of the country.
- To accept at a referendum a new constitution for Ukraine guaranteeing to all the people of Ukraine without an exception social, cultural and other human rights, including the right to speak their mother tongue.
- To carry out the transformation of the economy on new social bases with confiscation without compensation and under workers’ control of all social wealth appropriated by oligarchs in both Western and Eastern Ukraine.
Our view is that the perspective of a united, independent, socialist Ukraine, without oligarchs or bureaucrats, in the framework of a socialist unification of Europe, is the sole historical path and the necessary way out from the current tragic impasse.
May 18, 2014
- Savas Michael-Matsas, on behalf of the EEK, Greece
- Sungur Savran, on behalf of the DIP, Turkey
- Mikhail Konashev, Co-Chairman AMO-Leningrad, Russia
- Buzgalin Alexander, professor, Dr. of Economics, social movement "Alternatives", Russia
- Bulavka Ludmila, Dr. of philosophy, social movement "Alternatives", Russia
- Simonova Tatiana , Dr. of philosophy, social movement "Alternatives", Russia
- Tatiana Filimonova, Petersburg, Russia.
- Said Gafourov, economist, journalist(Pravda), Moscow, Russia
- Matyas Benyik, Board member of Karl Marx Society, Chairman of ATTAC Hungary
- Ana Bazac, Professor, University of Bucharest, Romania
- Dr. Elizabeth A. Bowman, President, Center for Global Justice, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
- Dr. Robert V. Stone, Professor Emeritus, Long Island University, New York, New York
- Bertell Ollman, Professor , Dept. of Politics, NYU, USA.
- Mitchel Cohen, Brooklyn Greens/Green Party, and
- Co-founder (1969) of Red Balloon Collective, USA
- Jeremy Lester, political philosopher, editor of Counter-Hegemony, Britain
- Roberto Yépez y José Capitán, a nombre de Opción Obrera, CRCI, Venezuela
- Osvaldo Coggiola, Professor of the University of Sao Paulo,
- member of the National Committee of the University Professors National Union of Brazil
- Yuri Bobrov, communist , Russia
- Dimitris Mizaras, on behalf of the Marxist Workers League(MTL), Finland
- Calliope Rigopoulou, Professor, University of Athens, Greece
- Giagkos Andreadis, Professor, Panteion University, Athens, Greece
- Yannis Stefanakis , visual artist, editor of the art journal Neo Epipedo, Greece
- Artermis Kardoulaki, editor of NEA THS TEXNHS( Art News), Greece
- Marco Ferrando e Franco Grisolia per il Partito Comunista dei Lavoratori , Italia
- David Epstein, professor, Dr. of Economics, Russia
- Tamas Krausz, historian, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary
- Yuri Sakhin, “Against the Current', Ukraine
- Davis Dzhokhadze, Marxist philosopher, Moscow, Russia
- Monika Karbowska, militant of the Anticapitalist Left, Poland
- Dr Ewa Groszewska, sociologist, anticapitalist left, Poland
- Fikret Başkaya, President of the Free University, Turkey
- Haluk Gerger, Associate Professor of International Relations, Turkey
- Pedro Marlez, revolutionary Marxist, Spain