Μέλος του Επαναστατικού Εργατικού Κόμματος της Τουρκίας (DIP), ο Σιάρ Ρισβάνογλου, δικηγόρος, απειλήθηκε από φασιστικές πολιτοφυλακές με ένα μήνυμα που άφησαν στο αυτοκίνητό του, που το έσπασαν. Είναι η δεύτερη φορά, μετά το 2020, που ο Ρισβάνογλου, αντιμετωπίζει απειλές κατά της ζωής του. Υπήρξε παλαιότερα υποψήφιος δήμαρχος ενός συνασπισμού σοσιαλιστικών και κουρδικών δυνάμεων στην πόλη του, τα... |
Siyasi məzmunlu məhkəmələrdə irəli çıxan, inqilabçıların, kürdlərin, qadınların, fəhlələrin, məzlumların vəkili, İnqilabçı Fəhlə Partiyasının (türkcə “Devrimci İşçi Partisi”) üzvü, yoldaşımız Şiar Rişvanoğlu dünən (16 oktyabr) axşam saatlarında avtomobilinin üzərinə qoyulan bir qeydlə bir daha hədə-qorxuya məruz qalıb. 2020-ci ildə də hüquq bürosunun pəncərəsi qırılmış, təcavüzkarlar içəri hədələm... |
A member of the Revolutionary Workers Party in Turkey (DIP), Şiar Rişvanoğlu has been threatened by fascist militias with a message left on his car. This is the second occasion after 2020 that Rişvanoğlu, once the municipal candidate of a coalition of socialist and Kurdish forces in his city, Adana, and a relentless fighter of anti-imperialist and socialist causes, both as a lawyer and militant, f... |
Siyasi davalarda öne çıkan, devrimcilerin, Kürtlerin, kadınların, işçilerin, ezilenlerin avukatı, Devrimci İşçi Partisi üyesi Şiar Rişvanoğlu yoldaşımız, dün (16 Ekim) akşam saatlerinde aracına bırakılan bir notla bir kez daha tehdit edildi. 2020 yılında da avukatlık ofisinin camı kırılmış, saldırganlar içeriye bir tehdit mektubu atmıştı. Bu kez de Adana Barosu Genel Kurulu’nun ardından yoldaşımız... |
We are publishing here issue No.4-5 for the year 2024 (Issue No. 160-161) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 3 (22) for 2024 of Советское Возрождение, Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance, Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.
The course of the SMO, i.e., the "special military operation", for almost 3 years has irrefutably proved that, in the words of Sergei S. Udaltsov, the Vlasovites will not defeat the Banderovites. Russian media almost daily report on various kinds of shortages and other "omissions" in the war zone and in the rear, the qualitative and quantitative diversity of which is staggering and, as various pol... |
Ход СВО в течение уже почти 3 лет неопровержимо доказал, что, по выражению, С. С. Удальцова, власовцам не победить бандеровцев. Российские СМИ почти каждодневно сообщают о разного рода нехватках, и других «упущениях» в зоне боевых действий и в тылу, качественное и количественное разнообразие которых ошеломляет и, как говорят разного рода политологи и эксперты, вызывает, по меньшей мере, естественн... |
Niin maailmalla, kuin myös Suomessa taloudellinen, poliittinen, geopoliittinen ja sotilaallinen tilanne on ärhäkässä turbulenssissa. Vastaavassa tilassa maailma on ollut vallankumouksia, vastavallankumouksia ja suursotia edeltävinä kausina. Äärioikeiston nousu, militaristinen ilmapiiri, Naton läsnäolo arkielämässämme, rasismi, työväestön ja sen etuja syrjivä todellisuus on vain muutama ilmaisin tä... |
Η οικονομική, πολιτική, γεωπολιτική ή στρατιωτική κατάσταση στον κόσμο, καθώς και στη Φινλανδία, βρίσκεται σε μια αμετάκλητη κατάσταση αναταράξεων. Ο κόσμος ήταν σε παρόμοια κατάσταση τις περιόδους που προηγήθηκαν των επαναστάσεων, των αντεπαναστάσεων και των μεγάλων πολέμων. Η άνοδος της ακροδεξιάς, η μιλιταριστική ατμόσφαιρα, η παρουσία του ΝΑΤΟ στην καθημερινότητά μας, ο ρατσισμός, η πραγματικό... |
In Finland and across the world, the economic, political, geopolitical and military situations are in a state of extreme turbulence. Such periods were observed in the past prior to revolutions, counter-revolutions and major wars. The rise of the far-right, militarism - including the overbearing presence of NATO in our everyday life-, rampant racism, and the continuous erosion of the rights of the... |
We publish this piece, published in Revolutionary Marxism journal on the basis of Jeremy Lester’s presentation at Lenin100 online conference, after the demise of its author and in memory of this lifelong fighter of the Palestinian cause.
The text below is a message shared by our comrade Savas Michael-Matsas on Facebook concerning the loss of a very dear friend and an invaluable comrade of the International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky, Jeremy Lester of Scotland and Italy. Jeremy talked this past 21 January on Palestine and his experience there in the Special Session on Palestine within the framework of the Conference on the... |
We are publishing here issue No.3 for the year 2024 (Issue No. 159) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
¡50 años desde la tragedia de Chipre y su partición es suficiente!
¡Grecochipriotas y turcochipriotas, uníos y luchen juntos contra la división, la ocupación y el imperialismo!
¡Por un Chipre Socialista Unido e Independiente!
Κοινή δήλωση DİP Τουρκίας και ΕΕΚ Ελλάδας
50 χρόνια από την κυπριακή τραγωδία και τη διχοτόμηση είναι αρκετά!
Ελληνοκύπριοι και Τουρκοκύπριοι, ενωθείτε και πολεμήστε μαζί ενάντια στον διχoτόμιση, την κατοχή και τον ιμπεριαλισμό! |
Kıbrıs trajedisine ve bölünmüşlüğüne 50 yıl yeter!
Rum Kıbrıslılar ve Türk Kıbrıslılar, bölünmeye, işgale ve emperyalizme karşı birleşin ve birlikte mücadele edin!
Bağımsız Birleşik Sosyalist Kıbrıs için ileri!
50 years from the Cyprus tragedy and division are enough!
Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, unite and fight together against division, occupation and imperialism!
For an Independent United Socialist Cyprus! |
Fransa’nın çok beklenen seçimleri dün bir yorumcunun ifadesiyle “ülke tarihinin en sürpriz seçim sonuçları” ile bitti. İkinci turdan önce, herkes Marine Le Pen-Jordan Bardella ikilisinin ön-faşist Rassemblement National (RN) partisinin (Ulusal Derleniş) ilk turdaki zaferini perçinleyeceğini beklerken, sorulan soru sadece “mutlak çoğunluğu elde edecek mi yoksa yalnızca birinci parti mi olacak?” olu... |
The parliamentary elections in France ended up surprising the entire world. One French commentator said, “the most surprising election results in the entire history of France”. Before the second round, everyone was speculating whether the proto-fascist Rassemblement National (RN – National Rally) of the pair Marine Le Pen-Jordan Bardella would achieve an absolute majority or simply a plurality in... |
“We” – not as communists or left-wing people, but as humans. Why do we not think about our actions all the way to the end / about the causes and all the results of our actions? The European – thus, including the local – elections have once more, but more than before, pushed us to wonder how is that a so unique being because thinking does think so scarce.
Οι Ευρωεκλογές του 2024 προκάλεσαν πολιτικό σεισμό με επίκεντρο τη Γαλλία και μετασεισμούς στην Ευρώπη και τον κόσμο. Ο Γαλλογερμανικός άξονας της ΕΕ έχει υποστεί ανεπανόρθωτες βλάβες. Η γερμανική σοσιαλδημοκρατία συνετρίβη, το ίδιο και το κόμμα τού Μακρόν. Η μεγάλη αποχή και η άνοδος της Ακροδεξιάς σε όλη την Ευρώπη είναι αδιάψευστες αποδείξεις του κλονισμού του αστικού πολιτικού συστήματος διακυ... |
We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 2 (21) for 2024 of Советское Возрождение, Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance, Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.
Fransa bir kez daha tüm Avrupa’yı sarsan şok dalgalarının tam merkezinde bulunuyor. Ulusal Derleniş (Fransızca kısaltmasıyla RN, eski adıyla Ulusal Cephe ya da FN) on yılı aşkındır süregiden yükselişi, Emmanuel Macron’a oy çağrısı ve eski düzene dönüşten başka bir anlama gelmeyen geçici çözümlerle beraber RN’in epeydir beklenen ve korkulan sıçrayışına yol açtı. Bu şu ana kadar RN’nin en büyük başa... |
Once again, France stands at the epicenter of the shockwaves rocking Europe. The continuous rise of the FN-turned-RN (National Rally, formerly called National Front) in more than a decade, combined with the palliative solutions that amount to voting for Emmanuel Macron and going back to business as usual, produced a long-feared and long-awaited upsurge in RN – their biggest feat yet, but hardly th... |
The 2024 EU Parliament election results are mostly in and there is much to reflect upon. The first and most significant result is the gigantic surge of the far-right, proto-fascist parties. The exact numbers are still subject to change; but the total representation of proto-fascist parties (including European Conservatives and Reformists, Identity and Democracy groups, newly elected and currently... |
The opinion polls that preceded the European Parliament (EP) elections predicted that the parties which are wrongly called "extreme right", but actually proto-fascist, would grow in strength and become an effective contender for power. This has come true. The parties under consideration gained a total of 146 seats, with the following shares: Coalition of European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR)... |
AP seçimleri öncesinde yapılan kamuoyu araştırmaları aslında adını doğru koyacak olursak ön-faşist (proto-faşist) partilerin güçleneceğine ve parlamentoda etkili bir iktidar adayı olacağına dair öngörülerde bulunuyordu. Nitekim öyle de oldu. İtalya’nın Kardeşleri (FdI) liderliğindeki Avrupa Muhafazakârları ve Reformistleri (ECR) koalisyonu 73, Fransa’daki Ulusal Birlik’in Kimlik ve Demokrasi (ID)... |
The European Parliament elections on June 9 have confirmed the trends observed in the recent Catalan, Galician and Basque regional elections. Abstention is growing throughout Europe: voters are participating less and less to elect a Parliament without real power, which is barely useful for ratifying government institutions and decisions taken by states, whose directives and decisions appear to be... |
The European elections showed the reflection of several Europe-wide tendencies in Italy, while also illustrating several peculiarities. First and foremost, the proto-fascist bloc in Italy consolidated itself as the main political force in the country. The fractured nature of the proto-fascists, hitherto arguably more pronounced in Italy than elsewhere, also shows tentative signs of coming to an en... |
По данным Минобороны России, 23 июня в 12:15 по Севастополю, из района Николаева было выпущено пять оперативно-тактических ракет американского производства ATACMS. Российская противовоздушная оборона сбила четыре из них, однако одна отклонилась от курса и произвела в воздухе подрыв боеголовки, начиненной кассетными боеприпасами. Взрыв произошел над переполненным людьми пляжем в поселке Учкуевка в... |
According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, on June 23 at 12:15 a.m. in Sevastopol, five American-made ATACMS tactical missiles were fired from the Nikolaev area. |
Näissä vaaleissa ei ole voittajia ja voitettuja. Oli puolue äänimäärän perusteella voittaja tai voitettu, sisällä esiintyy hajoamisprosesseja. Vaalien voittajana on kapitalismin mätäneminen. Ja se näkyy kaikilla tasoilla, poliittisesti, taloudellisesti, geopoliittisesti ja jopa kulttuurisesti. Samat pinnalle nousseet ristiriidat riivaavat myös keskuspankki EKP:ta. Jos Pariisi-Berliini akseli ei py... |
There are no winners and losers in this election. Disintegration processes occur among the winners and losers in terms of the number of votes. The winner of the election is the emergence of capitalism's rot. And it can be seen on all levels, politically, economically, geopolitically and even culturally. The same contradictions that surfaced are also plaguing the central bank, the ECB. If the Paris... |
Comme on l’attendait, les résultats des élections européennes en France ont vérifié le glissement de l’électorat vers l’extrême-droite néo-fasciste. (À noter quand-même que près d’un électeur sur deux a refusé de voter). Mais ces élections ont été éclipsées par la dissolution de l’Assemblée Nationale, et l’échéance du 30 juin et le 7 juillet pour de nouvelles législatives. Un coup d’État macronien... |
Böyle olacağı nasıl da belliydi! Ne kadar aşikârdı, nasıl da sıradan! 6-9 Haziran arasında Avrupa Birliği (AB) üyesi 27 ülkede düzenlenen seçimin sonuçları çoğu yorumcu tarafından sanki yeni ve şaşırtıcı bir şey varmış gibi karşılandı. Uzun yıllardır, en azından 2008’de patlak veren ve yanlış bir adla “küresel finans krizi” olarak anılan olayın ertesinde başlayan Üçüncü Büyük Depresyon’dan itibare... |
¡Qué previsible! ¡Qué obvio! ¡Qué banal! Los resultados de las elecciones que se desarrollaron en los 27 países europeos del 6 al 9 de junio fueron ampliamente recibidos como si hubiera algo novedoso, algo sorprendente. Durante muchos años, al menos desde el inicio de la Tercera Gran Depresión tras la mal llamada “crisis financiera global” de 2008, el fascismo, bajo la conducta tímida y reservada... |
Οι Ευρωεκλογές του Ιουνίου 2024 πυροδότησαν έναν χωρίς προηγούμενο πολιτικό σεισμό, με επίκεντρο την Γαλλία και συνέπειες σε όλη την Ευρώπη και διεθνώς.
Μαζί με το τσουνάμι της λαϊκής απαξίωσης και αποχής, η άνοδος της άκρας Δεξιάς έπληξε καίρια τους δύο πόλους του γαλλογερμανικού άξονα συγκρότησης της ιμπεριαλιστικής Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Ο σαθρός Βοναπαρτισμός του Μακρόν στη νεκροζώντανη γαλλική Πέ... |
La recuperación plena de Venezuela solo la pueden hacer los trabajadores
How foreseeable! How obvious! How banal! The results of the elections that unfolded in the 27 European countries held on 6-9 June were greeted extensively as if there were something novel, something surprising. For many years, at least since the onset of the Third Great Depression in the wake of the misnamed “global financial crisis” of 2008, fascism, under the coy and reserved demeanour of proto-... |
Il n’y a pas de juste milieu ; le XXIe siècle appartiendra à la classe ouvrière unie aux forces anti-impérialistes et aux mobilisations de la jeunesse, ou bien les pires horreurs du XXe siècle feront leur retour avec la montée du fascisme, la troisième guerre mondiale et l’anéantissement nucléaire qui se profilent à l’horizon.
Faisons de ce Premier Mai une occasion de forger les remparts internati... |
Δεν υπάρχει μέση λύση· ο 21ος αιώνας είτε θα ανήκει στην εργατική τάξη σε ενότητα με τις αντιιμπεριαλιστικές δυνάμεις και τις κινητοποιήσεις της νεολαίας, είτε οι χειρότερες φρικαλεότητες του 20ού αιώνα θα επιστρέψουν με τον φασισμό σε άνοδο και τον Τρίτο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο και τον πυρηνικό αφανισμό στη γωνία.
Ας κάνουμε αυτή την Πρωτομαγιά εφαλτήριο για να σφυρηλατήσουμε τα διεθνή προπύργια ενάντια... |
No hay término medio; el siglo XXI pertenecerá a la clase trabajadora unida con fuerzas antiimperialistas y movilizaciones juveniles, o los peores horrores del siglo XX regresarán con el fascismo en ascenso, la Tercera Guerra Mundial y la aniquilación nuclear a la vuelta de la esquina.
Hagamos de este Primero de Mayo una ocasión para forjar los baluartes internacionales contra la guerra imperialis... |
Orta yol yoktur: 21. yüzyıl ya anti-emperyalist güçler ve gençlik hareketleriyle birleşmiş işçi sınıfına ait olacaktır ya da 20. yüzyılın en korkunç kabusları, yani yükselen faşizm, Üçüncü Dünya Savaşı ve her an gelebilecek bir nükleer imha savaşı tehdidi ile birlikte yeniden canlanacaktır.
Gelin Bir Mayıs’ı emperyalist savaşa ve faşist vebaya karşı uluslararası mücadeleyi örmek için bir vesile ya... |
There is no middle ground; the 21st century will either belong to the working class united with anti-imperialist forces and youth mobilizations, or the worst horrors of the 20th century will make a comeback with fascism on the rise and Third World War and nuclear annihilation around the corner.
Let us make this May Day an occasion for forging the international bulwarks against imperialist war and... |
We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 1 (20) for 2024 of Советское Возрождение, Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance, Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.
The Soviet Union Association expresses its deepest condolences to all those injured in the terrorist attack on the evening of March 22 in the Crocus City Hall near Moscow and to the families of the victims. It is more than likely that the imperialists of the United States, the European Union and their allies are responsible for the terrorist attack, and the terrorist attack and the terrorists who... |
Ассоциация «Советский Союз» выражает глубочайшие соболезнования всем пострадавшим в теракте вечером 22 марта в подмосковном «Крокус сити холле» и семьям погибших. Более чем вероятно, что ответственность за теракт несут империалисты США, Евросоюза и их союзники, а теракт и террористы, совершившие его, так или иначе были подготовлены специальными структурами НАТО.
For some years now, we at DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party) have been criticising the international Trotskyist movement for an ideological, organisational and political tendency to underestimate those aspects of Lenin’s Marxism which are peculiar to him. A corollary to this is that Trotskyists also depart from certain characteristics of Trotsky’s own Marxism since in his mature period, i.e. from m... |
We are publishing here issue No.1 for the year 2024 (Issue No. 157) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
21 Şubat 2022 gecesi Vladimir Putin’in kablo televizyonu aracılığıyla yayınlanıp birçok dile eş zamanlı olarak çevirilen ve böylece dünya genelinde geniş bir izleyici kitlesine ulaşan konuşmasının en önemli yanlarından birisi, Rusya ve Ukrayna arasındaki ilişkilerin tarihi yönüne dair uzun uzun konuştuğu kısımdı.
Comentarios a un artículo de Sungur Savran, en la página “gerçekgazetesi1.net” del DIP(1) de Turquía,
El artículo de Sungur Savran, “Escritos sobre Lenin (3): Trotsky y los “trotskistas” frente a Lenin”(2) es necesario y justo en su objetivo, sin quitar un ápice al contenido del artículo, el cual lo suscribimos, también debemos comentar elementos que preferimos decirle sobre la forma, en el cual... |
La declaración del Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores, publicada en el 80 aniversario del asesinato de Trotsky por un agente de Stalin, fue republicada ayer en su sitio web. La esencia de la declaración se puede expresar de la siguiente manera: El movimiento trotskista no ha protegido ni protege adecuadamente las ideas, la práctica y el legado de Lenin, tanto en el pasado como en la actual... |
Uluslararası “Hristo Rakovski” Sosyalist Merkezi ve RedMed İnternet Ağı tarafından düzenlenen Yüz Yıl Sonra Lenin’in Mirası Uluslararası Konferansı’na hoşgeldiniz!
Bugün, 21 Ocak 2024 günü, yani Büyük 1917 Ekim Sosyalist Devrimi’nin önderi Vladimir İlyiç Lenin’in sonsuzluğa uğurlanmasının tam yüzüncü yılında paylaşacağımız düşünceler, onun devrimci mirasının üzerine müthiş ihtiyaç duyduğumuz taze... |
Pero el legado de Lenin o no ha sido comprendido, ha sido negado deliberadamente o ha sido rechazado silenciosamente. Con esto no nos referimos a la contribución de Lenin al programa marxista, al concepto de estrategia, a los métodos organizativos, especialmente al partido revolucionario y a la teoría. Éstas son conocidas y discutidas, sean verdaderas o falsas. Lo que queremos decir es otra cosa.... |
Большинство тех, кто оценивает место и роль Эвальда Васильевича Ильенкова (1924 - 1979) в советской философии, называет его либо наиболее выдающимся, либо одним из наиболее выдающихся подлинно марксистских философов в СССР. По мнению С. Н. Мареева Ильенков «принадлежал к немногочисленной плеяде выдающихся философов-марксистов, которые творчески развивали революционную науку, несмотря на сложившийс... |
Most of those who describes the place and role of Evald Vasilyevich Ilyenkov (1924 - 1979) in Soviet philosophy call him either the most outstanding or one of the most outstanding truly Marxist philosophers in the USSR (see, for example: Mareev 1990: 57, Mezhuyev 1997). His main contribution is considered to be the rediscovery and development of the materialist philosophy of K. Marx, F. Engels and... |
Συγκεντρωθήκαμε εδώ από πέντε ηπείρους στην εκατονταετηρίδα του θανάτου του Λένιν για να συζητήσουμε την κληρονομιά του, γιατί μας ενδιαφέρει περισσότερο το μέλλον παρά το παρελθόν ή, μάλλον, μας ενδιαφέρει αυτό το παρελθόν στο βαθμό που μας διδάσκει για το μέλλον. Γι’ αυτό η κληρονομιά τού Λένιν σημαίνει τόσα πολλά για ‘μάς και θέλουμε να συζητήσουμε γι’ αυτήν.
Οι συνεδριάσεις μας σήμερα, 21 Ιανουαρίου, 2024, ακριβώς 100 χρόνια από τη μέρα που ο Βλαντιμίρ Ίλιτς Λένιν, ο ηγέτης της Μεγάλης Οκτωβριανής Σοσιαλιστικής Επανάστασης του 1917 πέρασε στην αιωνιότητα, σηματοδοτούν την έναρξη ενός πολύ αναγκαίου, φρέσκου, συλλογικού αναστοχασμού της επαναστατικής του κληρονομιάς. Δεν είναι ένας τυπικός εορτασμός ενός “ακίνδυνου ειδώλου”, μιας κληρονομιάς που μετατρ... |
Πολλοί συμμετέχοντες από όλες τις Ηπείρους, από την Αμερική μέχρι την Αυστραλία στους Αντίποδες, από όλα τα μέρη της Ευρώπης και της Ρωσίας μέχρι την Αφρική, τη Μέση Ανατολή και την Ασία, συμμετείχαν σε αυτήν τη συλλογική και ανοιχτή μαρξιστική επανεξέταση του ιστορικού ρόλου, της συμβολής και της επικαιρότητας της κληρονομιάς του Βλαντιμίρ Ι. Λένιν, ηγέτη των Μπολσεβίκων και αρχιτέκτονα της νίκης... |
What does Lenin's legacy mean one hundred years after the Bolshevik leader's death? The October Revolution made it possible for Finland to establish an independent bourgeois state with Lenin's approval. The agreements of Brest Litovsk, the naive and inexperienced leadership of the working class in Finland, and the intervention of the Germans contributed to the fact that Lenin handed over the docum... |
Hristo Rakovski Uluslararası Sosyalist Merkezi ve RedMed İnternet ağı, Lenin’in ölümünün 100. yılında uluslararası bir konferans ile anma gerçekleştirdi. 5 kıtadan konuşmacıları bir araya getiren bu çevrimiçi etkinliğin uluslararası boyutu, mütevazı da olsa Lenin yoldaşın enternasyonalist mirasına uygun olarak biçimlendi. Konferans 21 Ocak’ta toplandı, ama katılım dünyanın dört bir yanından olduğu... |
On January 21, 2024, exactly a hundred years from Lenin’s death, an online international conference dedicated to his legacy successfully took place, organized by the International Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and the RedMed web network.
Many participants from all Continents, from the Americas to the Antipodes, Australia, from all parts of Europe and Russia to Africa, the Middle East and A... |
We are gathered here from five continents on the centenary of Lenin’s death in order to discuss his legacy, because we are interested more in the future than in the past or, rather, we are interested in this past to the extent that it teaches us about the future. That is why Lenin’s legacy means so much to us and we wish to discuss it.
And yet this legacy is ingenuously misunderstood or deliberate... |
Devrimci İşçi Partisi’nin de mensubu olduğu Hristo Rakovski Uluslararası Sosyalist Merkezi ve RedMed internet ağı, geçtiğimiz Pazar günü, 21 Ocak 2024’te, Lenin’in ölümünün 100. yıldönümünde, “100 Yıl Sonra Lenin’in Mirası” başlığıyla uluslararası çevrimiçi bir konferans düzenlediler. Dokuz saat süren ve sonunda Filistin sorununa ilişkin özel bir oturum düzenlenen konferans, katılan herkesin ortak... |
Queridos Comrades, товарищи, compañeros y compañeras, camarades, compagni e compagne, yoldaşlar, σύντροφοι και συντρόφισσες
¡Bienvenidos a la Conferencia Internacional sobre el legado de Lenin 100 años después, organizada por el Centro Socialista Internacional “Christian Rakovsky” y la red web RedMed!
Welcome to the International Conference on Lenin’s Legacy 100 Years On organized by the International Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and the RedMed web network!
Our deliberations today, January 21, 2024, exactly 100 years from the day when Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the leader of the Great October 1917 Socialist Revolution passed away to eternity, marks the beginning of a much needed, fresh, co... |
El Centro Socialista Internacional Christian Rakovsky y RedMed Web Network conmemoraron el centenario del fallecimiento de Vladimir Ilitch Lenin con una conferencia internacional. La dimensión internacional del evento en línea, que reunió a oradores de cinco continentes, fue un homenaje modesto pero apropiado al legado internacionalista del camarada Lenin. La conferencia se reunió el 21 de enero,... |
International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky and RedMed Web Network marked the centenary of the passing of Vladimir Ilitch Lenin with an international conference. The international dimension of the online event, which brought together speakers from five continents, was a modest yet fitting tribute to the internationalist legacy of comrade Lenin. The conference met on the 21st of January, alth... |
Lenin’s Legacy 100 years on
Online conference organized by
International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky and RedMed web network
21 January 2024 is the centenary of the death of Vladimir Ilich Lenin, one of the greatest leaders of the international working class. At DIP (Revolutionary Workers’ Party, Turkey) and at the International Socialist Centre Christian Rakovsky, this is the Lenin Year for us.
Why? Because Lenin fought all his life for the poor, exploited and oppressed classes and strata of humanity, starting of cour... |
We are publishing here issue No.6 for the year 2023 (Issue No. 156) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
2022 yılı Azerbaycan’daki iktidar rejimi için birçok fırsat yarattı. Şöyle ki 2022’de siyasi iktidar hem “Medya hakkında” hem de “Siyasi partiler hakkında” yeni kanun tasarılarını yürürlüğe koymayı başardı.
2021 yılının sonlarına doğru hükümetin açıkladığı “Medya hakkında” yeni kanun tasarısı ülkede sınırlı imkanlarla sürdürülmeye çalışılan serbest gazetecilik faaliyetini doğrudan devlete bağlama... |
2022-ci il Azərbaycandakı hakim rejim üçün xeyli əlverişli dəyişikliklərə şahid oldu. Belə ki, cari ildə siyasi hakimiyyət həm “Media haqqında”, həm də “Siyasi partiyalar haqqında” yeni qanun lahiyələrinin qüvvəyə minməsinə nail oldu.
2021-ci ilin sonlarında hökumətin açıqladığı “Media haqqında” yeni qanun lahiyəsi ölkədə məhdud imkanlarla həyata keçirilməyə çalışılan müstəqil jurnalizm fəaliyyəti... |
We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 4 (19) for 2023 of Советское Возрождение, Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance, Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.
We are publishing here issue No.5 for the year 2023 (Issue No. 155) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
There are friendships that are temporary; there are also friendships that live forever, beyond even the abyss of death. Alexander Vladimirovich Buzgalin was, is, and will always be my friend and comrade in the struggle for universal human emancipation, the realm of freedom, and communism. For me, as well as for a great number of others all over the world who had the privilege to forge a real fri... |
1 El levantamiento armado palestino del 7 de octubre de 2023 que rompió –literal y metafóricamente– las barreras de la ocupación que rodean a Gaza, martirizada durante mucho tiempo, marca un punto de ruptura en Medio Oriente y la política mundial.
Después de décadas, impuso una derrota humillante al ejército de ocupación israelí, expuso no sólo el fracaso de la todopoderosa y armada inteligencia i... |
Uzun zamandır acı çektirilen Gazze’yi çevreleyen işgal duvarlarını sembolik ve fiilî anlamda yıkıp geçen 7 Ekim 2023 tarihli Filistin silahlı ayaklanması, Ortadoğu ve dünya politikasında bir kırılma noktasına işaret ediyor.
Bu ayaklanma, seneler sonra işgalci İsrail ordusunu utanç verici bir yenilgiye uğratarak yalnız tepeden tırnağa yüksek teknolojik donanımlı ve silahlı İsrail istihbaratının zay... |
Η παλαιστινιακή ένοπλη έφοδος της 7ης Οκτωβρίου 2023 σπάζοντας –κυριολεκτικά και μεταφορικά– τα φράγματα της κατοχής γύρω από τη μαρτυρική για πάρα πολύ καιρό Γάζα σηματοδοτεί μια τομή στις εξελίξεις στη Μέση Ανατολή και την παγκόσμια πολιτική.
On Saturday morning, October 7, the Hamas-affiliated Al-Qassam Brigades launched an offensive against the Zionist state in response to the recent escalation of Israeli massacres against Palestinians. A large number of rockets were fired from Gaza into the Israeli-occupied territories, while Palestinian forces crossed the declared borders enforced by Israel and entered some towns, such as Sderot, i... |
Hamas’a bağlı El Kassâm Tugayları 7 Ekim Cumartesi sabahı, işgalci İsrail'in son dönemde Filistinlilere yönelik artan katliamlarına bir yanıt olarak, Siyonist devlete karşı bir saldırı başlattı. Gazze’den çok sayıda roket işgalci İsrail’in elindeki topraklara atılırken, Filistin güçleri İsrail’in ilan ettiği sınırı geçerek Siderod gibi bazı kentlere girdi ve düşmana önemli kayıplar verdirdi. İlerl... |
Filistin Halk Kurtuluş Cephesi (FHKC) bir bildiri yayınlayarak bütün dünyanın “kurtuluş hareketlerini, siyasi partileri, sendikaları, aktivistleri ve vicdan sahibi insanları” Filistin davasına pratik mücadele yöntemleriyle destek olmaya çağırdı. FHKC’nin Devrimci İşçi Partisi’ne de yolladığı bildirinin Türkçesini aşağıda yayınlıyoruz.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has issued an appeal to the entire world to engage in practical solidarity with the Palestinian cause. The PFLP has sent the statement to DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party) as well as other organisations around the world and we are publishing it here in full support of the appeal.
It is with indignation, but not with shock, we learned that the reactionary Minister of Interior, Gérald Darmanin launched an investigation for the apology of terrorism against your party, and banned the projection of the documentary Fedayeen by Bas-Rhin section of the NPA. It is obvious, to us and to everyone who did not lose their every modicum of sense in the face of imperialist lies, what they... |
After decades, it imposed a humiliating defeat to the Israeli occupying army, exposed not only the failure of the all-powerful, high tech armed Israeli intelligence but above all of the bankruptcy of the far-right Zionist Netanyahu government and of the entire Zionist project and settler colonialism. The enormous shock of the mass consciousness of the Israeli Jewish population itself, in front of... |
Qarabağ müharibəsinin son mərhələsi başa çatdıqdan sonra Gerçək qəzeti bu müharibənin Qarabağın erməni əhalisinə qarşı zülmə və qırğına çevrilməsi potensialını vurğulamışdı. Aradan ötən qısa müddətdə bu potensial reallaşdı. Bilavasitə bir qırğının baş verdiyinə dair təzahürdə heç nə yoxdur. Azərbaycan hökuməti hərbi qələbənin ictimaiyyətlə əlaqələr rüsvayçılığına çevrilməməsi üçün çox böyük cəhdlə... |
After the last stage of the Karabakh war came to an end, we had pointed out to the possibility of the war turning into oppression and massacre against the Armenian inhabitants of Karabakh/Artsakh. This possibility has turned into reality within only a short time. The Azerbaijani government is making a concerted effort for the military victory not to turn into a public relations disgrace. As we had... |
Karabağ savaşının son ayağı tamamlandıktan sonra, Gerçek gazetesi, bu savaşın Karabağ’ın Ermeni ahalisine karşı zulme ve katliama dönüşme ihtimaline dikkat çekmişti. Aradan geçen kısa sürede, bu ihtimal gerçekliğe dönmüş durumda. Ortada açıktan bir katliam olduğu gösterir hiçbir şey yok. Azerbaycan yönetimi, askerî zaferin bir halkla ilişkiler rezaletine dönmemesi için azami gayret gösteriyor. Bir... |
Η φάση της ένοπλης σύγκρουσης του Τρίτου Πολέμου του Καραμπάχ έληξε γρήγορα. Τα πρώτα σημάδια της σύγκρουσης του Καραμπάχ είχαν εμφανιστεί πριν ακόμη καταρρεύσει η Σοβιετική Ένωση˙ αλλά έφτασε στο ζενίθ της μετατρεπόμενη σε ανοιχτό πόλεμο μεταξύ των δύο κρατών όταν η Ένωση Σοβιετικών Σοσιαλιστικών Δημοκρατιών –της οποίας τόσο το Αζερμπαϊτζάν όσο και η Αρμενία ήταν μέρη ως σοβιετικές δημοκρατίες– κ... |
Üçüncü Qarabağ müharibəsinin qaynar münaqişə mərhələsi sürətlə başa çatdı. İlk əlamətləri hələ Sovet İttifaqı dağılmazdan əvvəl müşahidə olunan Qarabağ münaqişəsi (həm Azərbaycanın, həm Ermənistanın Sovet respublikaları kimi tərkib hissəsi olduğu) Sovet Sosialist Respublikaları İttifaqının dağılması ilə iki dövlət arasındakı açıq müharibəyə çevrilərək pik həddinə çatmışdı. Bu ilk müharibədə Erməni... |
We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 3 (18) for 2023 of Советское Возрождение. Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.
The Third Karabakh War, a conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, ended swiftly in 2020. The roots of the conflict trace back to the collapse of the Soviet Union, when both nations gained independence. Despite international law designating Nagorno-Karabakh as Azerbaijani territory, Armenian forces have held control over the region since 1994. Azerbaijan, supported by Turkey and Israel, shifted th... |
Üçüncü Karabağ savaşının sıcak çatışma aşaması hızla sona erdi. İlk nüveleri daha Sovyetler Birliği yıkılmadan önce görülmeye başlanan Karabağ çatışmaları (hem Azerbaycan’ın hem Ermenistan’ın, Sovyet cumhuriyetleri olarak parçası olduğu) Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği’nin yıkılmasıyla iki devlet arasındaki açık savaşa dönüşerek doruk noktasına ulaşmıştı. Bu ilk savaşta, özellikle Sovyet... |
El debate sobre el futuro de la clase obrera
no sólo en Grecia, en Europa o en América Latina sino a lo largo del mundo, depende
del cómo se enfrenta este punto de inflexión de la Historia marcado por la
As mudanças tectônicas estão a alterar dramaticamente toda a paisagem histórica mundial, a um ritmo e profundidade nunca antes vistos desde o final da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Nos últimos quinze anos, a crise capitalista mundial pós 2008 transformou o continente europeu numa “Zona de Tempestades”. Este último termo foi utilizado no passado para designar o chamado “Terceiro Mundo”, atualmente... |
Los cambios tectónicos están alterando dramáticamente todo el paisaje histórico mundial a un ritmo y profundidad no vistos desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En los últimos quince años, la crisis capitalista mundial posterior a 2008 ha transformado el continente europeo en una “zona de tormenta”. Este último término se utilizó antiguamente para designar el llamado “Tercer Mundo”, actual... |
he world is witnessing unprecedented tectonic shifts in global history since WWII, particularly in Europe. The aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis has turned Europe into a Zone of Tempests, affecting both the Global South and a new periphery within the Global North. Europe, once the birthplace of capitalism, now grapples with crises in finance, debt, inflation, and rising interest rates.... |
On August 24th there was a Round Table on "A Global Overview of Trotskyism Today" where our comrade from EEK, Savvas Michail-Matsas spoke on "The Situation in Europe and Greece - the Challenges for Trotskyism".
We assert the right of every organization to determine its internal direction and form, even within the framework or limitations imposed by the capitalist system or those they themselves assume. The government's intervention through the Supreme Court of Justice in a legal maneuver against the PCV (Communist Party of Venezuela) appears to aim at preventing their electoral participation with their p... |
Reivindicamos el derecho de cada organización a darse la dirección y forma interna que considere, aun dentro de las marco o las limitaciones que el sistema capitalista les impone o que ellos mismos asumen, La intervención del gobierno a través de la Corte Suprema de Justicia en una tramoya legal contra el PCV, tendría entre sus objetivos impedirles la participación electoral con su tarjeta y símbo... |
14 Haziran 2023 tarihinde, Yunanistan’ın Pilos kıyısında içinde yüzlerce sığınmacı olan bir balıkçı teknesi batırıldı. İçlerinde kadın ve çocukların da olduğu yaklaşık 700 göçmen çaresizce boğularak hayatını kaybetti. Bunun üzerine uluslararası basında ve hatta Avrupa Birliği içinde, Yunanistan devleti yetkililerinin bu olaydaki sorumluluğu üzerinden bir uluslararası siyasi kriz patlak verdi.
We are publishing here issue No.4 for the year 2023 (Issue No. 154) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
On June 14, 2023 a small fishing boat with hundreds of refugees was sunk off the Greek shore of
Pylos. About 700 migrants, mainly women and children, were drowned helplessly. A great
political crisis erupted internationally in the international mass media and even in the European
Union on the direct responsibilities of the Greek State authorities.
At one of Vladimir Putin's direct meetings with citizens in a TV studio, the President of the Russian Federation, addressing a journalist and offering her a seat, called her Masha. She replied: "Thank you, Vova", and then in a video posted on the Internet, she explained why she answered in such a manner to the president, the Supreme Commander-in-chief, and so on, and so on: “I wasn't afraid to add... |
На одной из прямых встреч В. В. Путина с гражданами, президент РФ, обращаясь к журналистке и предлагая сесть, назвал ее Машей, на что она ответила: «Спасибо, Вова», а потом в видео, размещенном в интернете, пояснила почему она так ответила президенту, верховному главнокомандующему, и прочее, и прочее: «Мне не было страшно так обращаться к нему. А что страшного? Он же меня назвал Машей! А я, вообще... |
Le 14 juin 2023, un petit bateau de pêche transportant des centaines de réfugiés a coulé au large de la côte grecque de Pylos. Environ 700 migrants, principalement des femmes et des enfants, se sont noyés, impuissants. Une grande crise politique a éclaté dans les médias internationaux et même dans l’Union européenne sur les responsabilités directes des autorités de l’État grec.
По мере того как окончание «специальной военной операции» (сокращенно: СВО), каким бы оно ни задумывалось и каким бы оно ни могло быть, отодвигается как горизонт, в российских СМИ все чаще, хотя и на разный лад и с разными оттенками, звучит одно, подаваемое как непререкаемое, утверждение сродни обвинению: во всех нынешних бедах, в особенности, в том, что произошло с Украиной и на Украине, виноваты... |
As the end of the “special military operation” (abbreviated: SMO), whatever it is conceived to be and whatever it could be, becomes even less likely, the Russian media increasingly, albeit in different ways and with different shades, hears one statement, presented as indisputable, which is akin to an accusation: the Bolsheviks and their offspring (the word “artificial” is often added), the Soviet... |
Alors que la fin de l ' «opération militaire spéciale» (en abrégé: OMS), quelle que soit sa conception et quelle qu'elle puisse être, est repoussée de plus en plus loin, dans les médias russes de plus en plus, bien que d'une manière différente et avec des nuances différentes, sonne comme une affirmation irréfutable, semblable à une accusation: dans tous les malheurs actuels, en particulier dans ce... |
Azərbaycan və Ermənistan xalqının 8000-ə yaxın itki verməsi ilə nəticələnən İkinci Qarabağ Müharibəsinin bitməsindən sonra 10 noyabr tarixində Rusiya, Ermənistan və Azərbaycan tərəfləri arasında üçtərəfli atəşkəs bəyanatı imzalandı. “10 noyabr” Bəyanatı adlanan bu bəyanatın post-müharibə sonrası konyunkturanı tənzimləklə yeni geosiyasi reallığı müəyyən etməsi gözlənilirdi. Üzərindən uzun müddət ke... |
Azerbaycan ve Ermenistan'dan yaklaşık 8 bin kişinin kaybıyla sonuçlanan İkinci Karabağ Savaşı'nın sona ermesinin ardından 10 Kasım'da Rusya, Ermenistan ve Azerbaycan tarafları arasında üçlü ateşkes bildirisi imzalandı. "10 Kasım bildirisi” olarak adlandırılan bu açıklamanın, savaş sonrası konjonktürü düzenleyerek yeni bir jeopolitik gerçeklik tanımlaması bekleniyordu. Çok geçmeden deklarasyonun ba... |
On June 14, 2023 a small fishing boat with hundreds of refugees was sunk off the Greek shore of Pylos. About 700 migrants, mainly women and children, were drowned helpless. A great political crisis erupted internationally in the international mass media and even in the European Union on the direct responsibilities of the Greek State authorities.
26 Temmuz tarihinde General Abdourahmane (Abdurrahman) Tiani komutasındaki Nijerli askerler, bölgedeki Fransız emperyalizminin sadık müttefiki (daha doğrusu uşağı) Mohamed (Muhammed) Bazoum hükümetinin devrildiğini ilan etti. Bazoum’un silahlı kuvvetlerce devrilmesi, 2020’den bu yana yaşanan Mali, Burkina Faso ve Gine örneklere bir yenisini ekliyor. Böylece Fransa’nın bölgedeki emperyalist hükmüne... |
Στις 26 Ιουλίου, μια ομάδα στρατιωτών του Νίγηρα με επικεφαλής τον στρατηγό Abdourahamane Tchiani ανακοίνωσε την ανατροπή της κυβέρνησης του Mohamed Bazoum, του πιστού συμμάχου -ή μάλλον λακέ- του γαλλικού ιμπεριαλισμού στην περιοχή. Η ανατροπή του Μπαζούμ από στρατιωτικές δυνάμεις προστίθεται στη λίστα άλλων παρόμοιων κινημάτων από το 2020, όπως στο Μάλι, την Μπουρκίνα Φάσο και την Γουινέα. Με αυ... |
Le 26 juillet, un groupe de militaires nigériens, dirigé par Général Abdourahamane Tiani, ont annoncé le renversement du gouvernement de Mohamed Bazoum, l’allié – ou plutôt laquais – indéfectible de l’impérialisme français dans la région. Le renversement de Bazoum par des forces militaires se rejoint des autres exemples depuis 2020 comme Mali, Burkina Faso et Guinée. Ainsi, un bloc limitrophe de q... |
On July 26, a group of Nigerien soldiers led by General Abdourahamane Tiani announced the overthrow of the government of Mohamed Bazoum, the staunch ally - or rather lackey - of French imperialism in the region. The overthrow of Bazoum by military forces joins the list of other examples since 2020 such as Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea. This way, a de facto bloc of four bordering countries is being... |
26 Temmuz tarihinde General Abdourahamane (Abdurrahman) Tiani komutasındaki Nijerli askerler, bölgedeki Fransız emperyalizminin sadık müttefiki (daha doğrusu uşağı) Mohamed (Muhammed) Bazoum hükümetinin devrildiğini ilan etti. Bazoum’un silahlı kuvvetlerce devrilmesi, 2020’den bu yana yaşanan Mali, Burkina Faso ve Gine örneklere bir yenisini ekliyor. Böylece Fransa’nın bölgedeki emperyalist hükmün... |
The 15th Camp of EEK was successfully held from Wednesday 26th July to Sunday 30th of this month, in Evia’s Eretria. The high temperature of the days, did not deter comrades from all over the country and abroad, to take part in the work of the Camp, enjoying at the same time the recreation with collective life, work and effort for the conception of the New, in the situation that is being formed in... |
Με επιτυχία πραγματοποιήθηκε η 15η κατασκήνωση του ΕΕΚ, στην Ερέτρια Εύβοιας, από την Τετάρτη 26 Ιουλίου έως και την Κυριακή 30 Ιουλίου. Η μεγάλη θερμοκρασία των ημερών, δεν πτόησε τους συντρόφους από όλη την Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό, από το να συμμετάσχουν στις εργασίες της Κατασκήνωσης, απολαμβάνοντας συγχρόνως την αναψυχή με την συλλογική ζωή, δουλειά και προσπάθεια για την σύλληψη του Νέου, μέσ... |