«Soviet Renaissance» - always on RedMed and RPC websites ……………..…………………. p. 2
The Association "Soviet Union". "Appeal to the Communist and other left-wing parties and social movements of Russia" ………………..……………………………………………....……... p. 3
A.V.Buzgalin. The USSR is gone. Into the future. ………….……………………………………. p. 5
V.V. Kalashnikov. Historians of the Russian Revolution on the causes of the collapse of the USSR and the Soviet system ………………………………………………………………………. p.9
Y. G.Pavlenko. The Soviet project and the future of the Russian State ……………..…….…. p.26
ChengEnfu. Analysis of the economic development of the USSR and the causes of its dramatic collapse ………………………………………………………………….………………... p.33
Nocomment. V. V.Putin: "You know, I suggest not to aggravate our discussion" ………..… p.47
Nocomment. G.A.Zyuganov: "We are for socialism. And he will definitely win." ……..….. p.49
Repeal the anti-people law! ……………..……………………………………………….…… p.52
M.Makarychev. Foreign media about the visit of Russian ships to Cuba……………………. p.53
Putin came to Asia to shake things up, and he succeeded………………………………….… p.56
V.Pietromarki. Why is Russian President Vladimir Putin visiting Vietnam after North Korea? ………………………………………………..………………………………………….… p.58
The establishment is furious……………………………………………………………………. p.63
S.Miсhael-Matsas.USSR: Is it possible and/or necessary to revive the USSR after the 1991 disaster?…………………………………………………………………………………..… p.66
The association "Soviet Union" needs ....................................................................................... p. 78.
Left Spectrum (related websites and publications)……..…………….……………….…….… p. 79.