We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 1 (6) for 2020 of Sovetskoe Vozrozhdenie. Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.
We are publishing here issue No.1 for the year 2021 (Issue No. 139) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). We had earlier written, on the occasion of the publication of No. 1 of Sovetskoe Vozrozhdenie. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union” the following: "As a new year’s gift to our readers, let us say that we hope this is the beginning of a new level of cooperation between several Marxist entities in Russia and RedMed. We hope to be able to announce some great news in the coming weeks." The publication of Communist of Leningrad on RedMed is a new step in the same direction. (RedMed)
Mumia Abu-Jamal Tests Positive for COVID, Prompting Urgent Call to Release Elder Political Prisoners
Renowned political prisoner and journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal’s lawyers confirmed Wednesday he has tested positive for COVID-19 and also has congestive heart disease. Abu-Jamal also suffers from the preexisting conditions of liver disease, which advocates say is directly related to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections’ failure to treat his hepatitis C in a timely fashion. Mumia’s doctor, Dr. Ricardo Alvarez, says the only appropriate treatment is freedom. Marc Lamont Hill, who co-authored a book with Abu-Jamal titled “The Classroom and the Cell: Conversations on Black Life in America,” says this is an opportunity to exercise COVID compassion. “The only possible solution, the only fair solution, is to let Mumia out of prison,” says Lamont Hill. “Not just Mumia, but all political prisoners, all people over 50.”
In this article, we will show that DIP, thanks to the revolutionary Marxist method, very early on identified the fascistic nature of Trump’s entire political project, warned the international and US left as to the danger, showed the path to be treaded in order to fight this rising monster, unambiguously foresaw the dangers lurking after the elections of 3 November 2020, and kept warning the entire international and US left concerning the growing menace of fascism for 2021 and beyond. Each time we point to a specific analysis regarding Trump’s sui generis fascism, we will refer to an earlier article (some in English, others in Turkish) in which we analysed the issue in question as things were unfolding. The numbers in square brackets refer to the articles listed at the end of this piece.
Erdoğan’s rector appointment to Boğaziçi University[1] using state of emergency decree-law triggered a massive resistance. The government did not anticipate such an opposition. Erdoğan had also made the previous appointment, by-passing the elections, choosing a name (Mehmed Özkan) that was deemed to be close to the government. Again this was met with protests, but they died out with time, and the appointed rector was tolerated as he was an insider to the university. This time Erdoğan went a step further and appointed Melih Bulu, who was not a member of the university, who had a shady academic career, and was a candidate in the primaries of the ruling party AKP in the 2015 elections. Even though he would not (be able to) become a member of the parliament from AKP, he assumed a more critical political responsibility by being the founding rector of Istinye University, belonging to the 21st Century Anatolia Foundation directly linked to AKP.
Hristo Rakovski Uluslararası Sosyalist Merkezi Bildirisi: Rusya Nereye Gidiyor? Ne liberalizm ne Bonapartizm, tek yol sosyalizm!
Kansainvälisen sosialistikeskuksen Christian Rakovsky:n kannanotto Alexei Navalnyin pidätyksestä ja protesteista Minne Venäjä on menossa? Ei liberalismiin eikä bonapartismiin, vaan sosialismiin!
Заявление Международного социалистического центра «Кристиан Раковский» Об аресте Алексея Навального и протестах Куда идет Россия?
Σχετικά με τη σύλληψη του Αλεξέϊ Ναβάλνι και τις διαδηλώσεις Που Βαδίζει η Ρωσία; Δήλωση του Διεθνούς Σοσιαλιστικού Κέντρου “Κριστιάν Ρακόφσκι” Ούτε φιλελευθερισμός ούτε βοναπαρτισμός, αλλά σοσιαλισμός!
Statement by the International Socialist Center ‘Christian Rakovsky” On Alexei Navalny’s arrest and the protests. Whither Russia? Neither liberalism nor Bonapartism but Socialism!
Στις 28-29 Ιανουαρίου 2021 κλείνουν 100 χρόνια απ’ όταν ο Μουσταφά Σουπχί, ιδρυτής του Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος Τουρκίας, του παλαιότερου σύγχρονου πολιτικού κόμματος της χώρας, μαζί με τον γενικό γραμματέα του κόμματος Ετέμ Νεζάτ και 13 άλλους συντρόφους, έπεσαν θύματα πολιτικής δολοφονίας. Αυτή η δολοφονία αποτέλεσε σημείο καμπής στην ιστορία της Τουρκίας
28-29 Ocak 2021 tarihleri, Türkiye’nin en eski modern siyasi partisi olan Türkiye Komünist Fırkası’nın kurucu kadrosundan parti başkanı Mustafa Suphi, parti genel sekreteri Ethem Nejat ve on üç yoldaşlarının bir siyasi cinayete kurban gitmelerinin 100. yıldönümüdür. Bu cinayet, Türkiye tarihinde önemli bir dönüm noktasıdır.
Back in June 2017, after the first mass actions exposing corruption in the highest echelons of power and the capitalist mafia, the Central Committee of our party adopted a statement in which the following demands of the moment were recorded
Еще в июне 2017 года, после первых массовых акций, изобличающих коррупцию в высших эшелонах власти и мафиозный капитал, ЦК нашей партии принял заявление, в котором были зафиксированы следующие требования момента
Το πρώτο κύμα της αραβικής επανάστασης που ξέσπασε στη Μέση Ανατολή και τη Βόρεια Αφρική μεταξύ 2011 και 2013 έχει πολλές συμβολικές ημερομηνίες. Αλλά ίσως η σημαντικότερη είναι η 25η Ιανουαρίου, όταν, στον απόηχο της νίκης της τυνηζιάνικης επανάστασης δέκα μέρες πριν, οι αιγυπτιακές μάζες συγκέντρωσαν όλο το θάρρος τους και ξεσηκώθηκαν σε μια επαναστατική εξέγερση. Σήμερα είναι η 10η επέτειος αυτής της έκρηξης, η οποία έχει αφήσει ένα ανεξίτηλο σημάδι σ’ ολόκληρο τον κόσμο, με τον παραδειγματικό τόπο συνάντησης στην πλατεία Ταχρίρ, γεμάτη για μήνες από εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες ανθρώπους που βάδιζαν προς την εμβάθυνση της επανάστασης, μέχρι εκείνη τη μοιραία ημέρα του Ιουλίου του 2013 όταν ο βοναπάρτης αρχηγός του αιγυπτιακού στρατού, Αμντέλ Φατάχ αλ Σίσι, ανέλαβε την εξουσία και τερμάτισε την επαναστατική διαδικασία.
21st century Marxism will, sooner or later, revive this noble tradition in Marxism. This is what we call revolutionary Marxism. Whoever stands on the ground of the first four congresses of the Communist International, as did Mustafa Suphi (he lived long enough to see only the first two), will take their place in this rebirth, this renaissance of communism.
Tunus yeniden yanmaya başladı. Ülkede bir haftadır Siliana, Kaserin, Sfaks, Sus, Bizerte, Ğafsa, Manastır gibi taşra kentlerinde, ama aynı zamanda başkent Tunus’un Ariana gibi varoş bölgelerinde, çoğunluğunun yaşı 12 ila 18 arasında değişen gençler hatta çocuklar, hükümetin ilan etmiş olduğu gece sokağa çıkma yasağına meydan okuyarak sokakları dolduruyor, kendilerine gazla, suyla, copla, tankla saldıran kolluk kuvvetlerine taşla, Molotofla, lastik ve çöp bidonu yakarak cevap veriyor, süpermarketleri yağmalıyor, kamu binalarını tahrip ediyor, öfkelerini, deyim tam yerindedir, kusuyorlar. Burjuva Tunus şaşkın, çaresiz, köşeye sıkışmış bakıyor. Hepsi olan bitenin arkasında ne yattığının farkında: % 30 işsizlik, yoksulluk, gelir bölüşümünde dev adaletsizlik; Koronavirüs salgınının Üçüncü Büyük Depresyon’un yıkıcı etkilerine eklenmesiyle ekonominin 2020’de yüzde 9 oranında daralması; tamtakır, kuru bakır bir hazine, borç çukurunda debelenen bir mali yapı, Tunus dinarının önlenemeyen düşüşü. Ve bütün bunları eli kolu bağlı seyrederken bir yandan yolsuzluğa batmış, bir yandan da uluslararası güçlerin oyuncağı haline gelmiş bir siyasi partiler sistemi.
La première vague de la révolution arabe qui a fait rage à travers le Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord entre 2011 et 2013 a beaucoup de dates symboliques. Mais peut-être le plus marquant est le 25 janvier, lorsque, dans le sillage de la victoire de la révolution tunisienne dix jours auparavant, les masses égyptiennes ont rassemblé tout leur courage et ont explosé en un soulèvement révolutionnaire. Aujourd'hui, c'est le 10e anniversaire de cette éruption, qui a laissé une marque indélébile sur le monde entier, avec son lieu paradigmatique la place Tahrir, remplie pendant des mois par des centaines de milliers de personnes marchant vers l'approfondissement de la révolution, jusqu'à ce jour fatidique de juillet 2013, lorsque le chef d'état-major bonapartiste de l'armée égyptienne, Abdel Fattah al Sissi a pris le pouvoir et a mis fin au processus révolutionnaire.
The first wave of the Arab revolution that raged through the Middle East and North Africa between 2011 and 2013 has many symbolic dates. But perhaps the outstanding one is the 25th January, when, in the wake of the victory of the Tunisian revolution ten days before, the Egyptian masses gathered all their courage and erupted in a revolutionary uprising. Today is the 10th anniversary of that eruption, which has left an indelible mark on the entire world, with its paradigmatic venue Tahrir Square, filled for months by hundreds of thousands of people marching towards deepening the revolution, until that fateful day in July 2013, when the Bonapartist chief of staff of the Egyptian military, Abdel Fattah al Sisi took power and put an end to the revolutionary process.
События, разворачивающиеся в самом сердце мирового капитализма, когда хваленый Капитолийский холм занят фашистами MAGA(MakeAmericaGreatAgain– Сделаем Америку Великой Снова), являются конечным продуктом процесса, громко объявившего о наступлении этих дней. Трамп попросил Смелых Парней «отойти, стоять рядом». Теперь они выступили, чтобы защитить своего защитника, протофашиста Дональда Трампа.
The United Front Committee for a Labor Party (UFCLP) and the Freedom Socialist Party (FSP) jointly hosted an anti-fascism rally on Saturday, January 9th, 2021 at noon in front of the San Francisco Federation Building. There were no other calls for a demonstration. The purpose of the rally was to protest the recent fascist coup attempt at the US Capitol. The rally lasted for an hour and a half. About five police officers showed up, but there were no serious confrontations between protesters and the cops. Among the speakers were Judy Greenspan from Worker’s World Party, Kristina Lee from FSP, Steve Zeltzer, Mehmet Bayram, and Lisa Milos from the UFCLP, John Reiman from the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and Edward Escobar from Independent Workers United.
The Democratic Socialists of America has been caught asleep. No amount of trickery can hide that simple fact.
Τα γεγονότα που εκτυλίσσονται στην καρδιά του παγκόσμιου καπιταλισμού, με το πολυδιαφημισμένο Καπιτώλιο να καταλαμβάνεται απ’ τους φασίστες του MAGA (MakeAmericaGreatAgain/Κάντε την Αμερική Μεγάλη Ξανά), είναι το τελικό προϊόν μιας διαδικασίας που ανακοίνωσε δυνατά την έλευση αυτών των ημερών. Ο Τραμπ ζήτησε απ’ τα Proud Boys (Ακροδεξιά, νεοφασιστική και ανδρoκρατική πολιτική οργάνωση που προωθεί και εμπλέκεται σε πολιτική βία στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες και τον Καναδά – Σ.τ.Μ.) να «υποχωρήσουν, να είναι σε ετοιμότητα». Τώρα έχουν βγει μπροστά για να προστατεύσουν τον προστάτη τους, τον πρωτοφασίστα Ντόναλντ Τραμπ.
Dünya kapitalizminin qəlbində göylərə qaldırılan Capitol Hill məhəlləsinin MAGA (Amerikanı Yenidən Güclü Edək) faşistləri tərəfindən işğal olunması hadisələri bu günləri ucadan xəbər verən bir prosesin məhsuludur. Tramp Məğrur Oğlanlar adlı sağçı bandaya “arxada, amma hazır dayanın” demişdi. İndi onlar irəli çıxaraq öz qoruyucularını, protofaşist Trampı qoruyurlar.
وقايع اخير در قلب سرمايه داري جهاني، اشغال كاپيتال هيل مشهور توسط فاشيستهاي ماگا ( امريكا را دوباره معركه كنيم) محصول نهايي فرآيندي است كه قبلا با ساز و دهل خبر دهنده ي اين روزها بود! ترامپ از "پسران مغرور" خواسته بود " عقب بنشينيد، دست نگه داريد" و اكنون آنها براي حفاظت از محافظ خود ،حامي فاشيسم، دونالد ترامپ به ميدان آمده اند.
Dünya kapitalizminin merkezinde, yerlere göklere sığdırılamayan Capitol Hill mahallesinin MAGA (Amerika’yı Yeniden Büyük Kılalım) faşistlerinin işgali altında oluşu, bugünleri gümbür gümbür haber veren bir sürecin sonucudur. Trump, Gururlu Çocuklar (Proud Boys) isimli sağcı çeteye “arkada bekleyin ama hazırda bekleyin” demişti. Şimdi onlar sahneye çıkarak onları kollayan ön-faşist Trump’ı koruyorlar.
Los eventos que se desarrollan en el corazón del capitalismo mundial, con el tan aclamado Capitolio siendo ocupado por los fascistas MAGA (Make America Great Again / Hagamos a Estados Unidos grandioso de nuevo), es el producto final de un proceso que anunció en voz alta la llegada de estos días. Trump pidió a los Proud Boys que “queden un paso atrás, esperen”. Ahora han salido a proteger a su protector, el protofascista Donald Trump.
Nous avons répété à maintes reprises que le fascisme ne peut être combattu en votant en paix alors que ce mouvement barbare s'organise pour dominer la rue et par la suite les centres du pouvoir. D'après les scènes au sein du Congrès américain, une sorte de guerre civile est en train de se dérouler, même si elle pourrait durer très peu de temps. Ceux qui n'ont toujours pas été réveillés par cet incident sont des serviteurs désespérés de l'ordre capitaliste-impérialiste qui insistent pour livrer le peuple aux mâchoires des fascistes.
The events unfolding in the heart of world capitalism, with the much-vaunted Capitol Hill being occupied by the MAGA (Make America Great Again) fascists, is the end-product of a process that announced loudly the coming of these days. Trump asked the Proud Boys to “stand back, stand by”. Now they have come forth to protect their protector, the proto-fascist Donald Trump.
India and its fascist government are having a particularly tough time dealing with the COVID pandemic. The pro-capital and anti-science stance of Modi led to an uncontrollable situation just like the governments of his brethren in Brazil and the US. In fact, India has just surpassed Brazil in the number of cases per day. One might hope that this disaster, together with the Third Great Depression whose effects are still being felt and the long-running issues of workers and peasants in the country would finally create big cracks in bourgeois hegemony and perhaps lead to a revolutionary situation. Yet the reality is a lot bleaker as when a direct political challenge to the bourgeois order is not present, the bourgeoisie becomes even more brazen in their attempts to override the hard-won rights of toilers and discipline the workforce evermore; not despite the pandemic and the political turmoil but by exploiting them.
We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 6 (7) for 2020 of Sovetskoe Vozrozhdenie. Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”. The very first issue of the journal was published in December 2019 and Issue No. (2020 (1)) were also posted on RedMed.
We are publishing here issue No.6 for the year 2020 (Issue No. 138) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). We had earlier written, on the occasion of the publication of No. 1 of Sovetskoe Vozrozhdenie. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union” the following: "As a new year’s gift to our readers, let us say that we hope this is the beginning of a new level of cooperation between several Marxist entities in Russia and RedMed. We hope to be able to announce some great news in the coming weeks." The publication of Communist of Leningrad on RedMed is a new step in the same direction.
El hecho en sí, la realización de las elecciones al parlamento en la fecha prevista, fue una expresión de soberanía , independientemente del rol general del parlamento, o concreto, lo referido al desempeño que los diputados electos vayan a hacer después de su instalación. Por otro lado, el que votó y el que no votó, ambos no comen y el voto no soluciona el hambre a la que estamos sometidos.
The fact itself, the holding of the parliamentary elections on the scheduled date, was an expression of sovereignty[1], regardless of the general role of the parliament, or specifically, regarding the performance that the elected deputies will have after their election. On the other hand, both, who voted and who did not vote, have nothing to eat. Thus, going to vote does not solve the hunger to which we are subjected.
Milli eqoizmə yox! İlk növbədə bütün ölkələrin ön cəbhədə mübarizə aparan səhiyyə və baxım evi işçiləri peyvənd edilsin! Səhiyyə sənayesindən mənfəət əldə edən bütün şirkətlər ictimailəşdirilsin! Beynəlxalq problemə beynəlxalq həll yolu! Kapitalizmin buxovlarına qarşı insan həyatına sahib çıxaq!
Pysäytetään kansallinen egoismi! Aloitetaan kaikkien maitten rokotukset eturintaman terveydenhuollon ja vanhainkotien työntekijöistä! Pakkolunastetaan kaikki voittoa tavoittelevat terveydenhuoltoyhtiöt! Kansainvälinen ratkaisu kansainväliseen ongelmaan! Suojellaan ihmiselämää kapitalismin pystyttämiä kahleita vastaan!
جلوی خودخواهی ملی رابگیرید! در همه کشور ها امر واکسیناسیون علیه بیماری کوید 19 را با کارمندان و کارکنان امور بهداشت و بهزيستي و خانه های سالمندان که در خط مقدم مبارزه با این بیماری هستند آغاز کنید! همچنین از تمامی شرکت های سودآور در صنایع بهداشت سلب مالکیت نموده و برای حل یک معضل همه گیر بین المللی یک راهکار بین المللی اتخاد کنید. بدین ترتیب از زندگی انسانها در برابرموانع و پابندهایی که نظام سرمایه داری برپا کرده محافظت کنید.
Han pasado días y semanas desde el terremoto político de las elecciones estadounidenses del 3 de noviembre, y las réplicas muy altas en la escala de Richter continúan.
Nerón Trump insiste en negar su derrota, el mundo en llamas, y como a cualquier Nerón le gusta cantar cuando Roma y el universo arden ...
Su primer movimiento, después de las elecciones, fue deponer al secretario de Defensa Mark Esper, quien el verano pasado se negó a enviar tropas para reprimir al levantamiento popular tras el asesinato de George Floyd. Esper fue reemplazado por Christopher Miller, un ex coronel de las Fuerzas Especiales Boinas Verdes y director del Centro Nacional de Contraterrorismo (NCTC). Luego forzó la renuncia del subsecretario de Defensa James Anderson, tercero en la jerarquía, y colocó a sus pretorianos en puestos clave en el Pentágono y los servicios de seguridad.
Arrêtez l’égoïsme national ! Commencez la vaccination par les travailleurs de la santé de première ligne et ceux des maisons de retraite de tous les pays ! Expropriez toutes les entreprises à but lucratif du secteur de la santé ! Une solution internationaliste à un problème international ! Protégez la vie humaine contre les entraves mises en place par le capitalisme !
Stop national egoism! Start vaccination with frontline health workers and nursing home workers of all countries! Expropriate all profit-making companies in the health care industries! An internationalist solution to an international problem! Protect human life against the fetters set up by capitalism!