Desde la Coordinadora Sindical Clasista y el Partido Obrero de la Argentina denunciamos la prohibición de la huelga de los trabajadores metalúrgicos nucleados en Birlesik Metal, que el gobierno turco ha decidido aplazar por ¡60! días en violación flagrante del derecho de huelga, amparándose en una disposición emitida en los '80 por la Junta Militar.
Este ataque a instancias de la patronal metalúrgica, obedece a la simpatía que la huelga de 15 mil obreros de más de 40 empresas (y de 10 ciudades diferentes) estaba despertando entre todos los metalúrgicos del país. La entereza de los huelguistas constituía también una referencia potencial para todo el movimiento obrero turco.
La prohibición ilustra el carácter antiobrero y la naturaleza de clase del gobierno de Erdogan, que hace pocos meses adoptó idénticas represalias contra una huelga de 5600 obreros del vidrio. Medidas similares se han implementado contra los mineros.
Arjantin’de Sınıf Mücadeleci Sendikal Koordinasyon ve Partido Obrero (PO-İşçi Partisi) olarak Birleşik Metal İşçileri Sendikası çatısı altında düzenlenen grevin yasaklanmasını kınıyoruz. Türkiye hükümeti, 1980’li yıllarda askeri cuntanın yasalaştırdığı bir hükmü kullanarak grevi 60 gün erteleme yoluyla yasaklamış ve böylece grev hukukunu gözle görülür biçimde ayaklar altına almıştır.
Metal işverenlerinin greve saldırısı, aslında 10 şehirde 40’tan fazla işletmede 15 bin işçiyi kucaklayan bu grevin ülkenin öteki sendikalarda örgütlü olsun, sendikasız olsun diğer bütün metal işçileri nezdinde uyandırdığı sempati dolayısıyla yapılmıştır. Grev aynı zamanda daha genel olarak Türkiye işçi hareketince bir referans noktası olarak izleniyordu.
Bu yasak, daha birkaç ay önce 5.600 cam işçisinin grevini de yasaklamış olan Erdoğan hükümetinin işçi sınıfı karşıtı niteliğini ortaya koymakta, sınıf doğasını teşhir etmektedir. Benzer bir yasak madencilere karşı da uygulanmıştı.
We call on all the organisations of the international working class to express their clear condemnation of this shameful decision by the AKP government and their strong solidarity with the metalworkers of Turkey by any method they deem appropriate. Even the smallest message will help. We need to counter forcefully the ruthless exploitation the international working class is being subjected to. This is what the condemnation of government’s banning of the metalworkers’ strike in Turkey is about.
In queste circostanze specifiche, estremamente difficoltose in termini di tempi e di necessità finanziarie, l'EEK deve sostenere sulle sue spalle la battaglia per l'indipendenza politica della classe lavoratrice e per l'internazionalismo proletario, e parteciperà in maniera indipendente alle elezioni. La voce dell'EEK sarà la voce della rivoluzione; una voce minoritaria, e tuttavia inconciliabile e insubordinata. Abbiamo il dovere di mostrare l'unica via d'uscita, di discutere con i lavoratori il più possibile, di mobilitarli fin da ora per l'indomani della sconfitta dei sostenitori del memorandum, di reclutare e organizzare forze rivoluzionarie, di prepararci ed educarci da avanguardie combattenti per la battaglia storica che incombe. L'esistenza dell'EEK, la sua ragion d'essere, è la lotta incessante per la rivoluzione permanente internazionale, con le più diverse condizioni – a volte straordinariamente sfavorevoli, sfidando ostacoli e avversari sulla strada della liberazione sociale e del comunismo.
Dentro de los extremadamente ajustados tiempos y condicionamientos financieros que plantean las circunstancias, el EEK debe ponerse a los hombros la lucha por la independencia política de la clase obrera y del internacionalismo proletario y participar independientemente en las elecciones. La voz del EEK debe ser la de la revolución social, una voz minoritaria pero igualmente combativa e insubordinada. Debemos mostrar cuál es la única salida; abrir la discusión en las filas de los trabajadores tanto como podamos, movilizar, desde este mismo momento, al pueblo para intervenir frente a las secuelas que dejará la derrota de los que apoyan el memorándum; reclutar y organizar a las fuerzas revolucionarias, entrenar y educar a las masas y a nosotros mismos, como luchadores de vanguardia para las batallas históricas que se vienen. La razón de ser del EEK es la incansable lucha por la revolución permanente internacional bajo las más diversas, y a veces excepcionalmente desfavorables, condiciones, desafiando obstáculos y adversarios en el camino de la liberación social y el comunismo.
Μέσα στις συγκεκριμένες, εξαιρετικά πιεστικές από πλευράς χρόνου και οικονομικών απαιτήσεων συνθήκες, το ΕΕΚ πρέπει να αναλάβει στους ώμους του την πάλη για την πολιτική ανεξαρτησία της εργατικής τάξης και τον προλεταριακό διεθνισμό και να κατέβει ανεξάρτητο στις εκλογές. Η φωνή του ΕΕΚ πρέπει να γίνει η φωνή της κοινωνικής επανάστασης, φωνή μειοψηφική, έστω, αλλά ασυμβίβαστη κι ανυπόταχτη. Πρέπει να δείξουμε τη μόνη διέξοδο, να συζητήσουμε με τον λαό όσο πιο πλατιά μπορούμε, να τον κινητοποιήσουμε από τώρα για την επαύριο της ορατής ήττας των μνημονιακών, να στρατολογήσουμε και να οργανώσουμε δυνάμεις για την επανάσταση, να εκπαιδεύσουμε και να εκπαιδευτούμε σαν πρωτοπόροι μαχητές γαι τις ιστορικές μάχες που έρχονται. Ο τρόπος ύπαρξης, ο λόγος ύπαρξης του ΕΕΚ είναι η ασίγαστη πάλη για την διεθνή διαρκή επανάσταση κάτω από τους πιο διαφορετικούς, πολλές φορές εξαιρετικά δυσμενείς, όρους, αψηφώντας εμπόδια και αντίπαλους στον δρόμο της κοινωνικής απελευθέρωσης και του κομμουνισμού.
Özgül koşullara sahip, zaman bakımından son derecede sıkışık, mali yükümlülükler bakımından çok zorlayıcı koşullar altında yapılan bu seçimlerde, EEK işçi sınıfının siyasi bağımsızlığı ve proletarya enternasyonalizmi mücadelesini omuzlarında taşımak veseçimlere bağımsız olarak girmek zorunda kalmıştır. EEK’in sesi toplumsal devrimin sesi olmalıdır: bir azınlığın aykırı ve boyun eğmez sesi. Tek çıkış yolunu gösterebilmeliyiz. Mümkün olduğunca en geniş halk kitleriyle tartışabilmeli, halkı (şu andan itibaren) Memorandum savunucuları cephesinin yenilgisi sonrası için seferber etmeye girişmeli, devrimci güçleri kazanmalı ve örgütlemeli, kendimizi önümüzdeki tarihi savaşlarda öncü savaşçılar olarak eğitmeli, yetiştirmeliyiz. EEK’in var oluş tarzı, varlık nedeni, en değişik, hatta bazen aşırı derecede olumsuz koşullar altında, uluslararası düzeyde sürekli devrim için aralıksız mücadele etmek, toplumsal kurtuluş ve Komünizm’in önündeki engellere ve hasımlara meydan okumaktır.
The article below was written one year ago in January 2014 on the occasion of a conference in Turkey that brought together Syriza and the People’s Democracy Party (HDP) of Turkey, a new left-wing party that represents the fusion of countless Turkish socialist groups with the Kurdish movement. It was published then on RedMed. We are publishing it again because it makes crystal clear why Syriza is not the correct way forward for the Greek masses and why the EEK (Workers’ Revolutionary Party-Ergatiko Epanastatiko Komma) is running on a separate ticket in the general election of 25th January.
Solidarity with the French people around the world implies encouraging the exercise of the freedom of expression in France despite the threat by the fundamentalists. It does not mean that all things French, including France's imperialist policy in the Middle East and Africa is condoned by the rest of the world!
Within the specific, extremely tight in terms of time and of financial requirements circumstances, EEK must bear on its shoulders the struggle for the political independence of the working class and for the proletarian internationalism and participate independently at the elections. The voice of ΕΕΚ should be the voice of the social revolution, a minority voice, but nonetheless an incompatible and insubordinate. We must show the only way out, to discuss with the people as wide as we can, to mobilize the people –from this very moment– for the aftermath of the defeat of the memorandum supporters, to recruit and organize revolutionary forces, to train and educate ourselves as vanguard fighters for the historical battles to come. EEK’s mode of existence, its raison d'être, is the ceaseless struggle for international permanent revolution under the most diverse, sometimes exceptionally unfavorable conditions, defying obstacles and opponents on the road to social liberation and Communism.
La crisi política espanyola es desenvolupa amb lentitud, però de manera inexorable. En els últims cinc o sis mesos hem assistit a un conjunt de fets que aguditzen el procés de descomposició: la convulsió a les eleccions europees, el relleu a la monarquia, els escàndols de corrupció més greus de les últimes dècades i el conflicte entre l'Estat i Catalunya. El govern de Mariano Rajoy ha intentat trobar alleujament en les dades macroeconòmiques, però l'optimisme és una impostura: no hi ha indicis d'una recuperació sòlida, més enllà de les dades favorables de l'ocupació, explicables per l'activitat en el sector de serveis durant l’estiu. Elspropers mesos seran molt durs per al govern i decisius en els diferents terrenys de conflicte.
The Spanish political crisis is advancing slowly but inexorably. In the last five or six months we have witnessed a series of events that have exacerbated the process of decomposition: the turbulenceproduced by the European elections, the succession to the throne, the most serious corruption scandals to surface for generations, and the conflict between the central government and Catalonia. The right-wing government of Mariano Rajoy has sought relief in macroeceonomic data, but the optimism expressed is groundless: no figures are available to show a solid recovery, with the exception of the fall in unemployment, which is explicable on the basis of a seasonally favorable situation in the services sector. The period to come will be very difficult for the government, even decisive in different areas of conflict.
Bugün İspanya’nın özerk bölgelerinden Katalonya’da gayri resmi bir oylama yapılıyor. Başlangıçta bir bağımsızlık referandumu olarak tasarlanan bu oylama, İspanya merkezi devletinin baskısı altında sadece bir gövde gösterisi olmaya kadar geriledi. Aşağıdaki yazı, bir Katalan devrimci Marksisti tarafından RedMed ve Gerçek siteleri için kaleme alınmıştır. Yazının 4 Kasım’da kaleme alınmasından sonra, İspanya’nın Anayasa Mahkemesi, referandum karakterini bütünüyle yitirmiş ve gayri resmi bir eylem haline gelmiş olan bugünkü oylama hakkında bile yürütmeyi durdurma kararı almıştır. Bugün Katalonya’da ne olacağını kimse bilmiyor. Ama İskoçya bağımsızlık referandumundan sonra Katalonya’da dev kitlelerin desteğini alan bağımsızlık hareketi İspanya için de, Avrupa Birliği için de büyük bir siyasi önem taşıyor. Aşağıdaki yazı, İspanyolca orijinalinden İngilizce’ye yapılmış tercümesi temelinde Gencer Çakır tarafından Türkçeleştirilmiştir.
La crisis política española se desarrolla con lentitud, pero de manera inexorable. En los últimos cinco o seis meses hemos asistido a un conjunto de hechos que agudizan el proceso de descomposición: la convulsión en las elecciones europeas, el relevo en la monarquía, los escándalos de corrupción más graves de las últimas décadas y el conflicto entre el Estado y Cataluña. El gobierno derechista de Mariano Rajoy ha intentado encontrar alivio en los datos macroeconómicos, pero el optimismo es una impostura: no hay indicios de una recuperación sólida, más allá de los datos favorables del empleo, explicables por la actividad en el sector de servicios durante el verano. Los próximos meses serán muy duros para el gobierno y decisivos en los diferentes terrenos de conflicto.
En enero de 2013 el parlamento catalán aprobó una declaración de soberanía, que fue recurrida por el gobierno de Madrid y suspendida por el Tribunal Constitucional. En septiembre de este año el gobierno de Artur Mas aprobó la ley de consultas que debía ser el instrumento legal que permitiera la votación sobre la relación de Cataluña con el resto del Estado.
El 11 de septiembre se celebró el día nacional de Cataluña. El acto reivindicativo convocado en Barcelona debía ser una prueba del estado de ánimo de la población catalana después de muchos meses de debates, tensiones políticas y una abierta crisis institucional del Estado. Muchos comentaristas en Madrid preveían menor participación que en los dos años anteriores: las dos entidades sociales convocantes y las fuerzas políticas a favor de la consulta del 9 de noviembre no habrían podido contrarrestar el cansancio popular, la firmeza del gobierno de Mariano Rajoy yla desconfianza hacia las élites políticas. El último factor se habría acentuado unos meses antes, cuando Jordi Pujol -presidente de la Generalitat de Catalunya...
Stop killing the people! Lift the covert state of emergency!
Heroes of the Gezi rebellion, this is the time for solidarity! The Kurdish children who die are the brothers of Berkin!
Pesh merga and PKK guerrillas to Kobanê!
Fight ISIL, an enemy not only of the Kurds but also of the Alevis!
For a general strike of the workers and public employees against the killings and war-mongering of the ISIL and the AKP!
On the 25th and 26th of September, 2014, representatives of the Kurdish population living in Istanbul on the West of Turkey visited the south-eastern border region with Rojava, i.e. Syrian or South-western Kurdistan, in order to express their solidarity with the Kurdish population of Kobani, one of the three cantons of Rojava which is currently under attack from the ISIL (the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). Among them was a delegation of the DIP, the Revolutionary Workers’ Party of Turkey, which joined the mission as a manifestation of proletarian internationalism in solidarity with the oppressed Kurdish people. On Friday, a section of the mission crossed the border into Rojava to visit the people of the villages around the city of Kobani. There, the DIP delegation together with the Kurds and some other Turkish socialists, greeted and embraced the Forces of Protection (YPG), the force set up to defend the newly autonomous Rojava.
On the 40th anniversary of the coup the Greek colonels engineered and the military occupation of the north of the island by the Turkish armed forces, three organisations from Cyprus, Turkey and Greece published a joint statement to condemn the military occupation and declare their resolve to fight for the self-determination of Cyprus.
40 years is enough! End immediately the Turkish military occupation of Cyprus!
Close down the British military bases!
Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot, unite and fight!
For a united socialist Cyprus!
Kick the EU out! For the Socialist United States of Europe!
40 χρόνια στρατιωτικής κατοχής για ένα πραξικόπημα που διήρκεσε μόλις οκτώ ημέρες! Αυτή η 20η Ιουλίου είναι η 40η επέτειος της λεγόμενης «Επιχείρησης Αττίλας» που οι τουρκικές ένοπλες δυνάμεις διεξήγαγαν κατά της ανεξάρτητης και ενωμένης Δημοκρατίας της Κύπρου, που ιδρύθηκε το 1960 και εντός της οποίας Ελληνοκύπριοι και Τουρκοκύπριοι ζούσαν μαζί.
40 χρόνια είναι αρκετά! Να σταματήσει αμέσως η τουρκική στρατιωτική κατοχή της Κύπρου!
Κλείστε τις βρετανικές στρατιωτικές βάσεις!
Ελληνοκύπριοι και Τουρκοκύπριοι, ενωθείτε και πολεμήστε!
Kıbrıs, Türkiye ve Yunanistan’dan üç devrimci Marksist siyasi odak Kıbrıs’taki 1974 darbesinin ve Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nin ülkenin kuzeyinde gerçekleştirdiği askeri işgalin 40. yılı vesilesiyle birlikte bir bildiri yayınlayarak, işgale karşı tutumlarını ortaya koydular ve Kıbrıs’ın kendi kaderini tayin hakkı için mücadelede kararlılıklarını açıkladılar.
40 yıl yeter! Türkiye’nin Kıbrıs’taki askeri işgaline derhal son verin!
Britanya’nın askeri üsleri kapatılsın!
Kıbrıslı Rumlar ve Türkler, birleşin ve mücadele edin!
Hedef birleşik sosyalist bir Kıbrıs!
AB Kıbrıs’tan defol! Hedef Avrupa Sosyalist Birleşik Devletleri!
31 May was the anniversary of the eruption of the popular rebellion in Turkey that has gone under the name of Gezi Park around the world. On that anniversary, a virtual state of emergency was established in Istanbul, with 25 thousand police officers deployed around Taksim Square, the political, cultural and tourism centre of Istanbul, where the AKP government’s plan to build a shopping mall in the place of the park siding the square was frustrated by the revolt in 2013. Tear gas poisoning the atmosphere, people fainting, gas canisters targeted at demonstrators’ heads, one Italian journalist injured by a hit on his chest, a CNN International correspondent taken under custody while on air, an opposition MP almost being strangled by the police—all that Turkey has become accustomed to in recent years in terms of state repression and police brutality.
Following the 2nd Workers Euro-Mediterranean Conference, held in Athens on March 29-30, 2014, and on the basis of its conclusions, results, and prospects , the Balkan Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” waged an intensive political activity in the Balkans, connecting with activists involved in various struggles that erupted in the Peninsula in 2013 and 2014, from Bulgaria and Bosnia to Greece and Turkey, and intervening in on-going political-ideological debates within the social movements and the Left. Inescapably, the explosion in Ukraine and the rebellion in Donbass came into the center of our discussions in different meetings as well as the fight against the EU draconian measures imposed in the region and the fight against the rising fascism all over Europe, from Ukraine and Hungary to Greece and France.
Война, развязанная против народа Восточной и южной Украины, уже привела к огромным страданиям всего населения, постоянно растущему числу убитых и раненых среди гражданского населения, огромным разрушениям домов, предприятий коммунального обслуживания, инфраструктуры и рабочих мест. В то же время матери и отцы в Западной и Центральной Украине видят, что их детей мобилизованных против их воли, посылают на возможную смерть в Донбассе, только для того, чтобы обслужить интересы правящих олигархов и их Западных империалистических покровителей в ЕС и США.
The war launched against the people of Eastern and Southern Ukraine has already caused enormous sufferings for its population, an ever growing number of dead and wounded among the local civil population, massive destruction of homes, public utilities, infrastructure and workplaces. At the same time, mothers and fathers in Western and Central Ukraine see their children being mobilized against their will to be sent to possible death in Donbass, only to serve the interests of the ruling oligarchs and their Western imperialist patrons in the EU and the USA.
The recent conquest by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) of large chunks of Iraq, starting with the city of Falluja and parts of Ramadi some six months ago, and then since 10 June, the successive taking of Mosul, the second city of Iraq, Tikrit, Saddam’s hometown, Tel Afar, where a large Turkmen population lives, and of the whole area stretching west of Baghdad towards the frontier with Jordan and Saudi Arabia is the result of a series of crimes committed by US and EU imperialisms, the reactionary Gulf states and the Tayyip Erdogan government in Turkey in their quest to consolidate their domination over the Middle East. It is thanks to the environment created by the misdeeds of these governments and the reactionary regime of the mullahs in Iran that the ISIL now controls, albeit tenuously, a population (6 million) and an area the full size of Jordan that stretches from Raqqa in Northeast Syria to the governerate of Diyala northeast of Baghdad near the Iranian border. It also has the potential of entering Jordan any moment and makes its threat felt in Lebanon, where it has been exploding highly destructive bombs in Hezbollah territory.
On June 7-8, 2014, an Anti-War Conference took place in Minsk, Belarus, bringing together left activists and representatives from Marxist organizations and groups from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. As a result, a Resolution to “Stop the War in Ukraine” was issued and is circulating regionally and internationally.
We, the participants of the organizational meeting of left and Marxist groups and organizations from Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, believe that ceasing the civil war in Ukraine is necessary. The military conflict that followed the victory of the neo-liberals and nationalists at Kiev "euromaidan" claimed hundreds of lives and contributed to an unprecedented growth of chauvinism and xenophobia in Ukrainian and Russian society. This war allows the ruling class to consolidate Ukrainian society around their political regime, distracting workers of the Western and Eastern parts of the country from struggle for their social and political rights, and pushing them together to serve the interests of the bourgeoisie. Russian government, the European Union and the United States use the civil war in Ukraine for the same purpose: dying Donbass people are just pawns in their competition.
جرت عادة الاحتفال بذكرى انهزام الفاشية في العالم كل تاسع من مايو لكن يوم الجمعة الأسود إثر مشهد المجزرة التي ارتكبتها أيدي القوات العاصفة النازية بأوديسّا . إذ قامت بحرق مدنيين عزل على قيد الحياة واعتقلت وقتلت كل من حاول الفرار , ثم غنت أمام جثثهم النشيد الرسمي
25 Mayıs Pazar günü, İspanya'nın yaşadığı siyasi krizde yeni bir perde açılmış oldu. Avrupa Parlamentosu seçim sonuçlarının belli olmasından birkaç saat sonra, ilk siyasi sonuçlar da ortaya çıkmaya başladı. 2011 sonbaharından bu yana ülkeyi mutlak çoğunlukla yöneten Partido Popular (PP - Halk Partisi), seçmenlerin kaybedilen güvenini geri kazanmak ve parti içinden yükselen şikayetleri yatıştırmak için alınacak önlemler üzerinde çalışma kararı alırken, sosyal demokrat Partido Socialista Obrero Español'un (PSOE - İspanyol Sosyalist İşçi Partisi) Genel Sekreteri de, karşı karşıya bulundukları birden çok krizi çözme hedefiyle bir olağanüstü kongre toplanması için çağrı yapıyordu.
Following the European Elections of May 25, 2014, bourgeois Europe looks like a devastated region after a disaster. Sinister ghosts of its fascist past are hovering over the political ruins of most of bourgeois center right and center left parties ruling in the European Union, and a persistent threat from the left still is emerging in its Southern periphery, in rebellious Greece and in the Spain of the Indignados.
That the political parties have used the 25th May elections as a poll of people’s preferences for the November presidential elections – is not an interesting aspect. Nor the circus these parties made already long before the elections, by always new scandals related to words, false political attacks on each other, and the reciprocal disclosure of real robberies made by ‘very important persons’ from each of these parties: but never concluded with drastic punishment. (Some very few important members of these parties came to prison in the last 2-3 years, but this does not ‘compensate’ the deep social injustice and the infringement of the law and democracy by those who voted for the ‘rule of law’). Nor the fact that just this monkey business and the frequent information concerning the European unemployment and the absurd mismanagement of the common problems by the Bruxelles bureaucrats – have contributed to the dislike of the majority of population absent from the ballot.
The ruling right wing Fidesz gained an overwhelming victory in the EP elections: the ruling party acquired 51.49% of the votes in the low, only 28.92% turnout and 12 MEPs will be sent to the EP out of Hungary’s total seats of 21. The ruling party improved its outcome by almost 8 percentage points compared to the results in the national elections last April, while Jobbik reached the second place with 14.68%, which means 3 seats in the European Parliament.
Η κυβέρνηση Σαμαρά-Βενιζέλου δεν μπορεί να κάνει το μαύρο-άσπρο στις τηλεοπτικές οθόνες του αστικού συστήματος χωρίς να ρεζιλεύεται στα μάτια του λαού. Η αναμφισβήτητη αλήθεια είναι ότι η μνημονιακή κυβέρνηση υπέστη δεινή πολιτική ήττα και μαυρίστηκε από την λαϊκή οργή στις τριπλές κάλπες της 25ης Μαΐου, χάνοντας την μεγαλύτερη και πολυπληθέστερη περιφέρεια της χώρας, την Αττική, χάνοντας σε πανελλαδικό εκλογικό ποσοστό και προπαντός χάνοντας την πρώτη θέση που κρατούσε με χίλια ζόρια από τις εκλογές του 2012 και την οποία καταλαμβάνει πια ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, σε απόσταση μάλιστα 3,5 ποσοστιαίων μονάδων.
L'affermazione di Matteo Renzi è un caso unico in Europa. Nessun governo di un paese imperialista della UE è riuscito a mantenere e tanto più ad ampliare la propria base di consenso in questi anni di crisi. I risultati elettorali in Francia, Spagna, Gran Bretagna, sono emblematici. Si tratta allora di approssimare un primo inquadramento dell'eccezione italiana. Ripromettendoci naturalmente uno studio più accurato dei dati nei prossimi giorni.
El domingo 25 de mayo tuvo lugar un nuevo episodio de la crisis política española. Pocas horas después de haberse conocido los resultados de las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo, se producían las primeras consecuencias. El derechista Partido Popular (PP) -que gobierna con mayoría absoluta desde el otoño de 2011- decidía estudiar medidas para recuperar la confianza perdida entre los votantes y calmar la contestación interna; por su parte, el secretario general del Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) –socialdemócrata- anunciaba la convocatoria de un congreso extraordinario que intentará resolver las diversas crisis que debe afrontar. Ninguno de los dos partidos tenía motivos para celebrar el resultado electoral: en 2009 la suma de ambos alcanzó el 80%, ahora no llega al 50%; el PP ha perdido un tercio de su representación; para el PSOE la disminución es todavía mayor, y más grave, ya que ha sido incapaz de aprovechar el desgaste del partido del gobierno y además se trata de sus peores resultados en casi cuarenta años de democracia burguesa. Las elecciones del pasado domingo suponen una auténtica sacudida para el sistema político español, fuertemente bipartidista.
Tämä oli Marxilaisen Työväenliiton iskulause propagandassamme vaaliboikotin puolesta. Järjestömme boikotoi vaalit, ei periaatteessa, vaan käytännön syistä. Ensinnäkin meillä ei ole mitään harhaluuloa siitä, että vaalien kautta voitaisiin saada joku parempi Eurooppa, joka takaa kansalaisilleen toimeentuloa ja vaalii demokratian ja tasa-arvon ihanteita. Vaaliboikotti ei tarkoita poliittista passiivisuutta, vaan jatkamme taisteluamme EU:ta vastaan toisella tavalla eri areenoilla. Elämme kapitalismin totaalisen romahduksen aattoa, ja näköaloina on vain leikkaukset, työttömyys, sodat ja barbaria. Järjestöllämme ei ollut resursseja osallistua itse vaaleihin. Vaaleihin ei myöskään osallistunut yksikään vasemmiston puolue, joka olisi kannattanut EU:n hajottamista ja sosialistisen Euroopan perustamista sen tilalle.
The winner of the EU election in DK is the rightwing, nationalist, racist, populist Danish Peoples Party (DPP). Out of a population of 5.6 million, they got 605.889 votes, i.e. 26.6% -out of the total seats of 13 they got 4 seats - only similar to the situation in France. Everybody else lost; the Social Democrats as head of the minority government for everybody to see has closed a historical chapter of being the dominant bourgeois workers party. Under the pressure of the capitalist crisis the party has turned neo-liberal including supporting every attack of the EU on the working class - losing the support of the workers majority.
The main party of the bourgeoisie is right now having its own little event of greed as their leader has dressed up big time in luxury closing - paid by the party members. As a consequence the voters fled.
Não é um acidente relacionado com o trabalho, é um verdadeiro massacre! Que sejam responsabilizados os assassinos dos mineiros! Abaixo o governo! Por uma greve geral até que se cumpram todas as exigências!
Queremos o verdadeiro número de mortos! Por uma Comissão Investigadora Independente que traga à luz as verdadeiras causas do massacre! Basta de estado de sítio em Soma! Cárcere imediato aos chefes e diretores da empresa mineira criminosa! Nacionalização da mina Soma sob o controle dos trabalhadores! Não às privatizações! Renacionalização de todas as minas! Que nenhum setor privado seja admitido nas minas!
Non è un incidente sul lavoro, è un vero e proprio massacro!
Gli assassini dei minatori ne rendano conto!
Abbasso il governo!
Per uno sciopero generale fin quando non saranno soddisfatte tutte le richieste!
Diciamo la verità alla gente sul numero dei morti!
Per una Commissione d’inchiesta indipendente che faccia luce sulle cause del massacro!
Fermiamo lo stato d’emergenza di fatto a Soma!
Che i padroni ed i dirigenti della criminale compagnia mineraria siano arrestati immediatamente!
Per la nazionalizzazione della miniera di Soma sotto il controllo dei lavoratori!
Basta privatizzazioni! Per la rinazionalizzazione di tutte le miniere! Il settore privato non deve avere accesso alle miniere!
18 мая 2014 года Международное совещание левых партий и движений выступило с заявлением по событиям на Украине и в поддержку международного признания Донецкой и Луганской Народных Республик.
В заявлении, в частности, говорится:
«Драматические события в Украине находятся в центре мировой политики и определяют сегодня будущее не только европейского региона, но и всего человечества.
Руководствуясь соображениями гуманизма,….. мы выражаем глубокое сочувствие и солидарность с украинским народом и разделяем боль его страданий и потерь. Трагедией украинского народа стала и эскалация военных действий в восточной и южной части Украины, и резня в Одессе 2 мая, и гибель людей в Мариуполе в день Победы над фашизмом 9 мая.
Наши насущные задачи сегодня: 1) прекратить войну 2) победить возрождающийся фашизм 3) создать условия, при котором народ Украины сможет защитить свою независимость от иностранного вмешательства и самостоятельно определить своё будущее.
Мы призываем все народы мира, все партии и движения за социальное освобождение, все правозащитные группы, всех заинтересованных лиц к объединению на следующей платформе: