We are publishing here issue No.4 for the year 2023 (Issue No. 154) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
On June 14, 2023 a small fishing boat with hundreds of refugees was sunk off the Greek shore of
Pylos. About 700 migrants, mainly women and children, were drowned helplessly. A great
political crisis erupted internationally in the international mass media and even in the European
Union on the direct responsibilities of the Greek State authorities.
At one of Vladimir Putin's direct meetings with citizens in a TV studio, the President of the Russian Federation, addressing a journalist and offering her a seat, called her Masha. She replied: "Thank you, Vova", and then in a video posted on the Internet, she explained why she answered in such a manner to the president, the Supreme Commander-in-chief, and so on, and so on: “I wasn't afraid to address him like that. What's so scary about that? He called me Masha! And I'm actually Maria Dmitrievna! So I called him Vova in response!”*
На одной из прямых встреч В. В. Путина с гражданами, президент РФ, обращаясь к журналистке и предлагая сесть, назвал ее Машей, на что она ответила: «Спасибо, Вова», а потом в видео, размещенном в интернете, пояснила почему она так ответила президенту, верховному главнокомандующему, и прочее, и прочее: «Мне не было страшно так обращаться к нему. А что страшного? Он же меня назвал Машей! А я, вообще-то, Мария Дмитриевна! Вот я его в ответ и назвала Вовой!»*.
Le 14 juin 2023, un petit bateau de pêche transportant des centaines de réfugiés a coulé au large de la côte grecque de Pylos. Environ 700 migrants, principalement des femmes et des enfants, se sont noyés, impuissants. Une grande crise politique a éclaté dans les médias internationaux et même dans l’Union européenne sur les responsabilités directes des autorités de l’État grec.
По мере того как окончание «специальной военной операции» (сокращенно: СВО), каким бы оно ни задумывалось и каким бы оно ни могло быть, отодвигается как горизонт, в российских СМИ все чаще, хотя и на разный лад и с разными оттенками, звучит одно, подаваемое как непререкаемое, утверждение сродни обвинению: во всех нынешних бедах, в особенности, в том, что произошло с Украиной и на Украине, виноваты большевики и их порождение (при этом часто добавляется слово «искусственное»)
As the end of the “special military operation” (abbreviated: SMO), whatever it is conceived to be and whatever it could be, becomes even less likely, the Russian media increasingly, albeit in different ways and with different shades, hears one statement, presented as indisputable, which is akin to an accusation: the Bolsheviks and their offspring (the word “artificial” is often added), the Soviet Union are to blame for all the current troubles, in particular, for what happened to Ukraine and in Ukraine
Alors que la fin de l ' «opération militaire spéciale» (en abrégé: OMS), quelle que soit sa conception et quelle qu'elle puisse être, est repoussée de plus en plus loin, dans les médias russes de plus en plus, bien que d'une manière différente et avec des nuances différentes, sonne comme une affirmation irréfutable, semblable à une accusation: dans tous les malheurs actuels, en particulier dans ce qui est arrivé à l'Ukraine et en Ukraine, les bolcheviks et leur création (avec le mot «artificiel» souvent ajouté) l'Union soviétique.
Azərbaycan və Ermənistan xalqının 8000-ə yaxın itki verməsi ilə nəticələnən İkinci Qarabağ Müharibəsinin bitməsindən sonra 10 noyabr tarixində Rusiya, Ermənistan və Azərbaycan tərəfləri arasında üçtərəfli atəşkəs bəyanatı imzalandı. “10 noyabr” Bəyanatı adlanan bu bəyanatın post-müharibə sonrası konyunkturanı tənzimləklə yeni geosiyasi reallığı müəyyən etməsi gözlənilirdi. Üzərindən uzun müddət keçmədən bəyanatın sülhü yaratmaq və sabitliyi təmin etməkdən nə qədər uzaq olduğu aydın oldu. Nəticədə burjuaziya başlatdığı müharibəni bu bəyanatla nəinki sonlandırmadı, əksinə, müqavilə post-müharibə sonrasında gərginliyin əsasını təşkil etməklə burjuaziyanın millətlərarası sülhdə maraqlı olmadığını da sübuta yetirdi. Bağlanmasından 3 il sonra hal-hazırda bəyanat bir sıra münasibələri hələ də tənzim etsə də, ümumilikdə kağız parçasından başqa bir şey deyil.
Azerbaycan ve Ermenistan'dan yaklaşık 8 bin kişinin kaybıyla sonuçlanan İkinci Karabağ Savaşı'nın sona ermesinin ardından 10 Kasım'da Rusya, Ermenistan ve Azerbaycan tarafları arasında üçlü ateşkes bildirisi imzalandı. "10 Kasım bildirisi” olarak adlandırılan bu açıklamanın, savaş sonrası konjonktürü düzenleyerek yeni bir jeopolitik gerçeklik tanımlaması bekleniyordu. Çok geçmeden deklarasyonun barışı ve istikrarı sağlamaktan ne kadar uzak olduğu anlaşıldı. Sonuç olarak, bu beyanname ile burjuvazi başlattığı savaşı bitirmemekle kalmamış, aksine antlaşma, savaş sonrası gerginliğin temelini oluşturarak burjuvazinin etnik barıştan yana olmadığını ispatlamıştır. Antlaşmanın üzerinden 3 yıl geçmişken, bu deklarasyon artık bir kâğıt parçasından başka bir şey değildir.
On June 14, 2023 a small fishing boat with hundreds of refugees was sunk off the Greek shore of Pylos. About 700 migrants, mainly women and children, were drowned helpless. A great political crisis erupted internationally in the international mass media and even in the European Union on the direct responsibilities of the Greek State authorities.
26 Temmuz tarihinde General Abdourahmane (Abdurrahman) Tiani komutasındaki Nijerli askerler, bölgedeki Fransız emperyalizminin sadık müttefiki (daha doğrusu uşağı) Mohamed (Muhammed) Bazoum hükümetinin devrildiğini ilan etti. Bazoum’un silahlı kuvvetlerce devrilmesi, 2020’den bu yana yaşanan Mali, Burkina Faso ve Gine örneklere bir yenisini ekliyor. Böylece Fransa’nın bölgedeki emperyalist hükmüne karşı birbirine komşu dört ülkeden müteşekkil bir blok fiilen vücuda gelmiş bulunuyor.
Στις 26 Ιουλίου, μια ομάδα στρατιωτών του Νίγηρα με επικεφαλής τον στρατηγό Abdourahamane Tchiani ανακοίνωσε την ανατροπή της κυβέρνησης του Mohamed Bazoum, του πιστού συμμάχου -ή μάλλον λακέ- του γαλλικού ιμπεριαλισμού στην περιοχή. Η ανατροπή του Μπαζούμ από στρατιωτικές δυνάμεις προστίθεται στη λίστα άλλων παρόμοιων κινημάτων από το 2020, όπως στο Μάλι, την Μπουρκίνα Φάσο και την Γουινέα. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, ένα de facto μπλοκ τεσσάρων όμορων χωρών σχηματίζεται για να αντιταχθεί στην ιμπεριαλιστική αρπάγη της Γαλλίας στην περιοχή.
Le 26 juillet, un groupe de militaires nigériens, dirigé par Général Abdourahamane Tiani, ont annoncé le renversement du gouvernement de Mohamed Bazoum, l’allié – ou plutôt laquais – indéfectible de l’impérialisme français dans la région. Le renversement de Bazoum par des forces militaires se rejoint des autres exemples depuis 2020 comme Mali, Burkina Faso et Guinée. Ainsi, un bloc limitrophe de quatre pays se constitue pour s'opposer à l'emprise impérialiste de la France dans la région.
On July 26, a group of Nigerien soldiers led by General Abdourahamane Tiani announced the overthrow of the government of Mohamed Bazoum, the staunch ally - or rather lackey - of French imperialism in the region. The overthrow of Bazoum by military forces joins the list of other examples since 2020 such as Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea. This way, a de facto bloc of four bordering countries is being formed to oppose France's imperialist grip on the region.
26 Temmuz tarihinde General Abdourahamane (Abdurrahman) Tiani komutasındaki Nijerli askerler, bölgedeki Fransız emperyalizminin sadık müttefiki (daha doğrusu uşağı) Mohamed (Muhammed) Bazoum hükümetinin devrildiğini ilan etti. Bazoum’un silahlı kuvvetlerce devrilmesi, 2020’den bu yana yaşanan Mali, Burkina Faso ve Gine örneklere bir yenisini ekliyor. Böylece Fransa’nın bölgedeki emperyalist hükmüne karşı birbirine komşu dört ülkeden müteşekkil bir blok fiilen vücuda gelmiş bulunuyor.
The 15th Camp of EEK was successfully held from Wednesday 26th July to Sunday 30th of this month, in Evia’s Eretria. The high temperature of the days, did not deter comrades from all over the country and abroad, to take part in the work of the Camp, enjoying at the same time the recreation with collective life, work and effort for the conception of the New, in the situation that is being formed internationally and in the Greece.
Με επιτυχία πραγματοποιήθηκε η 15η κατασκήνωση του ΕΕΚ, στην Ερέτρια Εύβοιας, από την Τετάρτη 26 Ιουλίου έως και την Κυριακή 30 Ιουλίου. Η μεγάλη θερμοκρασία των ημερών, δεν πτόησε τους συντρόφους από όλη την Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό, από το να συμμετάσχουν στις εργασίες της Κατασκήνωσης, απολαμβάνοντας συγχρόνως την αναψυχή με την συλλογική ζωή, δουλειά και προσπάθεια για την σύλληψη του Νέου, μέσα στην κατάσταση διαμορφώνεται διεθνώς και στην Ελλάδα
On July 26, a group of Nigerien soldiers led by General Abdourahamane Tiani announced the overthrow of the government of Mohamed Bazoum, the staunch ally - or rather lackey - of French imperialism in the region. The overthrow of Bazoum by military forces joins the list of other examples since 2020 such as Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea. This way, a de facto bloc of four bordering countries is being formed to oppose France's imperialist grip on the region.
Le 26 juillet, un groupe de militaires nigériens, dirigé par Général Abdourahamane Tiani, ont annoncé le renversement du gouvernement de Mohamed Bazoum, l’allié – ou plutôt laquais – indéfectible de l’impérialisme français dans la région. Le renversement de Bazoum par des forces militaires se rejoint des autres exemples depuis 2020 comme Mali, Burkina Faso et Guinée. Ainsi, un bloc limitrophe de quatre pays se constitue pour s'opposer à l'emprise impérialiste de la France dans la région.
Αμέσως μετά τη σύνοδο του ΝΑΤΟ στο Βίλνιους της Λιθουανίας, το DIP (Επαναστατικό Εργατικό Κόμμα Τουρκίας) εξέδωσε την παρακάτω διακήρυξη.
Dünyanın en büyük ve kanlı terör örgütü NATO Vilnius zirvesinde toplanmıştır. Bu zirvenin ilk haberi Erdoğan’ın İsveç’in NATO’ya üyeliğini desteklemesi olmuştur. Bu karar hem dünya halklarının hem de Türkiye halkının aleyhinedir.
The greatest and most bloody organization of terror in the world, NATO, has gathered at the Vilnius Summit. The first news that came out of this summit is Erdoğan’s support for Sweden’s NATO membership. This decision is against the interests of the peoples of the world in general and of Turkey in particular.
L’assassinat, par la police, de Nahel, lycéen de 17 ans, a fait exploser la colère, partout dans les quartiers populaires du pays, des jeunes se révoltent et subissent une répression ultra-violente. L’ampleur de la répression est inédite : 875 personnes ont été interpellées par 40000 policiers, des forces de répression déployées sur le territoire, dont des unités du RAID, du GIGN ou de la BRI.
We are publishing here issue No.3 for the year 2023 (Issue No. 153) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 2 (17) for 2023 of Советское Возрождение. Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.
Με αφορμή την πραξικοπηματική ενέργεια της παραστρατιωτικής ιδιωτικής οργάνωσης μισθοφόρων Wagner, που έληξε προσωρινά με τη μεσολάβηση του προέδρου Λουκασένκο και “εξορία” (;) του αρχηγού της Γεβγένι Πριγκόζιν στη Λευκορωσία, το διαδικτυακό RedMed εξέδωσε την παρακάτω ανακοίνωση:
Rusya’da yaşanan ve ülkeyi bir iç savaşın eşiğine getiren kriz NATO’nun Rusya ve Çin devletlerine diz çöktürme stratejilerinin, bu rejimlerin restorasyoncu egemenleri tarafından durdurulamayacağını göstermiştir. Savaşa karşı savaşması gereken dünyadaki tüm ezilenler ve emekçilerle omuz omuza veren Rusya, Çin proletaryası ile enternasyonal proletaryadır.
La actual crisis en Rusia, que en cierto momento estuvo al borde de una guerra civil, ha demostrado que el impulso imperialista de la OTAN para llevar a los estados ruso y chino a la sumisión y servidumbre no puede ser detenido por las fuerzas dominantes de los regímenes restauracionistas. ¡Son las fuerzas del proletariado ruso, chino e internacional, junto con todos los trabajadores y los oprimidos del mundo los que tienen que hacer la guerra contra la guerra!
The current crisis in Russia, which at a certain point came close to the brink of a civil war, has shown that NATO’s imperialist drive for bringing the Russian and Chinese states to submission and servitude cannot be stopped by the ruling forces of the restorationist regimes. It is the forces of the Russian, Chinese and international proletariat, together with all laborers and the oppressed of the world that have to wage war against war!
Cumhurbaşkanlığı ikinci tur oylaması ile sona eren seçim sürecine damgasını vuran gerçek, sınıf çelişkilerinin üstünün örtülmesi ve kimlik temelli saflaşmanın hâkim olmasıdır. Ekonomik krizin yakıcı şekilde yaşandığı, geniş kitlelerin hayat pahalılığı karşısında giderek yoksullaştığı bir süreçte Erdoğan ve müttefiklerinin dikkatlerin sınıfsal sorunlardan başka yerlere çekilmesinde çıkarı olduğu açıktır. Millet İttifakı etrafında kümelenen muhalefet de sermayenin sınıf çıkarlarına bağlı olduğu için istibdad cephesiyle aynı oyunu oynamıştır. Bundan avantaj sağlayan tabii ki istibdad cephesi olmuştur.
The concealment of class contradictions and the dominance of identity-based polarizations have marked election process that ended with the run-off of Presidential Elections. That Erdoğan and his allies have vested interests in distracting the people from class issues in a time period where economic crisis is felt burningly and large masses are increasingly impoverished in the face of rising costs of life is obvious. The opposition that has grouped around the Nation Alliance, bound to the class interests of capital as they are, played the same game as the front of despotism. This of course proved advantageous for the latter.
Οι «πιο σημαντικές εκλογές της χρονιάς» (τάδε έφη The Economist, αμέσως μετά το δεύτερο γύρο των Τουρκικών εκλογών) τελείωσαν. Στο τέλος του δεύτερου γύρου ο Ρετζέπ Ταγίπ Ερντογάν κέρδισε με αρκετές ποσοστιαίες μονάδες (52 τοις εκατό έναντι 48 τοις εκατό) τον Κεμάλ Κιλιτσντάρογλου (θα συντομεύσουμε και τα δύο ονόματα, το πρώτο ως RTE και το δεύτερο ως KK, και οι δύο συντομογραφίες είναι πολύ κοινές στην τουρκική λαϊκή πολιτική). Ο KK παραδέχτηκε την ήττα του περίπου τέσσερις ώρες μετά το κλείσιμο των εκλογικών τμημάτων. Αυτό υποδηλώνει ότι η αντιπολιτευτική Εθνική Συμμαχία που υποστήριξε τον KK, ηγέτη του Ρεπουμπλικανικού Λαϊκού Κόμματος, για Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας δεν θα υποβάλει ένσταση για σοβαρές παρατυπίες. Τέτοιες παρατυπίες έχουν γίνει οικογενειακή υπόθεση στη διάρκεια της 21χρονης διακυβέρνησης του ΑΚΡ και έτσι η ανακάλυψη κάθε είδους επώδυνων σημείων δεν πρέπει να εκπλήξει τις επόμενες ημέρες. Ωστόσο, φαίνεται ότι τουλάχιστον προς το παρόν, δεν υπάρχουν κραυγαλέες νοθεύσεις του τύπου που συνέβησαν, για να αναφέρουμε το πιο διάσημο παράδειγμα, κατά το συνταγματικό δημοψήφισμα του 2017.
El siguiente artículo es la traducción al inglés del texto de un discurso pronunciado en nombre de la Liga Marxista de Trabajadores (MTL) de Finlandia en una reunión organizada por la MTL el 21 de mayo tras la reciente adhesión de Finlandia a la OTAN.
El video de esa reunión está disponible (tanto en inglés como en finlandés) en el canal de YouTube de la MTL:
This is the English translation of the text of a speech made on behalf of the Marxist Workers’ League (MTL) of Finland at a meeting organised by the MTL on 21st May upon the heels of the recent accession of Finland to NATO.
The video of that meeting is available (in English as well as Finnish) on the youTube channel of the MTL:
This article is the text of a speech made on behalf of the Marxist Workers’ League (MTL) of Finland at a meeting organised by the MTL on the 21st May upon the heels of the recent accession of Finland to NATO. The English translation is also being published on RedMed.
This article was first published on the web site of the MTL,
The video of that meeting is available (in English as well as Finnish) on the youTube channel of the MTL:
Erdoğan seçimi kazanmasına kazandı ama depremin enkazının üzerine bir de ekonomik enkaz ekledi. Uyguladığı seçim ekonomisi krizin belirtilerini ertelemeye yönelikti. Ölümcül hastaya ağrı kesici ya da düpedüz morfin vermek gibi. Hastalığın belirtileri geçici olarak hafifletildi ama hastalığın kendisi ilerledi. Erdoğan’ın emekçi halka ödetmeye hazırlandığı kabarık bir fatura bizleri yani işçileri, emekçileri, küçük esnafı ve köylüyü bekliyor. Tahsilat memuru olarak emperyalist finans çevrelerinin gözdesi ve bizzat kendisi de İngiliz vatandaşı olan Mehmet Şimşek çoktan göreve çağrıldı.
Erdoğan may have won the elections, but he still has in his hands an economy in ruins, on top of the ruins from the recent earthquake. We, the workers, toilers, small businesses and peasants, will be burdened with the price that Erdoğan gets ready to make us pay. The debt collector is already recruited: a darling of imperialist financial circles and a British citizen to boot, Mehmet Şimsek.
So, the “most important election of the year” (dixit The Economist) is over. At the end of the second round, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan won by several percentage points (52 per cent to 48 percent) against Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu (we will abbreviate both names, the former as RTE and the latter as KK, both abbreviations being very common in Turkish popular political writing.) KK conceded defeat around four hours after the polling stations closed. This suggests that the opposition Nation Alliance that supported KK, the leader of the Republican People’s Party, for president of the republic, will not file for grave irregularities. Such irregularities have become a household matter under the 21-year rule of the AKP and so the discovery of all kinds of sore spots should not surprise in the coming days. However, it seems that, at least for the moment, blatant rigging of the type that occurred, just to cite the most famous example, during the constitutional referendum of 2017 are not present.
The May 14th elections were conducted under an oppressive regime that manipulated election laws and used state resources to suppress the opposition. Despite the regime's advantages, it failed to secure a majority, indicating a decline in approval for the ruling party. However, the opposition aligned with the status quo and lacked a strong class-based approach, preventing a complete break from the ruling front. The regime's economic policies and propaganda were effective in dividing the masses. The absence of a political force based on the working class remains a crucial factor. Socialists' support for the opposition resulted in a reactionary bloc entering parliament, endangering democratic principles. The Revolutionary Workers Party emphasizes the need for class politics and warns against delaying its implementation for the sake of the status quo.