Akdeniz: Dünya devriminin yeni havzası!

The Mediterranean: new basin of world revolution!

البحر الأبيض: الحوض الجديد للثورة العالمية

مدیترانه: حوزه جدید انقلاب جهانی

Il Mediterraneo: nuovo bacino della rivoluzione mondiale!

Μεσόγειος: Νέα λεκάνη της παγκόσμιας επανάστασης!

Derya Sıpî: Deşta nû a şoreşa cihânê

Միջերկրական ծով: նոր ավազանում համաշխարհային հեղափոխության.

El Mediterráneo: Nueva cuenca de la revolución mundial!

La Méditerranée: nouveau bassin la révolution mondiale!

Mediterrâneo: bacia nova da revolução mundial!


Sungur Savran
June 20, 2024

How foreseeable! How obvious! How banal! The results of the elections that unfolded in the 27 European countries held on 6-9 June were greeted extensively as if there were something novel, something surprising. For many years, at least since the onset of the Third Great Depression in the wake of the misnamed “global financial crisis” of 2008, fascism, under the coy and reserved demeanour of proto-fascism, has been on the rise. But the darkness cast on left-wing thinking since the 1970s and the 1980s, magnified by the trauma of the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) and the dissolution of the Soviet Union (1991), led to the blindfolding of international socialism, the international workers movement and the left-wing intelligentsia.

Christian Rakovsky International Socialist Center-RedMed
May 3, 2024

Il n’y a pas de juste milieu ; le XXIe siècle appartiendra à la classe ouvrière unie aux forces anti-impérialistes et aux mobilisations de la jeunesse, ou bien les pires horreurs du XXe siècle feront leur retour avec la montée du fascisme, la troisième guerre mondiale et l’anéantissement nucléaire qui se profilent à l’horizon.
Faisons de ce Premier Mai une occasion de forger les remparts internationaux contre la guerre impérialiste et la peste fasciste. Faisons de ce 1ermai un tournant historique pour la construction de l’Internationale révolutionnaire dont nous avons un besoin urgent.

Christian Rakovsky International Socialist Center-RedMed
May 3, 2024

Δεν υπάρχει μέση λύση· ο 21ος αιώνας είτε θα ανήκει στην εργατική τάξη σε ενότητα με τις αντιιμπεριαλιστικές δυνάμεις και τις κινητοποιήσεις της νεολαίας, είτε οι χειρότερες φρικαλεότητες του 20ού αιώνα θα επιστρέψουν με τον φασισμό σε άνοδο και τον Τρίτο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο και τον πυρηνικό αφανισμό στη γωνία.
Ας κάνουμε αυτή την Πρωτομαγιά εφαλτήριο για να σφυρηλατήσουμε τα διεθνή προπύργια ενάντια στον ιμπεριαλιστικό πόλεμο και τη φασιστική πανούκλα. Ας κάνουμε αυτή την Πρωτομαγιά μια ιστορική καμπή για την οικοδόμηση της επαναστατικής Διεθνούς που επειγόντως έχουμε ανάγκη όσο ποτέ.

Christian Rakovsky International Socialist Center-RedMed
May 3, 2024

No hay término medio; el siglo XXI pertenecerá a la clase trabajadora unida con fuerzas antiimperialistas y movilizaciones juveniles, o los peores horrores del siglo XX regresarán con el fascismo en ascenso, la Tercera Guerra Mundial y la aniquilación nuclear a la vuelta de la esquina.
Hagamos de este Primero de Mayo una ocasión para forjar los baluartes internacionales contra la guerra imperialista y la plaga fascista. Hagamos de este Primero de Mayo un punto de inflexión histórico para la construcción de la Internacional revolucionaria que se necesita con urgencia.

Christian Rakovsky International Socialist Center-RedMed
May 3, 2024

Orta yol yoktur: 21. yüzyıl ya anti-emperyalist güçler ve gençlik hareketleriyle birleşmiş işçi sınıfına ait olacaktır ya da 20. yüzyılın en korkunç kabusları, yani yükselen faşizm, Üçüncü Dünya Savaşı ve her an gelebilecek bir nükleer imha savaşı tehdidi ile birlikte yeniden canlanacaktır.
Gelin Bir Mayıs’ı emperyalist savaşa ve faşist vebaya karşı uluslararası mücadeleyi örmek için bir vesile yapalım. Gelin bu Bir Mayıs’ı acilen ihtiyaç duyduğumuz devrimci Enternasyonal’in inşası için tarihi bir dönüm noktası yapalım.

Christian Rakovsky International Socialist Center-RedMed
April 30, 2024

There is no middle ground; the 21st century will either belong to the working class united with anti-imperialist forces and youth mobilizations, or the worst horrors of the 20th century will make a comeback with fascism on the rise and Third World War and nuclear annihilation around the corner.

Let us make this May Day an occasion for forging the international bulwarks against imperialist war and fascist plague. Let us make this May Day a historical turning point for the building of the urgently needed revolutionary International.

Association Soviet Union
March 30, 2024

We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 1 (20) for 2024 of Советское Возрождение, Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance, Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.

Association Soviet Union
March 24, 2024

The Soviet Union Association expresses its deepest condolences to all those injured in the terrorist attack on the evening of March 22 in the Crocus City Hall near Moscow and to the families of the victims. It is more than likely that the imperialists of the United States, the European Union and their allies are responsible for the terrorist attack, and the terrorist attack and the terrorists who committed it were somehow prepared by special NATO structures.

Association Soviet Union
March 24, 2024

Ассоциация «Советский Союз» выражает глубочайшие соболезнования всем пострадавшим в теракте вечером 22 марта в подмосковном «Крокус сити холле» и семьям погибших. Более чем вероятно, что ответственность за теракт несут империалисты США, Евросоюза и их союзники, а теракт и террористы, совершившие его, так или иначе были подготовлены специальными структурами НАТО.

Sungur Savran
March 23, 2024

For some years now, we at DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party) have been criticising the international Trotskyist movement for an ideological, organisational and political tendency to underestimate those aspects of Lenin’s Marxism which are peculiar to him. A corollary to this is that Trotskyists also depart from certain characteristics of Trotsky’s own Marxism since in his mature period, i.e. from mid-1917 on Trotsky became a Bolshevik and thus subscribed to some of the views of Lenin he had earlier criticised, primarily but not exclusively with respect to the revolutionary vanguard party.

Russian Party of Communists
March 22, 2024

We are publishing here issue No.1 for the year 2024 (Issue No. 157) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).

Sungur Savran
March 8, 2024

21 Şubat 2022 gecesi Vladimir Putin’in kablo televizyonu aracılığıyla yayınlanıp birçok dile eş zamanlı olarak çevirilen ve böylece dünya genelinde geniş bir izleyici kitlesine ulaşan konuşmasının en önemli yanlarından birisi, Rusya ve Ukrayna arasındaki ilişkilerin tarihi yönüne dair uzun uzun konuştuğu kısımdı.

José Capitán
March 3, 2024

Comentarios a un artículo de Sungur Savran, en la página “gerçekgazetesi1.net” del DIP(1) de Turquía,

El artículo de Sungur Savran, “Escritos sobre Lenin (3): Trotsky y los “trotskistas” frente a Lenin”(2) es necesario y justo en su objetivo, sin quitar un ápice al contenido del artículo, el cual lo suscribimos, también debemos comentar elementos que preferimos decirle sobre la forma, en el cual diferimos.

Sungur Savran
March 3, 2024

La declaración del Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores, publicada en el 80 aniversario del asesinato de Trotsky por un agente de Stalin, fue republicada ayer en su sitio web. La esencia de la declaración se puede expresar de la siguiente manera: El movimiento trotskista no ha protegido ni protege adecuadamente las ideas, la práctica y el legado de Lenin, tanto en el pasado como en la actualidad. Sin embargo, Trotsky fundó la IV Internacional para preservar el legado de Lenin, la Revolución de Octubre y la Internacional Comunista (Comintern) y traer de regreso a la vanguardia del proletariado internacional a las barricadas de la revolución de manera organizada. Casi ninguno de los movimientos trotskistas que dicen ser sus seguidores leales menciona siquiera el legado que es necesario preservar, principalmente el legado de Lenin y la Comintern.

Savvas Michael-Matsas(EEK)
February 27, 2024

Uluslararası “Hristo Rakovski” Sosyalist Merkezi ve RedMed İnternet Ağı tarafından düzenlenen Yüz Yıl Sonra Lenin’in Mirası Uluslararası Konferansı’na hoşgeldiniz!

Bugün, 21 Ocak 2024 günü, yani Büyük 1917 Ekim Sosyalist Devrimi’nin önderi Vladimir İlyiç Lenin’in sonsuzluğa uğurlanmasının tam yüzüncü yılında paylaşacağımız düşünceler, onun devrimci mirasının üzerine müthiş ihtiyaç duyduğumuz taze ve kolektif bir kafa yürütmenin başlangıcıdır. Bu yaptığımız, “zararsız bir sembolü”n ya da fosilleşmiş ölü bir dogmaya indirgenmiş bir mirasın resmi kutlaması değildir. Asla kurumamış bir kaynağa diyalektik ve eleştirel bir biçimde dönmemiz gerekiyor. Bu kaynak, bugün hâlen işçi sınıfının kendini özgürlüğe kavuşturması için, sömürülen ve baskı altında yaşayan insanlığın kurtuluşu için savaşmakta olanlar için vazgeçilmez bir devrimci teorik ve pratik ilham ve yaratıcılık kaynağıdır. İşte bu ruhla biz, 2024 yılını Lenin Yılı ilan ediyoruz!

Sungur Savran
February 19, 2024

Pero el legado de Lenin o no ha sido comprendido, ha sido negado deliberadamente o ha sido rechazado silenciosamente. Con esto no nos referimos a la contribución de Lenin al programa marxista, al concepto de estrategia, a los métodos organizativos, especialmente al partido revolucionario y a la teoría. Éstas son conocidas y discutidas, sean verdaderas o falsas. Lo que queremos decir es otra cosa. La práctica revolucionaria de Lenin desde el comienzo de la Guerra Mundial, es decir, durante la última década de su vida (1914-1924), permitió el surgimiento de una visión programática y estratégica completamente original para hacer avanzar la revolución mundial. Es a esta visión estratégica a la que nos referimos cuando hablamos del legado que ha sido ignorado o negado durante los últimos cien años.

Mikhail Konashev, Association “Soviet Union”
February 14, 2024

Большинство тех, кто оценивает место и роль Эвальда Васильевича Ильенкова (1924 - 1979) в советской философии, называет его либо наиболее выдающимся, либо одним из наиболее выдающихся подлинно марксистских философов в СССР. По мнению С. Н. Мареева Ильенков «принадлежал к немногочисленной плеяде выдающихся философов-марксистов, которые творчески развивали революционную науку, несмотря на сложившийся в СССР шестьдесят лет назад режим, так сказать, наименьшего благоприятствования» [11, С. 57]. Согласно В. М. Межуеву «по истечении времени, место, занимаемое им в нашей философии, стало более отчетливым и определенным. Он — последний, как мне представляется, оригинальный мыслитель в общей истории марксистской философии на русской почве (первым, возможно, был Г. В. Плеханов).

Mikhail Konashev, Association “Soviet Union”
February 14, 2024

Most of those who describes the place and role of Evald Vasilyevich Ilyenkov (1924 - 1979) in Soviet philosophy call him either the most outstanding or one of the most outstanding truly Marxist philosophers in the USSR (see, for example: Mareev 1990: 57, Mezhuyev 1997). His main contribution is considered to be the rediscovery and development of the materialist philosophy of K. Marx, F. Engels and V. I. Lenin, primarily Marxist dialectics. In particular, Ilyenkov's book The Dialectic of the Abstract and Concrete in K. Marx's Capital “can be compared with Hegel's Science of Logic in terms of its significance for modern Marxist dialectics and the depth of the topics covered in it” (Kurochkin 2009). Therefore, the significance of Ilyenkov's philosophy, “his creative activity for Russian philosophical, more precisely, Marxist thought (if we understand Marxism as the highest synthesis of the entire previous development of human thinking) is difficult to overestimate – it was clear even during Ilyenkov's lifetime” (Kurochkin 2009).

Sungur Savran
February 14, 2024

Συγκεντρωθήκαμε εδώ από πέντε ηπείρους στην εκατονταετηρίδα του θανάτου του Λένιν για να συζητήσουμε την κληρονομιά του, γιατί μας ενδιαφέρει περισσότερο το μέλλον παρά το παρελθόν ή, μάλλον, μας ενδιαφέρει αυτό το παρελθόν στο βαθμό που μας διδάσκει για το μέλλον. Γι’ αυτό η κληρονομιά τού Λένιν σημαίνει τόσα πολλά για ‘μάς και θέλουμε να συζητήσουμε γι’ αυτήν.

Savvas Michael-Matsas(EEK)
February 14, 2024

Οι συνεδριάσεις μας σήμερα, 21 Ιανουαρίου, 2024, ακριβώς 100 χρόνια από τη μέρα που ο Βλαντιμίρ Ίλιτς Λένιν, ο ηγέτης της Μεγάλης Οκτωβριανής Σοσιαλιστικής Επανάστασης του 1917 πέρασε στην αιωνιότητα, σηματοδοτούν την έναρξη ενός πολύ αναγκαίου, φρέσκου, συλλογικού αναστοχασμού της επαναστατικής του κληρονομιάς. Δεν είναι ένας τυπικός εορτασμός ενός “ακίνδυνου ειδώλου”, μιας κληρονομιάς που μετατράπηκε σε αποστεωμένο, νεκρό δόγμα. Χρειαζόμαστε μια νέα διαλεκτική-κριτική στροφή στην ιστορική της πηγή, που δεν έχει καθόλου στερέψει. Παραμένει μια απαραίτητη πηγή έμπνευσης και δημιουργικότητας για την επαναστατική θεωρία και πράξη, για όλους αυτούς που σήμερα παλεύουν για την αυτοχειραφέτηση της εργατικής τάξης, για την απελευθέρωση της εκμεταλλευόμενης και καταπιεσμένης ανθρωπότητας. Με αυτό το πνεύμα, θέλουμε να κηρύξουμε αυτό το έτος, το 2024, ως το Έτος Λένιν!

International Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and RedMed web network
February 14, 2024

Πολλοί συμμετέχοντες από όλες τις Ηπείρους, από την Αμερική μέχρι την Αυστραλία στους Αντίποδες, από όλα τα μέρη της Ευρώπης και της Ρωσίας μέχρι την Αφρική, τη Μέση Ανατολή και την Ασία, συμμετείχαν σε αυτήν τη συλλογική και ανοιχτή μαρξιστική επανεξέταση του ιστορικού ρόλου, της συμβολής και της επικαιρότητας της κληρονομιάς του Βλαντιμίρ Ι. Λένιν, ηγέτη των Μπολσεβίκων και αρχιτέκτονα της νίκης της Οκτωβριανής Σοσιαλιστικής Επανάστασης του 1917.

Dimitris Mizaras, MTL-Finland
February 6, 2024

What does Lenin's legacy mean one hundred years after the Bolshevik leader's death? The October Revolution made it possible for Finland to establish an independent bourgeois state with Lenin's approval. The agreements of Brest Litovsk, the naive and inexperienced leadership of the working class in Finland, and the intervention of the Germans contributed to the fact that Lenin handed over the document of independence not to the representatives of the workers, as he would have liked, but to the bourgeoisie. The civil war that started right after that and the defeat of the Reds sent the rebels underground, to prisons, concentration camps or Soviet Russia.

Burak Saygan
February 6, 2024

Hristo Rakovski Uluslararası Sosyalist Merkezi ve RedMed İnternet ağı, Lenin’in ölümünün 100. yılında uluslararası bir konferans ile anma gerçekleştirdi. 5 kıtadan konuşmacıları bir araya getiren bu çevrimiçi etkinliğin uluslararası boyutu, mütevazı da olsa Lenin yoldaşın enternasyonalist mirasına uygun olarak biçimlendi. Konferans 21 Ocak’ta toplandı, ama katılım dünyanın dört bir yanından olduğu için başlangıç saatleri oldukça çeşitliydi: açılış konuşması yapılırken kimi katılımcı için 21 Ocağın ilk ışıkları daha yeni ufukta görünmüştü, kimi için ise neredeyse gece yarısı olmuştu.

International Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and RedMed web network
February 3, 2024

On January 21, 2024, exactly a hundred years from Lenin’s death, an online international conference dedicated to his legacy successfully took place, organized by the International Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and the RedMed web network.
Many participants from all Continents, from the Americas to the Antipodes, Australia, from all parts of Europe and Russia to Africa, the Middle East and Asia have joined this collective and open Marxist rethinking on the historical role, contribution and actuality of the legacy of Vladimir I. Lenin, the Bolshevik leader and architect of the victory of the October 1917 Socialist Revolution.

Sungur Savran
January 29, 2024

We are gathered here from five continents on the centenary of Lenin’s death in order to discuss his legacy, because we are interested more in the future than in the past or, rather, we are interested in this past to the extent that it teaches us about the future. That is why Lenin’s legacy means so much to us and we wish to discuss it.

And yet this legacy is ingenuously misunderstood or deliberately denied or surreptitiously rejected. By this I do not mean the overall immense contribution he made to the Marxist programme, strategy, method of organisation, in particular of the revolutionary party, and theory. Lenin’s revolutionary practice from the Great War on, that is during his last decade (1914-1924), gave rise to an entirely original programmatic and strategic vision for the advance of world revolution. It is this strategic vision that has been ignored or denied for the last one hundred years.

Sungur Savran
January 29, 2024

Devrimci İşçi Partisi’nin de mensubu olduğu Hristo Rakovski Uluslararası Sosyalist Merkezi ve RedMed internet ağı, geçtiğimiz Pazar günü, 21 Ocak 2024’te, Lenin’in ölümünün 100. yıldönümünde, “100 Yıl Sonra Lenin’in Mirası” başlığıyla uluslararası çevrimiçi bir konferans düzenlediler. Dokuz saat süren ve sonunda Filistin sorununa ilişkin özel bir oturum düzenlenen konferans, katılan herkesin ortak kanısına göre son derece başarılı geçti. Konferansın genel gidişatını değerlendiren bir yazıya pek yakında sitemizde yer vereceğiz. Konferansın açılışında Yunanistan EEK (İşçilerin Devrimci Partisi) Genel Sekreteri Savas Mihail-Matsas Rakovski Merkezi adına, yoldaşımız Sungur Savran ise RedMed adına birer açılış konuşması yaptılar. Savas yoldaşımızın konuşmasının metninin Türkçeye çevirisi tamamlandığında onu da yayınlayacağız. Aşağıda Sungur yoldaşımızın konuşmasının metnini yayınlıyoruz.

Savvas Michael-Matsas(EEK)
January 28, 2024

Queridos Comrades, товарищи, compañeros y compañeras, camarades, compagni e compagne, yoldaşlar, σύντροφοι και συντρόφισσες
¡Bienvenidos a la Conferencia Internacional sobre el legado de Lenin 100 años después, organizada por el Centro Socialista Internacional “Christian Rakovsky” y la red web RedMed!

Savvas Michael-Matsas(EEK)
January 28, 2024

Welcome to the International Conference on Lenin’s Legacy 100 Years On organized by the International Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and the RedMed web network!

Our deliberations today, January 21, 2024, exactly 100 years from the day when Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the leader of the Great October 1917 Socialist Revolution passed away to eternity, marks the beginning of a much needed, fresh, collective reflection on his revolutionary legacy. It is not a formal celebration of a “harmless icon”, of a legacy reduced into a fossilized, dead dogma. We need a new dialectical-critical turn to a historical source, which is not at all dried up. It remains an indispensable source of inspiration and creativity for revolutionary theory and practice for all those who today fight for the self-emancipation of the working class, for the liberation of the exploited and oppressed humanity. With this spirit, we want to declare this year 2024 as the Year Lenin!

Burak Saygan
January 27, 2024

El Centro Socialista Internacional Christian Rakovsky y RedMed Web Network conmemoraron el centenario del fallecimiento de Vladimir Ilitch Lenin con una conferencia internacional. La dimensión internacional del evento en línea, que reunió a oradores de cinco continentes, fue un homenaje modesto pero apropiado al legado internacionalista del camarada Lenin. La conferencia se reunió el 21 de enero, aunque la hora de inicio varió para los participantes debido a la gran variedad de países representados: cuando se pronunciaron las palabras de apertura, para algunos participantes apenas habían aparecido las primeras luces del 21 de enero; para otros, era casi medianoche.

Burak Saygan
January 23, 2024

International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky and RedMed Web Network marked the centenary of the passing of Vladimir Ilitch Lenin with an international conference. The international dimension of the online event, which brought together speakers from five continents, was a modest yet fitting tribute to the internationalist legacy of comrade Lenin. The conference met on the 21st of January, although the starting time varied for participants due to the great variety of countries represented – as the opening remarks were uttered, for some participants the first lights of January 21st had barely appeared; for others, it was almost midnight.

Rakovsky Center/RedMed
January 19, 2024

Lenin’s Legacy 100 years on
Online conference organized by
International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky and RedMed web network

Sungur Savran
January 5, 2024

21 January 2024 is the centenary of the death of Vladimir Ilich Lenin, one of the greatest leaders of the international working class. At DIP (Revolutionary Workers’ Party, Turkey) and at the International Socialist Centre Christian Rakovsky, this is the Lenin Year for us.
Why? Because Lenin fought all his life for the poor, exploited and oppressed classes and strata of humanity, starting of course with the working class. He is the great leader who led to its triumph the revolution in Russia that started in February 1917 and struggled to expand this triumph to the continents of Europe and Asia. Most importantly, he is a leader of the international proletariat, the bearer of the emancipation of the human race.

Russian Party of Communists
January 3, 2024

We are publishing here issue No.6 for the year 2023 (Issue No. 156) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).

Azad Said
January 1, 2024

2022 yılı Azerbaycan’daki iktidar rejimi için birçok fırsat yarattı. Şöyle ki 2022’de siyasi iktidar hem “Medya hakkında” hem de “Siyasi partiler hakkında” yeni kanun tasarılarını yürürlüğe koymayı başardı.
2021 yılının sonlarına doğru hükümetin açıkladığı “Medya hakkında” yeni kanun tasarısı ülkede sınırlı imkanlarla sürdürülmeye çalışılan serbest gazetecilik faaliyetini doğrudan devlete bağlama teşebbüslerinin işaretiydi. Yeni kanun tasarısı gazetecilere ve medya kuruluşlarına hükümetin doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak mahkemelerde dava açabilmesine imkân sağlıyordu. Kanun tasarısı 2022 yılın 8 Şubat tarihinden itibaren yürürlüğe girmişti.

Azad Said
December 30, 2023

2022-ci il Azərbaycandakı hakim rejim üçün xeyli əlverişli dəyişikliklərə şahid oldu. Belə ki, cari ildə siyasi hakimiyyət həm “Media haqqında”, həm də “Siyasi partiyalar haqqında” yeni qanun lahiyələrinin qüvvəyə minməsinə nail oldu.
2021-ci ilin sonlarında hökumətin açıqladığı “Media haqqında” yeni qanun lahiyəsi ölkədə məhdud imkanlarla həyata keçirilməyə çalışılan müstəqil jurnalizm fəaliyyətini birbaşa dövlətə bağlamaq cəhdlərindən xəbər verirdi. Yeni qanun lahiyəsi hökumətə imkan verirdi ki, jurnalistləri və media quruluşlarını birbaşa və ya dolayı yolla məhkəmələrdə cinayət məsuliyyətinə cəlb edə bilsin. Bu qanun lahiyəsi 2022-ci il fevralın 8-dən qüvvəyə minmişdi.

Association Soviet Union
December 30, 2023

We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 4 (19) for 2023 of Советское Возрождение, Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance, Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.

Russian Party of Communists
November 7, 2023

We are publishing here issue No.5 for the year 2023 (Issue No. 155) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).

Savas Michael Matsas
November 3, 2023

There are friendships that are temporary; there are also friendships that live forever, beyond even the abyss of death. Alexander Vladimirovich Buzgalin was, is, and will always be my friend and comrade in the struggle for universal human emancipation, the realm of freedom, and communism. For me, as well as for a great number of others all over the world who had the privilege to forge a real friendship with him, our Sasha will always tell us the immortal verses of Velimir Khlebnikov.

November 3, 2023

1 El levantamiento armado palestino del 7 de octubre de 2023 que rompió –literal y metafóricamente– las barreras de la ocupación que rodean a Gaza, martirizada durante mucho tiempo, marca un punto de ruptura en Medio Oriente y la política mundial.
Después de décadas, impuso una derrota humillante al ejército de ocupación israelí, expuso no sólo el fracaso de la todopoderosa y armada inteligencia israelí de alta tecnología sino, sobre todo, la quiebra del gobierno sionista de extrema derecha de Netanyahu y de todo el proyecto sionista. y el colonialismo de los invasores ocupantes. La enorme conmoción de la conciencia de masas de la propia población judía israelí, frente a las víctimas civiles, los muertos y los rehenes, viene acompañada del reconocimiento de que la ocupación y la represión del pueblo palestino por un “Estado judío” supremacista no puede proporcionar ningún “refugio nacional para judíos” sino una trampa mortal y un desastre.

October 28, 2023

Uzun zamandır acı çektirilen Gazze’yi çevreleyen işgal duvarlarını sembolik ve fiilî anlamda yıkıp geçen 7 Ekim 2023 tarihli Filistin silahlı ayaklanması, Ortadoğu ve dünya politikasında bir kırılma noktasına işaret ediyor.
Bu ayaklanma, seneler sonra işgalci İsrail ordusunu utanç verici bir yenilgiye uğratarak yalnız tepeden tırnağa yüksek teknolojik donanımlı ve silahlı İsrail istihbaratının zayıflığını değil, en başta aşırı sağcı Siyonist Netanyahu hükümetinin ve bir bütün olarak yerleşimci-sömürgeci Siyonist projenin iflasını gün yüzüne çıkardı. Sivil kayıpların, ölümlerin ve esirlerin İsrailli Yahudi nüfusun toplumsal bilincinde yarattığı müthiş şok, Yahudi üstünlükçü bir “Yahudi Devleti”nin uyguladığı işgalin ve Filistin halkına zulmün Yahudiler için “ulusal bir sığınak” yaratamayacağının, olsa olsa ölümcül bir tuzak ve felaket anlamına geleceğinin anlaşılmasını da getiriyor.
