Akdeniz: Dünya devriminin yeni havzası!

The Mediterranean: new basin of world revolution!

البحر الأبيض: الحوض الجديد للثورة العالمية

مدیترانه: حوزه جدید انقلاب جهانی

Il Mediterraneo: nuovo bacino della rivoluzione mondiale!

Μεσόγειος: Νέα λεκάνη της παγκόσμιας επανάστασης!

Derya Sıpî: Deşta nû a şoreşa cihânê

Միջերկրական ծով: նոր ավազանում համաշխարհային հեղափոխության.

El Mediterráneo: Nueva cuenca de la revolución mundial!

La Méditerranée: nouveau bassin la révolution mondiale!

Mediterrâneo: bacia nova da revolução mundial!


Nima Sabouri
July 16, 2021

این روزها بخش بزرگی از کارگران صنعت نفت و گاز ایران در اعتصاب‌اند. ۱۶ روز از شروع این اعتصابات سراسری (۱۹ ژوئن) گذشته است و اکنون بیش از چهل‌هزار کارگر پیمانی در حدود ۸۰ واحد صنعتی نفت‌وگاز در اعتصاب به‌سر می‌برند2 (نگاه کنید به مطالبات این کارگران در پیوست ۱). کسانی که اخبار مبارزات کارگری در سطح جهان را دنبال می‌کنند می‌دانند که دست‌کم طی ده سال گذشته برپایی اعتراض و اعتصابِ کارگری در ایران رویدادی «عادی» و روزمره بوده است. پیشروی عنان‌گسیخته‌ی نولیبرالیسم3 در ایران در ترکیب با ناکارآمدی و فساد ساختاریِ دولت، هزینه‌های سنگین بسط نظامی‌گری و فشار تحریم‌های بین‌المللی به یک بحران اقتصادی تمام‌عیار منجر شده است.

July 15, 2021

Küba’da 11 Temmuz 2021’de cereyan eden olaylar artık herkes tarafından bilinmektedir ve tekrarlanmasına gerek yoktur. Ülke genelinde çok sayıda şehirde daha önce eşi hemen hemen görülmemiş biçimde patlak veren protesto dalgalarının, her biri ayrı düşünülmesi gereken üç dizi talebi vardı: yaşanan korkunç ekonomik kriz ve sağlık sisteminin içinde bulunduğu acil durum ile ilgili talepler; ifade, gösteri ve örgütlenme özgürlükleri ile ilgili talepler; bazı protestocuların “diktatörlük” olarak tanımladığı sistemin alaşağı edilmesine yönelik olanlar. Bu son talebe, Küba devriminin meşhur “ya vatan ya ölüm!” sloganına alternatif olarak tasarlanan, “hem vatan hem yaşam!” sloganları da eşlik etmekteydi.

July 15, 2021

The events that occurred in Cuba on Sunday, 11 July 2021, are by now familiar to everyone around the world and need not be repeated. An almost unprecedented wave of protests broke out in many cities across the country involving three distinct sets of demands: demands related to the terrible economic crisis and health emergency that have taken the country in their grip; demands for freedom of expression, assembly, association etc.; demands to bring down what some of the demonstrators called the “dictatorship”. This last demand was complemented by the slogan “patria y vida” (homeland and life), which was designed as an alternative to the famous slogan of the Cuban revolution “patria o muerte” (homeland or death).

Association Soviet Union
July 12, 2021

We are publishing here issue No.3 for the year 2021 (Issue No. 141) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).

Black Fish Voice
July 6, 2021

Petrol, doğalgaz ve petrokimya sanayisinde proje bazlı çalışan geçici sözleşmeli işçilerin grevinin başlamasının üzerinden iki haftadan fazla süre geçti. Grev, petrol sanayisindeki iş güvencesi eksikliğine karşı 26 Haziran 1400’de (Hicrî takvime göre, Miladi takvime göre ise 2021) başlamıştı. Yüzlerce kadın ve erkek işçinin katıldığı grev İran’ın önemli petrol havzalarında gerçekleşti: Aseluye, Lavan, Bahregan ve Bender Abbas.

Black Fish Voice
July 6, 2021

Mehr als zwei Wochen ist seit. dem Generalstreik der Arbeiter (dh. Arbeitnehmer mit Befristeter Vertrag) in der Öl-, Gas- und petrochemischen Industrie vergangen.
Am 26. Juni 1400 (Nach der islamischen Kalender, 2021 nach der Gregorianischen Kalender) begann der Arbeiter Streik gegen die "mangelnde Arbeitsplatz Stabilität" in der Ölindustrie.

Black Fish Voice
July 5, 2021

Une grève des ouvriers précaires, contre le « manque de stabilité de l'emploi » dans l'industrie pétrolière, avait déjà eu lieu le 26 juin 1400 (selon le calendrier islamique, 2021 selon le calendrier grégorien). Une grève composée de centaines de travailleurs et travailleuses dans les zones pétrolières importantes de l’Iran, tel que: Assaluyeh, Lavan, Bahregan et l'une des dizaines de plates-formes pétrolières totales à Bandar Abbas.

Black Fish Voice
July 5, 2021

بیش از دو هفته از اعتصاب سراسری کارگران پروژه‌ای (یعنی بدون قرارداد ثابت کاری) در صنایع نفت، گاز و پتروشیمی می‌گذرد.

اعتصاب کارگران علیه «فقدان ثبات شغلی» در صنایع نفتی، پیش‌تر در ۵خرداد ۱۴۰۰هم شکل گرفته بود. اعتصابی متشکل از صدها کارگر زن و مرد که در مناطق مهم نفتی ایران به وقوع پیوست: مناطق عسلویه، لاوان، بهرگان و یکی از ده‌ها مجموع سکوهای نفتی بندرعباس.

Black Fish Voice
July 5, 2021

BFV: The workers' strike against the "lack of job stability" in the oil industry had already taken place on June 26, 1400(according to the Islamic calendar, 2021 according to the Gregorian calendar). A strike consisting of hundreds of male and female workers took place in important oil areas of Iran: Assaluyeh, Lavan, Bahregan, and one of the tens of total oil rigs in Bandar Abbas.

Association Soviet Union
June 30, 2021

We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 2 (9) for 2021 of Советское Возрождение. Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.

Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism
June 29, 2021

Nizar Banat, connu pour sa ferme opposition au gouvernement collabo de Mahmoud Abbas, a été placé en garde à vue tôt ce matin (le 26 Juin) par les forces de sécurité de l'Autorité palestinienne. Peu de temps après, il a été annoncé qu'il était décédé alors qu'il était en détention. Mais ni sa famille ni les Palestiniens ne font confiance à cette déclaration.

Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism
June 26, 2021

Nizar Banat, known for his staunch opposition to the collaborationist Mahmoud Abbas government, was taken into custody early this morning by the security forces of the Palestinian Authority. Soon thereafter it was announced that he passed away while under custody. But neither his family nor the Palestinians trust this statement

Emperyalizme ve Siyonizme Karşı Filistin Dostları
June 26, 2021

Filistin’de işbirlikçi Mahmud Abbas yönetimine muhalif tutumuyla tanınan siyasetçi Nizâr Benât, Filistin Özerk Yönetimi güvenlik güçlerince bu sabah erken saatlerde gözaltına alındı. Kısa bir süre sonra da kendisinin gözaltında yaşamını yitirdiği açıklandı. Ancak ne ailesi ne de Filistinliler bu açıklamaya inanmıyor.

June 17, 2021

Информационное письмо № 1

Ассоциация марксистского обществоведения

совместно с Домом Плеханова Российской национальной библиотеки


June 17, 2021

the Association for Marxist Social Sciences (AMSS), Plekhanov House of the National Library of Russia, and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation are pleased to announce the International Scientific Conference “Soviet Union: an alternative of the past, or did it have a future?” to be heldat Plekhanov House on November 12-13, 2021, St.-Petersburg.

Sungur Savran
June 10, 2021

Возвращение исторических лидеров марксистского движения в центр исторического размышления может означать разные вещи в случае разных деятелей. Для такого человека, как Антонио Грамши, долгое время подвергавшегося оскорблениям со стороны либеральных левых и тщательно искаженного для того, чтобы служить их собственным интересам, акт, который пытается вернуть его в центр внимания марксистов, подразумевает почти своего рода реабилитацию, своего рода переоткрытие после того, как на протяжении десятилетий навалилось столько сброда. Для такого человека, как Карлос Мариатеги, это означает расширение географического и национально-культурного охвата марксизма на области, которые считаются периферийными по отношению к капиталистической мировой системе, примерно Латинская Америка в его случае. Для Розы Люксембург это означает сразу так много вещей, что только серьезный анализ ее практических достижений и сферы ее теоретических интересов может оживить большой интерес, который она представляет для марксистов разных взглядов.

Sungur Savran
June 10, 2021

The return of the historic leaders of the Marxist movement to the centre of historical reflection may imply different things in the case of different figures. For someone like Antonio Gramsci, long abused by the liberal left and thoroughly distorted in order to serve their own interests, an act that tries to return him to the centre of the attention of Marxists implies almost a kind of rehabilitation, a kind of rediscovery after so much rabble has been heaped on him throughout the decades. For someone like Carlos Mariátegui, it means expanding the geographic and national-cultural reach of Marxism into areas that are considered to be peripheral to the capitalist world system, roughly Latin America in his case. For Rosa Luxemburg it means so many things at once that only a serious analysis of her practical achievements and of the scope of her theoretical interests can bring alive the great interest she presents to Marxists of different persuasion.

Savas Michael Matsas
May 27, 2021

Days and weeks have passed since the political earthquake of the US elections on November 3, and the aftershocks, very high on the Richter scale, continue.
Nero Trump insists on denying his defeat, the world burning – and like any Nero likes to sing when Rome and the universe burn…
His first act, after the election, was to depose Defense Minister Mark Esper, who last summer refused to send troops to suppress the popular uprising following the murder of George Floyd. Esper was replaced by Christopher Miller, a former Green Special Forces Colonel and director of the National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC). He then forced the resignation of Deputy Defense Secretary James Anderson, third in command, and placed his Praetorians in key positions at the Pentagon and security services.

Sungur Savran
May 26, 2021

So the peoples’ rebellion has come back to the United States of America. And what a comeback! At the time of writing, the people have been on the streets for three weeks already, have united black and white (and Latino/a and Asian and all the others) in the fight for justice and social provision, have defied the aggressive tactics of the police from New York to California, have humiliated Trump in his quest for recourse to the military in fighting the masses, have thus “dominated” the street, to use Trump’s military term, to the chagrin of the forces of “law and order”, and have thus wrested concessions from the forces of the established capitalist order. What achievements!

International Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and RedMed web network
May 20, 2021

تتضافر قوى قمع الدولة الإسرائيلية مع المستوطنين اليهود المتطرفين، وحركة التطهير العرقي الإسرائيلي الأوسع لإخماد نضال الشعب الفلسطيني الذي يقصد ضمان سلامة منازلهم ووطنهم، في القدس، خصوصاً في القدس الشرقية. السبب الحقيقي لهذا النضال هو المشروع الصهيوني للتطهير العرقي لشعب الفلسطينيين. هذا ما يناضل الفلسطينيون من أجله بحق. هذه حرب شارع تلو شارع حول المدينة.
هذا ليس نضالاً دينيّاً. هذا النضال هو نضال من أجل مستقبل القدس\أورشليم. نضال لأجل مستقبل فلسطين التاريخية. هذه الحرب التي نُصِبت للقدس\أورشليم حقاً هي حرب على الشعب الفلسطيني.

International Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and RedMed web network
May 15, 2021

Репрессивные силы государства Израиль объединились с крайне правыми еврейскими поселенцами и более широким израильским движением за этническую чистку, чтобы подавить борьбу палестинской общины Иерусалима, в первую очередь - Восточного Иерусалима, за защиту своих домов и своей страны. На момент написания этого заявления сообщалось, что 26 человек, в том числе девять детей, погибли в Газе под израильской бомбардировкой, помимо сотен раненых в самом Аль-Кудсе / Иерусалиме.

International Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and RedMed web network
May 15, 2021

Οι δυνάμεις καταστολής του ισραηλινού κράτους έχουν συνενωθεί με τους ακροδεξιούς Εβραίους εποίκους και το ευρύτερο ισραηλινό κίνημα εθνοκάθαρσης, για να δώσουν τέλος στην πάλη της παλαιστινιακής κοινότητας της Ιερουσαλήμ και ιδιαίτερα της Ανατολικής Ιερουσαλήμ, να προστατέψει τα σπίτια της μέσα στην ίδια την χώρα της. Την ώρα που γράφεται αυτή η Ανακοίνωση [14 /5/21], 119 Παλαιστίνιοι, μεταξύ των οποίων 31 παιδιά, αναφέρεται ότι σκοτώθηκαν στην Γάζα από τους βομβαρδισμούς των Ισραηλινών καθώς και σε διάφορες ισραηλινές πόλεις( σε σύγκριση με 6 Ισραηλινούς Εβραίους ανάμεσά τους και ένα παιδί).

International Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and RedMed web network
May 14, 2021

The forces of repression of the Israeli state have joined hands with far-right Jewish settlers and the broader Israeli ethnic cleanser movement to put down the struggle of the Palestinian community of Jerusalem, and in particular of East Jerusalem, to safeguard their homes and their country. As of the posting of this statement, 119 Palestinians, including 31 children, have been reported dead in Gaza under Israeli bombardment, as well as in various Israeli cities (compared with 6 Israeli Jews, including one child). The number of injured Palestinians rise to 830 in Gaza alone.

Hristo Rakovski Uluslararası Sosyalist Merkezi ve RedMed internet ağı
May 14, 2021

İsrail Devleti’nin baskı aygıtları, Kudüs’te ve bilhassa Doğu Kudüs’te yaşayan, evlerini ve vatanlarını korumak için mücadele içindeki Filistin halkını ezmek amacıyla sağcı Yahudi yerleşimcilerle ve daha genel olarak etnik arındırmacı hareketle el ele vermiş bulunuyor. Bu bildirinin yayınlanışı esnasında Kudüs içindeki yüzlerce yaralıya ek olarak, İsrail bombardımanı altındaki Gazze’de ve İsrail kentlerinde Filistinlilerden ölü sayısı 31’i çocuk 119 kişiye ulaşmıştı (biri çocuk 6 Yahudi’ye karşılık). Sadece Gazze’de yaralı Filistinli sayısı 830’a yükselmişti.

Mohammad Ghaznavian
May 13, 2021

روز شنبه ۱۸اردیبهشت‌ماه ۱۴۰۰، کارگران «شرکت نیشکر هفت‌تپه»، یک دستاورد بزرگ خود را اعلام کردند:
«هفت‌تپه با دستان خود کارگرانْ آزاد شد».

Mohammad Ghaznavian
May 13, 2021

7 Mayıs 2021 Cumartesi günü, Yedi Tepe (Haft Tapeh) Şeker Kamışı Şirketi çalışanları büyük bir başarıyı açıkladılar:
"Hafta Tapeh kendi işçilerinin elleriyle kurtarıldı."

Mohammad Ghaznavian
May 13, 2021

On the Saturday of May 7, 2021, Haft Tappeh workers declared a victory:
"Haft Tappeh has been liberated by its workers."

May 10, 2021

On behalf of the Central Committee of the EEK (Workers Revolutionary Party) of Greece, we send our fraternal greetings and congratulations to the people of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), on the occasion of its 7th anniversary.

May 2, 2021

¡Desmantelamiento de la OTAN y todas las bases militares imperialistas!
¡Guerra contra la guerra de los imperialistas!
¡Abajo el chovinismo burgués!
¡Por el internacionalismo proletario!
¡Por una Internacional revolucionaria del proletariado y los oprimidos!

May 1, 2021

Διαλύστε του ΝΑΤΟ και όλες των ιμπεριαλιστικές στρατιωτικές βάσεις!
Πόλεμος στον πόλεμο των ιμπεριαλιστών!
Κάτω ο αστικός σοβινισμός! Για τον προλεταριακό διεθνισμό!
Για μια επαναστατική Διεθνή του προλεταριάτου και των καταπιεσμένων!

May 1, 2021

Ликвидировать НАТО и все империалистические военные базы!

Война против войны империалистов!

Долой буржуазный шовинизм! За пролетарский интернационализм!

За революционный Интернационал пролетариата и угнетенных!

May 1, 2021

Dismantle NATO and all imperialist military bases!
War against the war of the imperialists!
Down with bourgeois chauvinism! For proletarian internationalism!
For a revolutionary International of the proletariat and the oppressed!

April 29, 2021

En France, 20 généraux à la retraite et plus d’un millier d’officiers des autres grades ont publié un pronunciamiento qui accuse les dirigeants politiques du pays, à commencer par le président de la République Emmanuel Macron et y compris les membres du gouvernement ainsi que ceux du Parlement, non seulement de louvoiement et de laxisme mais aussi du « silence coupable ». Ils avertissent de l’intervention inexorable de leur « camarades d’active dans une mission périlleuse » dans le but de sauvegarder la civilisation française et menacent d’une « guerre civile [qui] mettra un terme à ce chaos croissant, et les morts, dont vous [les dirigeants politiques du pays] porterez la responsabilité, se compteront par milliers ».

April 29, 2021

Fransa’da 20 emekli general ve farklı rütbelerden binden fazla subay, ülkenin Cumhurbaşkanı Emmanuel Macron başta olmak üzere hükümet üyeleri ve milletvekillerini, sadece oyalama ve gevşeklik ile değil, aynı zamanda "suçlu bir sessizlik" içinde olmakla da itham eden; Fransız medeniyetini korumak üzere "tehlikeli bir görevde bulunan muvazzaf silah arkadaşlarının" önüne geçilemez müdahalesi konusunda uyaran ve "sorumluluğunu ülkenin siyasî liderlerinin taşıyacağı, binlerle sayılacak ölümlerin olacağı bir iç savaş" tehdidinde bulunan bir açıklama yayınladılar.

April 29, 2021

In France, 20 retired generals, as well as more than one thousand officers of other ranks, have published a pronunciamiento accusing the political leaders of the country, starting with the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron and including members of the government as well as members of parliament not only for equivocation and laxism, but also “guilty silence”, warning of the inexorable intervention of their “active-duty comrades in a perilous mission” to save French civilisation, and threatening a “civil war in which deaths will be counted in the thousands, for which you [the political leaders of the country] will bear the responsibility”.

Association Soviet Union
April 26, 2021

We are publishing here issue No.2 for the year 2021 (Issue No. 140) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). We had earlier written, on the occasion of the publication of No. 1 of Sovetskoe Vozrozhdenie. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union” the following: "As a new year’s gift to our readers, let us say that we hope this is the beginning of a new level of cooperation between several Marxist entities in Russia and RedMed. We hope to be able to announce some great news in the coming weeks." The publication of Communist of Leningrad on RedMed is a new step in the same direction. (RedMed)

Renaissance Ouvrière Révolutionnaire
April 26, 2021

In France, 20 retired generals, as well as more than one thousand officers of other ranks, have published a pronunciamiento accusing the political leaders of the country and threatening military intervention, civil war and thousands of deaths. In contrast to the general silence both on the mainstream media and on the left, our comrades of Renaissance Ouvrière Révolutionnaire have put out the following statement.

United Front Committee for a Labor Party
April 1, 2021

The level of fascist and racist attacks we are witnessing should not surprise us as the imperialist escalation against China and Russia has been ongoing for years. With the racist rhetoric from the top officials, the economic crises, and targeting the Asians as the scapegoats for capitalism’s failure, racists are finding it easier to escalate their assaults. More racist murders and ethnic hatred at home only reflects the US foreign policy abroad. The recent racist attacks against the Asians are closely related to the US’ intensification of its imperialist attacks against China.

Association Soviet Union
March 30, 2021

We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 1 (6) for 2020 of Sovetskoe Vozrozhdenie. Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.

Association Soviet Union
March 17, 2021

We are publishing here issue No.1 for the year 2021 (Issue No. 139) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). We had earlier written, on the occasion of the publication of No. 1 of Sovetskoe Vozrozhdenie. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union” the following: "As a new year’s gift to our readers, let us say that we hope this is the beginning of a new level of cooperation between several Marxist entities in Russia and RedMed. We hope to be able to announce some great news in the coming weeks." The publication of Communist of Leningrad on RedMed is a new step in the same direction. (RedMed)
