Сто лет назад открылся Первый Бакинский съезд народов Востока, организованный Коммунистическим Интернационалом, самой передовой организацией в современной истории пролетариата и трудящихся всех стран, всемирной партией революции. Основанный в 1919 году, под звездой славной Октябрьской революции 1917 года, положившей начало не только созданию первого рабочего государства, но и всему процессу мировой революции, Коминтерн вдохнул новую энергию в силы прогресса на Ближнем Востоке и в Северной Африке. (MENA).
La sollevazione popolare di massa in Bielorussia, manifestatasi in successive ondate di dimostrazioni di protesta e scioperi dei lavoratori contro il regime burocratico di Lukashenko e la brutalità della sua polizia, ha avviato la crisi più esplosiva nell’ex spazio sovietico dopo gli eventi ucraini del 2014. Per la sua specificità è, in senso stretto, non solo un’enorme crisi nazionale e regionale ma anche internazionale, dalle vaste ramificazioni internazionali e implicazioni sociali, politiche e geopolitiche globali.
The mass popular upheaval in Belarus, manifested in successive waves of protest demonstrations and workers strikes against the Lukashenko bureaucratic regime and its police brutality, initiates the most explosive crisis in the former Soviet space following the Ukrainian events of 2014. In its specificity it is, in every sense, not solely a huge national or regional but an international crisis, with vast international ramifications and global social, political and geopolitical implications.
We are publishing here issue No.4 for the year 2020 (Issue No. 136) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). We had earlier published the previous issue on our website. (RedMed)
Exatamente cem anos atrás, foi inaugurado o Primeiro Congresso dos Povos do Oriente de Baku, organizado pela Internacional Comunista, a organização mais avançada da história moderna do proletariado e dos trabalhadores de todos os países, o partido mundial da revolução. Estabelecida em 1919, sob a estrela da gloriosa Revolução de Outubro de 1917, que inaugurou não apenas o primeiro estado dos trabalhadores, mas também todo o processo de revolução mundial, a Comintern soprou uma nova energia nas forças do progresso no Oriente Médio e no Norte da África.
We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 4 (5) for 2020 of Sovetskoe Vozrozhdenie. Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”. The very first issue of the journal was published in December 2019 and Issue No. (2020 (1)) were also posted on RedMed.
Le Parti Révolutionnaire des Travailleurs (DIP) de Turquie condamne dans des termes les plus forts possible les menaces de mort qu’a dirigées Thierry Veyrier, délégué du Rassemblement National dans le Val-de-Marne envers camarade Anasse Kazib, militant syndical et du NPA, menaces accompagnées des photos de personnes inconnues pendues. Ces menaces, contemporaines avec l’attaque raciste de la magazine Valeurs Actuelles contre Danièle Obono ainsi que celle dirigée contre la famille d’Adama Traoré et Taha Bouhafs, nous montrent que quelque chose bouge dans les milieux fascistes, proto-fascistes et d’extrême-droite en France.
صد سال پيش در چنين روزي، پيشرفته ترين سازمان همه ي زحمت کشان و كارگران در تاريخ مدرن، اولين كنگره ي خلقهاي مشرق زمين، در باكو توسط حزب انقلاب جهاني كمونيزم بين الملل افتتاح شد. انقلاب پرشکوه اكتبر ١٩١٧ که تنها به تأسيس اولين دولت كارگري جهان اكتفا نكرده بلكه در زير ستاره ي درخشان اش روندي در انقلاب جهاني برپا کرده بود، در سال ١٩١٩ با افتتاح كمينترن به نيروهاي خاورميانه و آفريقاي شمالي جان تازه ايي دميده بود.
100 yıl önce bugün, tüm ülkelerin proleterlerinin ve emekçilerinin modern tarihte görülmüş en gelişkin örgütü, devrimin dünya partisi Komünist Enternasyonal tarafından düzenlenen Bakü Birinci Doğu Halkları Kurultayı açıldı. Yalnızca ilk işçi devletini kurmakla kalmayıp, aynı zamanda tüm bir dünya devrimi sürecini başlatan görkemli 1917 Ekim Devriminin yıldızı altında 1919'da kurulan Komintern, Ortadoğu ve Kuzey Afrika'nın (ODKA) ilerici güçlerine yeni bir enerji üflüyordu.
Yüz il əvvəl bu gün bütün ölkələrin proletarlarının və zəhmətkeşlərinin müasir tarixinin ən mütəşəkkil təşkilatı, inqilabın dünya partiyası Kommunist İnternasional tərəfindən təşkil olunan Bakı Birinci Şərq Xalqları Qurultayı açıldı. Nəinki ilk fəhlə dövlətinin, habelə bütövlükdə bir ümumdünya inqilabı prosesinin əsasını qoyan şanlı 1917-ci il Oktyabr inqilabının ulduzu altında 1919-cu ildə qurulan Komintern Orta Şərq və Şimali Afrikanın (OŞŞA) qabaqcıl qüvvələrinə yeni ruh verdi.
One hundred years ago to the day, there opened the First Baku Congress of the Peoples of the East, organised by the Communist International, the most advanced organisation in modern history of the proletariat and the toilers of all countries, the world party of revolution. Established in 1919, under the star of the glorious October revolution of 1917 that ushered in not only the first workers’ state but also an entire process of world revolution, the Comintern blew new energy into the forces of progress in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
Aujourd’hui c’est le 52ème jour de la grève des travailleurs d’une entreprise agroalimentaire, Haft Tapeh, en Iran. Cette grève historique est le fruit des années de la lutte des travailleurs contre la privatisation et afin de gagner leurs droits.
Il y a exactement 80 ans, le 20 août 1940, un pic à glace brandi par un agent stalinien a brisé le crâne de Trotsky, entraînant sa mort le lendemain. Ce pic à glace ne visait pas seulement l'un des plus grands révolutionnaires du XXe siècle, l'un des intellectuels les plus influents de son temps sur la scène internationale, l'un des plus grands théoriciens du marxisme de tous les temps, mais aussi la continuité du bolchevisme et de la Révolution d’Octobre en Russie et dans le monde. Il s'agissait donc d'une tentative d'assassiner l'héritage de Lénine, le plus grand révolutionnaire du XXe siècle.
Naves das Marinhas de Guerra no Mediterrâneo e no Egeu em comoção, aviões de caça ziguezagueando no ar e, por trás de tudo isso, os interesses das classes dominantes da Grécia e da Turquia em confronto severo. Esse confronto pode até resultar em um desastre de guerra. Os estados burgueses grego e turco apresentam reivindicações conflitantes sobre suas respectivas jurisdições marítimas. Aqueles que defendem essas reivindicações também fingem que estão defendendo seus próprios interesses nacionais em benefício de seu próprio povo. A verdade é exatamente o oposto.
Πολεμικά πλοία στη Μεσόγειο και το Αιγαίο σε αναταραχή, μαχητικά αεροπλάνα που κάνουν ελιγμούς στον αέρα και πίσω απ’ όλα αυτά, τα συμφέροντα των κυβερνουσών τάξεων της Ελλάδας και της Τουρκίας σε έντονη σύγκρουση. Αυτή η αντιπαράθεση μπορεί να οδηγήσει ακόμη και σε καταστροφικό πόλεμο. Τα αστικά κράτη, ελληνικό και τουρκικό, προβάλλουν αντικρουόμενες αξιώσεις για τις αντίστοιχες θαλάσσιες δικαιοδοσίες τους. Εκείνοι που προβάλλουν αυτούς τους ισχυρισμούς προσποιούνται επίσης ότι υπερασπίζονται το εθνικό τους συμφέρον προς όφελος του δικού τους λαού. Η αλήθεια είναι το ακριβώς αντίθετο.
It was exactly 80 years ago, on 20th August 1940, that an ice-pick wielded by a Stalinist agent shattered Trotsky’s skull, leading to his death the next day. That ice-pick was not aimed only at one of the greatest revolutionaries of the 20th century, one of the most penetrating intellectuals of his time on the international scene, one of the greatest theoreticians of Marxism of all times, but also on the continuity of Bolshevism and of the October revolution in Russia and internationally. It was thus an attempt at assassinating the heritage of Lenin, the greatest revolutionary of the 20th century.
Respect the great man! Carry on the work that he considered the most important work of his life! Return to Bolshevism, the Comintern and Lenin! If you do not, then all your efforts to follow him will fail because that was the mission he set himself. Moving away from Lenin puts a revolutionary movement, whatever the phraseology used, at a distance to Trotsky as well. Thus the watchword should be clear: return to Trotsky via Lenin. So that you can lead the hundreds of thousands of honest and sincere rank-and-file workers and youth in the so-called communist parties to Lenin via...
Navíos en el Mediterráneo y el Egeo en conmoción, aviones de combate zigzagueando en el aire, y detrás de todo esto los intereses de las clases dominantes de Grecia y Turquía en severo enfrentamiento. Esta confrontación podría incluso resultar en un desastre de guerra. Los estados burgueses griegos y turcos presentan reclamos contradictorios sobre sus respectivas jurisdicciones marítimas. Quienes promueven estos reclamos también fingen que están defendiendo su propio interés nacional en beneficio de su propio pueblo. La verdad es exactamente lo contrario.
Doğu Akdeniz’de ve Ege’de denizde donanmalar, havada savaş uçakları, hepsinin arkasında ise Türkiye ve Yunanistan’ın hâkim sınıflarının çıkarları karşı karşıya gelmiş durumdadır. Bu karşı karşıya gelişin bir sıcak savaş felaketiyle sonuçlanması tehlikesi dahi mevcuttur. Yunanistan ve Türkiye burjuva devletleri bölgede deniz yetki sahaları ile ilgili farklı tezler ileri sürmektedir. Bu tezleri ileri sürenler aynı zamanda kendi milli çıkarlarının, halklarının menfaatlerinin savunucusu olduklarını iddia etmektedirler. Ancak gerçek bunun tam tersidir.
Navies on the Mediterranean and the Aegean in commotion, fighter planes zigzagging in the air, and behind all of this the interests of the ruling classes of Greece and Turkey in severe clash. This confrontation might even result in a war disaster. The Greek and Turkish bourgeois states advance conflicting claims over their respective maritime jurisdiction. Those who advance these claims also pretend that they are defending their own national interest to the benefit of their own people. The truth is the exact opposite.
Parties, groups, left-wing publications and Marxists from all around the world have been sending in messages of solidarity to Şiar Rişvanoğlu and the DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party) of which he is a member. We have already published messages from EEK (Greece), Campagne Unitaire pour la Libération de Georges Abdallah, Secours Rouge Arabe, Collectif Rouge Internationaliste (CRI), Comité d’Action et de Soutien aux Luttes du Peuple Marocain and Naila Wardi (France), the United Front Committee for a Labor Party (UFCLP, USA), the Russian Party of Communists (RPK), the United Communist Party (OKP), and the Association “Soviet Union”, (Russian Federation), Partido Obrero (Argentina), Eszmélet and Tamás Krausz (Hungary), Marxist Workers’ League (MTL, Finland), Proletarian Revolutionary Renaissance (France), Partido Obrero (Tendencia) (Argentina), the Tribuna Classista Group (Brazil). A successful petition has also been launched in Turkey itself and the process of collection of signatures is still going on. Here are some other brief messages from countries east and west.
The Asociación de Profesionales en Lucha (Apel, Association of Professionals in Struggle) salutes the struggle of Şiar Rişvanoğlu from Argentina.
“If you continue to disturb the security forces of our glorious state, many other things will be shattered and scattered. Watch your step, you hateful traitor! ”
So says the notice of threat that our comrade Şiar Rişvanoğlu left after destroying his office. From Uruguay, we stand in solidarity with Siar, with the comrades of the DIP and all the fighters in Turkey, and hold the government of that country responsible for the physical integrity of our comrade.
The Collectif Rouge Internationaliste and the Committee for Action and Support to the People of Morocco express their solidarity with Şiar Rişvanoğu and his party, DIP:
Camarades, notre solidarité, toute notre solidarité avec le camarade Siar et avec ses camarades de DIP ! Soyez assurés de notre soutien inconditionnel pour la lutte que vous menez et le combat commun que nous portons.
Turkey has occupied the international agenda of all revolutionaries in the near past with its near-genocidal actions against the Kurdish people, both in its own territory and in Rojava. While the Turkish government’s military moves to suppress the serhildan (uprising) of Rojava, national chauvinism puts down the heads of anyone within Turkey who opposes these murderous attempts.
The United Communist Party (OKP) of the Russian Federation extends its solidarity to Şiar Rişvanoğlu and the party he belongs to, DIP
۵۶ أيام مضت على إضراب عمال شركة "هفت تبة للصناعات الزراعية". إضراب تاريخي جاء نتيجة سنوات من النضال من قبل عمال الشركة من أجل الإلغاء الكامل للخصخصة ومن أجل حقوقهم.
تم تشكيل نقابة هفت تبة في عامي ۱۹۵۳ و ۱۹۵۴. ولكن تم إضعافها وحظرها في سنوات ما بعد الثورة. في أعقاب السياسات المناهضة للعمال في الثورة المضادة الحاكمة، مثل مئات النقابات والنقابات الأخرى.
The Unitary Campaign for Liberation of Georges Abdallah, Arab Red Aid, and Naila Wardi express their solidarity to Şiar Rişvanoğlu with a message.
Une grève très importante a lieu actuellement en Iran dans l’entreprise
agroalimentaire d’Haft Tapeh. Cette grève fait face à l'oppression de
tous les secteurs de l’ordre bourgeois de la République islamique qui
s’efforce d’isoler les grévistes en entravant l’information.
The DIP (Revolutionary Workers’ Party) extends to our Lebanese sisters and brothers of all faiths and religions our heartfelt sorrow, sympathy and solidarity on behalf of the working people of Turkey for the losses you have suffered as a result of the explosion of 4th August 2020. We mourn for your dead, extend our condolences to the loved ones left behind, hope that the seriously injured will survive their condition, and wish quick recovery to the thousands of wounded.
On the anniversary of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki and the resulting destruction of the city and the massacre of its people, we publish the message of EEK sent to the 58th International Antiwar Assembly held on 2nd of August in Japan by the Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction), the Antiwar Youth Committee and Zengakuren (All-Japan Federation of Students’ Self-Governing Associations).
Το ΕΕΚ, στην 75η επέτειο της εγκληματικής ρίψης πυρηνικών βομβών των ΗΠΑ, στις 6 και 9 Αυγούστου 1945 στις πόλεις της Ιαπωνίας Χιροσίμα και Ναγκασάκι, και της μαζικής δολοφονίας εκατοντάδων χιλιάδων αμάχων και τις γενετικές παραμορφώσεις των επόμενων γενεών, έστειλε το παρακάτω μήνυμα στην 58η Διεθνή Αντιπολεμική Συνέλευση που συγκαλείται κάθε χρόνο στην Ιαπωνία.
Seit mehr als 52 Tagen streiken die Arbeiter*Innen des „agroindustriellen Komplexes von Haft Tapeh“. Ein historischer Streik, der das Ergebnis jahrelanger Kämpfe der Belegschaft dieses Unternehmens für die vollständige Widerrufung der Privatisierung und die Durchsetzung ihrer Rechte ist.
Сегодня 52-й день забастовки рабочих на агропромышленном предприятии в Иране Haft Tapeh. Эта историческая забастовка является кульминацией многолетней борьбы этих рабочих за прекращение приватизации и отстаивание своих прав. Профсоюз на Haft Tapeh был впервые создан в 1974-75 гг., но антирабочая политика и клевета Исламской Республики в отношении революционной деятельности со стороны части рабочих в конечном итоге привели к его запрету, как и сотни других профсоюзов.
Bundan 75 yıl önce, ABD İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nın sonunda Hiroşima (6 Ağustos 1945) ve Nagazaki’ye (9 Ağustos 1945) birer atom bombası attı. Tarihte ilk kez ve şu ana kadar da bir defaya mahsus olarak, insanlık bir savaşta nükleer silah kullanıldığına şahit oldu.ABD emperyalizminin nükleer saldırısı 360 bin kişinin ölümüne ve on yıllar boyu tüm nüfusun radyasyondan etkilenmesine yol açtı. İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın sonunda ABD, Japonya'nın yenilgisi hemen hemen kesinleştiği halde bu iki nükleer katliamı gerçekleştirdi. Japonya’nın şehirleri 9 Ağustos’a gelinceye kadar sayısız bombardımanla harap olmuş, özellikle tarihe Tokyo Bombardımanı (10 Mart) olarak geçen saldırıda Amerikan uçakları Napalm bombaları ile doğrudan sivil halkı hedef almıştı. 220 bin evin yanıp tahrip olduğu bu saldırıda da yaklaşık 7500 kişi katledilmişti.
75 years ago, at the end of the Second World War, the USA dropped two atomic bombs, one on Hiroshima and one on Nagasaki. For the first time in history and once only so far, humanity thus witnessed the use of nuclear weapons in a war. The nuclear attack organised by US imperialism led to 360 thousand casualties and an enduring impact of radiation on the whole population for decades. The US carried out this massacre even as the defeat of Japan was a foregone conclusion at this point towards the end of World War II. The cities of Japan had been devastated by numerous bombardments up until 9th August. In particular, in the attack that went down in history as the Tokyo Bombardment (10th March), American war planes targeted the civilian population directly, using Napalm bombs. On that occasion, when 220 thousand homes were destroyed, approximately 7,500 people were murdered.
Tänään 4.8.2020 on Haft Tapehin työläisten 52. lakkopäivä. Tähän historialliseen lakkoon kulminoituu heidän vuosia kestänyt taistelunsa oikeuksistaan ja yksityistämisen peruuttamiseksi. Haft Tapehin liitto perustettiin ensimmäisen kerran 1974-75, mutta islamilaisen tasavallan työläisvihavieliset ja anti-vallankumoukselliset linjaukset ja panettelu tekivät siitä laittoman, kuten sadoista muistakin ammattiliitoista.
Vuosien 2005-2006 aikana, kun Haft Tapehin työläiset saivat kuulla että tämä julkinen laitos yksityistetään, he nousivat yhteen ääneen tätä vastaan ja jälleenrakensivat ammattiliittonsa vuonna 2007. Poliisit ottivat välittömästi kiinni pääorganisaattorit ja muut liiton johtavissa tehtävissä olleet. Heidät pidätettiin ja heiltä kiellettiin protesteihin ja muihin tilaisuuksiin osallistuminen.
Tästä tukahduttamisesta huolimatta Haft Tapehin työläiset herättivät yksityistämisen vastaisen taistelun uudelleen henkiin vuonna 2018. Vastauksena tähän liiton johtaja Ismail Bakhsi vangittiin ja hänet pakotettiin antamaan “tunnustuksia” kansallisella televisiokanavalla.
Σήμερα (4 Αυγούστου 2020)είναι η 52η μέρα της εργατικής απεργίας σε μια αγροτική επιχείρηση στο Ιράν, την Χαφτ Ταπέχ. Αυτή η ιστορική απεργία είναι η κορύφωση χρόνων πάλης των εργατών, για να σταματήσουν τις ιδιωτικοποιήσεις και να διεκδικήσουν τα δικαιώματά τους. Το σωματείο της Χαφτ Ταπέχ ήταν το πρώτο που ιδρύθηκε κατά τη διάρκεια του 1974-75 αλλά οι αντεργατικές πολιτικές και η συκοφαντία της Ισλαμικής Δημοκρατίας περί αντεπαναστατικής δραστηριότητας από τη μεριά των εργατών τελικά οδήγησε στην απαγόρευσή του, όπως ακριβώς εκατοντάδες άλλων ενώσεων.
Κατά τη διάρκεια του 2005-2006, λαμβάνοντας τα νέα της ιδιωτικοποίησης αυτής της δημόσιας εταιρείας οι εργάτες της Χαφτ Ταπέχ εξεγέρθηκαν ενάντια σε αυτήν σαν μια γροθιά και οικοδόμησαν ξανά το σωματείο το 2007. Οι επικεφαλής οργανωτές αμέσως συνελήφθησαν από τις αστυνομικές δυνάμεις και άλλα ηγετικά μέλη του σωματείου επίσης συνελήφθησαν και τους απαγορεύτηκε να παρακολουθούν διαδηλώσεις και άλλα κοινωνικά γεγονότα.
Bugün İran’da Yedi Tepe (Haft Tapeh) tarımsal sanayi şirketindeki işçilerin grevinin 52’inci günü. Bu tarihi grev, bu şirketin işçilerinin yıllarca özelleştirmeleri durdurup haklarını alabilmek için verdikleri mücadelenin sonucu. Yedi Tepe sendikası 1974-1975 yılları arasında kuruldu ancak İslam devrimi sonrası işçi düşmanlığı nedeniyle devrim karşıtı politikalar gerekçesiyle yüzlerce başka sendika gibi zayıflatılıp yasa dışı ilan edildi.
٥٢ روز از اعتصاب کارگران "شرکت کشت و صنعت هفتتپه " میگذرد؛ اعتصابی تاریخی که نتیجهی سالها مبارزهی کارگران این شرکت برای لغو كامل خصوصي سازي و جهت گرفتن حقوقشان است.
Today is the 52nd day of the workers’ strike at an agribusiness enterprise in Iran, Haft Tapeh. This historic strike is the culmination of years of struggle of these workers to stop privatizations and claim their rights. The Haft Tapeh union was first established during 1974-75 but the anti-worker policies and the slander by of the Islamic Republic concerning anti-revolutionary activity on the part of the workers eventually led to its banning, just like hundreds of other unions.