Akdeniz: Dünya devriminin yeni havzası!

The Mediterranean: new basin of world revolution!

البحر الأبيض: الحوض الجديد للثورة العالمية

مدیترانه: حوزه جدید انقلاب جهانی

Il Mediterraneo: nuovo bacino della rivoluzione mondiale!

Μεσόγειος: Νέα λεκάνη της παγκόσμιας επανάστασης!

Derya Sıpî: Deşta nû a şoreşa cihânê

Միջերկրական ծով: նոր ավազանում համաշխարհային հեղափոխության.

El Mediterráneo: Nueva cuenca de la revolución mundial!

La Méditerranée: nouveau bassin la révolution mondiale!

Mediterrâneo: bacia nova da revolução mundial!


February 25, 2023

This Open Letter is an assessment and a partial but, we believe, vital critique of the Joint Charter of Basic Demands issued by 20 independent working-class and social organisations that have been fighting within the Iranian rebellion “Woman, life, freedom” for over five months. It is written on behalf of DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party), an internationalist working-class party from Turkey, a country neighbouring Iran, a party that has unswervingly supported the Iranian popular rebellion since its first day. It is, hence, written in a completely friendly spirit and should be taken as a warning plea and not an assault on the movement.

February 25, 2023

20 independent trade union and social organizations, representing workers, teachers, women, students and pensioners have issued a Joint Charter of Basic Demands. Taking the strength and resilience of the “woman, life, freedom” popular rebellion, which has been continuing unabated for over five months, as their point of departure, they put forward demands in many areas of social, economic, and political life. The totality of these demands indicates the will-power to dismantle the Islamic Republic and march towards a refoundation of Iranian society and state on new bases.

Sungur Savran
February 24, 2023

Today is the anniversary of the beginning of the war in Ukraine. This has been a savage, deadly, brutal war. It is no exaggeration to say that it holds a mirror to the broader, possibly worldwide war that promises to follow on its heels. The idea that this war is one between democracy and autocracy was never a credible story to the peoples of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, but is now losing its lure even among the citizenship of the Western imperialist countries. More and more people are raising their voices, feeling that it is really NATO that wishes for a prolongation of the war so that the Russian armed forces are weakened and the Putin regime exhausted. They are thus slowly lifting the veil that hides the full responsibility of NATO and its member and allied countries (such as Israel, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan) in this war that is contrived as part of a plan to maintai

February 17, 2023

ما پیامی روشن به مردم ایران داریم. حزب کارگر انقلابی ترکیه همبستگی کاملی با زنان ایرانی در مبارزه اشان علیه حکومتی که طرز عبادت و اعتقادات مذهبی خود را به عنوان یک‌ قانون به اشخاص تحمیل می کند دارد. حزب کارگر انقلابی همبستگی خود را با جوانانی که علیه خفقان حاکم بر زندگی اشان میجنگند اعلام میکند. حزب کارگر انقلابی در همبستگی با تمام ملت های ایرانی می ایستد که از ملاها به همان اندازه که از سلطنت شاه رنج میبردند رنج میبرند. حزب کارگر انقلابی در همبستگی با تمام مردم ایران که برای کرامت انسانی، آزادی و نان مبارزه می کنند می ایستد.
و از همه مهمتر حزب کارگر انقلابی در همبستگی با طبقه ی کارگر ایران و با رهبران طبقه ی کارگر که در تلاش برای پیشبرد خیزش توده ایی برای تحقق کامل انقلاب است ایستاده است.

Savvas Michael-Matsas(EEK)
February 16, 2023

44 years from the victory of the Iranian Revolution that overthrew the tyranny of the Shah Reza Pahlavi, giving a historic blow to imperialism that has transformed the geopolitical map of the Middle East, the Islamic Republic of Iran finds itself between the threatening imperialist hammer and the anvil of an internal popular upheaval following the murder of the 22 years old Kurdish woman, Jina Mahsa Amini, by the Ershad(‘Morality’) Police of the theocratic regime.
The international working class and all liberation and emancipatory movements should defend the people of Iran against imperialism and stand in solidarity to its heroic struggle against oppression, corruption and inequality, for bread and freedom.

February 13, 2023

11 Şubat, 1979’da İran’daki Şah rejiminin çökmesinin yıldönümü. İslam Cumhuriyeti’nin şimdi iddia ettiğinin aksine bu devrim Ayetullah Humeyni’nin İslamcı güçlerince değil, çoğunluğu sol saflarda örgütlenmiş milyonlarca işçinin, kent yoksulunun, köylünün, gencin, kadının ve başka birçoklarının özverili mücadelesiyle kazanılmıştır. Bu milyonların devrimci cesaretini ve ateşini selamlıyoruz. Ancak solun korkunç hataları yüzünden Humeyni güçleri devrimin liderliğini ele geçirip İslam Cumhuriyeti’ni yaratmıştır.

February 11, 2023

Today, 11 February, is the anniversary of the collapse of the Shah’s regime in Iran back in 1979, in a revolution that was won thanks not only to the Islamist forces of Ayetollah Khomeini, as the Islamic Republic would have us believe now, but to the selfless struggle of millions of workers, urban poor, peasants, youth, women and others, most of them organised in the ranks of the Iranian left. We salute the revolutionary courage and fervour of those millions. However, because of the horrible mistakes made by the left, the Khomeini forces took over the leadership of that revolution and created the Islamic Republic.

Sungur Savran
February 1, 2023

آیا برای یک کارگر چیزی ارزشمندتر از امنیت شغلی دائمی وجود دارد؟ آیا موقعی که معضل بیکاری برطرف شده و با کمبود کارگر جایگزین شود، می تواند برای کارگران وضعیت بهتری باشد؟ آیا در شرایطی که جامعه با کمبود نیروی کار مواجه شود جامعه کارگران را گرامی نخواهد داشت؟ آیا کارگران به امکانات ورزشی، باشگاه‌هایی که قهرمانان جهان را در تمامی عرصه پرورش می دهد، کتاب‌های ارزان قیمتی که به هر گوشه و کنار کشور حتی روستاهای دور افتاده برسد و یک سیستم آموزشی قوی برای آموزش خانواده‌های آنها نیاز ندارند؟ یک کارگر سالخورده چه چیزی می طلبد؟ آیا چیزی که می خواهد یک سیستم مراقبت بهداشتی رایگان و با کیفیت متکی بر دانش پزشکی پیشرفته، نیست؟ آیا چیزی که می خواهد یک سیستم بازنشستگی نیست که به آنها اجازه دهد بدون هیچ ترسی ، واهمه ای از آینده خود زندگی کنند؟ چقدر مهم است برای زنان به اصطلاح خانه دار که سخت ترین کارها را انجام می دهند تا باری که بروی دوش آنها است از طریق مهدکودک ها، خشکشویی ها و سالن های غذاخوری جمعی، برداشته شود، و همچنین حق بازنشستگی به آنها داده شود تا بدین وسیله بدون وابستگی مالی به شوهرانشان در مورد زندگی خود تصمیم بگیرند؟

Sungur Savran
January 31, 2023

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was a state established by Lenin in 1922 as a state for the international working class, including Muslim and Turkic peoples. The USSR provided permanent job security, free education, quality healthcare and retirement benefits to its citizens. It allowed for the modernization of Muslim and Turkic peoples, promoting secularism, education and cultural development. The USSR dissolved in 1991 due to difficulties in surviving as a socialist country in a capitalist-dominated world. Today, the world is facing a crisis under capitalism and socialism is back on the agenda of the working class. The victory of socialism requires political independence of the working class and a state without geographical or national references, uniting all workers of the world.

Sungur Savran
January 31, 2023

Bir işçi için hayat boyu iş güvencesinden daha önemli bir şey var mıdır? İşçi sınıfının bütünü için işsizlik illetinin ortadan kalktığı, tam tersine ekonomide işgücü eksikliğinin hissedildiği durumdan daha iyisi olabilir mi? İşgücü eksiği olunca toplum işçiyi el üstünde tutmak zorunda kalmaz mı? İşçinin köylünün çocuğu için her köye kadar uzanmış sapasağlam bir eğitim sistemi, spor olanakları, ergen yaşına geldiğinde ucuz kitap, her mahallede, her fabrikada spor kulüpleri, bütün sporlarda dünya şampiyonları yetiştiren bir sistem en çok ihtiyaç duyduğu şeyler değil midir?

Sungur Savran
January 31, 2023

Στις 30 Δεκεμβρίου 1922, πριν από ακριβώς 100 χρόνια, ιδρύθηκε ένα κράτος που δεν είχε προηγούμενο στην ιστορία. Ούτε αυτοκράτορας ούτε Καίσαρας, ούτε βασιλιάς ούτε εμίρης, ούτε σάχης ούτε σουλτάνος, ούτε καρδινάλιος ούτε χαλίφης, ούτε πλούσιοι καπιταλιστές κυβερνούσαν αυτό το κράτος. Για πρώτη φορά στην ιστορία, οι καταπιεσμένοι έγιναν η κυρίαρχη τάξη που κυβερνούσε το κράτος. Ολόκληρη η δομή του κράτους είχε αναδιαμορφωθεί αναλόγως.

Savas Michael Matsas
January 27, 2023

2022 oli hyvin dramaattinen taitekohta maailmanhistoriassa - Zeitenwende, aikakauden käänne, kuten Saksan liittokansleri Olaf Scholz kutsui Naton sijaissodan puhkeamista Ukrainan ja Venäjän välille viime vuoden helmikuun 24. päivänä. 2022 koko geopoliittinen, sosiaalinen, poliittinen ja taloudellinen rakenne on muuttunut. Se jatkaa muuttumista, suuntanaan kartoittamattomat melskeet ja kolmannen maailmansodan kurimus.
2023 alkaa “Zeitenwenden ajan aamunkoitolla”, kuten Bloombergin analyytikot sen nimesivät; uusi myrskyisä monien yhteenottojen aikakausi kautta maailman. Mihin maailma on menossa tässä uudessa eskaloituvan kriisin, sosiaalisen myllerryksen, sotien ja vallankumousten ajassa?

Savas Michael Matsas
January 24, 2023

1. 2022 fue el año del punto de inflexión más dramático de la historia mundial: un Zeitenwende, un giro en el curso del tiempo histórico, como el canciller alemán Olaf Scholz denominó el estallido de la guerra de poder de la OTAN con Rusia en Ucrania el 24 de febrero, el año pasado. A lo largo de 2022, toda la configuración geopolítica, política, social, económica del mundo ha cambiado y continúa cambiando, adentrándose en territorio desconocido y poniendo a la humanidad al borde del abismo de una Tercera Guerra Mundial.

G. Bégéneix
January 24, 2023

Last Thursday 19 January 2023 a demonstration was organised in many cities of France to oppose the governmental project of destruction of the current pension system. This is the 8th offensive of the bourgeoisie against our pensions since 1995. The CGT counted about 400,000 demonstrators in Paris, more than 100,000 in Marseille, 50,000 in Nantes and Toulouse, but also more than 10,000 in many medium-sized cities of the country as unaccustomed to strong mobilisations as Nice or Perpignan, which both gathered 20,000 demonstrators. That's between one and two million in the whole country. It's been a long time since we've seen such a participation. It's because the attack on the working class by the bourgeoisie is on a massive scale.

G. Bégéneix
January 24, 2023

Jeudi dernier 19 janvier 2023 une manifestation était organisée dans plusieurs villes de France dans l’objectif de s’opposer au projet gouvernemental de destruction de l’actuel système de retraites. Il s’agit de la 8ème offensive de la bourgeoisie contre nos retraites depuis 1995. La CGT a dénombré environ 400 000 manifestants à Paris, plus de 100 000 à Marseille, 50 000 à Nantes et Toulouse, mais aussi plus de 10 000 dans de nombreuses villes moyennes du pays aussi peu habituées des fortes mobilisations que Nice ou Perpignan, qui ont toutes deux rassemblé 20 000 manifestants. Soit entre un et deux millions dans tout le pays. Il y a longtemps que l’on n’avait plus vu une telle participation. C’est que l’attaque de la classe ouvrière par la bourgeoisie est de très grande ampleur.

Savas Michael Matsas
January 20, 2023

2022 was the Year of the most dramatic inflection point of world history- a Zeitenwende, a turn of the course of historical time as famously the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called the eruption of the NATO proxy war with Russia in Ukraine on February 24, last year. Throughout 2022 the entire geopolitical, political, social, economic, configuration of the world has changed and continues to change, moving into uncharted territory and bringing humanity at the brink of the abyss of a Third World War.
2023 begins in “the Dawning of the Age of Zeitenwende”, as the US Bloomberg analysts named it (Andreas Kluth, What to expect in 2023, December 23, 2022), a new tumultuous era of multiple confrontations worldwide. Where the world is going in this new era of escalating crisis, social upheaval and struggle, of war and revolutions?

Behnaz Tebrizi
January 17, 2023

1979-cu il inqilabından sonra İranın teokratik despotizmi hakimiyyətini möhkəmləndirən kimi özünə müxalif olanları bir-bir aradan qaldırdı. İslam Respublikası ilə ən xırda bir konflikti olan hər kəs ölkənin siyasi sferasından çəkilməyə məcbur edildi. İlk növbədə iri təşkilatlar və partiyalar ləğv olundu, sonra isə dövlət öz təşkilatlarını elə bir surətdə genişləndirdi ki, cəmiyyətin ən xırda hüceyrələrinə belə sirayət etdi. Məsələn, 1980-ci ildə bədnam Bəsic qüvvələri Xomeyninin hökmü ilə təşkil olundu. Hazırda “20 milyonluq güclü ordu” kimi adlandırılan Bəsic qüvvələri məhəllələrdən tutmuş universitetlərə qədər hər yerdə fəallıq göstərir.

Behnaz Tebrizi
January 11, 2023

The theocratic tyranny in Iran eliminated its opposition one by one after solidifying its grip on power in the wake of the 1979 revolution. Anyone who had the tiniest conflict with the Islamic Republic was forced to withdraw from the political sphere. At first, the larger parties and organizations were disbanded, and later it spread its own organizations so that even the smallest cells of the society were dominated. For example, the infamous Basij forces were founded by Khomeini’s government in 1980. Today Basij forces, the so-called ”20 million strong army”, recruit everywhere from neighbourhoods to universities.

The list of regime’s organizations goes from the small communities of village mosques to bigger ones like the “workers’ houses”. The student organizations were all but eliminated under harsh repression. Hence the opposition was reduced to disorganized, scattered groups and individuals. Such individuals often had to leave the country after ending up in regime courts.

Savas Michael Matsas
January 8, 2023

. La historia mundial está indeleblemente marcada por el papel central desempeñado por la Unión Soviética en la interacción y la configuración de los acontecimientos mundiales, desde sus comienzos revolucionarios, después de la Revolución Socialista de Octubre de 1917 que sacudió al mundo, hasta su colapso catastrófico en 1991, e incluso mas alla.

La humanidad aún vive con el impacto y las consecuencias de la disolución de la URSS. La sombra de 1991, lo que el filósofo francés Alain Badiou llamó “un desastre obscur” (una catástrofe oscura), aún cae sobre los desarrollos y perspectivas globales. Ha provocado una "desorientación del mundo" generalizada hasta ahora, como acertadamente observó el mismo filósofo. Cada vez más, el mundo está dividido por sus propias contradicciones y conflictos cada vez mayores a fines del siglo XX, a medida que avanzamos en el siglo XXI y se vuelve cada vez más confuso.

Behnaz Tebrizi
January 6, 2023

İran’ın dini istibdat devleti, 1979 devrimi sonrası güçlenir güçlenmez kendisine muhalif olanları birer birer ortadan kaldırdı. İslam Cumhuriyeti’yle en ufak bir çelişkisi olan herkes, ülkenin siyasi ortamından çekilmek zorunda bırakıldı. İlk başta büyük örgütler ve partiler ortadan kaldırıldı, sonrasında devlet en küçük örgütlenmeleri bile sultası altına aldı ve kendi örgütlerini toplumun tüm hücrelerine yaydı. Örneğin 1980’de Besic güçleri Humeyni’nin hükmüyle kuruldu. Besic 23 farklı kanadıyla toplumun mahalleden üniversitesine kadar aktif ve normal statüsünde ‘20 milyonluk ordu’ sloganıyla, üye alıyor.

January 5, 2023

Bir xalqın özünü irticaçı bir rejimin qəddar təzyiq güclərinin qarşısına bu gün İran xalqının etdiyi kimi ata bilməsi tarixdə az rastlanan bir haldır. Düz 3 aydır qadınlar və gənc qızlar, hər yaşdan kişilər, onların böyükləri və ailələri, fəhlə və zəhmətkeşlər, İranın kasıb insanları İnqilab Keşikçiləri və Bəsiclərin nəzarətsiz zorakılığına qarşı tərəddüdsüz mübarizə aparırlar. Hələ indidən əhəmiyyətli bir hissəsini uşaq və gənclərin təşkil etdiyi 500 nümayişçi öldürülüb, iki inqilabçı asılıb, digərlərinə isə həbs cəzası verilib, 20 minə yaxın insan həbsə atılıb, mənfi şöhrətli Evin həbsxanası və bir çox başqa oxşarsız cəzaçəkmə müəssisələrində dünyadan təcrid edilərək işgəncəyə məruz qalıblar.

Behnaz Tebrizi
January 5, 2023

İranda yaşanan proses sadəcə İranın gələcəyinin müəyyən etməyəcək, eyni zamanda bütün Yaxın Şərqin və Şimal Afrika məntəqəsini və Türkiyənin də gələcəyinə təsir edəcək. Xüsusi olaraq Türkiyə bu hadisələrdən böyük məxrəcdə təsirlənəcək. İran və Türkiyə yalnız 500 kilometrlik sərhədi deyil, həmçinin böyük tarixi və mədəni mübadiləni, İslamçılıq və dünyəvilik (sekulyarliq) sahəsində fərqli karakterdə, amma ortaq bir problemi və nəhayət ki, Kürd məsələsini bölüşürlər. İran yaxın şərqdə bir respublikaya “İslam Republikası” adını verən ilk və tək dövlətdir. Bu xüsusiyyəti ilə 1979-cu ildən sonra islamcı hərəkatın yüksəlməsində bütün bu məntəqədə çox əhəmiyyətli təsirə sahib olmuşdur. İndi isə rejim böhran içinə girdiyi üçün bunun əks hərəkət istiqamətində olan təsirləri də böyük olacaq.

Party of Russian Communists (RPK)
December 31, 2022

We are publishing here issue No.6 for the year 2022 (Issue No. 150) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).

Association Soviet Union
December 30, 2022

We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 4 (15) for 2022 of Советское Возрождение. Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.

Sungur Savran
December 30, 2022

It is the first embodiment of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the fullest sense, whereas the Paris Commune was a first approximation in that direction and, moreover, lasted only 72 days. The USSR embodied the minimal conditions that would serve for a transition from capitalism to classless society, political power wrested from the hands of the bourgeoisie and placed in those of the toiling masses with the proletariat at their head, the nationalisation of all the large-scale means of production and circulation, and the necessary mechanism of planning in the partial structure of the Goelro, which would then be followed by full-scale planning towards the end of the 1920s. In other words, this state had all the prerequisites for the disempowering and outlawing of the capitalist class as a ruling social force. In that sense, despite the increasing power of the bureaucracy that differentiated itself from the proletariat and the peasantry, it remained a workers’ state as long as it had these characteristics, in other words until 1991, when the entire structure was brought down from within.

Savas Michael Matsas
December 29, 2022

World history is indelibly marked by the central role played by the Soviet Union in interacting and shaping global developments, from its revolutionary inception, following the world shaking 1917 October Socialist Revolution, to its disastrous collapse in 1991- and even beyond it.
Humankind still lives with the shock and implications of the disintegration of the USSR. The shadow of 1991, of what the French philosopher Alain Badiou had called “un désastre obscure”- an obscur disaster, still falls on world developments and prospects.. It has produced a generalized “disorientation of the world” until now, as the same philosopher rightly remarked. More the world is torn apart by its own contradictions and spreading conflicts in late 20th and as we advance in the 21st century, more confusing becomes.

Association Soviet Union
December 24, 2022

La grande révolution socialiste d'octobre 1917., dans la littérature scientifique moderne, appelée la révolution ouvrière-paysanne et la grande révolution russe, a ouvert la voie à un nouvel avenir communiste de l'humanité, et est ainsi devenue la première phase de la révolution mondiale, qui a commencé et a remporté un certain nombre de victoires au XXe siècle, et la transition mondiale de la préhistoire de l'humanité à son histoire authentique. Seulement cinq ans plus tard, le 30 décembre 1922, les peuples libérés du joug du capital et du féodalisme de l'ex-Russie tsariste ont annoncé la formation de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques, qui était basée sur l'idée d'une société juste, et pour la première fois dans l'histoire de l'humanité ont commencé à créer une société fondamentalement nouvelle dans laquelle les meilleurs idéaux de justice et d'humanité, de liberté réelle, d'égalité et de fraternité étaient incarnés dans la pratique.

Association Soviet Union
December 24, 2022

The Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917, referred to in modern scientific literature as the Workers' and peasants' and Great Russian Revolution, opened the way to a new communist future of mankind, and thus became the first phase of the world revolution that began and won a number of victories in the twentieth century, as well as the worldwide transition from the prehistory of mankind to its true history. Only five years later, on December 30, 1922, the peoples of the former tsarist Russia, freed from the yoke of capital and feudalism, announced the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which was based on the idea of a just society, and for the first time in the history of mankind they began to create a fundamentally new society in which the best ideals of justice and humanity, genuine freedom, equality and fraternity were embodied in practice.

Association Soviet Union
December 24, 2022

Великая октябрьская социалистическая революция 1917., в современной научной литературе именуемая рабоче-крестьянской и Великой русской революцией, открыла путь в новое коммунистическое будущее человечества, и, тем самым стала первой фазой мировой революции, начавшейся и одержавшей ряд побед в двадцатом веке, и всемирного перехода от предыстории человечества к его подлинной истории. Всего лишь пять лет спустя, 30 декабря 1922 г. освобожденные от ига капитала и феодализма народы бывшей царской России объявили об образовании Союза советских социалистических республик, в основе которого лежала идея справедливого общества, и впервые в истории человечества приступили к созданию принципиально нового общества, в котором на практике воплощались лучшие идеалы справедливости и человечности, подлинной свободы, равенства и братства.

December 20, 2022

امروز بیست وشش آذر 1401، شورش مردمی در ایران که به سمت یک بحران انقلابی گرایش پیدا کرده است سومین ماه خود را به پایان می رساند. ژینا (مهسا) امینی، زن جوان 22 ساله کُرد، در 22شهریور 1401 به دلیل داشتن حجاب "نامناسب" توسط پلیس ارشاد، که گاهاً از آن به عنوان پلیس اخلاق نیز یاد می شود، بازداشت و در 25 شهریور ماه در دوره بازداشت جان خود را از دست داد.
در26 شهریور مردم ایران درهای جهنم را شکستند!
تمامی مردم ایران، فارس ، کرد، ترک و عرب و بلوچ، خیابان‌ها و میدان‌ها را پر کردند. زنان پیشروان این حرکت بودند و همه مردم همگام با زنان با صدای بلند فریاد زدند: دیگر بس است و صبرمان لبریز شده است! از آن روز به بعد، ایران مانند کندوی زنبور عسل در هم همه وحرکت دائمی است. برای مردمی که می خواهد این رژیم را سرنگون کند افزایش شدت سرکوب ، قتل‌های بیرحمانه به بهانه اعدام و برپا کردن چوبه های دار در سراسر کشور و حتی قبول خواسته ها راه چاره ای نخواهد بود. شورش مردمی با اشتیاق به راه خود ادامه داد و مردم به خانه‌های خود باز نخواهند گشت. زیرا مطالبه آنها سرنگونی رژیم است..

Behnaz Tebrizi
December 20, 2022

امروز بیست وشش آذر 1401، شورش مردمی در ایران که به سمت یک بحران انقلابی گرایش پیدا کرده است سومین ماه خود را به پایان می رساند. ژینا (مهسا) امینی، زن جوان 22 ساله کُرد، در 22شهریور 1401 به دلیل داشتن حجاب "نامناسب" توسط پلیس ارشاد، که گاهاً از آن به عنوان پلیس اخلاق نیز یاد می شود، بازداشت و در 25 شهریور ماه در دوره بازداشت جان خود را از دست داد.

December 18, 2022

Devrimci İşçi Partisi olarak, devrimci bir yükselişe doğru ilerleyen bu halk isyanının üçüncü ayını doldurması vesilesiyle İran halkını onurlu ve kahramanca mücadelesi dolayısıyla kutluyoruz. Büyük devrimci atılımı ile dayanışmamızı ilan ediyoruz. Bu hafta sonu Gerçek sitesi ve daha genel olarak medyamız İran’ın devrimci isyanını merkezine alan bir dosya yayınlayacak. İran halkının ve kadınının isyankâr ruhunu taşıyan yeni devrimci müziğin, Türkiye’nin başına çökmüş olan istibdadın her duyduğunda titrediği insanlığın o büyük sanatının örneklerini paylaşacağız.
Dosyamızı anlamlı bir adımla, İranlı bir kadın yoldaşımızın, Behnaz Tebrizi’nin yazısıyla açmıştık. Bugün Devrimci İşçi Partisi’nin bildirisi ile devam ediyoruz.

December 18, 2022

DIP, the Revolutionary Workers Party of Turkey, celebrates the heroism and dignity of the Iranian people on the occasion of the completion of three months of a people’s rebellion. It declares its solidarity with this great revolutionary striving. The DIP has prepared a special dossier that covers different aspects of the revolutionary rebellion of Iran.
We kicked off the dossier significantly with an article by our Iranian comrade Behnaz Tebrizi, who as a woman has had her share of the repression of the rights of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Today we are publishing the Statement of the DIP on the situation in Iran.

Behnaz Tebrizi
December 17, 2022

Today, 17 December 2022, the people’s rebellion in Iran tending towards a revolutionary crisis has completed its third month. Jîna Mahsa Amini, a 22-year old Kurdish woman, was taken under custody by the “Guidance Police”, sometimes referred to as the “morality police”, for wearing her hijab “improperly” on 13 September 2022 and died on 16 September while still under custody.

Behnaz Tebrizi
December 17, 2022

Bugün 17 Aralık 2022, İran’da bir devrimci kriz yaratan halk isyanının üçüncü ayı dolmuş bulunuyor. 22 yaşında bir Kürt genç kadın olan Jîna Mehsa Emini 13 Eylül günü, Türkçede yaygın olarak kullanılan adıyla “Ahlâk Polisi”, İran’daki özgün adıyla İrşad Polisi tarafından 13 Eylül’de gözaltına alınmış, 16 Eylül’de ise hâlâ gözaltında iken hayatını yitirmişti.

November 29, 2022

On yıllardır meydanlarda mücadele verenlerden çeşit çeşit özgürlük talebi çıkmaktadır: ifade özgürlüğü, siyaset yapma ve örgütlenme özgürlüğü, insanca bir yaşam için yeterli ücret ve sosyal devlet desteği, tesettür ve zorunlu örtünme uygulamalarının kaldırılması, nitelikli ve ücretsiz eğitime erişim, sosyal sigorta ve nitelikli ücretsiz sağlık hizmetlerine erişim ve daha düzinelerce başka insanî talep.

November 27, 2022

Supporting the oppressed people and condemning the killing of people in the cities of Kurdistan!

Noble and freedom-loving people

More than seventy days have passed since the new round of nationwide uprisings in most cities of Iran.

The widespread presence of men and women on the streets shows that the oppressed and deprived people in Iran have decided to stand up to get their demands.

Ahmed Shakur
November 20, 2022

US midterm elections took place on Tuesday November 8th, 2022. Midterm elections determine one third of the Senate composition and the entirety of the House of Representatives, as well as state governors. The result of this year’s election frustrated the wishes and predictions of both great parties. Votes are still being counted, but it looks like the Senate will remain in Democratic control with a slim majority, and the House of Representatives will go over to the Republicans, also by a slight margin. However, the Republicans are disgruntled, since they had imagined that inflation coupled with Biden’s inconsistent policies would fetch them an overwhelming victory. Especially the former fascist president Donald Trump looks pretty upset over the fact that his candidates lost in important states like Pennsylvania.

November 17, 2022

"The unceasing activity of the Iranian people, headed by women, especially the young generation and high school students, has completed its second month after the murder of the 22-year old Mahsa Amini at the hands of the so-called morality police. This extraordinary mass movement is now bearing its fruits in the form of the organising of the masses. We are here presenting two documents, one from the school system, where teachers and students are among the most active actors of the uprising, the other one from among the mothers of the youth for our readers to get a taste of the orientation of the movement."

November 17, 2022

The unceasing activity of the Iranian people, headed by women, especially the young generation and high school students, has completed its second month after the murder of the 22-year old Mahsa Amini at the hands of the so-called morality police. This extraordinary mass movement is now bearing its fruits in the form of the organising of the masses. We are here presenting two documents, one from the school system, where teachers and students are among the most active actors of the uprising, the other one from among the mothers of the youth for our readers to get a taste of the orientation of the movement.
