El 6 de septiembre de 2022, comenzó una contraofensiva ucraniana en la región de Kharkov que condujo con éxito a una importante retirada de las fuerzas rusas y a la ocupación de ciudades de importancia estratégica como Izyum en el río Donets. La respuesta de los líderes rusos fue declarar el 21 de septiembre una “movilización parcial” de 300.000 nuevas tropas militares, y convocar un referéndum del 23 al 27 de septiembre en las Repúblicas Populares de Donetsk y Lugansk, así como en Kherson y Zaporizhzhya para su integración en La Federación Rusa. Los resultados del referéndum, como era de esperar, fueron abrumadoramente favorables a la adhesión a la Federación Rusa, y esto se celebró solemnemente en Moscú el 30 de septiembre y fue ratificado por las cámaras alta y baja del Parlamento ruso los días 3 y 4 de octubre.
On September 6, 2022, a Ukrainian counter-offensive started in the Kharkov region having successfully led to a major retreat of the Russian forces and occupying cities of strategic importance such as Izyum on the Donets river. The Russian leadership’s response was to declare on September 21 a “partial mobilization” of 300.000 new military troops, and to call a referendum on September 23-27 in the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk as well as in Kherson and Zaporizhzhya for their integration in the Russian Federation. The results of the referendum, as was expected, were overwhelmingly in favor of joining the Russian Federation, and this was solemnly celebrated in Moscow on September 30, and ratified by the lower and upper chambers of the Russian Parliament on October 3rd and 4th.
We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 3 (14) for 2022 of Советское Возрождение. Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.
The "Hijab" or headscarf is often the first thing that comes to mind about Iran. The widespread fear of "Will Turkey become like Iran" mostly points to the mandatory headscarf practice in Iran. Those who proclaim "everything was better under Shah" immediately follow this up with "women could walk on the streets with mini-skirts and no headscarves". Just like this, the Iranian opposition itself points to the dress codes of women as the primary arena of freedom. But what are the practices of the Islamic Republic regarding the "hijab" and the real demands of the Iranian people? Here we will provide a short history.
‘Hicap’ ya da başörtüsü, İran ile ilgili birçok kişinin aklına gelen ilk kavramdır. Özellikle AKP döneminde ‘Türkiye İran olacak mı’ endişesinin büyük kısmı kadınların başörtü zorunluluğunu ima eder. ‘İran şah dönemi daha iyiydi’ diyenler hemen arkasından ‘kadınlar mini etekle başörtüsüz gezebiliyorlardı’ der Türkiye’de, hatta İran’ın kendi muhalefeti de ‘özgürlük’ diye kadınların kılık kıyafetini ilk hedef olarak gösterir. Ama ‘hijap’ meselesinin kısa tarihi, İslam cumhuriyetinin bu konudaki yıllara yayılmış tutumu ve İran halkının bu konudaki tepkileri gerçekte nedir?
Azərbaycan Respublikasının Milli Məclisində 28 sentyabrda siyasi partiyalar haqqında yeni qanun layihəsi ilə bağlı ictimai müzakirələr aparılacaq. Ukraynada davam edən NATO-Rusiya müharibəsindən sonra keçmiş Sovet məkanında (Tacikistan və Qırğızıstan arasındakı münaqişələrdən əlavə) digər bir müharibə dinamikası da Azərbaycan və Ermənistan arasında alovlanmışdı.
Azerbaycan Meclisi, 28 Eylül’de yeni siyasi partiler yasasını tartışmak üzere toplanacak. Ukrayna’da devam eden NATO-Rusya savaşından sonra, eski Sovyet coğrafyasında bir diğer savaş dinamiği de (Tacikistan ile Kırgızistan arasındaki çatışmalara ek olarak) Azerbaycan ile Ermenistan arasında baş göstermişti. Savaş bu yazının doğrudan konusu değil, ama Azerbaycan devleti ve İlham Aliyev iç siyasette Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Volodimir Zelenskiy’den belli ki ilham alıyor!
We are publishing here issue No.4 for the year 2022 (Issue No. 148) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
"Pour en venir à l'Italie, le pays est en proie à une dépression économique au niveau national depuis le début du nouveau siècle, c'est-à-dire avant même que la dépression mondiale ne commence en 2008. Son PIB est aujourd'hui inférieur à ce qu'il était au début du millénaire ! C'est le pays qui a la dette la plus élevée d'Europe (2,6 trillions de dollars, soit 150 % de son PIB). Diverses formules de coalition ont été essayées entre les différents partis depuis les élections de 2018, mais toutes se sont effondrées au bout d'un moment. (...) C'est pour cette raison qu'un gouvernement "technocratique" sous la direction de Mario Draghi, jusqu'à récemment le gouverneur de la Banque centrale européenne, a été formé, les partis donnant également des ministres au gouvernement.
A certain event that happened during the 1917 October revolution has always been a bit of a mystery for historians. After the Bolsheviks brought down the provisional government and handed power over to the highest organ of the Soviets, the revolutionary soldiers descended into the wine cellars of the Winter Palace, went to the wine collection of the Tsar, each bottle of which was a fortune, and got drunk for days. We need to point out the contradiction here. Russian workers and peasants do not drink wine, their national beverage is vodka. Wine was the beverage of choice for snobbish royals and their imitators such as the up-and-coming bourgeoisie, politicians whose whole career was to protect their interests and as such lived in their close proximity, and army generals. Despite all these, the peasants and workers who had likely never drunk wine, and certainly not French wine, before drank bottles upon bottles of them.
“Coming to Italy, the country is in the grip of an economic depression at the national level since the beginning of the new century, i.e. even from before the worldwide depression started in 2008. Its GDP is lower today than it was as at the beginning of the millennium! It is the country with the highest debt stock in Europe (2.6 trillion dollars or 150 per cent of its GDP).
С начала «Специальной военной операции» России на Украине прошло более 5 месяцев, и многое стало очевидным. В частности, становится понятным, что вопреки некоторым первоначальным прогнозам война будет долгой. Однако многое так и остается скрытым, непонятным и, как выражаются политкорректно в российских радио и телеэфирах приглашенные эксперты и сами ведущие, вызывает вопросы. Так, никто не берется предсказать, когда и чем закончится война на Украине. Единственное, что ясно всем, так это то, что война не закончится до тех пор, пока одна из сторон не потерпит в ней поражения. В российских СМИ ежедневно повторяется как заклинание, что спецоперация может и должна закончиться только победой. Об обязательности поражения России как стратегической задаче и цели открыто говорят медийные западные политики. Верховный представитель ЕС по иностранным делам и политике безопасности Жозеп Борель заявил о том, что ситуация на Украине должна быть решена на поле боя, а не дипломатическим путем (1).
More than five months have passed since the beginning of Russia's "Special Military Operation" in Ukraine, and much has become obvious. In particular, it becomes clear that, contrary to some initial forecasts, the war will be long. However, much remains hidden, incomprehensible and, as the invited experts and the presenters themselves express themselves politically correctly in Russian radio and television broadcasts raises questions
Plusieurs syndicalistes ont été arrêtés et envoyés en prison à Piacenza, en Italie, pour une simple activité syndicale ! Le procureur régional considère que leur lutte réussie pour arracher aux patrons de l'industrie de la logistique des augmentations de salaire supplémentaires après la fin du processus officiel de négociation collective est une ‘‘extorsion’’, criminalisant ainsi la lutte des classes. L'EEK de Grèce et le DIP de Turquie ont envoyé un message de solidarité aux syndicalistes persécutés. Nous publions ci-dessous ce message.
İtalya’nın Piacenza kentinde bir grup sendikacı, yalnızca sendikacılık yaptıkları için tutuklanıp hapse atıldı! Bölge savcısı, taşımacılık sektörü işçilerinin toplu sözleşme pazarlıkları tamamlandıktan sonraki aşamada patronlarından daha yüksek bir zammı söküp alabilmek için yürüttükleri başarılı mücadeleyi “gasp” diye adlandırarak sınıf mücadelesini suç saydı. Yunanistan’dan EEK (İşçilerin Devrimci Partisi) ve Türkiye’den Devrimci İşçi Partisi (DİP), suçlanmakta olan sendikacılara bir dayanışma mesajı yolladı. Aşağıda bu mesajı yayınlıyoruz.
Σημαντικοί μαχητικοί συνδικαλιστές συνελήφθησαν και οδηγήθηκαν στην φυλακή στην Πιασέντζα της Ιταλίας, μόνο και μόνο για την συνδικαλιστική τους δράση! Η περιφερειακή εισαγγελέας ανακήρυξε σε… εκβιασμό την νικηφόρα τους πάλη με την οποία απέσπασαν αυξήσεις στους μισθούς από τα αφεντικά της βιομηχανίας logistics, μετά το πέρας της επίσημης διαδικασίας συλλογικών διαπραγματεύσεων, ποινικοποιώντας έτσι την ταξική πάλη. Το ΕΕΚ της Ελλάδας και το DIP της Τουρκίας έστειλαν ένα μήνυμα αλληλεγγύης στους διωκόμενους συνδικαλιστές. Δημοσιεύουμε παρακάτω αυτό το μήνυμα.
Several unionists were arrested and sent to prison in Piacenza, Italy, for nothing more than trade union activity! The regional public prosecutor considers their successful struggle to wrest from the bosses of the logistics industry additional wage raises after the official collective bargaining process was terminated as “extortion”, thus criminalizing class struggle. The EEK of Greece and the DIP of Turkey sent a message of solidarity to the persecuted unionists. We publish below that message.
İmperialist müharibəsində ABŞ və NATO-nu məğlub etmək kapitalist və imperialist əsarətindən xilas olmaq uğrunda döyüşən bütün qüvvələrin, ən əvvəl beynəlxalq fəhlə sinfi və onun inqilabçı qabaqcıl dəstəsinin başlıca, zəruri və təxirəsalınmaz vəzifəsidir.
La défaite de la guerre impérialiste des USA et l'OTAN est la tâche principale de toutes les forces qui luttent pour l'émancipation de l'esclavage capitaliste et de la servitude impérialiste, en premier lieu la classe ouvrière internationale et son avant-garde révolutionnaire.
We are publishing here issue No.3 for the year 2022 (Issue No. 147) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
La devastadora guerra en Ucrania lleva más de cuatro meses sin señales visibles de terminar. Millones de personas inocentes en Ucrania y en todo el mundo están pagando un alto precio. El final de la tragedia se ve obstaculizado por los principales instigadores de la guerra, el imperialismo estadounidense y la OTAN.
Los llamados a una tregua y los intentos de negociaciones diplomáticas están siendo saboteados por los principales culpables. El secretario general de la OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, llamó a Occidente a no sucumbir a la " fatiga de Ucrania " y habló de " una guerra que durará años ". El primer ministro británico, Boris Johnson, en su visita a Kiev la misma semana, hizo una declaración similar sobre una " guerra a largo plazo ". El objetivo declarado de EE. UU., Gran Bretaña y la OTAN es prolongar la guerra "hasta que se debilite el poder militar ruso ", como dijo el secretario de Defensa de los EE. UU., Lloyd Austin, durante su visita a Kiev el 25 de abril de 2022, y hasta que se logre un “cambio de régimen” en Moscú, como afirmó el presidente de los EE. UU., Joe Biden, durante su infame discurso público en Polonia, cuando dijo " Por Dios, este hombre no puede...
Hristo Rakovski Uluslararası Sosyalist Merkezi’nin ve internet ağının çağrıcısı olduğu ve 25-26 Haziran 2022 tarihinde gerçekleşen Ukrayna’da NATO’nun vekâlet savaşına karşı Acil Uluslararası Savaş Karşıtı Konferans şüphesiz ki mühim bir siyasi etkinlikti.
The Emergency Anti-War International Conference against the NATO proxy war in Ukraine called by the International Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and web network on June 25-26, 2022 was undoubtedly an important international political event.
The decision for the Conference was taken in the Preparatory Meeting of the Rakovsky Center on May 22, 2022, and consequently, the Invitation issued by the Rakovsky Center on June the 1st addressed a large spectrum of the revolutionary left and communist Parties, organizations, movements, Marxist theoretical journals and independent militants from different traditions from all over the world found an impressive response. It is reflected in the large number of dozens of participants from all the Continents (Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia) and from 26 countries that joined the Conference in two days of intensive work.
1. Ο καταστροφικός πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία συνεχίζεται για πάνω από τέσσερις μήνες χωρίς ορατά σημάδια τέλους. Εκατομμύρια αθώων ανθρώπων στην Ουκρανία και όλο τον κόσμο πληρώνουν ένα τεράστιο τίμημα. Το τέλος της τραγωδίας παρεμποδίζεται από τους κύριους υποκινητές του πολέμου, τον ιμπεριαλισμό των ΗΠΑ και το ΝΑΤΟ.
We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 2 (13) for 2022 of Советское Возрождение. Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.
Сессия I: (14:00-18:45 с двумя 15-минутными перерывами)
Модератор: Сунгур Савран (Председатель, DIP, Турция)
Докладчик, Политическая принадлежность, Страна
1) Основной доклад: Савас Михаэль-Матсас (Генеральный секретарь EEK, Греция), от имени Раковского
2) Левент Долек (заместитель председателя, DIP, Турция), от имени RedMed
3) Алексей Албу (Боротьба, Украина)
4) Юрий Шахин (Против течения, Украина)
As a stream of new participants are added each day, we now have a new program. Of course, the bulk of the program published yesterday is still valid. But we have newly added names from Italy, Iran, Algeria, Greece, Cyprus and Turkey. We hope that this program will be the final version.
Mobilize to stop the imperialist drive towards world war and nuclear annihilation!
War against imperialist war in Ukraine! Not expansion but dissolution of NATO!
Down with capitalist restoration, for Socialism! For a new Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of free and equal peoples, without oligarchs, capitalists or bureaucrats, from Lisbon to Vladivostok!
The Emergency International Anti-War Conference organised by the International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky and the web network RedMed is opening on Saturday, 25 June and will go on over the weekend of 25-26 June. This is an online conference that brings together parties, organisations and individual fighters from two-dozen countries, with more than 45 speakers from Europe, the Middle East, North and South America, Africa and Australasia.
La base de l'évaluation de la guerre en Ukraine pour tout marxiste est naturellement et nécessairement une caractéristique du capitalisme moderne et de ses contradictions, ainsi que du socialisme moderne et de ses contradictions.
Основой оценки войны на Украине для любого марксиста естественно и обязательно является характеристика современного капитализма и его противоречий, а также современного социализма и его противоречий.
The basis for evaluation of the war in Ukraine for any Marxist is naturally and necessarily a characteristic of modern capitalism and its contradictions, as well as modern socialism and its contradictions.
We appeal to the Ukrainian working people and their vanguard - the communist and progressive left, wherever they are: Comrades! There is a long and difficult road ahead. In the conditions of the agony of the Kyiv regime and rampant repressive terror, we urge you to be vigilant, to protect your comrades from the arbitrariness of the Ukrainian security forces and Nazi formations.
The Emergency International Anti-Imperialist Conference organised by the International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky and RedMed is taking place this weekend. It will be hosted online by two member organisations of the Rakovsky Center, the EEK of Greece (Workers Revolutionary Party) and the DIP of Turkey (Revolutionary Workers Party).
Η ακόρεστη ορμή του ιμπεριαλιστικού-καπιταλιστικού συστήματος για επέκταση, ειδικά στις παρούσες συνθήκες μιας δραματικά επιδεινούμενης παγκόσμιας κρίσης, βρίσκει το αντίστοιχό της στις ατέρμονες προσπάθειες του ΝΑΤΟ να επεκτείνει την παρουσία του σε όλο και νεότερες χώρες. Μετά την εισδοχή των 14 χωρών της Κεντρικής και Ανατολικής Ευρώπης και των Βαλκανίων μεταξύ 1999 και 2020, τώρα είναι η σειρά της Σουηδίας και της Φινλανδίας για ένταξη στο ΝΑΤΟ!
Mısır’da Müslüman Kardeşler iktidarının ABD-İsrail-Suud eksenli bir darbe ile devrilmesinin ardından Erdoğan ünlü "rabia" (Arapça anlamıyla "dördüncü") işaretini piyasaya sürmüştü. Bu işaret, en başta Mısır’ın yeni diktatörü Sisi’ye, ayrıca Türkiye’deki darbe girişiminin arkasındaki ABD’ye, Fettullah’ın işbirlikçisi olduğu söylenen Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (BAE) ve Suud’a, yeri geldiğinde de İsrail’e "kafa tutan" bir simge oluverdi. Gerçek gazetesi olarak istibdad rejiminin (halkımızın değil!)
In the wake of the US-Israel-Saudi orchestrated coup that removed the Muslim Brotherhood from power in Egypt, Erdoğan introduced his well-known “rabia” (meaning “the fourth” in Arabic) sign. This sign is meant to “defy” Sisi as the new dictator of Egypt, the US as the power behind the failed coup attempt in Turkey in 2016, Fethullah Gülen’s (an ally-turned-nemesis of Erdoğan) collaborators the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudis, and even Israel when needed. We, as the Gerçek newspaper, scraped off the gilding of this “defiance” towards the reactionary governments, Zionism and imperialism by Turkey’s despotic regime at every opportunity. While we take Erdoğan’s conflicts with some of the regimes in the region very seriously, we were never illusioned by his relationship with Zionism and imperialism and always warned our people. With the economic crisis of the last few years, the economic policies that only aim the survival of the despotic regime and NATO's war in Ukraine, Erdoğan quickly proved us right As the despotism chases dollars, the old “rabia” is nowhere to be found. And a new “rabia” replaced it: Israel, the UAE, Saudis and Egypt.
Emperyalist-kapitalist düzenin doymak bilmez genişleme hırsı, bilhassa günümüzün dramatik biçimde kötüleşen küresel kriz koşullarında NATO’nun sürekli yeni ülkelerde varlık gösterme çabasında ifadesini buluyor. 1999 ve 2020 arasında 14 Orta Avrupa, Doğu Avrupa ve Balkan ülkesinden sonra NATO’ya katılma sırası bu kez İsveç ve Finlandiya’ya geldi!
Bu gelişme, Ukrayna’daki savaşın bir uzantısıdır. Savaş, tüm dünyaya Rusya’nın bölgedeki hakimiyetini genişletme hırsının bir sonucu olarak gösterildi. Putin’in kendisi ise (daha önce Saddam Hüseyin’e ve Slobodan Miloševič’e yapıldığı gibi) Hitler’le dahi bir tutularak şeytanlaştırıldı. Sovyetler Birliği’nin yıkılmasının ve kapitalizmin yeniden tesisinin etkilerini derinden yaşayan Rusya, hâlâ Amerikan emperyalizminin parçalama ve sömürgeleştirme planlarının hedefi konumunda. Bu savaşın suçlusu Rusya değildir.
The world has entered a new era. The unprecedented challenges of the post 2008 ongoing global economic crisis, of the global pandemic shock, and the escalating geopolitical tensions now exploding in Ukraine reconfigure the world scene. The spiraling global crisis of capitalism led to extraordinary “heterodox” economic measures by central banks and governments, to trade wars and even to weaponization of finance and money without success. On the contrary, with every new leap of the crisis, catastrophe on top of catastrophe led humanity at the brink of the abyss. In this context, recently its was relaunched by Janet Yellen the idea for a new, Bretton Woods II international settlement adapted to the current US needs in the new world conditions of a capital globalization in terminal crisis. But is it feasible such a US hegemonic world project in the third decade of the 21st century?
Statement by DIP (Turkey), EEK (Greece), MTL (Finland)
Let us demolish the Southeastern flank of NATO in order to prevent the consolidation of the Northeastern flank and stop the drift towards World War III!