Akdeniz: Dünya devriminin yeni havzası!

The Mediterranean: new basin of world revolution!

البحر الأبيض: الحوض الجديد للثورة العالمية

مدیترانه: حوزه جدید انقلاب جهانی

Il Mediterraneo: nuovo bacino della rivoluzione mondiale!

Μεσόγειος: Νέα λεκάνη της παγκόσμιας επανάστασης!

Derya Sıpî: Deşta nû a şoreşa cihânê

Միջերկրական ծով: նոր ավազանում համաշխարհային հեղափոխության.

El Mediterráneo: Nueva cuenca de la revolución mundial!

La Méditerranée: nouveau bassin la révolution mondiale!

Mediterrâneo: bacia nova da revolução mundial!


March 25, 2025

Η ανάκληση του πτυχίου του Εκρέμ Ιμάμογλου, του βασικού ανταγωνιστή του Ερντογάν στις επόμενες προεδρικές εκλογές, ακολουθούμενη από την κράτησή του ως μέρος μιας σειράς κατηγοριών κατά του Μητροπολιτικού Δήμου Κωνσταντινούπολης, είναι άλλη μια επιχείρηση του δεσποτισμού του Ερντογάν. Η ανάκληση του πτυχίου δεν έχει καμία δικαστική ή διοικητική σχέση με τις επιχειρήσεις κατά του δήμου. Το γεγονός ότι αυτές οι εντολές διαδέχονταν η μία την άλλη εντός 24 ωρών και οι 4 ημέρες κράτησής του ακολούθησαν αμέσως 4 ημέρες αναστολής όλων των διαδηλώσεων στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, μια de facto κήρυξη κατάστασης έκτακτης ανάγκης, τις μέρες λίγο πριν στις προκριματικές εκλογές για τον κύριο υποψήφιο του αντιπολιτευόμενου κόμματος CHP (Ρεπουμπλικανικό Λαϊκό Κόμμα) για τις επερχόμενες προεδρικές εκλογές, δεν είναι τυχαίο. Η όλη διαδικασία σχεδιάστηκε, ξεκίνησε, εκτελέστηκε και συντονίστηκε από το δεσποτικό καθεστώς. Οι δηλώσεις του κυβερνητικού συνασπισμού για διάκριση των εξουσιών, ανεξάρτητο δικαστικό σύστημα, εμπιστοσύνη στα δικαστήρια κ.λπ., είναι παράλογες. Όλοι στην Τουρκία γνωρίζουν και βλέπουν ότι πρόκειται για πολιτική επιχείρηση.

Association Soviet Union
March 24, 2025

Страна может и должна стать маяком и образцом прогресса и подлинного гуманизма

Association Soviet Union
March 24, 2025

The country can and should become a beacon and model of progress and genuine humanism

March 21, 2025

La révocation du diplôme universitaire d'Ekrem İmamoğlu, principal concurrent contre Erdoğan aux prochaines élections présidentielles, puis sa détention aggravée par une série d'accusations portées contre la municipalité métropolitaine d'Istanbul, est une énième opération despotique d'Erdogan. La révocation du diplôme n'a aucun lien judiciaire ou administratif avec les opérations contre la municipalité. Le fait que ces ordres se soient succédés dans les 24 heures, et que les 4 jours de sa détention aient été immédiatement suivis par 4 jours de suspension de toutes les manifestations à Istanbul, une déclaration de facto de l'état d'urgence, dans les jours précédant les primaires du parti d'opposition CHP (Parti républicain du peuple) pour les prochaines élections présidentielles, n'est pas une coïncidence. L'ensemble du processus a été planifié, initié, exécuté et coordonné par le régime despotique. Les déclarations de la coalition gouvernementale sur la séparation des pouvoirs, l'indépendance du système judiciaire, la confiance dans les tribunaux, etc. sont absurdes. Tout le monde en Turquie sait et voit qu'il s'agit d'une opération politique.

March 21, 2025

Ekrem İmamoğlu’nun, üniversite diplomasının İstanbul Üniversitesi tarafından iptal edilmesinin ardından İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi’ne yönelik çok çeşitli suçlamalarla başlatılan operasyon kapsamında gözaltına alınması süreci bir istibdad operasyonudur. İmamoğlu’nun diplomasının iptal edilmesi ile İBB’ye yönelik operasyonların hukuki ya da idari herhangi bir bağlantısı yoktur. İki kararın 24 saat içinde birbirini takip etmesi, 4 günlük gözaltı süresiyle buna paralel olarak İstanbul Valiliği’nin İstanbul’da 4 günlük fiili OHAL ilan etmesiyle birlikte tüm bu sürecin CHP’nin Cumhurbaşkanlığı adaylığı için yapacağı ön seçime bağlanmış olması tabii ki tesadüf değildir. Tüm süreci planlayan, başlatan, yürüten ve koordine eden irade istibdad rejimidir. İktidar cephesinden söylenen kuvvetler ayrılığı, bağımsız yargı, yargıya güven vb. ifadelerinin ciddiye alınabilir bir yanı yoktur. Türkiye’de yaşayan herkes bunun bir siyasi operasyon olduğunu bilmekte ve görmektedir.

March 21, 2025

Revoking the college degree of Ekrem İmamoğlu, Erdoğan’s main contender in the next presidential elections, followed by the former’s detention as part of a series of accusations against Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, is another operation of Erdogan’s despotism. The revocation of the degree has no judicial or administrative tie to the operations against the municipality. The fact that these orders followed each other within 24 hours, and the 4 days of his detention were immediately followed by 4 days of suspension of all protests in Istanbul, a de facto declaration of state of emergency, in days leading to the opposition party CHP’s (Republican People’s Party) primary for the coming presidential elections is no coincidence. The whole process has been planned, initiated, executed, and coordinated by the despotic regime. The government coalition’s utterances about separation of powers, independent judicial system, trust in the courts, etc., are preposterous. Everyone in Turkey knows and sees that this is a political operation.

March 15, 2025

لا للدبلوماسية السرية وإنكار القضية الكردية ورفض الحل وحماية الإمبريالية وفرض مشروع الجمهورية الثانية الرجعي التوسعي! والحل يكمن في آسيا الغربية خال من الإمبريالية والصهيونية، في الاتحاد الاشتراكي لغرب آسيا وشمال أفريقيا!

March 15, 2025

Daxuyaniya Komîteya Navendî ya PKŞê: Na, ji dîplomasiya veşartî, înkarkirina pirsgirêka kurd, redkirina çareseriyê, hîmayeya emperyalîzmê û ferzkirina projeya Komara Duyem a paşverû û firehdarxwaz! Li Rojhilata Navîn tekane çareseriya ji emperyalîzm û siyonîzmê dûr, Federasyona Sosyalîst a Rojavayê Asyayê û Bakurê Afrîkayê, ye!

March 15, 2025

Gizli diplomasiye, Kürt sorununun inkârına, çözümün reddine, emperyalizmin himayesine, gerici ve yayılmacı İkinci Cumhuriyet projesinin dayatılmasına hayır! Çözüm, emperyalizm ve Siyonizmden arındırılmış bir Ortadoğu’da, Batı Asya ve Kuzey Afrika Sosyalist Federasyonu’ndadır!

March 15, 2025

No to secret diplomacy, the denial of the Kurdish problem, the rejection of its solution, the patronage of imperialism, and the imposition of the reactionary and expansionist project of the “Second Republic”!

The solution lies in a Middle East cleansed of imperialism and Zionism; it lies in the Socialist Federation of West Asia and North Africa!

Party of Russian Communists (RPK)
March 13, 2025

We are publishing here issue No.1 for the year 2025 (Issue No. 163) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).

Sungur Savran
March 10, 2025

For a brief moment, the chainsaw became the symbol of the panoply of policies pursued by the Trump administration, carried through in frenetic tempo by the team led by Elon Musk, to diminish or even to destroy the services provided by the so-called “welfare state”. The American president, whose strategy we have likened to the Nazis' "Blitzkrieg" from its inception, has launched a major assault on public services under the pretext of cutting government spending, using Elon Musk and his team as his stormtroopers. It is as if a wrecking ball is targeting U.S. state agencies one by one. The fact that Argentine President Javier Milei gifted Musk a chainsaw during his visit to Washington and Musk raised it in the air like a rock musician playing an electric guitar symbolizes this aspect of the situation most vividly. Milei himself, since taking office in Argentina, has been making dramatic declarations about shutting down ministries and cutting services, following the same aggressive approach. Uneven and combined development! In this regard, the U.S. has taken its cue from Argentina!

Sungur Savran
March 10, 2025

“Yurtta testere, cihanda testere”. Trump Türkiye’ye devlet başkanı olsaydı programını bu sloganla tarihî bir çerçeveye oturtabilirdi. İlk günden beri Nazilerin “yıldırım savaşı”na benzer bir strateji sürdürdüğünü söylediğimiz Amerikan başkanı, içeride Elon Musk aracılığıyla devlet harcamalarında tasarruf gerekçesiyle kamu hizmetlerine büyük bir taarruz başlatmış durumda. Sanki bir yıkım güllesi ABD devlet kuruluşlarının her birini teker teker hedef alıyor. Arjantin devlet başkanı Javier Milei’nin Washington ziyaretinde Musk’a bir zincirli testere hediye etmesi, Musk’ın da bunu elektrogitar çalan bir rock müzisyeni edasıyla havaya kaldırması en çok işin bu yanını sembolize ediyor. Milei kendisi de Arjantin’de göreve geleli beri, “şu bakanlığı kapatacağım, bu hizmeti durduracağım” diye çarpıcı olmasına özen gösterdiği bir üslupla aynı işi yapıyor. Eşitsiz ve bileşik gelişme! Bu alanda ABD Arjantin’den örnek alıyor!

Mikhail Konashev, Association “Soviet Union”
March 9, 2025

The Workers Revolutionary Party (EEK) organised a very successful meeting on 6 March 2025 in Athens. The meeting, titled "The Chaos spread by Trump- 3 years after the NATO war in Ukraine + 500 days of genocide in Gaza", was held in the hall of the Union of Journalists of the Daily Press and was broadcast live by Palestine TV:

The speakers were Daria Mitina, secretary of the Central Committee of the United Communist Party (OKP) of Russia, Saïd Gafourov, member of the General Council of the Russian trade union "New Union", a representative of the Palestinian resistance, Giorgos Tsiaras, noted journalist of international affairs at the Greek daily ElSyn and Savvas Michael Matsas of the meeting host EEK. The meeting was moderated by Savvas Stroumpos, a member of EEK:

A written message from another Russian comrade Mikhail B. Konashev, a prominent member of the Association "Soviet Union" and editor of the bimonthly Советское Возрождени, published on our website as well as other sites, was also read at the meeting. This message is what we are publishing below.

Sungur Savran
February 5, 2025

Hitler’in İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndaki savaş stratejisine Blitzkrieg ya da Türkçe olarak “yıldırım harbi” adı verildi. Cihan Harbi’nde (1914-1918) siper savaşı yöntemi hâkim doktrindi. Orduların karşı karşıya gelerek siperlerde mevzilenmesine dayanan bu yöntem, birkaç kilometre toprak için çok uzun süren savaşlarla sonuçlanıyor, kâh bir taraf ilerliyor, kâh öteki taraf ilerlerken diğeri geriliyordu. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nda (1939-1945) Nazilerin stratejisi ise ani saldırılarla düşmanı şaşırtmak, farklı alanlarda farklı silah sistemleriyle kafaları karıştırmak, rakibi ambale ederek nasıl bir savunma uygulaması gerektiğine karar bile verecek zaman bulamadan bozguna uğratmaktı.

Trump yeni dönemine bu stratejiyi uygulayarak başladı. Biz Trump’ın başkanlık görevini devraldığı 20 Ocak günü bir yazı yayınlayarak şöyle demiştik: “Zaten hiç hak edilmemiş bir özgüvene sahip bu zırcahil şimdi çevresince de şımartılacaktır. Ayrıca yaşı ilerlemiş bir faşistin ne yapacağını ve ne kadar hızlı davranacağını tahmin etmek zordur. Trump şu anda geri geldiği için muhtemelen bir ego patlaması yaşıyor. Hayallerini gerçekleştirmek için bu faktörlerin de etkisiyle çok hızlı hareket etmesi neredeyse...

Sungur Savran
February 5, 2025

Hitler's military strategy during World War II was called Blitzkrieg, or “lightning warfare”. During the First World War (1914-1918), trench warfare was the dominant doctrine. This method, which involved armies facing each other in trenches, resulted in prolonged battles over a few kilometres of land, with one side advancing at times and the other retreating and vice versa at other times. In World War II (1939-1945), the Nazis' strategy was to surprise the enemy with sudden attacks, confuse them with different weapon systems in various areas, and overwhelm the opponent before it could even decide how to defend itself.

Trump began his new term with a full-scale application of this strategy in the political sphere. On 20 January, before the inauguration ceremonies began, we published an article on RedMedand said the following: “Trump, previously a political novice, has become far more experienced. Surrounding him now is a team driven by greed and rage, bolstering Trump’s inflated ego and reckless ambitions. Already prone to impulsiveness, Trump is likely to act swiftly and aggressively, especially given his advancing age. We believe Trump may aim for a third term, despite...

Sungur Savran
February 4, 2025

Στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες, η ορκωμοσία ενός νεοεκλεγμένου προέδρου, η οποία πραγματοποιείται κάθε τέσσερα χρόνια στις 20 Ιανουαρίου μετά τις εκλογές του Νοεμβρίου, είναι ένα σημαντικό γεγονός, αλλά συνήθως δεν προσκαλούνται ξένοι αξιωματούχοι. Ο Ντόναλντ Τραμπ έσπασε αυτή την παράδοση προσκαλώντας ξένους κρατικούς αξιωματούχους και άλλους στην τελετή των «ορκωμοσίας». Σε προηγούμενο άρθρο μας, εξηγήσαμε γιατί η ιδέα ότι η πολιτική προσέγγιση του Τραμπ, που συνοψίζεται στο σύνθημα MAGA (Κάντε την Αμερική Μεγάλη Ξανά), είναι «απομονωτική» είναι αβάσιμη. Εδώ, είναι εμφανές για άλλη μια φορά: ο Τραμπ δεν είναι «απομονωτιστής»˙ είναι φασίστας!

Sungur Savran
January 21, 2025

Amerika’da dört yılda bir Kasım ayında seçilmiş başkanın ertesi yıl 20 Ocak’ta görevi devralması büyük bir olay olarak yaşanır ama törene yabancı devlet erkânı davet edilmez. Yabancı devlet başkanlarını ve başka konukları “inauguration” (görev devir teslim) törenine ilk davet eden Donald Trump oldu. Eski ve yeni başkanın MAGA (Make America Great Again-Amerika’yı Yeniden Yücelt) sloganında özetlenen politik yaklaşımı dolayısıyla “isolationist” (içe kapanma taraftarı) olduğuna ilişkin tevatürün uydurma olduğunu Trump hakkındaki bir önceki yazımızda izah etmiştik. Burada da görülüyor. Trump, “izolasyonist” değil faşisttir!

Sungur Savran
January 20, 2025

In the United States, the inauguration of a newly elected president, which occurs every four years on January 20 following the November election, is a significant event, but foreign dignitaries are typically not invited. Donald Trump broke this tradition by inviting foreign state officials and others to the “inauguration” ceremony. In our previous article, we explained why the notion that Trump’s political approach, summarized in the MAGA (Make America Great Again) slogan, is “isolationist” is baseless. Here, it is evident once again: Trump is not “isolationist”; he is a fascist!

January 17, 2025

Suriye’de yaşanan ve Batı Asya’nın (Ortadoğu’nun) bütününün büyük bir sarsıntı yaşamasına yol açması beklenen büyük değişimin nasıl ortaya çıktığını bu değişimin zeminini hangi güçlerin hazırladığını, Esad’ın Baas rejiminin neden çöktüğünü, çeşitli dış güçlerin HTŞ (Heyet Tahrir el Şam-Büyük Suriye Kurtuluş Örgütü) ile SMO’nun (Suriye Millî Ordusu, yani Erdoğan hükümetinin emrindeki Suriye ordusu) zaferinde nasıl bir rol oynamış olduğunu ele alan bir yazı daha önce Gerçek sitesinde yayınlanmıştı. O yazının ana ekseni Baas rejiminin, herkesi şaşırtan bir süratle çökmesinin ardındaki dinamiklerin anlaşılmasına ve bunun Batı Asya genelinde yaratacağı değişimin derinliğinin ölçülmesine yönelikti.

January 17, 2025

An article was previously published on the RedMed website on how the great change in Syria, which may be expected to shake the whole of Western Asia (the Middle East), came about, what forces prepared the ground for this change, why Assad's Baathist regime collapsed, and what role various external forces played in the victory of HTS (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham - the Great Syria Liberation Organization) and SNA (the Syrian National Army, i.e. the Syrian army under the command of the Erdoğan government). The main thrust of that article was to understand the dynamics behind the collapse of the Baathist regime, which took everyone by surprise, and to gauge the depth of change that this would bring about across Western Asia.

Savas Michael Matsas
January 3, 2025

Ένας τεκτονικός σεισμός αλλάζει τα δεδομένα στη Μέση Ανατολή με επιπτώσεις στην παγκόσμια πολιτική και γεωπολιτική σκηνή. Ένα αντιδραστικό φιλοϊμπεριαλιστικό μπλοκ φονταμενταλιστών με προέλευση την αλ Κάιντα μαζί με μισθοφόρους της Τουρκίας μέσα σε 11 μέρες σάρωσαν το πάνω από μισό αιώνα καθεστώς Άσαντ. Χωρίς να δώσει μάχη, ο ίδιος ο πρόεδρος Μπασάρ αλ-Άσαντ εγκατέλειψε τη Δαμασκό και βρίσκεται ήδη στη Μόσχα όπου του χορηγήθηκε άσυλο στον ίδιο και την οικογένειά του.

Savas Michael Matsas
January 3, 2025

Observaciones y momentos destacados del EEK sobre la evolución volcánica en Siria

Ana Bazac
January 2, 2025

Este año se cumple el tricentenario del nacimiento de Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Con motivo de este significativo aniversario, una amiga y compañera de RedMed de Rumania, Ana Bazac, ha escrito un amplio estudio sobre la relevancia del principio ético de Kant, mundialmente conocido, el imperativo categórico, para la política revolucionaria. Este estudio no sólo no deja piedra sin remover con respecto a la máxima de Kant, sino que también profundiza prácticamente en la política mundial contemporánea, planteando preguntas y proporcionando respuestas sobre acontecimientos concretos de nuestra época, como las guerras en Ucrania y Gaza (esta última se está convirtiendo cada vez más en una guerra del Medio Oriente en general). En realidad, Ana Bazac escribió un artículo en cuatro partes y las presentó para su publicación en RedMed, pero al final aceptó que se publicaran íntegramente como un artículo unificado con el título "Relevancia del imperativo categórico de Kant para la política revolucionaria" en la revista teórica Revolutionary Marxism 2025, publicada en nombre del Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (DIP) por un consejo editorial autónomo. Se supone que la revista...

Association Soviet Union
December 30, 2024

We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 4 (23) for 2024 of Советское Возрождение, Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance, Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.

Party of Russian Communists (RPK)
December 30, 2024

We are publishing here issue No.6 for the year 2024 (Issue No. 162) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).

December 21, 2024

El incidente ocurrido en Damasco el 8 de diciembre de 2024 es de importancia histórica, al menos para Asia Occidental (Medio Oriente). Es esencial evaluar con calma la situación emergente y construir sobre esta evaluación serena las predicciones sobre cómo se desarrollarán las condiciones objetivas de ahora en adelante y qué tipo de políticas debería seguir el socialismo proletario. Este artículo contiene una primera evaluación de desarrollos concretos. A esto deben seguir determinaciones sobre la dinámica de desarrollo de la nueva situación emergente y las políticas que debe seguir el socialismo proletario.

December 21, 2024

The events that occurred in Damascus on December 8, 2024, are of historical importance, at least for Western Asia (the Middle East). It is essential to calmly assess the emerging situation and build predictions on this serene evaluation regarding how the objective conditions will develop from now on and what kind of policies should be followed by proletarian socialism. This article provides an initial evaluation of concrete developments. This should be followed by determinations regarding the development dynamics of the emerging new situation and the policies to be followed by proletarian socialism.

December 21, 2024

8 Aralık 2024 günü Şam’da yaşanan olay, en azından Batı Asya (Ortadoğu) açısından tarihî bir önem taşıyor. Şimdi ortaya çıkan tabloyu soğukkanlı biçimde değerlendirmek ve bundan sonra nesnel koşulların nasıl gelişeceği konusundaki öngörüleri ve proletarya sosyalizminin ne tür politikalar izlemesi gerektiğini bu soğukkanlı değerlendirmenin üzerine bina etmek elzemdir. Bu yazı somut gelişmelerin bir ilk değerlendirmesini içeriyor. Bunu, doğan yeni durumun gelişme dinamikleri ve proleter sosyalizminin izlemesi gereken politikalara ilişkin tespitlerin izlemesi gerekiyor.

Ana Bazac
December 20, 2024

This year is the tercentennial of Immanuel Kant's birth (1724-1804). On the occasion of this significant anniversary, a longtime friend and comrade of RedMed from Romania, Ana Bazac, has written a wide-ranging study on the relevance of Kant's world-renowned ethical principle, the categorical imperative, for revolutionary politics. This study does not only leave no stone unturned with respect to Kant's maxim, but also delves practically into contemporary world politics, raising questions and providing answers on concrete events of our epoch such as the wars in Ukraine and Gaza (the latter more and more becoming a war of the Middle East at large). As a matter of fact, Ana Bazac wrote an article in four instalments and submitted them for publication on RedMed, but in the end agreed to have these published in their integrity as a unified article with the title "Relevance of Kant's Categorical Imperative for Revolutionary Politics" in the theoretical journal Revolutionary Marxism 2025, published on behalf of the Revolutionary Workers Party (DIP) by an autonomous editorial board. The journal is supposed to bring out its annual edition before the year it bears in its title is out, but...

December 9, 2024

На Шиар Ришваноглу, член на Револуционерната работничка партија (DIP) од Турција, фашистички групи му се закануваат преку порака оставена на неговиот автомобил во неговиот роден град Адана, втор пат после 2020 година.
Шиар Ришваноглу е некогашен општински кандидат на коалицијата на социјалистички и курдски сили, анти-империјалист, социјалист, адвокат и непокорлив борец кој се соочува со закани по живот. Следува превод од соопштение на турски јазик кое беше објавено од страна на Централниот Комитет на DIP веднаш по заканата.

Azad Said
December 6, 2024

“Əqsa tufanı” əməliyyatının üzərindən bir ildən artıq müddət keçdi.
Bu müddət Ərzində İsrail Qəzzada 17 mini uşaq olmaqla, 40 mindən çox insan qətlə yetirib. İsrailin hədəfində mütəmadi olaraq xəstəxanalar, qaçqın düşəgrələri, təhsil müəssisələri və digər sivil baza və infrastrukturlar olmuşdur. Bu yazının yayımlandığı tarixlərdə İsrail qida paylama mərkəzini atəşə tutmuş, Əl Əqsa hospitali ərazisindəki çadır düşərgəsini vurmuşdur.
Ötən 1 ildə dünya ölkələrində ictimai rəyin birmənalı olaraq Fələstin xalqının yanında olmasına baxmayaraq ABŞ və qərb ölkələri başda olmaqla əksər burjua hökumətləri dəstəyini bilavasitə soyqırımçı İsraildən yana ifadə etdi. ABŞ-də seçki prosesi yaxınlaşdıqca Demokratlar və Respublikaçılar hansı tərəfin daha yaxşı Sioinist olması barədə sanki yarışa qoşulmuşdular. Sözügedən ölkələrdə xalqın dəstəyi nə qədər artırdısa, xalqa qarşı dövlət sanksiyası da o qədər şiddətlənməyə başlamışdı.

November 16, 2024

Μέλος του Επαναστατικού Εργατικού Κόμματος της Τουρκίας (DIP), ο Σιάρ Ρισβάνογλου, δικηγόρος, απειλήθηκε από φασιστικές πολιτοφυλακές με ένα μήνυμα που άφησαν στο αυτοκίνητό του, που το έσπασαν. Είναι η δεύτερη φορά, μετά το 2020, που ο Ρισβάνογλου, αντιμετωπίζει απειλές κατά της ζωής του. Υπήρξε παλαιότερα υποψήφιος δήμαρχος ενός συνασπισμού σοσιαλιστικών και κουρδικών δυνάμεων στην πόλη του, τα Άδανα, σταθερός μαχητής και ως δικηγόρος και ως αγωνιστής, για τα δικαιώματα της εργατικής τάξης, υπερασπιστής του Κουρδικού λαού και του Παλαιστινιακού λαού, ενάντια στον ιμπεριαλισμό, για το σοσιαλισμό.
Το παρακάτω κείμενο είναι της αδελφής οργάνωσης του ΕΕΚ, DIP. Το ΕΕΚ, από την Ελλάδα, στέκεται στο πλευρό το συντρόφου Σιάρ Ρισβάνογλου και του DIP. Κάτω τα χέρια από τον σύντροφό μας Ρισβάνογλου. Διεθνής και διεθνιστική πάλη για το τσάκισμα του φασισμού και του Ιμπεριαλισμού.

November 16, 2024

Siyasi məzmunlu məhkəmələrdə irəli çıxan, inqilabçıların, kürdlərin, qadınların, fəhlələrin, məzlumların vəkili, İnqilabçı Fəhlə Partiyasının (türkcə “Devrimci İşçi Partisi”) üzvü, yoldaşımız Şiar Rişvanoğlu dünən (16 oktyabr) axşam saatlarında avtomobilinin üzərinə qoyulan bir qeydlə bir daha hədə-qorxuya məruz qalıb. 2020-ci ildə də hüquq bürosunun pəncərəsi qırılmış, təcavüzkarlar içəri hədələmə məzmunlu məktub atmışdılar. Adana Vəkillər Kollegiyası Ümumi Yığıncağından sonra yoldaşımızın avtomobilinə zərər verilib və maşının pəncərəsinə Türk İntiqam Briqadası imzalı bir hədə-qorxu mesajı qoyulub. Türkiyə faşizminə yaraşan bu qorxaq və alçaq təhdid qarşısında yoldaşımızın yanındayıq!

November 16, 2024

A member of the Revolutionary Workers Party in Turkey (DIP), Şiar Rişvanoğlu has been threatened by fascist militias with a message left on his car. This is the second occasion after 2020 that Rişvanoğlu, once the municipal candidate of a coalition of socialist and Kurdish forces in his city, Adana, and a relentless fighter of anti-imperialist and socialist causes, both as a lawyer and militant, faces threats against his life. The following text is fundamentally based on the communiqué in Turkish published by the DIP’s Central Committee immediately after this threat.

November 16, 2024

Siyasi davalarda öne çıkan, devrimcilerin, Kürtlerin, kadınların, işçilerin, ezilenlerin avukatı, Devrimci İşçi Partisi üyesi Şiar Rişvanoğlu yoldaşımız, dün (16 Ekim) akşam saatlerinde aracına bırakılan bir notla bir kez daha tehdit edildi. 2020 yılında da avukatlık ofisinin camı kırılmış, saldırganlar içeriye bir tehdit mektubu atmıştı. Bu kez de Adana Barosu Genel Kurulu’nun ardından yoldaşımızın aracına zarar verildi ve aracın camına Türk İntikam Tugayı imzalı bir tehdit mesajı iliştirildi. Türkiye faşizmine yakışan bu korkakça ve alçakça tehdit karşısında yoldaşımızın yanındayız!

Russian Party of Communists
November 6, 2024

We are publishing here issue No.4-5 for the year 2024 (Issue No. 160-161) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).

Association Soviet Union
October 1, 2024

We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 3 (22) for 2024 of Советское Возрождение, Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance, Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.

Association Soviet Union
September 22, 2024

The course of the SMO, i.e., the "special military operation", for almost 3 years has irrefutably proved that, in the words of Sergei S. Udaltsov, the Vlasovites will not defeat the Banderovites. Russian media almost daily report on various kinds of shortages and other "omissions" in the war zone and in the rear, the qualitative and quantitative diversity of which is staggering and, as various political scientists and experts say, raises at least natural questions.

Association Soviet Union
September 22, 2024

Ход СВО в течение уже почти 3 лет неопровержимо доказал, что, по выражению, С. С. Удальцова, власовцам не победить бандеровцев. Российские СМИ почти каждодневно сообщают о разного рода нехватках, и других «упущениях» в зоне боевых действий и в тылу, качественное и количественное разнообразие которых ошеломляет и, как говорят разного рода политологи и эксперты, вызывает, по меньшей мере, естественные вопросы.
