The right wing New Democracy won in the Greek elections on June 17 a pyrrhic victory, with a very narrow lead from the second party, the reformist SYRIZA: the Right got around 30 per cent( not permitting to form a majority government by itself alone) and the reformist Left around 27 per cent ( from 17 per cent on May 6). This extremely limited and non inspiring “success” of the Right came despite a gigantic international and national campaign of intimidation of the Greek people and in favor of New Democracy, waged by all international and national bourgeois media as well as by the IMF and Lagarde, Merkel’s and Shäuble’s Germany, Baroso, Oli Ren and the EU Commision, Junker, the chairman of the Eurogroup, even by Obama himself and his Administration. Although the pro-Memorandum parties (New Democracy, PASOK, the liberal Democratic Left) can form a coalition government supported by a parliamentary majority (thanks also of the anti-democratic electoral law giving to the first party as a bonus 50 seats), the majority of the voters themselves have voted anti-Memorandum parties.
The working class and popular masses of all the over-indebted capitalist countries, arrogantly named as “PIGS” by the global finance capital and the imperialist chancelleries, are now in an uncontrollable rebellion. A tsunami of popular anger against the EU and the IMF imposed measures of social cannibalism is engulfing the entire Southern Europe. The last few days, hundreds of thousands of workers are flooding the streets and the squares, from Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona, to Athens, and then Rome.
أردوغان، لا تكن درعا للارهاب الصهيوني!
Siyonist İsrail devletinin Gazze’ye yaklaşık on gündür yönelttiği saldırı, ilan edilen ateşkesle şimdilik kesildi. Ancak sorunlar yerli yerinde duruyor, gelecek için bir tehdit oluşturuyor. Türkiye’nin ve Arap ülkelerinin halkları sorunun aslını kavrayarak Siyonist İsrail’e karşı daha aktif tavır almalı, kendi devletlerinin ikiyüzlü politikalarını reddetmelidirler.
The aggression by the Zionist Israeli state on Gaza that lasted for ten days has, for the moment, been stopped as a result of a cease-fire. However, underlying problem have not gone away and pose threats for the future. The peoples of Turkey and of the Arab countries should grasp the essence of the problem, adopt a more active stand against Zionist Israel and reject the hypocrisy of their own governments.
The Revolutionary Workers’ Party salute the ‘Middle East Conference’ organized by The People’s Democratic Congress. We salute all the Arab revolutionaries who have come to Turkey to attend the conference.
Since the beginning of 2011 when the first sparks of the Arab revolution were witnessed in Tunisia, our Party has endeavoured to forewarn the working class movement and socialists in Turkey and our fellow Kurdish people that a process of revolution had started in our region with international repercussions.
Aşağıdaki bildiri Mısır Cumhurbaşkanı Muhammed Mursi’nin AKP Kongresi’ne davet edilmesi vesilesiyle Devrimci İşçi Partisi tarafından Mısır’ın devrimci halkına yapılmış bir çağrıdır. Çağrının orijinali İngilizce olarak kaleme alınmıştır. Buradaki metin İngilizce metnin çevirisidir.
The Revolutionary Workers Party of Turkey (DIP) calls on the revolutionary people of Egypt and its organisations to create channels through which we can communicate, cooperate, conduct joint activity, and condemn this new initiative to bring the two countries together under conservative and collaborationist governments. Yes, Egypt and Turkey should no doubt join hands in fraternity. But what for? Not to serve the interests of the capitalist classes of the two countries or side with imperialism against oppressed nations or reconcile with Zionism. No, the interest of the working classes and the poor of the two countries requires that they cooperate with a view to establishing a new revolutionary order in the Middle East.
La lucha entre el régimen Baath de Beshar el Assad y las masas populares de la ciudad y el campo en Siria, que comenzó el 15 de marzo de 2011, parece haber agotado a ambos bandos en su ferocidad, prometiendo una victoria inminente a una tercera fuerza que ha sido cuidadosamente diseñada, apoyada y armada por las fuerzas internacionales de la contrarrevolución. Esta tercera fuerza es una coalición burguesa compuesta por diferentes tendencias políticas, incluyendo a políticos burgueses pro-imperialistas en el exilio que esperan su oportunidad, movimientos musulmanes suníes de diversa índole, entre los que sobresale la Hermandad Musulmana, representantes directos de varios sectores de la burguesía siria y desertores del ejército sirio. Las fuerzas de la contrarrevolución internacional, compuestas principalmente por el imperialismo -ante todo el norteamericano, por supuesto-, la reacción árabe suní liderada por Arabia Saudita, Qatar y Turquía (Israel ha mantenido un increíble bajo perfil) parecen estar cerca del éxito en su gran objetivo de desviar el levantamiento de las masas populares –una expresión auténtica de la revolución árabe- hacia un movimiento pro-imperialista “...
Aşağıdaki yazı, önce Arjantin’deki kardeş partimiz Partido Obrero’nun (İşçi Partisi-PO) gazetesi Prensa Obrera’nın 2 Ağustos 2012 tarihli 1233. sayısında İspanyolca olarak ( , daha sonra da Kanada’da bir sosyalist internet sitesi olan “Socialist Project”te 7 Ağustos günü İngilizce olarak ( yayınlanmıştır. Yazı, her ne kadar dünyanın Ortadoğu’yu bizim kadar yakından izlemeye olanağı olmayan bölgeleri için kaleme alınmış olsa da, Devrimci İşçi Partisi’nin ve Gerçek gazetesinin Suriye olaylarının en başından bu yana yapmakta olduğu çok kapsamlı analizi tek bir yazının sınırları içinde özetliyor ve günümüzde ulaşılan noktaya ilişkin tespitler içeriyor olması dolayısıyla Türkçe’de yayınlanmasının da anlamlı olacağını düşündük. Ortadoğu’ya uzak yabancı okuyucular için verilmiş olan, Türkiye’deki okuyucu için gereksiz bilgilerin ayıklanmasına rağmen yazı yine de Türkçe yazılmış olsaydı bazı yerleri farklı...
The article below was first published in Spanish in the Prensa Obrera No. 1233 of 2 August 2012, paper of the Partido Obrero of Argentina ( It was also published in English on the web site “Socialist Project” of Canada ( on 7 August 2012.