More than five months have passed since the beginning of Russia's "Special Military Operation" in Ukraine, and much has become obvious. In particular, it becomes clear that, contrary to some initial forecasts, the war will be long. However, much remains hidden, incomprehensible and, as the invited experts and the presenters themselves express themselves politically correctly in Russian radio and television broadcasts raises questions. So, no one undertakes to predict when and how the war in Ukraine will end. The only thing that is clear to everyone is that the war will not end until one of the parties suffers defeat in it. In the Russian media, it is repeated daily as a spell that a special operation can and should end only with victory. Western media politicians openly talk about the necessity of Russia's defeat as a strategic task and goal. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrel said that the situation in Ukraine should be resolved on the battlefield, not through diplomacy (1). US President Joe Biden, at a press conference in Israel, said about Washington's efforts to defeat Russia and that "the Russian special operation must end in strategic failure." Therefore, Washington will continue its course on financial and military assistance to Kiev and increased economic pressure against Russia (2). A map of the dismemberment of Russia has already been prepared (3).
For this reason, and not for any other reason, the United States and its NATO allies are increasing arms supplies to Ukraine, which already include heavy military equipment designed for offensive, not defense, multiple launch rocket systems and long-range artillery, hitting not only the territory of Donbass, but also Kharkiv, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, destroying hospitals, kindergartens, residential buildings, transport and industrial infrastructure, killing civilians daily, including women and children. Thus, as stated by the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, the United States and the EU countries have become complicit in the war crimes of the Kiev regime (4).
For this reason, the United States and its satellites imposed more and more economical and other sanctions against Russia, seeking to cause insurmountable economic difficulties, including food, a sharp decline in the standard of living of the bulk of the population, and, as a result, a change or complete elimination of political power in Moscow.
Thus, all the actions of the United States and its allies confirm the conclusion that they are waging a so-called proxy war against Russia, the purpose of which is its destruction as a state and the dismemberment of the country into parts, in fact, into colonies or protectorates. This was indicated in the first statement of the Association "Soviet Union": “The forced entry of Russian troops into Ukraine is the result of a long-term special operation by the United States and NATO, the purpose of which is to create such a situation in Ukraine and other post-Soviet countries when Putin will have only one choice: either to do what he did or to be defeated, with all the consequences that follow for Russia. … If Russia's special operation ends in failure, it will be a disaster for Russia. At best, after the well-known events similar to the Ukrainian ones of 2014, the Belarusian ones of last year, etc., a "democratic regime" will be established in Russia, which will very soon ban all communist and even pseudo-communist parties since communism is in principle incompatible with Western democracy. Then, or even immediately, there will be a long-planned and planned dismemberment of the country according to the Yugoslav version. The fragments of the country will be subordinated, and in the long term they will be absorbed into the European Union to the Urals. Some Japanese-American "Far Eastern Republic" will be formed beyond the Urals”. (5). Therefore, in the Declaration of the International Anti-War Conference of the International Socialist Center "Christian Rakovsky", held online on June 25-26 (6), the first of 14 is the slogan "Not a single penny, bullet or soldier for NATO’s war!", and also calls for the international struggle of workers for “the dissolution of NATO and the dismantling of US bases all over the world!” (7).
It would seem unexpected and paradoxical, but from the very beginning of the war, the United States and the European Union have had and still have a reliable and active ally on the left side of the political spectrum. Some national and international leftists, in particular the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), condemn "Putin's aggression" and its Stalinist-"Trotskyist" accomplices, including participants of the conference on June 25-26, for solidarity with a certain "Ukrainian national resistance" and for the fight against two opposing imperialisms – the United States and the European Union, on the one hand, Russia and China on the other hand. In a special statement, the international secretary of the RCIT (IC RCIT) stated that "the purpose of the conference was to rally support for Russian imperialism" and that "The Putinist character of this Stalino-“Trotskyist” conference is quite evident if one looks at the statements of these forces published ahead of the conference" (8).
Verbose quotations are given as evidence of these and other statements, and not from the reports made at the conference but from the texts of the conference organizers published before it began. Quotes are accompanied by comments and conclusions, which, however, do not follow from these "confirming" quotes at all! Perhaps the most revealing is the use of a quote from the statement of the Christian Rakovsky Center “Mobilize to stop the imperialist drive towards world war and nuclear annihilation!!” (9): “It is the NATO leadership, in particular, the United States and Britain, that are causing the death and destruction of the Ukrainian people”. This quote is immediately followed by a statement in the form of a question: “How could we ever have imagined naively that it is Russian bombs which are killing the Ukrainians?!”. There is no evidence that "it is Russian bombs that are killing Ukrainians," including links to any publications with facts and photos of those killed. There are not a single link to publications, including Internet publications, with facts and photos of crimes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Ukrainian military nationalist formations, in particular, "Azov" in Mariupol.
The same technique – combining a quote with a statement opposite to it in meaning is used repeatedly. From the last June statement of the Association "Soviet Union" (ACC) ", Once again about the defeat and victory in the war in Ukraine" (10), a warning is given: “So the withdrawal of Russian troops would lead not only to reprisals against the people of Donbass, who did not recognize the fascist coup in 2014 but also against residents of territories already liberated by Russian troops for their active and passive cooperation with these troops.” It is not refuted but is preceded by the phrase, «Another of the Russian co-organizers also rejects explicitly the call for the retreat of Russian troops», which is preceded by the statement: “It is exactly such a policy of pro-Russian social-imperialism on PO, EEK and DIP which constitutes the political basis of their alliance with the OKP since several years!”
The IC RCIT claims that in the ASU statement, the war is allegedly seen as a great opportunity to push the ruling class of Russia to carry out pre-socialist and socialist transformations, citing the following quotes from this statement: “Finally, in Russia itself and in the liberated territories, left-wing parties and workers must seek to force the authorities to carry out pre-socialist and socialist transformations as far as possible, as was stated in the same Statement of the Association "Soviet Union"; “Obviously, the main task is to prevent the capitalist center from establishing its hegemony throughout the world and transforming the countries of the capitalist periphery and socialist countries into its factual colonies. Therefore, it is necessary such universal and all–round support of Russia, especially of the working people and their political parties, which will contribute - upon completion of the "special military operation" - to forcing the Russian ruling classes to carry out such transformations in Russia and Ukraine, the result of which will be the creation of prerequisites and conditions for the restoration of Soviet socialism and the USSR.” But the quoted quotes do not at all confirm the statements of the IC of the RCIT that the ASU considers Putin's regime “as “objectively” a pioneer of the country’s transformation towards socialism” and that the quoted part of the ASU statement is a “caricature of Marxism” and “a mockery of elementary reason!” For some reason, the IC of the RCIT does not see the obvious discrepancy between the meaning of the quotes and his own peremptory statements. In the first quote, he did not notice the words "as far as possible" and, more importantly, the word " force". Force is not exactly the same as pushing, or rather, not at all. To force means to deliberately and purposefully force the Russian authorities to create only the prerequisites and conditions for socialist transformation, and not to transform the country into a socialist one, and to transform only as much as possible. It follows from the second quote that such force will be possible after the completion of the "special military operation", although it should be recognized that it is partially possible and necessary already now, during its course.
Then the IC of the RCIT makes a generalizing conclusion: “these Stalinists view the ultra-reactionary and Great Russian chauvinist Putin regime, which is closely aligned with the monopoly-capitalist oligarchs, … as “objectively” a pioneer of the country’s transformation towards socialism! What a caricature of Marxism, what a mockery of elementary reason!”
What is "not a caricature of Marxism", but RCIT Marxism, can be seen in the section “Authentic socialists defend Ukraine and oppose both imperialist camps!” At its very beginning, it is stated: “the RCIT and all authentic socialists recognize that the current conflict has a dual character – Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as well as the escalating tensions between the imperialist Great Powers”. An extensive quotation from the RCIT Manifesto (11) is provided to clarify this statement. The key in the Manifesto is the following paragraph: “The Russian invasion in Ukraine is the result of the imperialist character of Russia as well as the escalation of tensions between the Great Powers in East and West. Therefore, the resistance of the Ukrainian people is a just war of defense against an imperialist attack. At the same time, the Western imperialist powers try to utilize this war for their own interests. The ruling class in the European Union and the U.S. exploit the war as a pretext to accelerate militarism and armament. They try to utilize Zelensky – a willing lackey of U.S. and EU imperialism – in order to transform the just struggle of the Ukrainian people into a proxy war.” In the last sentence of this paragraph, the IC of the RCIT actually acknowledges that the US and the EU are waging a proxy war in Ukraine, i.e. repeats the conclusion of the conference participants criticized by him. He also admits that Zelensky is just a willing servant of US and EU imperialism. But then, the AFU is also an instrument of US and EU imperialism, which once again confirms that US and EU imperialism is waging a proxy war in Ukraine. Thus, the IC of the RCIT brilliantly refuted himself and all his criticism in one phrase! At the same time, he contradicts himself: if the Ukrainian people are fighting a fair fight, then Zelensky and the AFU cannot be an instrument of US and EU imperialism. If they are still such a tool, the struggle of the Ukrainian people cannot be fair. Then unfortunately, the Ukrainian people are also an instrument of US and EU imperialism. But if the Ukrainian people are not an instrument and are an independent political entity, they must fight simultaneously with two imperialisms – Russian and US and EU imperialism, as well as with their president, elected in 2019, and with their own Armed Forces. But there are no reports of such a struggle either in the Western, Russian, or any other media and on the RCIT website!
The above quote from the manifesto of CRETE is the basis for the main conclusion of “Such recognition of the complex character of the current conflict is the basis for advocating a dual tactic. Hence, the RCIT views the national war of defence of the Ukrainian people as progressive and legitimate. We, therefore, support their resistance against the invasion of imperialist Russia. At the same time, we also recognize the reactionary character of the inter-imperialist rivalry between the Great Powers. In this conflict, socialists oppose both camps – Russia as well as NATO.”
From the main conclusion of the IC of the RCIT the corresponding two slogans follow:
“Defend Ukraine! Defeat Russian imperialism! International workers and popular solidarity with the Ukrainian national resistance – independent of any imperialist influence!
Down with all imperialist powers – NATO and EU as well as Russia! In all conflicts between these powers, revolutionaries oppose both camps!”
By putting these two slogans together, the IC of the RCIT has exposed itself again. In fact, he put the victory over "Russian imperialism" in the first place. In addition, "imperialist Russia" is repeated in the second slogan. What the struggle against both imperialist camps should consist of in the situation of the war in Ukraine remains unclear. But it is clear that, first of all, the RCIT and its international secretary have waged and are waging a struggle against “Russian imperialism” together with the imperialism of the United States and the European Union, together with the fascist Ukrainian regime. The proclaimed solidarity of the RCIT with the Ukrainian national resistance turns out, in this case, to be just profanity, empty words, if only because such resistance does not exist. In fact, this solidarity means solidarity with the Ukrainian reactionary criminal regime and the imperialism of the USA and the EU, which, by the way, the Secretary General of the RCIT does not call either reactionary or criminal.
In conclusion, the IC of the RCIT actually proclaims another third slogan, which in fact is the main one: “Defending such an internationalist and anti-imperialist line also includes the task to fight against the poising ideas of Stalinism and Pseudo-Trotskyism which betray the oppressed people and support one of the imperialist camps!” The task of the RCIT and its secretary is to fight the so-called Stalinist-Trotskyist alliance, and the phrases about the struggle against both imperialist camps are just a distraction and a smoke screen. It is this struggle that RCIT has been engaged in for a long time, as evidenced by the many RCIT documents referenced by the IC of the RCIT. In addition, his criticism of the Conference Declaration is also a confirmation. (12). He repeats his thesis about “a shameful alliance of Stalinist and pseudo-Trotskyist parties organised an international conference on 25/26 June calling for the support of Russia in the Ukraine War”, and his statement that declaration of the conference “fully confirms our characterisation of the conference as a Putinista festival.” But most of his criticism is devoted to two of its participants - Artem Kirpichenko, a representative of the Russian section of Alan Woods’s IMT and Christos Nomidis from the Greek organization OKDE-Spartakos. What is their fault according to the IC of the RCIT? Their fault, especially of the first one, is that they did not condemn the "Russian aggression", whereas «it is the utmost duty of every socialist – and in particular of every Russian socialist! – to condemn Russian imperialism and its barbarous foreign policy!!». After all, it is not the Ukrainian Armed Forces and national military formations at all, but the Russian army “slaughters thousands of people". Repeating this lie of the imperialist propaganda of the USA and the EU and their obedient servant Zelensky, the IC of the RCIT states: “it is impermissible for socialists, for internationalists, for anti-imperialists, to lend any kind of credibility to such a disgraceful Putinista event by participating as a speaker!” In conclusion, he repeats his former main appeal: “Socialists rather have to speak out in solidarity with Ukraine’s national war of defence against Putin’s invasion while opposing both Russian as well as Western imperialism!” As one can see, in this appeal, “Russian imperialism” is again in the first place, and the Western one is mentioned only so that the reader does not suspect that the IC of the RCIT and the RCIT are a "revolutionary" instrument of this imperialism.
Association "Soviet Union"
August 3, 2022
1. Barrel wished the military defeat of the Russian Federation in Ukraine // https://regnum.ru/news/3560134.html 09.04.2022
2. Biden holds a press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j83wUuVrcjA; Biden said that Russia's special operation should end in a strategic failure // https://lenta.ru/news/2022/07/14/svo_never_fail/
3. Soldo, Nicccolo. Delusion // https://niccolo.substack.com/p/delusion 22.06.2022.; Lebedeva Olga. The US government's plan to divide Russia into small states has been unveiled // https://www.pravda.ru/world/1722726-po_razdeleniju_rossii/ 28.06.2022.
4. Zakharova accused NATO countries of participating in war crimes in Ukraine // https://lenta.ru/news/2022/03/05/zakh_nato/; The Foreign Ministry announced the responsibility of the European Union for war crimes in Ukraine // https://lenta.ru/news/2022/07/25/otvetstvennost/
5. About the tragedy of the peoples of Ukraine and Russia and their socialist tomorrow! // http://redmed.org/ru/article/o-tragedii-narodov-ukrainy-i-rossii-i-ih-so... 05.03.2022.
6. Rakovsky Center and RedMed, Emergency International Anti-War Conference, Session 1-5. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk18xZNeINUtwJH4JGOlAZDa5azs2i_OT 08.07.2022.
7. Emergency International Anti-War Conference issues its “International Anti-Imperialist and Anti-War Declaration” // http://redmed.org/article/emergency-international-anti-war-conference-issues-its-international-anti-imperialist-and 11.07.2022.
8. Ukraine War: Stalino-“Trotskyist” Chamber of Horrors // https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/stalino-trotskyist-chamber-of-horrors/#anker_2 29.06.2022.
9. Мобилизуйтесь, чтобы остановить империалистический драйв навстречу мировой войне и ядерному взаимоуничтожению! Statement by the International Socialist Center Christan Rakovsky, RedMed Web Network, DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party, Turkey), EEK (Workers Revolutionary Party, Greece), RPK (Russian Party of Communists, Russia), OKP (United Communist Party, Russia), ASU (Association Soviet Union, Russia), MTL (Marxist Workers League, Finland), ROR (Renaissance Ouvrière Révolutionnaire, France), June 24, 2022, http://redmed.org/article/mobilize-stop-imperialist-drive-towards-world-war-and-nuclear-annihilation
10. Once again about the defeat and victory in the war in Ukraine (About the statements of some left-wing parties) June 23, 2022, http://redmed.org/ru/article/eshche-raz-o-porazhenii-i-pobede-v-voyne-na-ukraine-o-zayavleniyah-nekotoryh-levyh-partiy
11. Ukraine War: A Turning Point of World Historic Significance. Socialists must combine the revolutionary defense of Ukraine against Putin’s invasion with the internationalist struggle against Russian as well as NATO and EU imperialism. Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 1 March 2022. https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/manifesto-ukraine-war-a-turning-point-of-world-historic-significance/#anker_6
12. Ukraine War: The Outcome of the Stalino-“Trotskyist” Conference // https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/ukraine-war-outcome-of-stalino-trotskyist-conference/#anker_2