To the metalworkers of the Birlesik* trade union,
Dear comrades, we want to express our support and militant solidarity to your strike. Your courageous prolonged struggle is a brilliant example for the entire working class and it must be sustained not only with words, but also with the political and economic direct support by every trade union center of the European countries.
It's necessary to extend your struggle, turning it into a general struggle against the bourgeois e their governments in every European country, to do so that the effects of the economic crisis will not be further suffered by the the working class. It will be possible only by concentrating the European proletariates's forces on a unifying platform of revendications which will be able to make all the exploited masses raise their heads.
We are militant of letf-wing classist tendence in CGIL “Il sindacato è un'altra cosa” (“The trade union is something else”), and we strives in order that CGIL undertake a general prolonged struggle in our country, in a context of wider struggle in Europe, because we think that only the class unity will lead to the Victory.
We hope your strike will kindle the stark of the conflict revival.
A hearty embrace and brotherly greetings
The comrades of the Venetian CGIL
Francesco Doro: member of the Central Committee FIOM CGIL; member of the National Coordination of the classist area in CGIL“Il sindacato è un'altra cosa”; workers' representative in Officine Carraro (Padova)
Donatella Ascoli: member of the Regional Confederal Directive Committee FILCAMS
CGIL Veneto; member of the Provincial Directive Committee FILCAMS CGIL Venezia;
workers' representative in the Musei Civici Veneziani (Venezia)
Enrico Pellegrini: member of the Provincial Confederal Directive Committee CGIL
Venezia; member of the Regional Directive Committee FILCAMS CGIL Veneto; workers'
representative in the Musei Civici Veneziani (Venezia)
Antonino Marceca: member of the Regional Directive Committee FP CGIL Veneto; member
of the National Coordination of the classist area “Il sindacato è un'altra cosa” in the FP
Stefano Fontana: member of the National Assembly of FIOM CGIL; member of the
Provincial Directive Committee FIOM CGIL Venezia; workers' representative in Fincantieri
(Marghera -Venezia-);
Stefano d'Intinosante: member of the Provincial Confederal Directive Committee CGIL
Treviso; member of the Provincial Directive Committee FIOM CGIL Treviso; worker's
representative in Somec S.P.A. (Conegliano -Treviso-)
*Birleşik Metal İşçileri Sendikası (United Metalworkers Union), affiliated to the confederation DISK, is known in international union circles as "Birlesik" (United) for short.