Сессия I: (14:00-18:45 с двумя 15-минутными перерывами)
Модератор: Сунгур Савран (Председатель, DIP, Турция)
Докладчик, Политическая принадлежность, Страна
1) Основной доклад: Савас Михаэль-Матсас (Генеральный секретарь EEK, Греция), от имени Раковского
2) Левент Долек (заместитель председателя, DIP, Турция), от имени RedMed
3) Алексей Албу (Боротьба, Украина)
4) Юрий Шахин (Против течения, Украина)
As a stream of new participants are added each day, we now have a new program. Of course, the bulk of the program published yesterday is still valid. But we have newly added names from Italy, Iran, Algeria, Greece, Cyprus and Turkey. We hope that this program will be the final version.
Mobilize to stop the imperialist drive towards world war and nuclear annihilation!
War against imperialist war in Ukraine! Not expansion but dissolution of NATO!
Down with capitalist restoration, for Socialism! For a new Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of free and equal peoples, without oligarchs, capitalists or bureaucrats, from Lisbon to Vladivostok!
The Emergency International Anti-War Conference organised by the International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky and the web network RedMed is opening on Saturday, 25 June and will go on over the weekend of 25-26 June. This is an online conference that brings together parties, organisations and individual fighters from two-dozen countries, with more than 45 speakers from Europe, the Middle East, North and South America, Africa and Australasia.
La base de l'évaluation de la guerre en Ukraine pour tout marxiste est naturellement et nécessairement une caractéristique du capitalisme moderne et de ses contradictions, ainsi que du socialisme moderne et de ses contradictions.
Основой оценки войны на Украине для любого марксиста естественно и обязательно является характеристика современного капитализма и его противоречий, а также современного социализма и его противоречий.
The basis for evaluation of the war in Ukraine for any Marxist is naturally and necessarily a characteristic of modern capitalism and its contradictions, as well as modern socialism and its contradictions.
We appeal to the Ukrainian working people and their vanguard - the communist and progressive left, wherever they are: Comrades! There is a long and difficult road ahead. In the conditions of the agony of the Kyiv regime and rampant repressive terror, we urge you to be vigilant, to protect your comrades from the arbitrariness of the Ukrainian security forces and Nazi formations.
The Emergency International Anti-Imperialist Conference organised by the International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky and RedMed is taking place this weekend. It will be hosted online by two member organisations of the Rakovsky Center, the EEK of Greece (Workers Revolutionary Party) and the DIP of Turkey (Revolutionary Workers Party).
Η ακόρεστη ορμή του ιμπεριαλιστικού-καπιταλιστικού συστήματος για επέκταση, ειδικά στις παρούσες συνθήκες μιας δραματικά επιδεινούμενης παγκόσμιας κρίσης, βρίσκει το αντίστοιχό της στις ατέρμονες προσπάθειες του ΝΑΤΟ να επεκτείνει την παρουσία του σε όλο και νεότερες χώρες. Μετά την εισδοχή των 14 χωρών της Κεντρικής και Ανατολικής Ευρώπης και των Βαλκανίων μεταξύ 1999 και 2020, τώρα είναι η σειρά της Σουηδίας και της Φινλανδίας για ένταξη στο ΝΑΤΟ!
Mısır’da Müslüman Kardeşler iktidarının ABD-İsrail-Suud eksenli bir darbe ile devrilmesinin ardından Erdoğan ünlü "rabia" (Arapça anlamıyla "dördüncü") işaretini piyasaya sürmüştü. Bu işaret, en başta Mısır’ın yeni diktatörü Sisi’ye, ayrıca Türkiye’deki darbe girişiminin arkasındaki ABD’ye, Fettullah’ın işbirlikçisi olduğu söylenen Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (BAE) ve Suud’a, yeri geldiğinde de İsrail’e "kafa tutan" bir simge oluverdi. Gerçek gazetesi olarak istibdad rejiminin (halkımızın değil!)
In the wake of the US-Israel-Saudi orchestrated coup that removed the Muslim Brotherhood from power in Egypt, Erdoğan introduced his well-known “rabia” (meaning “the fourth” in Arabic) sign. This sign is meant to “defy” Sisi as the new dictator of Egypt, the US as the power behind the failed coup attempt in Turkey in 2016, Fethullah Gülen’s (an ally-turned-nemesis of Erdoğan) collaborators the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudis, and even Israel when needed. We, as the Gerçek newspaper, scraped off the gilding of this “defiance” towards the reactionary governments, Zionism and imperialism by Turkey’s despotic regime at every opportunity. While we take Erdoğan’s conflicts with some of the regimes in the region very seriously, we were never illusioned by his relationship with Zionism and imperialism and always warned our people. With the economic crisis of the last few years, the economic policies that only aim the survival of the despotic regime and NATO's war in Ukraine, Erdoğan quickly proved us right As the despotism chases dollars, the old “rabia” is nowhere to be found. And a new “rabia” replaced it: Israel, the UAE, Saudis and Egypt.
Emperyalist-kapitalist düzenin doymak bilmez genişleme hırsı, bilhassa günümüzün dramatik biçimde kötüleşen küresel kriz koşullarında NATO’nun sürekli yeni ülkelerde varlık gösterme çabasında ifadesini buluyor. 1999 ve 2020 arasında 14 Orta Avrupa, Doğu Avrupa ve Balkan ülkesinden sonra NATO’ya katılma sırası bu kez İsveç ve Finlandiya’ya geldi!
Bu gelişme, Ukrayna’daki savaşın bir uzantısıdır. Savaş, tüm dünyaya Rusya’nın bölgedeki hakimiyetini genişletme hırsının bir sonucu olarak gösterildi. Putin’in kendisi ise (daha önce Saddam Hüseyin’e ve Slobodan Miloševič’e yapıldığı gibi) Hitler’le dahi bir tutularak şeytanlaştırıldı. Sovyetler Birliği’nin yıkılmasının ve kapitalizmin yeniden tesisinin etkilerini derinden yaşayan Rusya, hâlâ Amerikan emperyalizminin parçalama ve sömürgeleştirme planlarının hedefi konumunda. Bu savaşın suçlusu Rusya değildir.
The world has entered a new era. The unprecedented challenges of the post 2008 ongoing global economic crisis, of the global pandemic shock, and the escalating geopolitical tensions now exploding in Ukraine reconfigure the world scene. The spiraling global crisis of capitalism led to extraordinary “heterodox” economic measures by central banks and governments, to trade wars and even to weaponization of finance and money without success. On the contrary, with every new leap of the crisis, catastrophe on top of catastrophe led humanity at the brink of the abyss. In this context, recently its was relaunched by Janet Yellen the idea for a new, Bretton Woods II international settlement adapted to the current US needs in the new world conditions of a capital globalization in terminal crisis. But is it feasible such a US hegemonic world project in the third decade of the 21st century?
Statement by DIP (Turkey), EEK (Greece), MTL (Finland)
Let us demolish the Southeastern flank of NATO in order to prevent the consolidation of the Northeastern flank and stop the drift towards World War III!
The regime’s media, “radio and television of the Islamic republic”, shows forced confessions, lies by saying that the dead person is a revolutionary guard killed by thugs, by fake street interviews that portray the life going on as normal. On the other hand, liberal opposition media outlets like BBC and Iran International continue being an enemy of the people and manipulate the events to their end. These show us that the only friends of Iranian people are the international working classes. The only liberation of the Iranian people is through the steps toward the world revolution. We salute those who paint the streets with their blood, those who fight against all odds, our martyrs. We salute the heroic teachers’ strike going on for weeks and demand the release of all arrested teachers. Long live the just struggle of the working classes, down with the enemies of the peoples!
Rejim medyası, "İslam cumhuriyeti radyo ve televizyonu", zorla uydurma itiraflar alarak, ölen kişinin aslında devrim muhafızı olduğunu ve "çapulcular" tarafından öldürülmüş olduğu yalanıyla ve sahte sokak röportajlarıyla, “aslında her şey çok güzel" imajı yaratmaya çalışıyor. BBC, İran International gibi liberal muhalefet medyası ise halk düşmanlığına devam edip kendi amaçları yönünde olanları manipüle ediyorlar. Bunlara dayanarak, bir kez daha görülüyor ki İran halkının uluslararası işçi sınıfı dışında yoldaşı yoktur. İran işçi sınıfının, ezilenlerin, yoksul ve işsizlerinin kurtuluşu sadece dünya devrimi yönünde atılan adımlardadır. Buradan sokakları kanlarıyla boyayan Kasım ayaklanmalarının şehitlerini, baskı altında her şeye rağmen mücadele edenleri selamlıyoruz. Haftalardır korkmaksızın haklarını talep eden İranlı öğretmenlerin grevini selamlıyoruz ve tutuklanan öğretmenlerin hemen salıverilmesini talep ediyoruz. Yaşasın işçi sınıfının haklı mücadelesi, kahrolsun halk düşmanları!
بهنام موسیوند از رفقای جوانِ سوسیالیست است که از ۲ سال پیش تنها به علت دفاع از حقوق طبقهی کارگر و نوشتن علیه سرکوبِ کارگران و فعالینِ کارگری در زندان است.
او همواره با صراحت مواضع سوسیالیستی خود را ابراز داشته و با جمهوری اسلامی و نیز جریانات پرو-امپریالیست مرزبندی کرده است. با اینوجود حکومت او را به تحمل ۵ سال زندان محکوم کرده است.
بهنام از ۲ سال پیش زندانی است. او در زندان هم سکوت نکرد و به دفاع از حقوق زندانيان پرداخت و با انتشار نامههایی خود را سوسیالیستی برخاسته از طبقهی کارگر نامید که حاضر است جان خود برای دفاع از آرمانهایاش فدا کند.
Behnam Musivend işçi sınıfının hakları için mücadele etmekten, işçilerin ve işçi sınıfı militanlarının maruz kaldığı baskıya karşı yazılar yazmaktan ötürü iki senedir hapiste tutuluyor.
O sosyalist kimliğini açıkça ortaya koymuş, hem İslami Cumhuriyet ve hem de emperyalist muhalefet ile arasındaki çizgileri kalınca çekmiş biri. Buna rağmen hükümet tarafından 5 sene hapisle cezalandırıldı.
Son iki senesini hapiste geçiren Behnam orada da sessiz kalmadı ve tutuklu hakları ve işçi sınıfı militanlığı konularında mektuplar yoluyla yazmaya devam etti. Bu sırada hapishanede işkence ve tacize maruz kaldı.
Behnam Moosivand is a young socialist militant who has been in prison for the past two years only for defending the rights of the working class and writing against the repression of workers and labor activists.
He has always openly stated his socialist positions and made his differences known with the Islamic Republic as well as the pro-imperialist currents. However, the government sentenced him to five years in prison. Behnam has been imprisoned for 2 years. He did not remain silent in prison either, defending the rights of prisoners, writing letters about his socialist militancy and the urgent need to defend the working classes.
جنگ علیه جنگ امپریالیستی در اوکراین! پیشروی نه، بلکه انحلال ناتو
مرگ بر احیاء دوباره ی سرمایه داری، پیش به سوی سوسیالیزم از لیزبون تا ولادی وستوک برای اتحاد جدید جمهوری های سوسیالیستی شوروی متشکل از مردمان آزاد و برابر، بدون الیگارش، سرمایه دار یا بروکرات
We are publishing here issue No.2 for the year 2022 (Issue No. 146) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
Mobilisez-vous pour arrêter la course impérialiste vers la guerre mondiale et l'annihilation nucléaire !
Guerre contre la guerre impérialiste en Ukraine ! Non à l'expansion de l'OTAN mais pour sa dissolution !
A bas la restauration capitaliste, pour le socialisme ! Pour une nouvelle Union des Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques de peuples libres et égaux, sans oligarques, capitalistes ou bureaucrates, de Lisbonne à Vladivostok !
Мобилизуйтесь, чтобы остановить империалистический драйв навстречу мировой войне и ядерному взаимоуничтожению!
Война против империалистической войны в Украине! Не расширение, а роспуск НАТО!
Долой капиталистическую реставрацию, за Социализм! За новый Союз Советских Социалистических Республик свободных и равных народов, без олигархов, капиталистов или бюрократов, от Лиссабона до Владивостока!
Dünya savaşı ve nükleer yok oluşa götüren emperyalist dayatmayı durdurmak için ileri!
Ukrayna’da emperyalist savaşa karşı savaş! NATO genişletilmesin, dağıtılsın!
Kapitalist restorasyona son, Sosyalizm için ileri! Lizbon’dan Vladivostok’a kadar oligarksız, kapitalistsiz, bürokratsız, özgür ve eşit halkların yeni Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği için ileri!
Mobilize to stop the imperialist drive towards world war and nuclear annihilation!
War against imperialist war in Ukraine! Not expansion but dissolution of NATO!
Down with capitalist restoration, for Socialism! For a new Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of free and equal peoples, without oligarchs, capitalists or bureaucrats, from Lisbon to Vladivostok!
Να κινητοποιηθούμε να σταματήσουμε την ιμπεριαλιστική πορεία προς τον παγκόσμιο πόλεμο και τον πυρηνικό αφανισμό!
Πόλεμος στον ιμπεριαλιστικό πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία! Όχι επέκταση αλλά διάλυση του ΝΑΤΟ!
Κάτω η καπιταλιστική παλινόρθωση, για τον Σοσιαλισμό! Για μια νέα Ένωση Σοβιετικών Σοσιαλιστικών Δημοκρατιών ελεύθερων και ίσων λαών, χωρίς ολιγάρχες, καπιταλιστές ή γραφειοκράτες, από τη Λισαβόνα ως το Βλαδιβοστόκ!
E. Macron a été élu président de la République à l’issue de ce second tour de l’élection présidentielle avec un peu moins de 10 million de voix (un gain de plus d’1 million de voix par rapport à 2017. Il devance M. Le Pen (un peu plus de 8 millions de voix et un gain de plus de 400 000 par rapport à 2017).
Cependant, l’abstention (26,3%) est l’une des plus haute enregistrée en France pour un tel scrutin. (28,4% en 2002 et 22,2% en 2017). Ce sont donc plus de 13 million d’électeurs et d’électrices qui se sont abstenus.
Only imperialist capital can and should be defeated in the war in Ukraine, generated by the objective and subjective contradictions of the world capitalist system, prepared and provoked by NATO led by the United States – no matter what national and supranational camouflage uniform it wears and under whatever national and supranational flags it participate in this war. The only collective and united winner in this war can and should be the working people of Ukraine and Russia, all former republics of the Soviet Union and former socialist countries of Europe, all capitalist countries of the world. The only way to achieve such a victory is to turn this war of capital against workers into a war of workers against capital, a "special operation for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine" into a "special operation for the re–Sovietization and re-socialization of Ukraine and Russia."
Seul le capital impérialiste peut et doit être vaincu dans la guerre en Ukraine, engendrée par les contradictions objectives et subjectives du système capitaliste mondial préparé et provoqué par l'OTAN dirigée par les États – Unis quel que soit l'uniforme de camouflage National et supranational qu'il porte et sous quels drapeaux nationaux et supranationaux il participe à cette guerre. Le seul gagnant collectif et Uni dans cette guerre peut et doit être le peuple ouvrier de l'Ukraine et de la Russie, de toutes les anciennes républiques de l'Union soviétique et des anciens pays socialistes d'Europe, de tous les pays capitalistes du monde. Le seul moyen d'obtenir une telle victoire est de transformer cette guerre du capital contre les travailleurs en une guerre des travailleurs contre le capital, une «opération spéciale de démilitarisation et de dénazification de l'Ukraine» en une «opération spéciale de resoviétisation et de resocialisation de l'Ukraine et de la Russie».
Потерпеть поражение в войне на Украине, порожденной объективными и субъективными противоречиями мировой капиталистической системы, подготовленной и спровоцированной НАТО во главе с США, может и должен только империалистический капитал – какую бы национальную и наднациональную камуфляжную форму он не носил и под какими бы национальными и наднациональными флагами он в этой войне не участвовал. Единственным коллективным и объединенным победителем в этой войне может и должен стать трудовой народ Украины и России, всех бывших республик Советского Союза и бывших социалистических стран Европы, всех капиталистических стран мира. Единственное средство достижения такой победы – превращение этой войны капитала против трудящихся в войну трудящихся против капитала, «спецоперации по демилитаризации и денацификации Украины» в «спецоперацию по ресоветизации и ресоциализации Украины и России».
With the onset of the war between Russia and Ukraine, a politics of “neutrality” has been commonly defended by the left, justified by a reference to Lenin and the politics of the Bolsheviks during the First World War. These references are mistaken. Russia cannot possibly be taken as an “imperialist” state on the basis of any Marxist framework and certainly not based on the perspective put forth by Lenin on imperialism. On the other hand, let us for a moment grant, for argument’s sake, that Russia is imperialist, the politics of “neutrality” would still be an erroneous course of action from the Leninist perspective. Revolutionary Marxism (a.k.a. Bolshevik-Leninism) analyzes each and every war by the principles based on the interests of the local and international working class, and not by abstract dogmatic criteria.
Last month, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at UIUC started a divestment campaign for the corporations that are complicit in human rights violations and that contribute to the Israeli military, US prisons and US immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The divestment campaign asked to divest from companies such as Caterpillar Inc., Elbit systems, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Aramark, which directly contribute to the occupation of Palestinian lands, criminalization of immigrants and people of color, and illegal labor in US prisons.
نتایج انتخابات اخیر ریاست جمهوری فرانسه موید گرانش سیاسی و فضای سنگین انتخابات می باشد. تهدید فاشیستی به نمایندگی مارین لوپن ان که ما ازآن بعنوان "طاعون آبی" یاد می کنیم – بر اساس نتایج اولیه انتخابات سایه به سایه امانوئل ماکرون را دنبال می کند. البته این وضعیت در مقایسه با سالهای 2002 و 2017 که FN (جبهه ملی، نام قدیمی RN، حزب مارین لوپن) به دور دوم رسیده بود کاملاْ متفاوت می باشد.دستگاه فاشیسیم و تفکر فاشیستی این بار با حمایت دو نامزد خود یعنی مارین لوپن و اریک زمور می خواهد به نیروی محرک خود در فرانسه استقرار ببخشد. طبق نظرنظرسنجیهای انجام گرفته ماکرون و لوپن ازشانس برابری برای کسب آراء برخوردار هستند . از این رو باید واقع بین بود و پنهان کردن حقیقت بی فایده است: فاشیسم در آستانه رسیدن به قدرت است.
Prezident seçkilərinin nəticələrinin müəyyənləşməsi ilə vəziyyətin mürəkkəbliyi öz təsdiqini tapdı. Seçkilərin birinci turunun nəticələrinə görə, Marin Le Pen və onun təmsil etdiyi – “mavi vəba” adlandırdığımız – faşist təhlükəsi Emmanuel Makronu yaxından izləyir. Bununla belə, hazırkı vəziyyət (Le Penin partiyası Milli Birliyin sələfi olan) Milli Cəbhənin seçkilərin ikinci turuna qaldığı 2002-ci və 2017-ci illərdəkindən kəskin şəkildə fərqlidir. Hazırda Marin Le Pen və Erik Zemmur kimi iki namizədi ilə faşizm Fransanın başlıca siyasi qüvvəsinə çevrilib. Sorğu anketlərinə görə, ikinci turda Makron və Le Penə səs vermək niyyətində olanların sayı başabaş gedir. Həqiqəti gizlətmək əbəsdir: faşizm hakimiyyətin kandarındadır.
With the results of the presidential elections, the gravity of the moment is confirmed. Marine Le Pen and the fascist threat she represents – that we call the “blue plague” – is closely following Emmanuel Macron according to the initial results of the elections. However, the situation is profoundly altered compared to 2002 and 2017, when the FN (National Front, the old name of the RN, Marine Le Pen’s party) had reached the second round. This time, with its two candidates, Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour, fascism establishes itself as the main political force in France. According to the polls, the voting intentions for Macron and Le Pen in the second tour are almost equal. It is useless to hide the truth: fascism is on the brink of power.
Cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimlerinin sonuçları ile birlikte içinde bulunduğumuz durumun vehameti de belirginleşmiş oldu. Seçimin ilk sonuçlarına göre Marine Le Pen ve onun temsil ettiği, bizim “mavi veba” dediğimiz faşist tehdit Emmanuel Macron’u çok yakından takip ediyor. Ancak bugünkü durum, 2002 ve 2017’de, Le Pen’in partisi RN’in öncülü olan Ulusal Cephe’nin (FN) seçimlerin ikinci turuna kalmasından oldukça farklı. Bugün Marine Le Pen ve Eric Zemmour gibi iki adayla birlikte faşizm Fransa’nın en büyük siyasi gücü haline gelmiş durumda. Anketlere göre ikinci turda Macron ve Le Pen’e oy vermeyi planlayanların sayısı başa baş gidiyor. Artık gerçeği saklamak anlamsız: faşizm iktidarın eşiğindedir.
Les résultats des présidentielles confirment la gravité de l’heure. Marine Le Pen, et la menace de peste bleu marine qu’elle représente vient juste après Emmanuel Macron selon les résultats initiaux. Cependant la situation est profondément altérée comparée à 2002 et à 2017, quand le FN (Front National, le nom ancien du RN) était présent au second tour. Cette fois-ci, avec ces deux candidats (Marine Le Pen et Eric Zemmour) apparaît comme le premier camp politique en France. Selon les sondages, les intentions de vote pour Macron et Le Pen sont presque à égalité. Il est inutile de cacher la vérité : le fascisme est aux portes du pouvoir.
En esquissant un bilan (incomplet, donc) du quinquennat Macron : (très bénéfique pour la bourgeoisie en générale et pour les plus riches en particulier, il est catastrophique pour la classe ouvrière et toutes les autres fractions de classes populaires), on ne peut que conclure que en 5 ans, Macron aura imposé les lois les plus réactionnaires, les plus anti-sociales, les plus anti-ouvrières que la France ait connue depuis 1940. Menteur, transgressif, pervers, illusionniste, Macron dresse lui-même un bilan très avantageux de son quinquennat. Lui (la bourgeoisie) et la population laborieuse de ce pays ne vivons pas sur la même planète.
We are proud to present to our readers Issue No. 1 (12) for 2022 of Советское Возрождение. Бюллетень Ассоциации «Советский Союз» or in English Soviet Renaissance. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union”.