RedMed and Christian Rakovsky International Socialist Center are proud to announce an upcoming international conference for the centenary of Lenin’s death. The conference will take place on 21 January 2024, that is to say, on the 100th anniversary of the passing away of Vladimir Ilich Lenin.
For all of us Lenin is a stalwart of communism. He is the chief architect of the October revolution and a major theoretician of Marxism in the 20th century. For some among us he is also a historic leader at the national level.
For these reasons and more, the International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky and the web network RedMed wish to commemorate Lenin on this most important anniversary with a conference titled “Lenin’s Legacy—100 Years On”. The conference is planned for 21 January 2024, Sunday, 15:00 Moscow and Istanbul time and 14:00 Athens time. It will be held online only. As the title also indicates we wish to raise not only the contributions that Lenin made to revolutionary theory and practice, but the relevance of his ideas to the events unfolding at this end of the first quarter of the 21st century
Let us add that, given the urgency of the situation on the field, we would like to take this opportunity to put forth the views of the Rakovsky Center on the question of Palestine in a “Special Session on Palestine”, to follow the Conference on Lenin’s Legacy.
Lenin’s Legacy 100 years on
Online conference organized by
International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky and RedMed web network
21 January 2024
(07:00 EST / 09:00 Sao Paulo / 13:00 CET / 14:00 Athens / 15:00 Moscow, St. Petersburg, Istanbul / 23:00 Melbourne)
Introductory session (40 minutes)
(Opening speeches on behalf of the Organizers)
Savas Mikhail-Matsas (Rakovsky), “Lenin for the Future”
Sungur Savran (RedMed), “Lenin’s Legacy Denied”
Guest speakers (30 minutes)
Osvaldo Coggiola (Brazil-Argentina), “From Lenin to Leninism”
Tamás Kráusz (Eszmélet - Hungary)
Documentary film by Viktor Tkachev, Chto Takoe Vozhdizm? (What is Leaderism?)
Lenin as leader of the Soviet Union (90 minutes)
Iosif Grigorovich Abramson (Russian Party of Communists-RPK)
Daria Mitina (United Communist Party-OKP)
Mikhail B. Konashev (Association ‘Soviet Union’-ASU)
Tatiana Filimonova (Russian National Library Plekhanov House) “‘Shaping’ of Socialism and the Proletarian Party”
David Epstein
Yuri Shakhin
Documentary film by Viktor Tkachev, Pamiat (Memory)
The view from Latin America (60 minutes)
Luiz Bernardo Murtinho Pericás (Brazil), “Caio Prado Júnior, Lenin and the Soviet Union”
Flo Menezes (Brazil), “Internationalism in Art”
Arlene Clemesha (Brazil), “Lenin and the Muslim Peoples of the East”
Edgardo Loguercio (Brazil), “Lenin’s Other Testament”
Frank Garcia Hernandez, (Comunistas - Cuba)
Jose Capitán, (Opción Obrera – Venezuela), “Lenin and the Genoa conference and Treaty of Rapallo”
Members and friends of the Rakovsky Centre (80 minutes)
Alex Mitchell-Judith White (Australia)
Dimitris Mizaras (MTL – Finland)
G. Bégéneix (ROR – France)
Latief Parker (South Africa)
Gian Franco Camboni (Sardegna Rossa - Italy)
Toni Marcó (Red Roja – Catalonia)
Levent Dölek (DIP – Turkey)
Ernesto Agelis/Mitrofanis Patsouras (EEK – Greece)
Azad Said (Azerbaijan)
Ali Rakhminov (Uzbekistan)
Discussion (30 minutes)
(End of Lenin Conference)
Special Session on Palestine (60 minutes)
Campagne unitaire pour la libération de Georges Abdallah
Abdallah Abdallah (Arab Red Aid – Lebanon)
Jeremy Lester (Scotland – Italy), “Memories for the Future: Life in Palestine Today and Children's Dreams for the Future”
Savas Mikhail-Matsas (EEK - Greece)
Burak Saygan (DIP - Turkey)
Kutlu Dâne (Friends of Palestine - Turkey)