The war between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh, which began "suddenly" on September 27 on the contact line between the armed forces of Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan, and which has been going on for more than a week with the official support to Azerbaijan by Turkey, has already claimed thousands of lives, including hundreds of lives of women and children, led to the destruction of houses, hospitals and schools, roads and other infrastructure. The call of Russia, the United States, and France "for the immediate and unconditional establishment of a ceasefire" on October 5, 2020, did not stop and could not stop military operations. Various statements by State, political, and public figures and organizations do not mention the true causes of this war and those responsible for it.
This war, like a number of other wars in the post-Soviet space, in Europe and other parts of the world, is actually organized and supported financially and by all other available means by the so-called "global capital," and primarily by American and European public and private structures and individuals, a number of oligarchic clans of these countries. The main and ultimate goal of all these wars was is a new partition of the world, the neocolonial "development" of the territories of former socialist countries, including the former Soviet republics, and so far formally independent countries that did not call themselves socialist, the establishment of a hidden or almost open protectorate regime in them. The main and final reason that allowed the outbreak of these wars was and is the criminal collapse of the USSR, the personal responsibility for initiating which lies primarily with Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Kravchuk, and Shushkevich.
Therefore, a genuine and lasting establishment of peace in Nagorno-Karabakh and throughout the world is possible only in the new socialist world, as a result of the reconstruction of the USSR in the former or in the new borders - from Lisbon to Tokyo, and from Tokyo to Washington. Therefore, the transformation of current capitalism in the "center" and in the "periphery," capitalism which carries death, human exploitation by man, and a permanent and a steadily growing economic and environmental crisis, with temporary recessions and recoveries, is the main and urgent task of all communists, the entire world proletariat, still skillfully dominated by capitalists, primarily by means the illusion of the "American dream," "European values" and nationalism.
The solution of this task can be achieved only as a result of the long and difficult struggle of the united proletariat of the capitalist "center" and capitalist "periphery," the existing socialist countries - China, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Nepal. But at the same time, the war in Nagorno-Karabakh should be stopped right now. Therefore, we demand:
- From the United States and the EU to stop the hidden incitement to war between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
- From the United States and the EU to stop any cooperation with Turkey before the end of hostilities, to stop any supply of weapons and advisers, including covert ones, to the war zone, and to finance any armed groups.
- From the United States and the EU to immediately impose sanctions against Turkey till the end of hostilities.
- From the EU, NATO, and Turkey to remove from the war zone all foreign militants, mercenaries, and any regular units of other countries. Hands off Armenia and Azerbaijan!
- From the United States and NATO to refuse to advance any armed forces, their units, and advisers beyond the borders of NATO countries, as well as to deploy any military bases outside these borders.
We call for:
- The peoples of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and other countries to fight for their interests, not for the interests of capitalists and their accomplices. We remind the peoples of Armenia and Azerbaijan that their fathers, together with Russian soldiers, defended the united Soviet Union against Nazis and collaborators.
- The peoples of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and other countries to create proletarian parties and in the form that is possible now, real people's power - the Councils of Workers' Deputies and the Military Revolutionary Committees, to hold referendums and early elections themselves, to take power into their own hands, where possible, by a clear order.
- All Russian workers to support their comrades in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and other countries fighting for peace.
Everything must be done to stop war and fascism, to prevent a fratricidal slaughter in Nagorno-Karabakh, hidden and open imperialist aggression against the peoples of Armenia and Azerbaijan, other peoples of the world, from whoever and in whatever form it emanates.
Association "Soviet Union"
October 7, 2020, St. Petersburg (Leningrad)