Akdeniz: Dünya devriminin yeni havzası!

The Mediterranean: new basin of world revolution!

البحر الأبيض: الحوض الجديد للثورة العالمية

مدیترانه: حوزه جدید انقلاب جهانی

Il Mediterraneo: nuovo bacino della rivoluzione mondiale!

Μεσόγειος: Νέα λεκάνη της παγκόσμιας επανάστασης!

Derya Sıpî: Deşta nû a şoreşa cihânê

Միջերկրական ծով: նոր ավազանում համաշխարհային հեղափոխության.

El Mediterráneo: Nueva cuenca de la revolución mundial!

La Méditerranée: nouveau bassin la révolution mondiale!

Mediterrâneo: bacia nova da revolução mundial!

From the post-Soviet present to the new Soviet future!

      (Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev next to him, Kirill Semyonovich Moskalenko slightly behind. April 12, 1961)


     During the "special military operation" (CFR), officials such as Dmitry Peskov and unofficial representatives of the modern Russian "ruling elite", its numerous and diverse propagandists have repeatedly stated that in order to win a complex and protracted political, military, economic and ideological confrontation with the "collective West" in the so-called hybrid war With Bandera's Ukraine, an attractive and inspiring image of Russia is needed for the citizens of the country and for the whole world. Indeed, such an image, sincere, authentic and truthful, is needed. However, as always, there is a problem with the search and construction of this image. It is clear why: it is impossible to create an image of the future from what has long been an obsolete historical past, which proved its complete inconsistency and worthlessness at the beginning of the 20th century. That is why we openly declare: leave the futile, obviously fruitless attempts and do not reinvent the "bicycle", straining beyond your intellectual and moral abilities. For a long time there has been a beautiful real image created in reality by generations of Soviet people, both those who have already passed away and those who still live proudly, especially the young ones, preserved and cleansed of slander and dirt, and its name is "The Land of Soviets"! Once again, the peoples of Russia, other former republics of the Soviet Union and the whole world do not and cannot have, in principle, as history has proved, first of all, for more than three post-Soviet decades, no other real, humane future except the Soviet socialist one!

     The country can and must rediscover social justice and humanity, become a beacon and model of comprehensive progress and genuine humanism. All that is required is to finally make the right choice, proven and confirmed by history, and break out of the post–Soviet exhausted and miserable present into a new heroic and beautiful truly bright future! The country and its citizens have every opportunity to confidently move forward along this path. The people will believe and support that political force and that political party or union of parties that proves its ability to follow this path, be the mind, honor and conscience of the modern era and become the vanguard of much-needed socialist transformations.


     The Association “Soviet Union” (ASU) has repeatedly appealed to the existing Russian communist and other left-wing parties and social movements to put aside all surmountable differences and, having shown political wisdom, will and perseverance, join forces to transform capitalist and plutocratic Russia into a socialist Russia. We repeat this call again. We need real intentions and actions, real progressive and steady progress along the socialist path. There's still a chance.


     The ACC is confident that in order for citizens to transform from a passive and indifferent "atomized" population (which politicians and political scientists sadly state and complain about) into the arbiters of their own destinies and the fate of the country, they need an incentive and a tool for such transformation, a means of transforming themselves into active creators of their own future. The experience of the USSR has demonstrated that for this, a person must be able to be an active figure, to show and develop abilities in three interrelated areas: culture, public (political) life and material production. To be a deputy, people's assessor, people's controller. Have real freedom of speech, press and assembly, and decision-making in all sectors of society and at all levels: from their workplace and place of residence to the regional and national levels. The goal is not achieved immediately or by surprise, and in the course of mastering the possibilities and means of action, problems naturally arise and contradictions develop. Therefore, in the USSR, time, skill, means and materials were required and will now be required for the correct solution of emerging problems and resolution of contradictions. At the same time, blind copying of the past will not do anything – life has gone ahead. But you can and should start with the simplest, most elementary thing – creating appropriate modern, including information technology and technological tools, and mastering them.


     That is why the ASU proposes both members of the Communist Parties and non-party members to create and implement jointly a common All-Russian project "Our People's President" ("Power to the Soviets, means of production to the working people, peace and harmony to the peoples!"). The people themselves should prepare and choose a presidential candidate and his understudy. In case of victory, the committees for the preparation of a presidential candidate and his program will become his mainstay in carrying out the nationwide program, and in the process of preparation and after the election, a school and at the same time a real mechanism not only for teaching government, but also for governance itself. As a first step to create a starting point for growth, the ACC proposes to hold a scientific and practical meeting this fall, which would result in the establishment of the social movement "Our People's President", or "Socialist Alternative for Russia" (SAdR).


     The SAdR's task would be to prepare a presidential program, for which annual scientific and practical conferences would be held, at which the results of the work of the working groups for the year would be discussed and the program committee, following the discussion, would make improvements to the program of the people's presidential candidate. This program would be a truly national program, since it would provide for and prescribe measures to include today's "ruling elite" in socialist transformations and to "stop" possible discontent and resistance from certain parts and elements of the "ruling elite" to socialist transformations. One of the possible means is to preserve relatively high incomes for entrepreneurs (increased payments from the state for their entrepreneurial activities as directors, etc., of their former private companies).


     Everyone can and should show historical responsibility – the current president, deputies, political parties, social movements, and ordinary citizens. Their understanding, as well as their lack of understanding, of the historical situation in which Russia found itself and continues to find itself after the criminal destruction of our homeland, the Soviet Union, literally determines what kind of future the country will have, and whether it will be at all. The past 30-plus post-Soviet years have unequivocally proved that only Soviet Socialist Russia has a future, and only this future is worth fighting for and creating by all means and with the whole world! Therefore, the country and its citizens have only two alternatives: the continuation of the current anti-people course inherited from the restorers of capitalism, or a revived socialist society, not a pseudo-Russian, but an international Soviet just and truly human world for all! A world that will truly become a beacon and model of progress and genuine humanism.


The Association “Soviet Union”

March 12, 2025