We are publishing here issue No.5 for the year 2020 (Issue No. 137) of Communist of Leningrad, the bi-monthly publication of the Russian Party of Communists in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). We had earlier written, on the occasion of the publication of No. 1 of Sovetskoe Vozrozhdenie. Bulletin of the Association “Soviet Union” the following: "As a new year’s gift to our readers, let us say that we hope this is the beginning of a new level of cooperation between several Marxist entities in Russia and RedMed. We hope to be able to announce some great news in the coming weeks." The publication of Communist of Leningrad on RedMed is a new step in the same direction. (RedMed)
Click here or image to read online pdf version of "Коммунист Ленинграда" (Communist of Leningrad)
As an attachment to this issue, the proceedings of the scientific conference titled "Social creativity of the masses and lessons of the history of the twentieth century (dedicated to the 150th anniversary of V.I.Ulyanov-Lenin)" can also be obtained from the link below. The conference is organized by the National Library of Russia (Plekhanov House), Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Center for Contemporary Marxist Studies (Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University) and the Journal "Alternatives".
Click here or image to read online pdf version of the Proceedings